[GO TO RADIATION CONVERSATION II – NO further comments here as of 26 April 2014]
After 2,433 comments EnviroReporter.com’s Radiation Station was a victim of its own success. The informative and lively comments were so numerous and lengthy that the page slowed loading considerably. So while the page continues with its live radiation readings and expanded in-situ and multi-media radiation sampling and testing, we decided to close the comments there and move the conversation here.
In addition, we’ve conducted a slew of new tests that you will find of interest. Your comments about them and what they could mean are most certainly welcome here as well.
This is Radiation Conversation – Welcome! Here are some new items that you might find interesting…
Recently we’ve obtained a number of Japanese-made food and drink products available in Southern California. Seaweed, dattan soba tea, adlay tea, and green tea all measured considerably higher in radiation than background levels. One beer test as well as another beer radiation detection session also showed heightened radiation. A Swiss roll pastry with green tea, vegetable juice and sake, all made in Japan, were detected with higher than normal radiation.
There are at least 43 Japanese markets in Southern California as well as 885 Japanese restaurants, according to a 2011 Japanese telephone and business directory. The implications of radioactive products possibly impacted by the Fukushima triple meltdowns making their way into the American consumer product stream is troubling and completely undetected, at least publicly, by the governments of either Japan or the United States.
[GO TO RADIATION CONVERSATION II – NO further comments here as of 26 April 2014]
Also discounted by the government here downwind of the Fukushima disaster is the possibility that radiation from Japan’s meltdowns and the widespread Japanese practice of burning radioactive debris and rubble could drift on the Jet Stream over and onto North America. Numerous contributors to this site have shown this to be false. Huge amounts of radiation has rained upon America including Potrblog’s recent reading of over 133 times background in the St. Louis, Missouri area. The Pacific Northwest, Midwest and large areas of both west and central-east Canada have also suffered from high radiation levels in precipitation.
Now EnviroReporter.com has found significantly high radiation readings far south of the Jet Stream in some of America’s most cherished national parks including the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion.
These readings, detected during the same time frame of Potrblog’s 133 times background detection, suggest that the radioactive fallout from Fukushima is dispersing wider and farther away from the Jet Stream than previously known.
Now as winter approaches, the Jet Stream will move south and places like Southern California will possibly see the astronomically-high radiation readings suffered by so many other places across the United States and Canada.
Most disturbing in these detections was the high presence of alpha radiation which is 60 to 1,000 times more dangerous than beta or gamma radiation. Such an alpha presence is also indicative of radiation from the meltdowns and destroyed spent fuel pools.
[GO TO RADIATION CONVERSATION II – NO further comments here as of 26 April 2014]
Sunshine Coast,
February 2014 rain water test,
It was a dry month with only 37mm of rain, so not much rain water flowed through the roof down pipe filter. Traces of Beryllium Be-7, Iodine I-129, Lead Pb-210, and Uranium U-235? were detected. The main Isotopes Be-7, I-129, and Pb-210, detected, seem to be in significant amounts, taking into account the amount of rainfall we had here for February.
Be-7 can be created naturally by spallation, from solar wind and upper atmosphere interaction. The Sun has been very quite at recently. There was some significant solar activity towards the end of February, but it takes around two weeks for any Be-7 created by this process to reach the lower atmosphere.
A theory proposed by a contact:
“One could speculate the increased production from solar variation, however, it is most likely from Boron neutron synthesis.”
The theory is that lots of Boron has been used to control the meltdowns at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. Neutron bombardment of the Boron from the molten Coriums is creating lots of Be-7, which is being released into the atmosphere.
Technical Details:
Roof down pipe filter design, http://sccc.org.au/down-pipe-filter-design
February roof down pipe filter test chart.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Marking Three Years of Post-Fukushima Progress
Posted on March 11, 2014
Allison M. Macfarlane
Chairman NRC
This page is open to comments. No log-in required. Yes, you can tell the NRC what you think. Comments are moderated, so one has to be polite, but apparently it’s okay to disagree.
You got the guts? Be heard.
Here’s my first comment. I thought I would put it here for historical archive purposes.
March 11, 2014 at 2:09 pm
Where do you get your information on dispersion of ‘radioactive’ contamination?
Radiation will spread and accumulate, especially since the ongoing 3 meltdowns are not going to stop any time soon.
The saying “dilution is a solution to pollution” is just a rhyme, it is not truth.
“Scientists have not seen any Fukushima contamination that raises a concern about the U.S. food supply, water supply, or public health.” – Macfarlane
What? There are many others whose opinions differ greatly. In all fairness I feel that should be mentioned.
In my opinion you are obviously being informed by the wrong scientists/doctors or experts that most likely have conflicts of interest in the Nuclear Industry.
We should not allow this kind of misguided information to harm our children or the environment, just for the sake of continuing a proven high risk technology whose only real solution is to decommission all of the Nuclear plants and then start trying to figure out what to really do with the nonstop dangerous waste.
Oh… there’s more.
IMO – Comment while you can is what I’ve got to say. If Michael Collins or anybody can drop a good comment there, it might go a long way.
Good luck!
We need it. 😉
2011-03-11 🙁
3 years and 3 out of control ongoing meltdowns at Fukushima and here we are.
I wanted to say thanks to all who have commented here and to the EnviroReporter Team for their non-stop dedication to sticking with facts and calling it as they see it.
I also am glad I took Mr. Collins’s advise when he suggested I make a youtube channel to store relevant videos. I have done that and maintained it. It is a compilation of videos that I felt related to the subject of Fukushima and radiation mitigation. If someone who’s new to this subject, actually took the time to watch these videos, they would know ‘pretty much’ what I know.
My YouTube Channel:
A Chain Reaction: (Santa Monica, CA)
Peace & Love,
As we come up to the third anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster I suggest you all use this document and article as resources to prove to those that say “No one has died from the Fukushima Nuclear disaster”, they are totally wrong. This is just the tip of the iceberg of how many have died.
This occurred in the first few days of the disaster. In this correspondence between the NRC and the Japanese, the Japanese admitted to 5 people having received lethal radiation doses.
TEPCO Workers deaths are not reported
“She also said that there were 100,000shifts shared between the work force that have worked at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant so far, also, 4% of 100,000 (4300) workers have reportedly died.”
“Apart from Tepco workers, 64 members of the Self Defence Force and about 300 policemen have also died. They said that those policemen who work at the security check points of the no go zones in Fukushima prefecture are not wearing any protection, therefore, they have been exposed to huge amounts of ionizing radiation.”
Sunshine Coast
February 2014 background Radiation Report
Monitoring Station Location
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
February 2014 was 40% above the 4 year pre-Fukushima February average.
February 2013 was 39% above the pre-Fukushima average.
February 2012 was 37% above the pre-Fukushima average.
The extensive local recorded data shows that the background radiation level increases here, appear to have stabilized. At the beginning of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster there was a dramatic 37% increase for February 2012. This dramatic single year increase has not been repeated in succeeding years. There has been a much smaller 3% increase over the last two years.
Still, it would be better not to see any increase!
WIPP MATH ALERT! 33 Minute DELAY In HEPA FILTER Start After Radiation Alarm Sounded
March 1, 2014
7:15pm: INT SANTA MONICA/WEST LOS ANGELES BASIN RAIN SAMPLE: 42.5 CPM^^ which is background. No indication of radon progeny. Radiation Station Glendale California reported 23% above background at 1:30pm in cloudburst rain. Commenter Alan from Altadena California, about 20 miles northwest of Glendale, wrote this to us illustrating the variability of radiation readings within Southern California in this storm: “I measured a 10 min average of 106 CPM from rain that dripped off my roof on 3-28-14. The 10 min average from background was 41 CPM. Later in the day I measured a 10 min avg. of 91 CPM from a puddle. I wish my readings were as low as the ones in Glendale the same day. I took these measurements in the foothills of Altadena, CA at 2000 feet above sea level.”
I measured a 10 min average of 106 CPM from rain that dripped off my roof on 3-28-14. The 10 min average from background was 41 CPM. Later in the day I measured a 10 min avg. of 91 CPM from a puddle. I wish my readings were as low as the ones in Glendale the same day. I took these measurements in the foothills of Altadena, CA at 2000 feet above sea level.
March 1st, 2014, 1:30 PM: 1st rain sample today, 49.6 CPM vs 40.3 CPM background. That’s about 23% over background. This rain sample came from a brief downpour with lightning and thunder nearby. These are 10 minute average readings using an Inspector Alert.
Third Glendale CA rain sample for Feb 28, 2014 9:25 PM: 40.6 CPM 10 minute average, 38.5 CPM background. This sample is not showing any significant excess radiation.
Look what’s 250 miles away to the southeast from WIPP and just had a huge beta surge in the last four days: San Angelo, Texas.
And look what’s also about 250 miles downwind of WIPP but to the northeast: Amarillo, Texas.
Surely wish that ALL of New Mexico’s and Texas’s beta monitors were actually functioning.
February 28, 2014
12:30pm: INT SANTA MONICA/WEST LOS ANGELES BASIN RAIN SAMPLE: 47.1 CPM^^ which is background. No indication of radon progeny/daughters, per usual.
Second Rain Sample Feb 28,2014 measured at 49.0 CPM, while background is 39.7 CPM, both readings are 10 min averages. 23% over background is a bit more active, but not much higher than normal variability.
Insider WIPP Information Indicates PLUTONIUM CLOUD WAS MUCH LARGER Than Previously Calculated!
The insider, who has proven him/herself to be a reliable source of WIPP information, gave us some very shocking information in reference to our report about the ventilation system and HEPA filters at WIPP.
Rain sample (collected directly from roof onto a paper towel) from Hemet, CA, tested inside for 10 min: 45.6
Interior background: 46.9
Glendale rain sample Feb 28, 2014, 11:30 AM, 44.8 CPM, background is 43.1 CPM. Rain sample was collected in a clean dish with paper towel absorber pad. The background and sample readings were both 10 minute averages. There seems to be little, if any, excess radiation in this storm.
Report at Nuke Pro – WIPP Busted Dead to Rights, they WERE Storing High Level Waste WIPP (25th February 2014)
I caught the former director of CEMRC (2004 to 2010) bragging about how the facility has 100,000 cubic meters of waste. “Some fairly high level (>7ci/liter), hotter than anything left in the Hanford tanks”
HIGH RISK of New Large Plutonium Release! ‘Stabilization Efforts’ Indicative of Explosion Damaged Ventilation System!
PotrBlog report 27th February 2014 – report
“Previously we stated: “We believe that it is unlikely that the DOE WIPP site has Air Filtration systems capable of surviving an explosion.”
Two rain samples each returned 10 minute averages of 40.7 CPM. The Background radiation measured 37.8 CPM over a 10 minute average.
Sample 1 was collected from rainwater clinging to leaves, and sample 2 from a dish exposed to the open sky containing an inch of rainwater. In the later case, 1/2 oz of water was sucked up using a clean kitchen baster and filtered through a coffee filter.
February 26, 2014
9:40PM: INT SANTA MONICA/WEST LOS ANGELES BASIN RAIN SAMPLE: 42.5 CPM^^ which is background. Note that, as always here at RSSM, there is no indication of radon progeny/daughters. Note that when we do have overages here that radon progeny is not a factor as we have reported and discussed repeatedly.
Rain Sample in Socal!
Swipe taken from a drizzled on car windshield in Hemet, CA, then tested inside.
10 min results are 54.1. Average exterior cpm is low to mid 40s.
Tomorrow is supposed to be the big rain day, so I’ll try to test again and update.
This was sent to me by Leuren Moret, and has given permission to publish it.
Hi Peter – I want you to know that I worked as a geochemist at Livermore Nuke Lab 1989-91 on the WIPP project. DOE spent about $2.5 billion dollars developing a “package” (canister) for the low level nuclear waste intended for the pilot study at WIPP. After 5 years in the Permian salt formation, the packages/canisters were brought back to Livermore nuke lab, along with the same canisters used to store rad waste at Yucca Mtn in Nevada. The bacteria in the “mines”, as they are referred to at Livermore, had eaten the special metal alloy canisters IN FIVE YEARS and left the nuclear waste.
They STILL after 50 years have no way to safely store their radioactive waste. $2.5 billion later, a Judge in Washington DC about 5 years ago, ordered the Yucca Mtn. project be scuttled with all their fraudulent science. He told them to throw it all out and start from scratch if they wanted to pursue it. He also told them that the National Academy of Sciences had recommended that the waste must be guaranteed to be safely stored for 200,000 years. The Yucca Mtn. project ignored that non-negotiable requirement and said it would be safely stored for 10,000 years. They could not even store it safely for 5 years.
The Judge ruled on the case and threw the Yucca Mtn. project into the nuclear garbage can.
The entire project at WIPP and at Yucca Mtn. were science fraud at the beginning, the end, and in the middle.
I live in Northern California in the Sierra foothills west of Lake Tahoe.
Have been monitoring since Sept 2011.
I’m using a Ludlum 44-25 Alpha detector running through a Blackcat Systems GMI interface and the RAD software.
What I’ve recorded is a fairly consistent increase particularly during storms originating from the mid Pacific (the “Pineapple Express”).
I’m only monitoring inside but still see a consistent 2 to 3 % increase during the rains.
At TIME ZERO, GROUND ZERO, the Plutonium cloud at DOE’s WIPP plant was approximately 330,000,000 Becquerels in size, comprising an estimated 10,000 cubic meters of contaminated air.
On going releases are approximately 6,667 Becquerels per minute, comprising an estimated 20,000 cubic meters of contaminated air per minute. A person on site would inhale roughly 1 Becquerel per hour. Thats why DOE wants to claim its safe for people on site: Of course, these “on going” values get significantly more dangerous when they are concentrated over a smaller area by rain, fog, or temperature inversion. Unfortunately the Midwest, especially Saint Louis experience all those concentrating factors between 2/14 and 2/17.
More info at
MAX ALERT! The Department of Energy is Funding FREE Whole Body NUKE Scans For People Living Within 100 Miles of WIPP Plutonium Disaster in New Mexico
Note: that Fukushima residents only got a 1/2 price discount on the their full body scans.
Analysis: WIPP Is No Safe Haven For Nuclear Materials – 21st January 2011
“In essence, if water manages to penetrate whatever protection the materials are being afforded, then radioactive isotopes can be carried away to be deposited in one of the many aquifers that serve the drinking and agricultural water needs of New Mexico. As for the protection around the materials themselves, that consists of ordinary steel drums, suitable for storage in non-oxidising environments, but not suitable for any environment that would result in corrosion. As a paper written for the Sandia Laboratories – a government owned facility – states:”
“According to a study of comprehensive well records for nine townships around the WIPP site (Broadhead et al. 1995), 532 wells had been drilled in search of oil and gas by the end of 1993. Few wells had been drilled in the area prior to 1960. Between 1960 and 1989, drilling activity increased but was sporadic and never exceeded 20 wells per year. Since 1990, however, drilling has increased markedly, with annual totals increasing to a maximum of 140 wells in 1993. This increase has been partially attributable to the opening of previously restricted areas of the Potash Area to drilling. Most of these wells were drilled into the Brushy Canyon Formation of the Delaware Mountain Group.”
“Three commercial wells have been drilled for oil and gas within the boundaries of the WIPP Land Withdrawal Area. Two vertical wells were drilled within the area during the 1970s; neither one became a producing well. A third well was drilled in 1982 from a location outside of the WIPP Land Withdrawal Area. The well was drilled at an angle underneath the area to intercept gas in the Atoka Formation and is currently commercially productive.”
DEADLY WARNING! Nearly ELEVEN THOUSAND Becquerels per Cubic Meter of Radioactive Pu239 + Am241 Air Released In New Mexico
Confirmation the Airborne Plutonium and Americium has been detected in New Mexico
The document trail points to radiation induced explosion
DELETED Report Indicating NUCLEAR FIRE in New Mexico & Plutonium Release
The claim was a Plutonium surface swipe reading of over 1 million Disintegrations per minute per square centimeter
The Radiation detection at DOE’s WIPP site in New Mexico correlates directly to a M5.1 earthquake in Fukushima on 2/8/14.(H/T Robert Filos)
That doesn’t mean it is the cause of the alarm, but it does fit the profile. We expect this event to be blamed on Radon, of course there will be no indication given that the source was Fukushima
Max Alert!
Airborne Radiation Detection at DOE WIPPS New Mexico Plant.
Do not discount Fukushima as the possible source of this detection; if it is, its a broad ranging event.
Sunshine Coast,
January 2014 Rain Water Test Results
Monitoring Station location
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
It was a relatively dry January, so not much water flowed through the polyester rain water filter.
Roof down pipe filter design.
The rain water filter test main peaks are for trace amounts of Iodine I-129, lead Pb-210 and Beryllium Be-7. There is a natural Beryllium Be-7 and Lead Pb-210 cycle here in the Southern Hemisphere. More Beryllium Be-7 and Lead Pb-210, is detected in rain washouts during summer, than in winter.
Here is the test scintillator chart for the rain water test.
Is it all natural, or is some from Fukushima, that is the question?
I am suggesting that the peak at around 80 keV is test chamber Lead fluorescence, caused by the Be-7 Beta radiation released from Be-7.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented on this web site, without further research.
Hemet, CA exterior: 41.2
Food Testing
Reports of Cesium Cs-137 and Cs-134 Pacific Salmon contamination detections, have been added to the EnviroReporters Radiation Food Lab list in the last month.
The Salmon were caught off Alaska, and the Philippines. These detections indicate the Bio-accumulation of Cesium from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.
A lot of food and environmental detection reports tend to concentrate on Cesium detection. This is because it is relatively easy to test for, and detect. If Cesium is present in a test result, there is a possibility that other types of radioactive isotopes are also present, but not reported. Fallout is a dirty mixture of isotopes. It is not just Cesium. Some of the other isotope contaminants, particularly the dangerous Alpha emitters, need more specialized and expensive equipment to detect their presence.
Here is an excellent 10 minute video on Cesium food contamination and testing, to quickly get you up to speed on the subject.
07.01.2014 – No Elevated Levels of Radiation Found in North Pacific Salmon Samples.
Loki Fish Company announced today that laboratory analysis of five salmon species harvested by its fishermen in Puget Sound and Southeast Alaska during 2013 show no indications of elevated radiation levels.
Two of the samples registered at trace levels – Alaskan Keta at 1.4Bq/kg for Cesium 137, and Alaskan Pink at 1.2Bq/kg for Cesium 134. There were no detectable levels of iodine-131 in any samples.
This first report here is based on a small number of tested fish, and any detected Cesium is of concern.
21.01.2014 -Cesium Found in Tuna in Swiss Stores and in Some Samples of Salmon Tested by a Seattle Fish Company
The fish come from the Philippines. As they travel long distances, they could have floated by the vicinity of the damaged nuclear power plant at Fukushima. For months, radioactively contaminated water has been leaking into the sea. Markus Zehringer, head of radioactivity in air and space at the Cantonal Laboratory in Basel, also assumes that the radiation is related to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima.
Original German article.
If ingested, Cesium and other artificial radioactive isotopes create radioactive hot spots in the body. Where these radioactive hot spots develop depends on the isotope’s chemical affinities. These damaging radioactive isotopes are often chemically toxic, as well as radioactive.
This test chart shows how much more radioactive Cesium is by weight, than naturally occurring Potassium K40. You are welcome to use this chart wherever you wish, to help educate people to the dangers of ingested artificial isotopes.
The latest International Food detections reports can be found here.
January 2014 Southern Hemisphere Background Radiation Level Report.
Monitoring Station Location
January 2014 month average background radiation level was 41 % above the pre-Fukushima 4 year average. This is better than the recorded January 2013, 52% above average, and January 2012, 43% above average. This suggests at this location, the Southern hemisphere increasing background levels have stabilized. It means it hasn’t gotten worse, but it is still higher than pre-Fukushima levels for this time of the year. The average 4 year per Fukushima Nuclear disaster local background radiation level recorded from 2007 to 2011, was 0.10 uSv/hr.
The spike in this chart around August and September 2008 is mystery. It may have been caused by the operator experimenting.
More Technical Information and Charts
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
Comparing the month and day average, (Chart links are provide below.)
a. There is definitely a seasonal variation in local background levels. A seasonal variation very clearly shows in all the monthly average charts.
b. The considerable variation in month averages indicates there is more Northern Hemisphere to Southern Hemisphere air flow break through in the warmer summer months, than in the colder winter months.
c. January 2012 day average chart shows whatever was in the air was not mixed as well as in 2013 and 2014. This can be seen by the dramatic swings in the day averages for 2012, when you compared with the day average charts of 2013 and 2014.
d. Something major must have occurred at Fukushima in late 2012 and early 2013, to have caused such a dramatic month average increase for January 2013. Note that for January 2013 most of the month was dry, drought conditions here. The drought was broken by a significant rain event around the 26th January.
January Day Average Year Chart Comparisons
Explanation of the alert level colour coding in the charts.
You can go here, to see all the report charts on one page for easy comparison,
or look at them individually here.
January 2014 day average chart
January 2013 day average chart
January 2012 day average chart
January Month Average Year Chart Comparisons
2014 month average chart
2013 month average chart
2012 month average chart
A Radiation Forecast Map.
Perhaps this is a look into the future. It’s crude, but fairly accurate.
(As accurate as can be with existing data. )
It uses a NOAA weather map and overlays areas based on combined information from netc.com and the EPA radnet readings.
On Friday Jan 31st they published the Super Bowl forecast, and had a direct hit based on NETC/EPA fallout data.
February 2, 2014
7:00pm INT SANTA MONICA/WEST LOS ANGELES BASIN RAIN SAMPLE: 54.8 CPM^^ which is 19.4% HIGHER THAN BACKGROUND. This is a valid reading because it exceeds the Inspector Alert’s conservative +/-15% margin of error. However, this near background rain reading, like many before it that thankfully came in flatlining, illustrate a scientific point lost on Fukushima deniers: no radon progeny (daughters) is being detected or the samples from tonight and January 30, for example, or they would have had higher readings. The rain in Santa Monica and the Los Angeles Basin are not impacted by radon at all past an inconsequential amount. This radon potential map shows why, a fact we wrote about in the February 20, 2012 of the expose Beta Watch. So what’s the point in noting, once again, nothing over background? It’s to show the value of naught, zero, nothing. Radon progeny doesn’t generally impact the Golden State as this California radon map shows. With over 3,400 radiation tests at Radiation Station Santa Monica alone, we’ve measure ‘naught’ over background many times. What this all means it crucial to understanding the importance of our measurements: when we do hit something, like we did in Death Valley big time, we are hitting radiation coming from a source other than radon or natural background. Odds are that source is the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan with three ongoing and out of control nuclear meltdowns in progress. When our next Fukushima expose hits the virtual newsstands any day now, you’ll see why we are dealing with this radon daughter nonsense right now. Our exclusive discoveries are considerably hotter and more troubling than anything you’ve read anywhere that has been detected in the U.S. this year.
6:45pm INT BG: 45.9 CPM^^
Dear Senator Boxer, (CA)
There is NO ICE WALL in Fukushima!
Please research this for about one second.
Fukushima is still spewing radioactive contamination into the atmosphere and sea and nobody’s even testing properly.
There is no projected end or fix in sight for the triple meltdowns.
Someday, somebody will speak the truth instead of spewing hubris and misinformation.
There is NO ICE WALL in Fukushima!
Send her your thoughts here:
Meeting description:
U.S. Senate Committee on
Environment and Public Works
*Joint Hearing: Full Committee and Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety*
“Oversight Hearing: NRC’s Implementation of the Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendations and other Actions to Enhance and Maintain Nuclear Safety”
BACKGROUND: Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, and Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety, will convene a joint hearing to discuss the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) progress on implementing the Fukushima Near-Term Task Force recommendations and other safeguards related to nuclear facilities.
9:30 AM ET
LOCATION: EPW Hearing Room
406 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC
WEBCAST: Webcast will be available at http://www.epw.senate.gov starting at 9:30 AM ET
WITNESSES: (Order subject to change)
Panel I:
The Honorable Allison M. Macfarlane, Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Honorable Kristine L. Svinicki, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Honorable George Apostolakis, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Honorable William D. Magwood, IV, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Honorable William C. Ostendorff, Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Quote of the day:
“There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris.”
– McGeorge Bundy
(National Security Adviser to President JFK)
Sounds like something Michael Collins of EnviroReporter.com would say. Actually, I am pretty sure he has said something similar to this on multiple occasions. Me too. It’s worth repeating.
Follow up post on the Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2014
Atomic Suicide: The Tale of the Sailors and the Seals, excellent article by Christina Consolo. (26th January 2014)
The symptom similarities that both the USS Ronald Reagan sailors and seals are suffering, can be explained by ingested plutonium fallout.
“These findings in dogs suggest that similar dose-related biological effects could be expected in humans accidentally exposed to 238PuO2.”
Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2014
On page 222 (PDF page 233)
Mammals 2011 Fukushima Fall Out Aerial Deposition On To Sea Ice Scenario And Wildlife Health Implications To Ice – Associated Seals
During summer 2011 it became evident to coastal communities and wildlife management agencies that there was a novel disease outbreak
occurring in several species of Arctic ice associated seals.
Gross symptoms associated with the disease included lethargy, no new hair growth, and skin lesions, with the majority of the outbreak reports occurring between the Nome and Barrow region. NOAA and USFWS declared an Alaska Northern Pinnipeds Usual Mortality Event (UME) in late winter of 2011.
The ongoing Alaska 2011 Northern Pinnipeds UME investigation
continues to explore a mix of potential etiologies (infectious, endocrine, toxins, nutritious etc.), including radioactivity. Currently, the underlying etiology remains undetermined.
Hemet, CA 10 minute exterior: 41.7
All – I am traveling on business for an extended period of time and could not bring my Inspector Alert with me so I will not be able to provide my daily readings from Simi Valley. Once I return, I will continue with my readings.
Until then, I look forward to seeing other readings in this forum.
@Michael and everyone.
Thanks again for your readings.
I know you have done the HEPA filter readings on a regular basis. What would a graph of these ‘regular’ tests look like since 311?
((( 190 cpm for 2 days. )))
People should note this!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a INT 48.0 CPM
8:00a EXT 55.2 CPM
January 14, 2013
6:20pm INT HEPA DUST from two HEPA filters and one Ionizer/HEPA filter: 81.9 CPM^^ which is 81.6% HIGHER than background over a 40 day period. This is a higher per day overage than the last period. Can’t further investigate why higher because EPA RadNet Los Angeles seemed out of order during much of this period except one noticeable jump just after New Years with 190 CPM for two days.
5:50pm INT BG: 45.1 CPM^^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:50a INT 48.8 CPM
7:00a EXT 51.9 CPM
The Roy Process for transmutation of radioactive isotopes into stable ones.
[Editor: Because it is nonsense based on unproven wishful thinking from decades ago, george.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
6:10a INT 50.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.2 CPM
Took a rain swab off a car here on the 6th January 2013.
This swab was tested using a Theremino Geiger counter kit using a Russian SBT-10 pancake probe. Initial peak was around 5 uSv/hr 3,000 cpm. This is the second hottest rain washout detected here so far.
The decay chart of the rain swab showed classic Radon-222 decay daughter decay.
Here is the scintillator test chart preliminary assessment, of that rain swab. I used experimental MCA Theremino software for this test. It can get a bit noisy near background. This experimental software is pushing the limits of what can be detected with the equipment here. I have placed peak markers at the top of the chart for reference.
The rain swab Geiger counter and scintillator tests showed that the rain event on the 6th January was mainly Radon-222, and Radon-220 washout.
You can see some of the peaks for Radon-222 and Radon-220 decay daughters still present in the test chart. The main peaks are for Radon-220 daughters at, Pb-212 X-ray (77 kev), Lead Pb-212 (238 keV) and Tl-208 (583 keV).
As you can see there is possibly traces of Iodine I-129 (40 keV?), Lead Pb-210 (47keV), U-235 at (185 keV?), and Beryllium Be-7 (477 keV). The peak between the Be-7 and 511 peak markers is probably a sum peak of the two.
Cesium and I-131 in Australia?
Bobby1’s blog has an alternative detailed analysis of the 6th January rain swab scintillator test I did.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
6:10a INT 41.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 46.5 CPM
Thanks Michael. I’ve been able to work the readings into my daily routine so it’s been quite easy. I’m no expert like the others who post here but figured a consistent reading in Simi Valley would be of good historical use.
Here are today’s readings:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
7:10a INT 47.0 CPM
7:20a EXT 52.7 CPM
Sunshine Coast
Year Report for 2013,
Monitoring station location http://sccc.org.au/monitoring/Australian-Map.jpg
A large amount of collected recorded data for 2013 has been correlated. The year average background was 22% above the 4 year pre Fukushima average. This is only a very marginal 1% increase over 2012 year 21% increase.
2013 monthly average chart,
2012 monthly average chart,
January 2013 had the highest monthly increase.
The 2013 year average suggests that at present, the Southern Hemisphere increase at the monitoring location has stabilized, with a very marginal year average increase for 2013.
Rain Water Tests Report for 2013
A lot of rain water and car bonnet swabs were conducted during the year. At the beginning of the year, these Geiger counter and scintillator tests manly detected Radon-222 decay daughter isotope washouts, with traces of Beryllium Be-7, Lead Pb-210, Iodine I-129 and Uranium U-235. In July, traces of Thorium Th-234 were detected, plus in September, Radon-220 decay daughter isotopes were also detected for the first time.
If traces of U-235 were detected, it means a lot more Uranium U-238 was in the atmosphere. The detection of I-129 is also of concern, even if it is in trace amounts.
Testing Results can be found here.
Even though the amounts detected maybe below Government set risk levels, it is suggested that those who are using tank water should have very good water filters in place, and those on town water use a good reverse osmosis water filter. Also wash your fruit and vegetables well before cooking and eating.
A hearty EnviroReporter.com CONGRATULATIONS to Simi Rich and Radiation Station Simi Valley for not only reaching a milestone One Thousand RSSV radiation tests, but obliterating it! Simi Rich has performed 1,072 interior, exterior, rain and other materials tests since December 26, 2012 which is absolutely remarkable. It takes character, fortitude and guts to do what others won’t. Simi Rich is one of those people – a raddie and essential pillar of Team EnviroReporter.
Question for Michael or anyone,
Radiation is naturally greater at higher elevations. When cruising at 36,000 feet does anyone know what the normal backround CPM was prior to Fukushima? I do realize that all the bomb tests, Chernobyl, etc. have contributed to the readings. Thanks.
[Michael Collins: Yes we do. As reported in Winter Hot Zones: The Inspector Alert’s manual reads “When you fly in an air plane at 30,000 feet your rate meter is getting 200 CPM [Counts Per Minute] for anywhere between 2 to 5 hours.” Analysis of our latest readings is coming forthwith. Thanks for the excellent question, George.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.5 CPM
Hemet, CA 10 min exterior: 41.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.3 CPM
November 23, 2013
3:35pm INT SUV CAB RAIN SAMPLE at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 1,087 CPM^ WHICH IS 31.5 TIMES BG HIGHER
3:20pm INT SUV CAB BACKGROUND at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 34.5 CPM^
10:45am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 49.1 CPM^
November 21, 2013
11:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 44.3 CPM^
November 19, 2013
10:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 49.5 CPM^
November 16, 2013
9:45am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 42.9 CPM^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.2 CPM
Thanks Michael. I think I’ll be staying out of airplanes for awhile. Unreal.
January 5, 2014
10:30am CST INT JET north of Four Corners, Navajo Nation @ 30,000′ crusing altitude: ~625 CPM^^ [~20.8 x INT ORD BG HIGHER]
8:45am CST INT JET ~ 36,000′ cruising altitude: 990.1 [33 x INT ORD BG HIGHER]
6:00am CST INT O’Hare Int. Airport ~BG: 30 CPM^^
January 3, 2014
12:10pm EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 41.8 CPM^^
December 31, 2013
11:00am EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 45.7 CPM^^
December 29, 2013
5:54pm EST EXT SW MICHIGAN: 39.2 CPM^^
5:30pm EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 35.6 CPM^^
December 27, 2013
8:50pm EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 39.0 CPM^^
December 24, 2013
3:45pm EST INT SW MICHIGAN: 73.0 CPM^^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy, clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.5 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with an external reading of 49 cpm 10 minute average.Normal readings on the east side.
Survey meter used: WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500/hp-265 “pancake” probe
So. Lake Tahoe snow at 94 CPM.
Sunshine Coast,
4th January 2014,
December 2013 report
Monitoring Station location
December 2013 day average chart,
The December month average was 36% above the pre Fukushima 4 year average, and 7% below the December 2012 month average. This is an indication that the levels are stabilizing, here in the South Hemisphere at this location.
December 2012 day average chart,
The day average charts are colour coded, green is normal level and yellow is the first alert level set by the station operator, me in this case 🙂 . It is not based on any Government risk level.
Sunshine Coast Monitoring Station Alert level explanation,
General increase here on the East Coast of Australia, 54% above average yesterday.
Also, an increase detected on the North Island of New Zealand. They use a scintillator for monitoring, and around 700 to 750 cpm would be average.
New Zealand Monitoring Station
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
8:00a INT 44.9 CPM
8:10a EXT 52.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 46.0 CPM
8:10a EXT 51.8 CPM
Detection by Toadmac, Melbourne 31st December 2013 – Video of elevated rain swab detection. “Left over rain from tropical storm Christine has my counter excited! Radiation from what?”
Happy New Year everyone!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 41.8 CPM
8:30a EXT 48.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 46.6 CPM
8:30a EXT 50.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 46.0 CPM
8:30a EXT 51.0 CPM
Alaskan Airlines flights cancelled due to mystery illness. More Fukushima radiation at 35,000 feet IMO.
Mystery illness killing bald eagles in western US.
We’ve had recent reports of seals with strange lesions, whales dying, sardines disappearing, fish die offs, and now this. I believe it is due to cesium 137. Their hearts are all enlarged. Imagine if you were a bald eagle being exposed to all the rain, wind, and weather patterns since Fukushima at their elevations. Their immune systems are being destroyed (as will ours eventually) as they are exposed to radioisotopes of all sorts on an almost constant basis. They don’t have a roof over their heads thus their exposure is great and their bodies are small. If they eat fish they are probably getting even higher levels of DNA destroying radiation. God help us… our planet is dying and no one is even talking about this.
Reports of steam coming from the plant in Japan– no bueno.
Hemet, CA exterior: 41.1
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy
8:20a INT 48.7 CPM
8:30a EXT 52.8 CPM
“Brief radiation spike on Kauai” on 12/27
I was pointed to this video of a high radiation beach detection.
I was asked to comment on some of the posts, in response to this detection.
I have put the post in quotes here.
“saying it’s radon washout,”
Unlikely, it is in the beach, and it is a sunny day.
“The Geiger counter he is using is crap,”
The inspector brand is considered to be one of the best brands of Geiger counters.
“that this is baseless fear mongering.”
Obviously this person is doing the best with the tools he has.
I noticed there appears to be black sand on the beach in the locations where he gets the high detections.
This could be a deposit of naturally occurring radioactive sand. Black sand on a beach can be contain radioactive materials such as thorium and monazite. This sand can be highly radioactive depending on its concentration. Wave action can concentrate it because it is heavier than normal sand.
Radioactive sand causes mutations in human DNA.
Scintillator testing would confirm if it is a black sand deposit, or something else, or both.
No way of knowing for sure without testing with better equipment.
“@vital1 I do not believe it is the sand because this guy has been taking *historical readings and they were never high there before.”
It may not be the sand in this case causing the high detection, but a possibility.
I had a similar report here in Australia last year. The person sent me a sample for testing.
The test showed it was radioactive black sand, being concentrated in one location on the sandy beach.
It is important that people are aware of the black sand possibility for beach detections.
It could be radioactive material that came from Fukushima collecting on the beach, natural radioactive black sand, or a combination of both.
You need more people with better test equipment in the USA to step forward and test, using equipment that can identify isotopes.
This way you remove any uncertainty.
East Los Angeles checks in with a 10 minute average ambient count of 46 cpm external and 43 cpm internal at 11:50am. Normal activity for this area.
Survey meter used: WB Johnson GSM-500/ Johnson up-265 “pancake” probe
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:30a INT 52.4 CPM
8:40a EXT 53.0 CPM
Hi guys
I live on a boat in marina del Rey, a bit concerned about the situation. I think a move is in order, but where do you go,the southern Hemisphere?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a INT 46.0 CPM
8:30a EXT 48.3 CPM
I am seeing reports of high readings on the northern CA coasts, but we are holding steady inland.
Hemet, CA: 10 min exterior 43.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy
8:10a INT 45.4 CPM
8:20a EXT 52.4 CPM
Merry Christmas to all!!!
East Los Angeles checks in with an external ambient reading of 46 cpm. All normal readings on the east side. This is a 10 minute timed count at 12:35
Internal reading was 43 cpm
Clear sunny skies!!
Survey meter used: Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500 survey meter/hp-265 “pancake” probe
Merry Christmas to all!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy
6:50a INT 47.2 CPM
7:00a EXT 48.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:30a INT 45.2 CPM
6:40a EXT 47.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 50.0 CPM
7:50a EXT 46.0 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with an external reading of 47 cpm and an internal reading of 42 cpm. This was a 10 minute average. All normal on the east side at 8:45pm.
Wb Johnson Instruments GSM-500/hp-265 “pancake” probe
Multiple Flu outbreaks.
We are focused on the radiation detections in food, water and the environment in the radiation conversation EnviroReprter forum. OK, this is important, but I think at this point I would suggest that we all start looking at the larger implications of these detections.
1. There is now a large group of people with compromised immune systems, particularly in the Northern hemisphere.
2. This is a particularly cold Northern Winter.
3. There have been reports of an H7N9 bird flu in China, mainly Hong Kong at present, and now an H1N1 swine flu outbreak in Texas. There are new cases being reported across the U.S
4. We have large numbers of people traveling, and mixing during the holiday season.
All the evidence suggests it would be wise to,
1. Fortify your immune systems, with good food and supplements.
(Clarification regarding “Fortify your immune systems,” I was referring to eating good healthy food, and taking safe supplements etc. Taking immune boosters natural or artificial for some of these flu variants can increase risk, if you become infected. An over reaction by the immune system can create a potential for cytokine storm creation. http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-the-cytokine-storm.htm Hence the need to do research on the subject.)
2. Avoid contact with sick people were possible, plus avoid public places in high risk areas.
3. Research methods on how to prevent infection, good hygiene practices, and disinfection techniques.
4. Have enough food and water provisions in place too, so you can shelter in place, if a major epidemic or pandemic eventuates. The above dynamics have statistically increased the chances of this happening.
This Google service provides information on worldwide flu trends. Click on the Interactive map for information at your location.
PotrBlog has been keeping track of these out breaks and provides independent analysis. If you scroll down through the his blog list, you will find protective measures, plus the latest information on these flu outbreaks.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:50a INT 49.7 CPM
8:00a EXT 52.6 CPM
Pacifica Readings
Taken 19-20/December/2013
Not good news! I have been taking readings around Pacifica, in airplanes, Colorado trips, etc. for over two years now. Thursday I went to a beach I frequent. Because of high tide, I had limited beach to throw the ball for Cricket so I took my Geiger counter with me. The background radiation counts (CPM) average 25-35 around Pacifica. I have fewer readings from Surfer’s Beach but they were close to levels in Pacifica. As I stepped out on the sand about 25 yards from the water’s edge, my alarm on the detector started to beep. I have never had my detector go into alarm before. I went back Friday morning and took more readings. See below. The alarm is set to 99 CPM, roughly x3 over background. A HazMat situation is assumed present when counts go x3 and higher. See my results below. The xBG readings closer to 1 were from the road or parklands immediately adjacent to the beach. The higher readings were at water’s edge. This is disturbing. I need to do more investigation but this is solid evidence something is present in that environment that wasn’t there last week. My detector is kept in a ziplock bag for protection and will not allow reading Alpha waves. The uptick has to be Gamma or Beta, both emitted as Cesium 137 decays into daughter particles. Cesium is what we are looking for from Fukushima as a signature of man-made radiation events.
There is no stopping this thing.
Surfers Beach
33.5 1.12 12/20/2013 9:50:08 AM
110.5 3.68 12/20/2013 9:35:59 AM
179 5.97 12/20/2013 9:30:25 AM
128.5 4.28 12/20/2013 9:22:31 AM
45.2 1.51 12/19/2013 4:01:26 PM sea grass sample
26.5 .88 12/19/2013 9:55:58 AM
28.5 .95 12/19/2013 9:51:06 AM
130 4.33 12/19/2013 9:41:53 AM
76.2 2.54 12/19/2013 9:34:28 AM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a INT 46.9 CPM
8:20a EXT 55.1 CPM
Observations of visible FALLOUT Phenomenon via the Fukushima web cam.
These screen shots compiled by user majia.
Dec 20, 2013 – https://www.dropbox.com/s/gdd7i30qspio0dw/December%2020.pdf
1. What looks like ‘possible’ plasma interactions with large metal objects.
2. Rust colored raindrops or dirty snow. Thick fallout on the cam lens.
A general observation from the Sierra Nevada foothills of California. Tulare County.
I have to mention this for what it’s worth.
(For future historical documentation purposes.)
IMO – Over the last couple of weeks and more specifically over the last several days I have noticed the lack of early morning bird songs. Almost none! An eerie quiet. Except for woodpeckers and a few blue jays later in the day.
I live in the mountains, I used to wake up to birds chirping loudly every day. I think something has changed.
* From commenter Liz mar 21 2011, at EnviroReporter.com
“Our task to work for the curtailment of nuclear energy is large, indeed. At times, it feels even daunting, although urgently necessary. But before sallying forth to do battle where battle should be done, it is always wise to begin with a survey of our own tiny, individual contribution to the problem. No matter how “Green” we all might try to be, how often do we really “unplug” and listen to the still, small voice of a BIRD in the garden? No nuclear power plant was ever needed to supply energy to create such a simple, perfect miracle.” – Liz
I am listening right now Liz, but I’m no longer hearing their songs like before. 🙁
North American Bird Sounds:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.1 CPM
Does the fairly quick decay in rain samples mean that much of the elevated counts are due to radon or could it be something else?
December 19, 2013
6:25pm INT BG RSSM SAME CALABASAS RAIN SAMPLE: 48.0 CPM which means rain sample decayed to background after six hours (or maybe less time)
6:15pm INT BG Radiation Station Santa Monica: 50.3 CPM
11:30am INT BG EnviroReporter.com vehicle RAIN in Calabasas CA: 56.3 CPM^^ WHICH IS 30.1% ABOVE BG
11:15am INT BG EnviroReporter.com vehicle in Calabasas CA: 42.9 CPM^^
[Editor: Note how Radiation Stations Santa Monica and Glendale detected nearly identical rain sampling numbers and decay.]
Rain sample #1 Glendale,CA: 53.0 CPM, background at 40.6 CPM
Rain sample #2 Glendale,CA: 80.8 CPM, background at 40.6 CPM
Both samples were collected directly on a paper towel standing in a container 2 feet above the ground. The first sample is 31% over background, the second, taken 1 hour later is 99% over background. I’ve used a paper shield and aluminum foil shield on the second sample. The reading is 73.0 and 63.6 CPM respectively. Ten minute averages were taken to determine all CPM statistics.
Update: rain sample from Hemet decayed to 45.8– background.
Rain soaked paper towel, tested 10 min indoors in Hemet, CA:
BG is < 45.
Will retest sample in 1-2 hours and report back.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
Japan’s radioactive black dirt, black stains, and black puddles explained, see 29:28 into the video.
If you want to know how Black mushrooms can protect your GI tract against radiation sickness jump to 34:54 into the video.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 50.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.5 CPM
I’m so happy that people on this thread keep monitoring for fallout — because the news from Japan is getting more ominous.
Cesium levels are rising in their forests…
… and real victims are coming forward with real cancers:
The Japanese are protesting but there protest leaders are being jailed.
Prof. Masaki Shimoji
He was Jailed for 21 days because he was speaking out against the way the Japanese government is handling the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster – burning debris, hiding test results, etc.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds, breezy
6:10a INT 45.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.9 CPM
To beef up our children’s radiation exposure our fine schools have decided to irradiate every classroom our children sit in 6 hours a day, 5 days a week by installing WiFi. Michael, I’m not sure if you allow petitions but I thought this was an important one. Thanks!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
7:10a INT 47.8 CPM
7:20a EXT 51.2 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in this morning with 10 minute ambient average at 6:45am. Probe 5 feet off ground. A little windy with 52F.
External- 40 cpm
Internal- 36 cpm
All normal readings on the east side
WB Johnson GSM-500 survey meter/HP-265 “pancake”
East Los Angeles checks in with 47 cpm. External 10 minute ambient average. Normal range.
45 cpm internal. Also normal. Nice clear skies.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500/Johnson hp-265 “pancake”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:20a INT 46.7 CPM
7:30a EXT 52.9 CPM
A 30 second video I put together using an audio clip from my latest album.
I remember coming to this site near the end of March 2011. My band had been rehearsing at a studio and we had to move equipment through the rain. I can clearly remember wondering how long the Fallout conditions would continue.
I guess now I know. 🙁
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.6 CPM
Alert detection 116uR/hr, South San Francisco on Blackcat systems, stations near it are not showing alert levels?
Screen shot
The San Francisco EnviroReporter EPA monitor is not showing anything at present either.
[Editor: EnviroReporter.com does not endorse any pay-to-see-the-data private radiation monitoring websites because of inaccuracies and the mandatory fee-paying. Our Radiation Stations and US EPA RadNet Data are not only free but accurate as well. This comment demonstrates this.]
What you can do to reduce levels of radiological contamination.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, windy
6:10a INT 49.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.7 CPM
Southern Hemisphere rain swab and rain water tests, for November 2013.
Sunshine Coast,
Station Location,
Why we can get detections so far south.
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
This test chart is from the roof down pipe filter,
that was in place all November.
Just a couple of showers and storms for November at this location, not much rain mainly dry.
Scintillator testing shows the most significant peaks were for radioactive Lead Pb-210 and Beryllium Be-7 isotopes, plus a small trace of Uranium U-235.
The rain swab collected on the 30th November and tested on the 31st, was interesting in that there were significant detections of both Radon-222 and Radion-220, plus possibly a trace amount of Cobalt Co-57.
Hemet, CA exterior: 42.4
Explosion @ Arkansas Nuclear,
Memphis, Tn to New Madrid, Mo areas of concern.
NRC activates Incident Response- claims SAFE
ThyroSafe Shortage: Gov Orders 14 MILLION Children’s Doses, maybe headed to Pacific Rim.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
6:10a INT 44.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Thanks so much Michael. Looks like a very nice unit.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
8:20a INT 44.8 CPM
8:30a EXT 51.4 CPM
@Michael: thank you for clearing this up for me. If a future rain sample is high, then I will try to take another reading without alpha for comparison.
Thanks for the kind words. I’m really just a creature of habit and have a schedule in the morning that allows for me to take these tests. I’m happy to contribute because I’m just as concerned as everyone else that reads your incredible website. Thank you for all that you do!
@SimiRich: You aren’t ignorant in the least so pardon me if it came off that way! You indeed are counting right but if you’re going to bring up alpha, I would suggest putting something between your Inspector and the sample to tell us if you are cutting any radiation down (reducing the count) so we would know how much alpha might be in it. That would require another 10-minute test which might not be worth the hassle unless the sample tests hot. Otherwise, there’s no need to mention alpha because we know you’re already detecting alpha, beta and gamma.
Denise Anne and I can’t thank you enough, SimiRich, for your incredible and accurate testing run. You have just passed 1,000 tests with over 1,007 samples and detections to Radiation Station Simi Valley‘s credit!
Michael – please excuse my ignorance in using the incorrect terminology. When I took the 10 minutes test, there was nothing between the rain soaked paper towel and the pancake tube of my Inspector Alert allowing alpha radiation to be counted. Please let me know if I should be using different terminology for future readings.
@george: Forgive my tardiness in replying but I definitely recommend the new version of the Inspector by IMI International Medcom. It’s called the Inspector Alert and we heartily endorse this superb V2-version of this famous nuclear radiation monitor.
Some major features: The V2 accesses the timer through the 3 push button switches on the end panel. There is no slide switch so the interface is simpler. At the end of timed counting period push the set button for automatic calculation of average CPM rate. The V2 also has uSv/hr – CPM option. Two clicks to activate Alert feature or disable it, so less chance of that happening accidentally. One year warranty on GM tube and two years on everything else.
I would jump on this incredible machine before Unit 4’s spent fuel pool goes kablooey when the Japanese get around to trying to remove the damaged rods. Remember the rush on Geiger counters after 11 March 2011? Round Two of Goo will dwarf that. Now’s the season to treat yourself and your family to knowing what’s hot and what’s not in your food, drink, air, water and so much more.
December 7, 2013
11:15am INT RAIN SAMPLE RSSM: 45.0 CPM^ = BACKGROUND/NORMAL but also illustrates that as we reported in Beta Watch, radon progeny/daughters do NOT impact Radiation Station Santa Monica rain/HEPA dust readings or they would have shown up in this sampling and detecting.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy/drizzle
6:50a INT 47.5 CPM
7:00a EXT 55.3 CPM
7:10a INT Paper towel rain sample w/alpha 84.4 CPM
[Editor: Though we aren’t sure what “w/alpha” means for this rain reading, the measurement of this SIMI VALLEY RAIN is 52.6% ABOVE BACKGROUND]
7:20a INT iPhone 4s glass test 61.3 CPM
The phone was in standby mode w/no activity
The cause of the 2011 Japanese Tohoku earthquake’s large movement in shallow subduction zone, may portend similar risk for the Pacific Northwest. http://news.discovery.com/earth/rocks-fossils/slippery-clay-at-fault-in-2011-japan-earthquake-131206.htm Another wakeup call for better risk assessment of reactor sites. Of course, historical records of large earthquakes and tsunamis in the Tohoku region, did not seem to deter the placement of Japanese nuclear plants.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.5 CPM
6:30a INT iPad 2nd Gen glass test 101.8 CPM
My wife’s 1st generation I-pad tested 100cpm on contact on glass on 10 minute count. Nothing on back. Did test inside. Background level was the usual 46 cpm at 9:30pm. Anybody else has seen this???
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.5 CPM
Accidental, and surprising detection of radioactivity in lead solder! (Preliminary Report)
I was sent this email from a person informing me about an accidental and surprising detection of radioactivity in lead solder that this person had purchased in Australia.
Email 18th October 2013,
“Had my roll of electrical solder come close to my SBT 10, and started getting counts – Bloody great – tested it with my LND 7317 and averaged ~400cpm. Im doing a few more tests with sheet of paper, etc and will send a chart with results and maybe send a sample of the solder to Peter to try and see what the . is going on. Perhaps dirty lead?…”
I received the first 12 gram sample late on the 30th of October, and started testing immediately. It took a while to complete multiple tests, plus do research on the test results. In my opinion the sample tests showed the lead solder to be significantly radioactive.
On the 8th November I contacted the company that had sold this brand of solder roll here in Australia. I spoke to the Australian product manager. I did this to inform the company of the detection, plus to provide the company with the opportunity to do further investigations into how wide spread and significant this contamination was. The product manager requested a sample for further assessment and testing, which I posted to him on the afternoon of the 8th of November 2013.
Later that afternoon a more senior representative phoned me, and freely volunteered the information that this solder was manufactured in China from recycled electronic circuit boards. They had been dealing with this Chinese supplier for over twenty years, and had not had any problems with this product before.
They said they would be transparent in their dealings with this detection, and provide feedback. I was sent a replacement roll of solder with a different product name, and it tested clean.
I phoned product manager on the 26th of November and was informed they were still waiting on the test results. When I heard nothing back from them, I rang on the 2nd of December 2013 to find out if the test results had been received yet. I spoke to the project manager again. He conveyed to me,
1. The test results had not been received yet.
2. The information conveyed to him, by the scientist doing the testing was it was mainly radioactive lead that was detected. He pointed out there was radioactive lead all around us in the environment, and in all lead. So it was unlikely that this contamination detection would be an issue.
In our discussion I pointed out that three contaminated rolls had now been detected in Australia by different people. (four now) In my opinion, the amount of radioactive contamination was significant, and way above what you would normally find in normal lead solder products.
Here is a Geiger counter test of 250 grams of a different brand of lead solder. This is solder roll sent as a replacement for the contaminated roll. As you can see from the test chart, it is at background level. This is how lead solder you purchase should test!
Now compare that test to the test of 64 grams of lead solder, taken off the contaminated roll.
There is a very large and obvious difference between the test results of normal solder, and the contaminated roll. Here is a more scientific long average Geiger counter tested conducted in the same background environment, for comparison.
I now have lots of reports from people who have tested a broad range of solder brands. So far, the contaminated detections are restricted to four rolls of this brand purchased in Australia. A contact in New Zealand has reported a clean test for newly purchased solder, including the brand in question.
Email Report: ( I have removed the company and product information from this email )
Hi Peter,
I popped into the branch in Wellington yesterday and bought a 200g roll. I also bought small samples of the 1.0mm version and their lead-less solder.
I then wandered up to the university and found a professor who works on such things. He placed the samples in front of his handy survey meter. There was no sign of radioactivity above the existing background.
This morning I’ve put them in front of my scintillator. Readings decreased by about 10%, perhaps due to the shielding effect of the lead.
All the best,
This evidence now suggests the contaminated solder is restricted to a batch sold in Australia. This is not conclusive. Unfortunately there does not appear to be any batch information provided on the product labeling.
My opinion
The radioactive contaminated lead solder could present a health risk under these circumstances.
1. If you didn’t wash your hands well after use, or touched other objects before washing your hands. Yes, I know, you should do this even if it was just plain lead solder.
2. Lead X-ray fluorescence, plus the significant amount Beta radiation released, could also be an issue if enough of it was in close proximity, eg. a wearable electronic device, or stored in large amounts.
3. Adults and children potentially breathing in volatilized contaminants on melting when soldering.
My big concern is children using this contaminated solder, when working on hobby electronics projects. Their greater potential for hand to mouth contact, and breathing in volatilized contaminants.
I have no idea how widely this contaminated lead may have been distributed. Has it been used in the manufacture of other electronic devices, or products that use lead? More investigation is needed to establish if this is the case. If you were building a Geiger counter kit or scintillator equipment using this solder, it would contaminate your project. At present, I would suggest anyone who uses lead solder for electronic projects to test it before use.
From the information conveyed to me at present, the company’s interpretation of the hazard appears to be different from mine.
At this point I and others have contacted the relevant Government regulators in both Australia and New Zealand. Health and safety complaint forms have been submitted to inform the authorities of the detections. We will have to wait and see what the outcomes are from this process. I will submit a more detail report once this process is complete.
The major issue here is Nuclear waste getting into the manufacturing process through poor control, regulation, and corruption. That everyone is a victim when this happens, manufacturer, distributor and consumer, plus the environment. These consumer goods will end up in land fills!
Test before use, would be the wisest action at present.
More Detailed Test Results
Because the first sample sent to me was sent to the manufacturer for further analysis, my contact sent me a larger 64 gram sample for further testing.
A Theremino Geiger counter Kit, + Russian SBT-10 pancake tube, was used for Geiger counter testing. The solder sample was in a zip locked plastic bag during testing. The lead in the solder would offer some self shielding.
This sample was from the original 200 gram solder roll. The Geiger counter testing of this lead solder detected mostly beta, a significant Alpha presence, plus a small amount of Gamma.
Gamma + Beta test result
1.6 uSv/hr
Geiger counter test chart shows that there was very little Gamma radiation detected, when an Aluminum Beta shield was in place.
This Alpha test was done by another person with different equipment. Alpha test chart of the solder using a LND 7317 pancake probe. Unshielded 532cpm, with a piece of paper between solder sample and probe 332cpm. So approximately 200 cpm was Alpha Radiation 532 – 332.
The main peaks in the scintillator testing appear to be for radioactive Lead Pb-210 at 46 keV and Lead X-ray fluorescence. The “Americium Am-241 ?” maker in this chart is not confirmed, and has a considerable amount of uncertainty associated with it. We will have to wait for the company’s final report.
Here is a MCA Theremino software chart of a 64 gram sample of the lead solder.
The best suggestion at present for the peak around 21 keV, is the X-ray fluorescence of another metal in the solder, eg., Rhodium, Palladium or Silver.
For further information and technical discussion on the radioactive lead solder detection, go to this Gamma Spectacular forum.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.3 CPM
Alive and well here. Legal matters going on for last month +… Since my last report 11/12… been only 2 showers of any significance… Both have been just under 2x background and some outside air tests have been around average thus NO reports. I think 2014 may change this downward trend though. Hope Everyone is doing well………..
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.3 CPM
Michael or anyone… I’m considering the purchase of a personal rad monitor and would like to know which products you might recommend. Mazur has a good looking model in their 9000 for under $600. How does this unit compare with the Inspector? Are they both accurate for alpha, beta, and gamma readings? I’m most concerned with food, water, and air (backround) readings. Also concerned about my water filters in my RO under sink system. Thanks so much.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:30a INT 51.5 CPM
8:40a EXT 48.9 CPM
East Los Angeles at 10:15am
External ambient 10 minute average 45 cpm.Probe 4 feet above ground. Normal for this area.
Backyard soil sample 10 minute average got 70 cpm. Probe on contact looking at beta and gamma only. Normal reading for soil sample.
Wb Johnson gsm-500 survey meter/HP-265
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 50.2 CPM
7:50a EXT 47.1 CPM
East Los Angeles external background check at 3:55pm came back at 50 cpm probe 4 feet above ground. Overall within normal range for this area. Actually on the high end of the normal range for this area. Cloudy with more possible rain.
Active rain in east los Angeles.
Here are the readings for this morning shower. These are 10 minute averages
Interior background-45 cpm-normal
Car window wipe test rain sample 210 cpm. Probe in plastic bag so only looking at beta and gamma rays. Looks like radon progeny on the east side. This test was conducted at 10:30am.
[Editor: Rain progeny which does affect East Los Angeles can measure up to one to two times background. This sample is 3.67 times background HIGHER and should be considered HOT.]
Some light rain fell so I set out a paper towel for a sample.
Background an hour earlier was 44.7 CPM
[Editor: This rain reading is 40.3% HIGHER THAN BACKGROUND]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
8:10a INT 44.7 CPM
8:20a EXT 47.9 CPM
@george: Thank you for the kind wishes which we enjoin to wish all a happy Thanksgiving! Our research and reporting show that indeed radioactivity can be re-suspended in the air through evaporation and ocean mist churned up by ocean chop. It also will remain in residue such as in the paper towels we used to sample it in Death Valley. Note that we put up two more Death Valley radiation rain videos of sampling and testing at Badwater and Stovepipe Wells. These new videos, as well as the two previous ones, are at https://www.enviroreporter.com/2013/11/boreas-storm-packs-radioactive-punch/ with more to come! Tell us what you think in article comments, george! And, again, happy Thanksgiving and don’t be depressed by this information: be determined to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Happy Thanksgiving to all as well. Michael those readings from Death Valley are unbelievably high. I’m curious but when the rainwater evaporates does that radioactivity evaporate with it or does it stay in the ground? I don’t see how we will survive this onslaught. There is nowhere to hide. Very depressing.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
8:00a INT 46.9 CPM
8:10a EXT 48.6 CPM
Hector, re: the east LA readings — was that right after the big rainstorm last week? Because the really high radiation recorded by Michael Collins in the Boreas storm samples (the post just below yours) make me think you may have been picking up radioactive residue from the recent storm. What do you think? Can you take another sample after the next storm?
The radiation readings from Winter Storm Boreas are truly shocking, Michael. You’ve been saying this would happen; now it’s here, the Fukushima meltdown in all its radioactive glory. People are so excited that we’re finally getting rain (I’m in the Bay Area), but it’s TOXIC. I wish the pro-nuke shills all over the internet would examine these readings with open minds. Maybe they’d shill a little less for nukes, and shill a little more for just turning off the god-damned lights when they leave a room.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 47.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 58.1 CPM
Wow Hector that is surprisingly high. Do you mind repeating that at some time? Thanks.
80 cpm in east los angeles with probe on ground.(dirt) Probe inside baggie so only looking at beta and gamma. This was a 10 minute average. Looks like natural sources probably thorium and natural uranium in soil.
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute average. External 47 cpm at 4:15pm. Normal range. Probe 4 feet above ground. A little cloudy.
WB JOHNSON GSM-500/hp-265
November 23, 2013
3:35pm INT SUV CAB RAIN SAMPLE at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 1,087 CPM^ WHICH IS 31.5 TIMES BG HIGHER
3:20pm INT SUV CAB BACKGROUND at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 34.5 CPM^
November 21, 2013
11:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 44.3 CPM^
November 19, 2013
10:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 49.5 CPM^
November 16, 2013
9:45am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 42.9 CPM^
10 min exterior, Hemet, CA: 48.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
8:10a INT 47.6 CPM
8:20a EXT 53.2 CPM
24th November 2013
Station location
Alert – On the 23rd it was 46% above the 4 year pre Fukushima day average for this location. What do these local alert levels mean, and how are they determined?
These alert levels are set by the station operator, and are not based on any government alert level.
Here is last years November day average chart for comparison.
Large cloud masses where flowing from the tropics from around Darwin to the East Coast of Australia, during this period. This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
It is suggested that during these periods of elevated free air background radiation detections, it would be wise to stay out of the rain. Here you will find local rain tests results explained in detail, plus why it is suggested to stay out of the rain during these elevated detection events.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy and high clouds
7:30a INT 50.7 CPM
7:40a EXT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG windy and high clouds
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.0 CPM
Thanks Kim and SimiRich for those rain samples. It keeps all of us informed.
Rain sample from Hemet CA tested 10 minutes: 49.4
Not too much above background, but a bit.
[Editor: The rain was from the same Boreas winter storm system EnviroReporter.com reported on November 25 in Boreas Storm Packs Radioactive Punch. Without taking a background reading, it is impossible to know whether this sample was impacted by man-made radiation.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky but no rain
6:10a INT 43.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.3 CPM
We finally received some rain…
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG
[Editor: The rain sample is 22% above background which is higher than the +/- 15% margin of error for Simi Rich’s nuclear radiation monitor making the measurement valid. The rain was from the same Boreas winter storm system EnviroReporter.com reported on November 25 in Boreas Storm Packs Radioactive Punch.]
10 minute exterior in Hemet, CA: 41.9
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.1 CPM
Dear Mr. Collins,
I just visited the rense website and read that your house was invaded by someone while you were asleep. They apparently stacked your shoes in a peculiar manner perhaps as a warning of some kind. Is this true? I find this very difficult to believe but psyops happen often in America. This is very strange but troubling to say the least. Hoping all is well.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.1 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 45 cpm external at 2:50pm. Clear skies. This is a 10 minute timed test. Probe at ground level.
ALERT: Unusual Increase In Airborne Radioactivity, Saint Louis
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a INT 50.4 CPM
8:20a EXT 48.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
8:10a INT 47.0 CPM
8:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 48.2 CPM
7:30a EXT 48.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.1 CPM
Sunshine Coast
14th November 2013
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
Here is the 24 hour data chart for the 13th November. Notice that there are hardly any peaks above 0.2 uSv/hr and yet the 24 average is 39.49% above average. Peak watching does not necessarily convey the true situation. An extra 1.0 uSv hour for one day is significant.
It is hot and dry here at present, so this is a free air detection, not a Radon rain washout event.
What does a 40% increase in background radiation mean at my location.
Our local 4 year pre Fukushima nuclear disaster local background level average was 0.1 uSv/hr. A 40% increase in a day average detection here means that we receive approximately a 0.96 uSv hour increase in background radiation, for that day above average.
To put it another way, if the 40% increase in a day average was condensed into a one hour event, it would show on a Geiger counter as approximately 1.06 uSv/hr detection for one hour. (40% increase = 0.96 uSv hour + 0.1 uSv/hr local average = 1.06 uSv/hr)
Each 40% increase in the local background level here represents an additional ~1 uSv hour increase for that day.
I have set the colour coded Alert levels at the Sunshine Coast monitoring station here, to 40% increases.
You really need long term data recording and analysis of local background radiation levels, to clearly determine what is happening in any location. Monitoring station spot peak observations and alerts are helpful, but not good enough to fully understand what is happening. Average background increases can mean you are cumulatively getting a far bigger radiation dose, than from a short term peak detection.
If you are interested in trying your hand at charting here are some basics.
There is also information on charting in the free Geiger counter guide.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.5 CPM
ALERT! Airborne #Radioactive YELLOWCAKE Leak In Richland, Washington
Rain has been very scarce for sometime. Below is a report on a leak/temp.close down of the OCONEE NUKE Plant in South Carolina just SW of me…. Many of my High readings in past year ++ is where showers were traveling from SW to NE directly over Harrisburg here…….?????….Hmm….I Wonder how long that leak has existed??
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 49.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.2 CPM
Thank you Michael.
Here is November’s day average chart for my location in the Southern Hemisphere.
Very steady for four days from the 6th to 9th, and then significant increases on the 10th and 11th November to over 30% + in day averages.
From observation most of the increases occur here, when we get Northerly winds from the tropics.
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
@george: Perhaps Simi Valley’s substantially higher background than Glendale has to do with the proximity of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory which suffered at least three partial meltdowns during its history. Today, cleanup of the site at the headwaters of the Los Angeles River is threatened by a corrupt government agencies, a polluter spending serious resources to lower the standards of cleanup and a small group of greenwashing astroturfers we exposed in Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover. Yes, three times background is a level determined as a HazMat situation by the California Highway Patrol as reported by EnviroReporter.com.
Hello again. I have a question that I hope someone will be able to answer. Are the readings I’m seeing for Glendale normal for backround? They are usually between 30 – 36 CPM or so. I see Simi Valley has been much higher on average… around 48 – 52 CPM. Is this still considered normal? I read somewhere that 100 CPM or higher was a Hazmat emergency. How true is this? I’m obviously not versed in nuclear tech or engineering but a very concerned citizen. Thanks for all that you do.
@Vital1, do weather patterns tie your recent increase in radioactive detections back to the geographic starting point of Typhoon Haiyan?
On of the worst Tornado seasons we ever had in the USA lined up well with the fallout burst from Fukushima, makes me wonder if the size / power of Haiyan might also be so correlated.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
8:20a INT 48.4 CPM
8:30a EXT 48.3 CPM
Hi my name is Julian. I am a 66 year old gentleman very concern to the terrible issue of radiation. Thanks for this information.
Yesterday, 10 min Hemet, CA exterior: 48.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 47.3 CPM
8:10a EXT 49.7 CPM
Hello Everyone,
I’ve never posted here but I visit the site almost daily. I’m very thankful for the live readings ever since Fukushima. I am very worried about our future. The corium of those reactors are underground and will release their rads into the Pacific ocean for millions of years via the aquifers flowing into the ocean. If not sufficiently cooled they could still explode if they reach the water table. God what a mess. The Japanese are about to start removing the spent fuel from SFP#4. This is another danger to the world although they may be sufficiently cooled to not spontaneously combust if exposed to air. I also understand that new unused rods are in the pool but these are apparently less dangerous. New rods are stored in warehouses out of water all over the country with no combustion. Zeolites might be a wise supplemental choice for us. They can help detox heavy metals and radioactive particles from our bodies safely. Nascient iodine might also be a wise choice in small doses so we won’t uptake radioactive iodine instead. Love to all. Wash your fruits and veggies well before eating.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.1 CPM
2 exteriors in Hemet today. First was 56.8, so I moved locations and retested half an hour later. Second test was 45.1.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.5 CPM
Alert level 1202 uR/hr Fukushima Japan on Blackatsystems, this is not the Nuclear Plant, but appears to be Fukushima city.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 48.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.4 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
October 2013 Local Background Radiation Report
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
October 2013 month average was 25% above the 4 year pre-Fukushima October average, and 6% above October 2012.
October 24 hour day average chart,
Month average chart for 2013,
Month average chart for 2012,
Previous reports can be found here,
10 min exterior, Hemet, CA: 46.4
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 51.8 CPM
8:10a EXT 52.5 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in at 10:15am
External readings 10 minute average 42cpm with sunny clear skies
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500 with gm pancake probe 3 feet off ground.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a INT 49.3 CPM
8:10a EXT 54.5 CPM
Hemet, CA 10 min exterior 43.1
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.6 CPM
10 min exterior in Hemet, CA: 46.8
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.0 CPM
10 min exterior in Hemet, CA: 49.4
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.3 CPM
North Island New Zealand report update – All the evidence is suggesting that the recent Blackcatsystems detection was genuine.
From a contact on the North Island of New Zealand. They had just arrived back from overseas.
“I had usually high readings averaging .47 micro SV yesterday 28th” It was located at One Tree Hill (which is a former Volcano in Auckland), it was there all day. No Cel Phones in vicinity…”
This person is using a Gamma Scout Geiger counter.
This was from another contact of theirs.
“Contacted one other here in North Island around Auckland and they also noted unusually high readings (they knew something was up) the past three days but today its back to normal current background.”
North Island New Zealand 26th and 27th – Can’t confirm if it is a station malfunction, or a genuine elevated detection. This North Island New Zealand monitoring station had elevated detections on Blackcatsystems on the 26th and 27th.
The monitoring station has since been taken down by Blackcatsystems. During this event two other private monitoring stations, located on the North Island of New Zealand, did not show any significant elevation in background radiation levels.
Screen Shots,
Still elevated on the 27th,
I had elevated background detections on the 24th October, at my location on the central east coast of Australia. This air flow picture shows that air mass which passed over my location, hit the North Island of new Zealand on the 25th / 26th.
On the 24th October the day average background at my location was 38% above the 4 year pre-Fukushima average.
Report here,
October 28, 2013
8:45am INT BG: 49.9 CPM^
Rain in Hemet, collected on a paper towel, tested in doors 10 minutes.
46.2, background
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 50.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a INT 49.3 CPM
8:20a EXT 56.1 CPM
10 min exterior in Hemet, CA (Riverside county, roughly between Palm Springs, San Diego and Ontario airport)
East Los Angeles clear sky. 10 minute intergrate average at 10:45am. External readings
47 cpm-normal range(gm pancake probe) @ 5 feet off ground
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:35a INT 52.3 CPM
8:45a EXT 49.4 CPM
10 min exterior in Hemet, CA: 52.5
Definitely higher than normal, which is low 40s.
Illinois, USA
This location is 35 miles South-West from downtown Chicago, IL
Inspector Geiger Counter, Measures alpha, beta, gamma.
53.4 CPM on 10 min. timed count outside 3 feet off the ground, open air.
Average background radiation for this area is 36 CPM.
Readings are slightly elevated but nothing to worry about right now. 100 CPM is considered alert level but I always like to add that it means to start figuring out why a reading is high. It is time to worry when you get 100 CPM or over for a series of days.
For Comparison the highest reading I have taken was on August 2, 2012 after a release event from Fukushima that people were detecting across the USA. The reading was 72.6 CPM.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 47.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
Sunshine Coast
25th October 2013
Monitoring Station Location
Yesterday’s day average was 38% above the 4 year pre Fukushima day average. It is dry and windy here at present, so this is a free air detection increase, not a radon washout event. It is suggested that if it does rain, to stay out of it.
Local long term data can be found here.
Alert Level detection Hawaii on Blackcatsystems monitoring map yesterday, was 157 uR/hr, presently at 155 uR/hr
I looked at other monitoring networks with stations on the Hawaii islands, and could not see a any corresponding increased detections.
This netc monitoring system screen shot on Bobby1’s blog indicates a general increase in background across the west coast of the USA on the 24th.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy conditions
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
EXT was on a plastic, dew covered chair
Alert level at San Bernardino on the Netc network
Significant detection Hawaii on Blackcatsystems,
POTRBLOG Reverse Engineers U.S. Radiological Disaster CONOPS & Identifies Nuclear Threats
Michael Collins Radiation Update (21 October 2013): One hour special that covers much of the radiation challenges facing us today regarding Fukushima, nuclear power safety and the never-resting nonsense spewed by pro-nukers in the media such as the New York Times.
The series listeners have been waiting for, Black Swan SONGS, is finally out describing in five pieces and 23,000 words the threats facing the spent fuel at the San Onofre and Peach Bottom nuclear generating stations. Discussion moves to story of an experienced yachtsman making the Pacific Ocean trek first from Australia to Japan and then onto North America. Sea life is near non-existent for thousands of miles save for a huge whale floating on top of the water with a massive head tumor. “The Ocean is Broken” may be a ‘fish story’ but if it isn’t, the tale it tells is hopelessly heartbreaking. Jeff and Michael discuss next typhoon bearing down on Fukushima and the massive spikes in radiation readings that previous storms over the stricken plant have left in their wakes. Even with persistent poisonous radionuclides recently found in British sediment bordering the Irish sea, the UK government announces the construction of two new nuclear reactors on its southern coast. Michael points out that the British taxpayer will be on the hook for billions in this outrageous government giveaway. US Pacific Coast seaweed is again found contaminated with Fuku goo in the form of cesium-134, cesium-137 and cobalt-60 which suggests ongoing fission at the Japanese site of the triple meltdowns. Sad state of the media in which New York Times dismisses Fukushima radiation and lauds new EPA rules that radically raise amounts of allowable radiation in emergencies, a dangerous plan first exposed months ago in EnviroReporter.com with EPA Nukes Radiation Rules. Happy, though small, state of citizen awareness as 500 people gather on San Francisco beach forming a human chain reading “FUKUSHIMA IS HERE.” Michael discusses $60 billion US government is planning to spend ‘modernize’ its nuclear weapons complex suggesting money would be better spent tracking and addressing Fuku goo. US EPA says “To this day, the [RadNet] system continues to confirm that there are no harmful levels of radiation in the air reaching the U.S. from Japan,” an EPA spokesperson said in the last week when EnviroReporter.com‘s own US EPA RadNet graphs data shows upward spikes in beta radiation in Phoenix AZ, Anaheim, Fresno & Los Angeles CA, Albuquerque NM, Corvalis OR, Amarillo TX and Charleston WV. One of the best shows in over 2.5 years of bringing radiation information to a growing international audience.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 54.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.5 CPM
On Saturday October 19th 2013 [a large group of] people gathered at Ocean Beach in San Francisco and formed a human banner that said Fukushima Is Here.
Fukushima Is Here (sky photo)
by D Boyer
Note the bridge in the background.
Article with photos:
😉 Why wasn’t this on the evening news?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:50a EXT 50.5 CPM
7:00a INT 53.1 CPM
Strangely at the same time, all the European Blackcatsystems monitoring stations are down at present. System malfunction?
Alert Level Eastern Hokkaido Japan on Blackcat systems.
Screen Shot,
Blackcat systems, click on the International map, and drag to see Japan.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:30a INT 48.6 CPM
6:40a EXT 53.3 CPM
Finding a hot fragment of Chernobyl’s spent fuel…
Amazing how radioactive such a small piece can be.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 44.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.4 CPM
A person on another forum found the source of the Infowars Iodine product here.
It says on this page,
Contains raw, certified-USP grade iodine derived from all-natural deep-sea vegetable sources, including kelp.
This information raises questions.
1. Where are the all-natural deep-sea vegetable sources, including kelp harvested?
2. Is it tested for radioactive contaminants including Iodine isotopes like I-129, which has a half life of 15.7 million years.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly overcast sky
8:40a EXT 51.1 CPM
8:50a INT 45.0 CPM
Sunshine Coast
September Report
Monitoring Location
This short animation of Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation, shows why we can get detections so far south.
The significant Isotopes detected in rain water tests during the month were Radon-222, Radon-220, Iodine I-129, Lead, Pb-210, Beryllium Be-7 and Uranium-235. If Uranium U-235 is present, even in trace amounts, it means a lot more Uranium 238 is also present. Uranium U-238 can’t be directly detected by the Gamma Scintillator equipment used for testing, as it is mainly an Alpha emitter.
Local Background Radiation Report
It was very dry in September with storms passing through on the 17th. The September 2013 month average was 2% above September 2012, and 15% above the pre Fukushime 4 year average. This means most of the detected local background increase was from free air detections, and had nothing to do with possible radon washouts.
September Day Averages
You can see that the chart became much more dynamic towards the middle of September. This dynamic has occurred in previous years, and correlates with more Northern tropical air breaking through the equatorial barrier, in the warmer months and generally peaking in December, January, February and March.
2013 Monthly averages
2012 Monthly averages
Full report on September rain event.
The fact that I-129 appears to be present in lots of recent tests, it begs the question, is it important to be taking a non contaminated dietary Iodine supplements to try to block the uptake of I-129?
* Everyone is different, and taking extra Iodine may be a risk for some people. On the other hand, under these circumstances, it may be the best thing for the majority.
We really need some expert medical advice on this subject. I see Infowars has come out with an Iodine supplement. Ask if they have tested their product for possible radioactive Iodine contamination, before considering purchasing this product.
I have no financial interest in this product. I have only put the links here for information purposes, and suggest you do further research before you consider purchasing any iodine supplement.
Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a INT 46.3 CPM
6:50a EXT 50.7 CPM
Alert Level Spearfish, SD ~ 3,648 feet ~ PRM-9000
Elapsed Minutes 353 ~ Total Counts 27,013
Average CPM 76
Minimum CPM 49
Maximum CPM 107
Beginning time 10/11/13 12:10:49 PM
Ending time 10/11/13 06:03:57 PM EST
Report From
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.2 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update (07 October 2013): Taut and terrific show hitting a ton of topics. In Vancouver, starfish bodies turning to goo as Canadian study warns of radiation in Pacific seafood over two years after EnviroReporter.com‘s revelations showing same. Removal of nuclear fuel rods from Unit 4’s teetoring reactor almost impossible. We talk of Team EnviroReporter’s upcoming trip to Japan equipped with all the necessary tools to test for Fuku goo.
One of the trip highlights will be a visit to the architectural wonder that is the Hiroshima municipal incinerator. T.E. won’t be there for the stylish complex but to see through detecting whether the wholesale incineration of over a million tons of irradiated ruble from the Fukushima prefecture taking place the width and breadth of Japan, an incredibly foolish process that doesn’t get rid of the radiation. Much of the ash from the Fuku goo burning is dumped into Tokyo Bay where the 2020 Tokyo Radiation Olympics will hold multiple events. Jeff and Michael discussed radioactive silver detected in seafood caught off Japan. The Ag-110m exceeded the readings of radioactive cesium in squid, octopus and crab caught off Fukushima prefecture, implied that fission and criticalities are still going on at the Fukushima site which is a horrific state of affairs. Near a drain to the Pacific, 13 million becquerels per cubic meter of total beta emitters were just detected out of Fukushima Dai-ichi’s south discharge. A day before, it was disclosed that 200,000,000 Bq/m3 was leaking for 12 hours at the stricken site because a TEPCO patrol didn’t notice it as it was raining. Michael teased an upcoming four month investigation by saying what it wasn’t: ProPublica just tooted its own horn bragging about the $750,000 they it spent over two years investigating how acetominophen can be bad for you. EnviroReporter.com spent less than $7.50 to read the label on a bottle of the stuff to see that there are warnings saying just that already on the bottle. Our point was what we have coming is considerably more weighty and cost far less. News also broke in the last week that the Japanese fast food chain Yoshinoya would start sourcing food for the chain from close to Fukushima. Michael reveals he asked the American subsidiary of the firm, with restaurants in Southern California and other U.S. locations, if they got their food from Japan. The company did not reply.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.1 CPM
Radon progeny???
10 minute paper towel wipe test conducted indoors.
75 cpm. 7 miles east of los Angeles at 6:00pm
WB Johnson GSM 500 and pancake probe
Light rain falling in Hemet, CA.
Paper towel swipe off car, tested inside for 10 minutes: 52.5
Normal seems to be low 40s around here.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.2 CPM
12.2 uSv/hr is displayed as a Geiger counter detection on this Japanese commuter train, at around one minute 25 seconds into this video. This is just MADNESS CARRYING ON AS IF NOTHING IS WRONG AT THESE DETECTION LEVELS on public transport services!
HELP NEEDED : “The Lonely train Goes On as the Children of Fukushima rail toward darkness”
Finally got some rain late this morning. Overcast/gray sky 20 min shower fron W to E…
1… 147.7 cpm @ 10:06 am
2… 29.5 cpm background @ 10:17 am
3… 5 X background
This morning I watched a report about Malibu High School where 1/3 of the teachers are sick. (60 teachers)
Note: unexplainable hair loss, skin rashes, bladder cancer, and several respiratory illnesses, persistent migraines, thyroid cancer and other issues
No mention or any detail regarding the health of the students. (?) I would think recent graduates should also be considered too.
I cannot believe that nobody is asking the BIG questions.
FALLOUT from Fukushima?
Maybe it blew in from the sea as ‘buckyballs’ or fell as rain?
Perhaps the school lunch menu is serving tuna with milk?
“A concerned group has hired environmental consultants to try to find the source of skin diseases, thyroid cancers and other serious maladies.”
😉 Currently placing blame on pesticides.
Because it’s a small high school the ‘control group’ of test subjects is easy to determine. If your neighborhood had the same issue you would never know, most people don’t even talk to their neighbors.
I get the gut feeling this is not an isolated case. This scenario may start repeating thousands of times.
I live in a small town (2000) and my personal observation, here in the foothills of central California, is that there is an unusual number of serious maladies.
Maybe the CDC should look into this if the government shutdown ever ends.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
No meaningful amounts of rain in quite sometime….FAIRWINDS Arnie Gunderson just put out this video
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG breezy, clear sky
8:10a INT 47.5 CPM
8:20a EXT 48.1 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute average at 5:20pm.
Interior- 46 cpm
External-49 cpm
Clear sky and a bit warm.
All within normal range for this area.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG heavy wind, clear sky
7:10a INT 49.4 CPM
7:20a EXT 52.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG heavy wind, clear sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 41.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.4 CPM
I think finding a safe source of Iodine as a food supplement, maybe important at present.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 48.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.7 CPM
@vital1 The troublesome thing with Iodine is that Japan is a major producer of it. The test I wold like to see is if there is any I-129 in the post Fukushima iodine supplements
Michael Collins Radiation Update (30 September 2013): Historic show starting minutes into the U.S. federal government shutdown. Michael thanked over 800,000 fed workers for their service and expressed sympathy for their unearned plight. Also gave thanks that the EPA’s RadNet hadn’t gone dark which is good because this crucial information is brought to the public in an accessible way by EnviroReporter.com on our U.S. EPA RadNet Data page.
Discussion of the FDA’s new *voluntary* ban on a huge list of food products from 15 Japanese prefectures. Michael noted that Japanese food has radiation limits in their food 12 times more strict than the U.S. standards meaning that their hot food can be shipped to us legally with no one the wiser. Hence the importance of our Radiation Food Lab, the most comprehensive data on food, water and other ingestibles anywhere in the world. RFB honcho and Team EnviroReporter stalwart Peter Daley’s new detections of Radium-220 spell real trouble. From his report we discussed: “The rain swab collected at Caloundra was tested and found to contain both the decay daughters of both Radon-222, and Radon-220. It is common to get Radon-222 washouts, not Radon-220. Radon-222 is from the Uranium decay chain, and Radon-220 is from the Thorium decay chain. This theory has been put forward by a contact in New Zealand. The Radon-220 decay daughter isotope detection here, is an indication that one or more of the underground coriums at Fukushima undergoing fast neutron fission. One or more coriums are possibly purifying, and operating in a mode of unmoderated fission. This would increase the yields of Thorium daughters.” Russia has also banned food from 7 Japanese prefectures and China along with South Korea have restrictions too. Before Michael wrapped up the show, he again reminded his devoted listeners that true character is what a person does when he or she knows that doom looms. He also talked about the radiation levels in Montogomery AL, Tuscon AZ, Los Angeles CA, Denver CO, Washington DC, Tallahassee FL, Fort Wayne IN, Corvallis OR, Toledo OH, Amarillo TX and Harrisonburg VA.
@ Potrblog, Yes, there is a lot of evidence that Fukushima became much more unstable in August, which has resulted in increased emissions.
My concern at my location is the increased detections of I-129, Pb-210, and Uranium U-235. These detection have not just been in local rain washout, but also in food samples from all over the world. These have been in trace amounts, but still of a concern!
I recently placed a couple of reports here at EnviroReporter’s “Radiation Food Lab” under the Australian heading on this subject.
I will present more food detection reports on this subject soon.
This brings up the question, is it important to be taking dietary Iodine supplements to try an block the uptake of I-129?
Everyone is different, and taking extra Iodine may be a risk for some people. On the other hand, under these circumstances, it may be the best thing for the majority.
We really need some expert medical advice on this subject. I see infowars has come out with a Iodine supplement.
I have no financial interest in this product, or infowars. I have only put this link here for information purposes.
There are also a lots of other great suggestions by Michael and Denise here at EnviroReporter, like using reverse osmosis water filters, and Hepa air filters.
Also, in Enviroreporter’s Radiation Food Lab, there is information there on how to make Liposomal Vitamin C.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.9 CPM
@vital1, in what may be purely coincidence there also seems to be a lot of radiation stack monitor outages at nuke plant across the USA.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 55.3 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a INT 51.7 CPM
7:40a EXT 54.1 CPM
Alert Level FREDERIC, Wisconsin ~ Altitude 1,273 feet ~ Geiger Counter
Inspector EXP+
Elapsed Minutes 400 ~ Total Counts 28,084
Average CPM 70
Minimum CPM 44
Maximum CPM 102
Beginning time 09/28/13 09:36:56 AM
Ending time 09/28/13 04:16:03 PM EST
There was also a large spike at Raleigh. EPA RadNet beta readings for Raleigh, NC 243CPM on 9/25 at 12:57!!
Report from,
You will find the EPA beta charts for 123 cities in the USA, are made easy to look up and view, here at EnviroReporter.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a INT 44.0 CPM
7:40a EXT 50.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky, breezy
7:30a INT 45.4 CPM
7:40a EXT 51.1 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation UpdateThe grim predictions we made in January 2012’s Beta Watch are sadly coming true as we discuss in a supercharged show. A report came out entitled “Numerical study and prediction of nuclear contaminant transport from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the North Pacific Ocean.” Appearing in the scientific journal Oceanology, the report was the work of the Key Laboratory of Research on Marine Hazards Forecasting, National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center in China. The Chinese government did something the United States would not do: take a hard look at what Fukushima’s spewing triple meltdowns are doing to the Pacific.
“[H]igh concentrations of the radioactive isotope cesium-137 (137Cs) will move eastward and reach the central Pacific and west coast of North America in two and eight years, respectively.” The map predictions of ocean surface cesium-137 concentrations are astonishing. Since the report, the situation has only gotten worse at Fukushima with continued fallout both literally and figuratively. Jeff and Michael discussed the latter watching the March 11, 2011 tsunami live late at night Los Angeles time with Denise Anne. As the waves rolled in obliterating everything in their path, we realized they could also take out a coastal nuclear power plant. Only the next day did we find out what had happened. Discussion turned philosophical as Michael maintained that in the face of such threats, with no help from the government for its people or Japan, being courageous is easier than being a coward. Hot spots across the U.S. highlighted were Bakersfield CA, Fresno CA, Denver CO, Tallahassee FL, Fort Wayne IN, St. Paul MN, Lincoln NE, Toledo OH, and Amarillo TX. Michael criticized the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s light “green” and “white” violation at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station as puzzling in light of what caused them: a huge number of leaking pipes that forced Units 2 and 3 to be shut down and now decommissioned. Discounting the potential dangers of firing up one of these units, as Southern California Edison did, shows the lax attitude of the NRC which is not enhancing the safety of the site or others it regulates.
Alert Level Georgia USA 789 uR/hr (microRem per Hour) showing up on the Black Cat Systems at present. It maybe an equipment fault or false alarm, keep and eye on it just in case. There is a slight elevation 50 cpm on a station in the same state, on Radiation network at present.
Here is a screen shot.
From Harvey Wasserman on CommonDreams.org
“We are now within two months of what may be humankind’s most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis. There is no excuse for not acting. All the resources our species can muster must be focused on the fuel pool at Fukushima Unit 4.
Fukushima’s owner, Tokyo Electric (Tepco), says that within as few as 60 days it may begin trying to remove more than 1300 spent fuel rods from a badly damaged pool perched 100 feet in the air. The pool rests on a badly damaged building that is tilting, sinking and could easily come down in the next earthquake, if not on its own.
Some 400 tons of fuel in that pool could spew out more than 15,000 times as much radiation as was released at Hiroshima.”
Read full article http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/09/20-1
East Los Angeles checks in with the following readings at 11:30am.
External 46 cpm
Internal 44 cpm
All normal readings.
Sunshine Coast
Preliminary report of rain event detections
“Alert Caloundra report 17th September 2013 – Storms overnight here, so I took rain swab off a car this morning. On testing it peaked at approximately 6 uSv/hr (1800 cpm) using two Russian SBM-20 tubes, and Theremino Geiger kit. Again it is suggested to stay out of the rain. This rain sample is decaying quickly which suggests it is a large radon washout.”
The long period Geiger counter test chart indicated the presence of other Isotopes besides Radon washout decay daughters. (So it was placed in the scintillator lead test chamber for further testing.)
Day average background levels have been very volatile here the last 11 days. September 2013 day average chart.
NOTE: Scintillator testing of the rain swab collected on the 18th September at Caloundra, is indicating the presence of a Zeolite type material. A source of this could be volcanic ash from the recent Indonesian volcanic eruptions.
When testing is complete, the full report will be posted here. The scintillator test chart will be provided soon. Preliminary analysis also indicates the presence of trace amounts of Iodine I-129, and Lead Pb-210.
Alert Nimbin Monitoring Station report 16th September 2013 – Nimbin is located on the east coast of northern New South Wales Australia.
“…Rain began this morning…. drove to town about midday, got home about 30min ago and sat my SBT 10 on the roof of the car, as I gathered my things out of the back seat, and it started beeping. It was reading 0.38uSv/h….moments later I took a swab off the whole car roof (small sedan) and put it to my LND 7317 and got ~6500CPM for the first few minutes. I’ll send a photo and chart soon….” Here is the decay chart and detection photo.
We haven’t seen any studies on the heath effects of being exposed to large Radon washout events like this. It is only a suggestion to take these precautions in the Rain Alert emails. If you live in the area, it is suggested to stay out of the rain during these events, plus keep children and pets out of it also. If you do get wet, have a good shower. It maybe a very large radon washout event, that seems to be common to the Nimbin area. This rain washout could also have other isotopes in it. Without further testing with better equipment, there is no way of knowing.
Another report indicating recent Fukushima releases went far and wide.
“Radiation plume after Japanese earthquake. Iodine-131 cloud reached France.”
East Los Angeles checks in 10 minute average at 8:15am.
External-48 cpm
Internal- 46 cpm
All normal readings on the east side.
Todo nivel normal.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
USG puts out a 2.79 Million Dose award order for radiation sickness treatment in “nuclear incident” (treats FLU too)
10 minute exterior test, Hemet, CA: 43.7 CPM
Some of the statistics presented in this report are astonishing.
If nothing else at least read the conclusion page.
Report: Health Effects of San Onofre published:
Joseph Mangano, MPH, MBA
Executive Director
March 26, 2013
If you live in California or anywhere near one of these DNA Destroying Death Machines, then you really need to read this.
Also of interest:
WONDER online databases utilize a rich ad-hoc query system for the analysis of public health data.
I wonder? 😉
Michael Collins Radiation Update – Fast half hour on last day of public’s ability to submit comments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s plan to gut radiation standards not just for emergencies like terrorist ‘dirty bomb’ attack or nuclear power plant meltdown but also to extremely contaminated places like the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Discussion explored EnviroReporter.com‘s revelations in the expose EPA Nukes Radiation Rules* showing the extent of these dangerous redefining of what’s hot and what’s not. Michael told audience not to worry if they hadn’t submitted their comments if they had concerns raised by the expose because he had submitted the article as a public comment. He was not alone. Earlier in the day before this podcast, over 100 environmental organizations today called on EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to withdraw EPA’s controversial new Protective Action Guides (PAGs), which would allow exposure to very high doses from radiation releases before government would take action to protect the public. The full letter is at http://committeetobridgethegap.org/GroupPAGltr9-16-13.pdf and details many of the radical changes the gutted PAGs would bring. With Fukushima worsening with the entire complex sinking into its own groundwater-saturated sand, the consequences of EPA-rigged and relaxed radiation levels adds to the significance of the ongoing disaster. Michael told of weekend birthday trip to the Central Coast of California that included visiting a fisherman and his wife, Will and Robin, at their beautiful Santa Barbara home to test an assortment of fish and sea creatures for radiation. Will, a listener to the show, offered Denise Anne and I, an excellent opportunity to test yellowtail, bluefin tuna, rockfish, bluefin tuna “collar,” mussels, squid, albacore tuna, yellowtail collar: All measured at background which is probably a function of the fact that the Sea of Fuku Goo hasn’t made it down to Southern California yet. Jeff and Michael thanked Will for being such a stand-up American who courageously contacted Michael to have his fish tested. The results, while hopeful for the time being, do not change EnviroReporter.com‘s admonition not to eat or consume anything from the Pacific unless you can verify yourself it is radiation-free. That includes seaweed and its derivative carrageenan which is widely used in the food industry and toothpaste for its gelling, thickening and stabilizing properties.
FEMA Readies 100,000 Person National Disaster Medical System Mobilization
We think this is Pandemic related, but we can’t rule out Fukushima either. It again seems to be Pacific Rim targeted as it mentions 20 locations in California and 5 each in Oregon and Washington.
U.S. Plans Nuclear Missile Tests Around International Day of Peace and UN High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament.
Two dates this month have special significance to those who want to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons: the International Day of Peace (September 21) and the UN High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament (September 26).
Instead of honoring the significance of these dates and working in good faith to achieve nuclear disarmament, the United States has chosen to schedule two tests of its Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile on September 22 and September 26.
Just hours after the International Day of Peace ends, the U.S. plans to launch a Minuteman III – the missile that delivers U.S. land-based nuclear weapons – from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.
Then, on the same day that most countries will send their head of state or foreign minister to New York for the UN’s first-ever High-Level Meeting on nuclear disarmament, the U.S. plans to send another Minuteman III missile from California to the Marshall Islands.
These missiles are designed to carry nuclear warheads capable of killing thousands of times more people than the chemical weapons used in Syria.
Your actions have helped stop Minuteman III tests before: in 2011 on the International Day of Peace, and in 2012 on the anniversary of the largest-ever nuclear weapon test conducted by the U.S. (Castle Bravo in the Marshall Islands).
We need your support to stop these two tests as well. Send a message to President Obama, telling him to cancel these two provocative nuclear missile tests and to attend the UN High-Level Meeting on September 26.
Click onto: http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/6357/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=8657 to find out more.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:10a INT 51.7 CPM
7:20a EXT 55.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:10a EXT 52.1 CPM
8:20a INT 51.4 CPM
Good morning from East Los Angeles. 10 minute ambient average at 8:30am
All normal readings on the east side of los Angeles
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:20a INT 50.6 CPM
7:30a EXT 51.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
UNUSUAL URGENT ACTIVITY: The Centers For Disease Control is Readying for MULTIPLE Medical Stations & EMERGENCY National Stockpile Supply Deliveries to the Pacific Rim.
This could be Fukushima related, or H7N9 Pandemic related.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.8 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update: A special one-hour classic show that wasn’t even long enough for the breadth of disaster discussed. Of course Michael’s Tokyo’s Radiation Olympics and Yoichi Shimatsu’s Boycott The Radioactive 2020 Olympics Of Death were the top topics since their double-barrel debut in response to the outrage that greeted Tokyo Japan’s being awarded by the controversial and corruption-riven doyens of the International Olympic Committee in Buenos Aires Argentina September 7. The gold medal performance of Prime Minister Abe convincing the creaky IOC board that all was AOK at Fukushima was easily dissembled by Michael as he pointed out that TEPCO actually pleaded with the Japanese government to take control of the disaster in the week before Dishonest Abe’s blizzard of hogwash won the day. The fact that Fukushima Dai-ichi’s Unit 4, with its full spent fuel pool tottering four stories above the ground, has recently sunk over 30 inches into the soup that the ground is turning into was pointed out by Jeff. The hyper-hot groundwater is within four inches of the surface and the entire site is about to sink into the slush. Once Unit 4 collapses before the spent fuel is removed – an impossible task as the rods are busted and not removable even with TEPCO’s weak assurances – Tokyo is toast as EnviroReporter reported in The Unforgettable Fire in June 2012. Michael gave numerous examples of Tokyo contamination as reported in Rad News Digest just since the beginning of the year: June 17 – 300 Bq/Kg in the park of Konanku Yokohama city” (Tokyo – 178 miles south of Fukushima, Yokohama – 204 miles south of Fukusima); June 16 – 19,000 Bq/Kg from the drain of balcony in Setagaya Tokyo; June 8 – 102.5 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from Sayama (suburb of Tokyo) green tea leaves for sale; May 28 – Cs-134/137 from pool bottom sediment of 9 of 9 elementary school in Chiba,(20 miles NE of Tokyo) max as 796 Bq/Kg and on and on. Jeff talked about a letter sent to him from South Korean flight attendants about the hazards of flying through the air over Fukushima. Michael reminded the audience, which has grown significantly and shows its appreciation more and more, that EnviroReporter.com‘s US EPA RadNet compilation shows high beta radiation, almost certainly from Fukushima or local reactor releases, in the American cities of Montgomery AL, Phoenix AZ, Fort Smith AR, Bakersfield CA, Tallahassee FL, Augusta GA, Fort Wayne IN and other locales including St. Louis MO which had a September 8 rain 108 times background. Jeff and Michael discuss how the California Highway Patrol considers anything over three times background a HAZMAT situation. This hot show again demonstrates that people know where to go to get the real skinny on the radically rad world we’re living where those with true courage to face the consequences are few and far between but always are on the Michael Collins Radiation Update.
I stumbled upon this ‘letter to the Editor’ in the LA Times archives.
This letter could have been written yesterday.
“…we have growing pools of spent nuclear fuel, which will be radioactive for thousands of years, and no more idea of how to dispose of it than we did 30 years ago.”
“The benefits of nuclear power will be coming to your town soon.” – from letter
of Sherman Oaks, CA
May 5, 1986 (just after Chernobyl)
I do not know Mr. Cooksey or if he’s around or alive, but I wish he could somehow know his words have rang true more than 25 years later.
Here’s another article from that same day.
Wider Spread of Radiation in Soviet Admitted
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:45a INT 54.8 CPM
6:55a EXT 48.6 CPM
Japan wins 2020 Olympic bid. Will spend 60 billion.
[from article]
However, Abe in an assured and polished performance speaking in English left no doubt that he and his government had the situation under control.
“Let me assure you the situation is UNDER CONTROL,” he said.
“It has never done or will do any damage to Tokyo.”
[Prime Minister] Abe replied decisively…
“There have been no health problems and nor will there be.”
Come on… give me a break!
I really feel like using expletives regarding these outright outrageous lies, but I shall refrain.
The story was also on the NBC Nightly News tonight. So, once again, the sleeping masses in the USA are going to believe that the Nuclear Plant in Japan is AOK.
IMO – There is a distinct possibility that Tokyo will be a ghost town by 2020.
Maybe we should protest like these guys:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:15a INT 47.2 CPM
7:25a EXT 56.8 CPM
Columbia Generating Station Operates BLIND, Once AGAIN Loses Radiation Assessment Capability
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 57.6 CPM
A powerful and moving movie.
“… a family’s struggle to survive in the aftermath of an earthquake and the resulting nuclear crisis.”
The Land Of Hope (2 hrs)
directed by Sion Sono
(Note: Turn captions ON for English subtitles)
Same thing on youtube:
Official Trailer:
Toronto Film Festival 2012
Won NETPAC Award
Mainichi Film Concours 2012
Won Mainichi Film Concours
Best Actor Isao Natsuyagi
Chicago International Film Festival 2012
Nominated Gold Hugo
Best International Feature
🙂 I highly recommend this!
I really felt like I was in a contamination evacuation zone.
Nobody could watch this film and still think Nuclear Power was a good idea. I hope everyone can find the time to see this.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 50.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.0 CPM
September 1st– Hemet, CA exterior: 52.0
September 2nd– Hemet, CA rain soaked paper towel: 84.5
tested again about 1 hour later: 51.2
exterior, about 1 hour after the rain: 40.4
Chasaha pointed to your recent detection videos on another forum, with this heading
“Very HOT rain swipe. Harrisburg, North Carolina”
I also noticed this on Bobby1’s Blog. The latest article there is reporting more Iodine detections at Chiba and Gunma prefectures in Japan. This strongly suggest criticalities are occurring in the underground coriums at Fukushima.
If you are living in North America, my suggestion would be to stay out of the rain, and avoid flying at present. Also keep a close eye on the situation, in case things get worst.
OK, here are the 4 tests on YOUTUBE as described below
….Watch ALL 4 ,This rda001 thru rad oo4.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
7:45a INT 51.8 CPM
7:55a EXT 56.7 CPM
Since last report about 4 1/2 weeks ago there have been a couple of FULL days continuous showers with average readings so NO reports. Yesterday afternoon a large storm cell lasting about 25 min. with thunder/lightning at tail end traveling W to E. Got 1 of the Highest readings in some time. Taken off cars windshield/moonroof. Just became aware of RADCON Alerts map of 8/33 by @CHASE here…Possible remnants?? of MANY alerts as I’m in “direct line of fire ” here from several……Have taken 4 reading of napkin sample..normal/paper blocking Alpha/Inspector WIPE Test plate blocking Alpha-beta/background
1…585.2 cpm @ 7:36 pm….(17.47 X backgrnd)
2…371.2 cpm @ 7:48 pm….paper block Alpha (11.08X) backgrnd
3…47.4 cpm @ 8:02 pm…..Test plate block Beta (1.41X) backgrnd
4…33.5 cpm Backgrnd
Will try to put up 4 videos here of tests
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
7:55a INT 51.1 CPM
8:05a EXT 47.9 CPM
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient average at 2:50pm
External 49cpm
Internal 46cpm
Normal readings 10 miles east of downtown los Angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Aug 30th– Hemet, CA exterior: 44.3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
7:00a EXT 48.6 CPM
7:10a INT 46.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
8:30a INT 44.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a INT 46.6 CPM
6:50a EXT 52.7 CPM
Speaking of the ‘Triple Meltdown’ lost coriums.
Here is a simple diagram that shows what is ‘most likely’ happening.
It makes sense to me.
3 Subsurface Nuclear Cores:
Groundwater Flow – Graphic
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.6 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 26, 2013: Fast and furious show as Fukushima triple meltdowns’ “Lost Coriums” sink deeper into the ground, they are impacting the groundwater which is directly leaking into Pacific with astonishing radiation readings. Japan asks for international help for first time publicly as situation out of control. Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and 3 scientists from the GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences showed that radiation on the West Coast of North America could end up being 10 times higher than in Japan by 2016. Michael postulates that this is true for the radiation leaking now but in three years, he predicts the radiation gushing out of Fukushima will even dwarf today’s unbelievable numbers with the result that after 2019, the cesium-134 and cesium-137 off the West Coast will make even 2016’s numbers seem enviable. Jeff figures his 400 tons of radioactive goo sloshing into the Pacific is low. Intense and deep discussion of how this is ruining the Pacific and all the unfortunate flora and fauna in it. “Fracked Nation,” Michael’s new article is discussed showing how EnviroReporter.com has found that a little known new threat posed by fracking is slowly becoming known in addition to the already established menaces of groundwater contamination, huge water usage, methane gas releases and fracking induced earthquakes. Fracking also threatens the very value and marketability of real estate, so much so that major insurance companies are not renewing homeowner insurance policies on properties that have been fracked or are near fracking. Lenders will not loan money on property that has potential for hazardous activity and contamination issues meaning that the land owner is truly fracked. The land becomes uninsurable and unsellable making it worthless. Once that happens, these same oil and gas companies, as well as the insurers and lenders, will be able to scoop up huge swaths of land for pennies on the dollar. This is news that homeowners over frackable oil and gas better pay attention to. We certainly will and won’t let up covering the story.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 42.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.0 CPM
@Vital1, Yes that is absolutely the case with EPA’s RADNET. EPA calls their data censoring “Reviewing and Approving the data”; we made a series of videos documenting in detail the different methods the EPA uses to obfusticate the data.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a EXT 51.4 CPM
8:15a INT 50.6 CPM
@potrblog, All the evidence points to Government run monitoring systems in Japan, USA and Europe being manipulated to protect the Nuclear industry. High detections are explained away by equipment malfunctions, or they just turn the monitoring equipment off during an event.
In Japan they have been caught placing lead backup batteries near the sensors to shield them, placing the monitoring equipment high off the ground, only decontaminating an area around monitoring stations, plus altering the monitoring equipment so it shows much lower readings.
I am telling you what you already know, new people visiting here may not realize this.
Here is just one of many articles relating to this subject.
In my previous post you will need to scroll down the page to see this Long Beach chart, in the comment section.
There was a considerable spike in radiation detected on a Long Beach monitoring station. Here is a link to the Long Beach chart kindly provide by Harlan of netc.com. There are also reports that San Diego had a small spike around the same time. There is uncertainty as to what caused these spikes, maybe a false alarm.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a EXT 52.9 CPM
7:50a INT 48.1 CPM
@Vital1 It seems Columbia Nuclear was blind for about 6 hours to what ever their radiation situation was with their Nuclear Reactor vent stack. I’m not sure how they can forthrightly lead people to believe that there was no radiation increase during this blind time period.
Something Alert worthy happened at Columbia. But given their recent update, we’re just not sure whether there was an actual radiological issue, or just trouble shooting incompetence on their part. Or a combination of both, which left them blind and the public at risk. The truth is we will never know because they won’t share the data; you’ll just have to take them at their word.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:50a EXT 59.6 CPM
7:00a INT 49.9 CPM
7:10a EXT 53.4 CPM secondary reading after my first reading was a bit higher than normal
I think potrblog’s alert was justified, if you take into account all the evidence available at present. Even though Columbia Nuclear say the high radiation detections were caused by equipment malfunctions.
In the last couple of weeks it’s been easy to see the waves of radiation passing over the USA, at times reaching Alert levels as seen in Chase’s screen shot below of the USA monitoring sites netc.com. It is consistent with our recent observations here. These Alert level events happened a number of times at different locations in the USA recently, on the netc monitoring system.
There have been numerous recent reports from the web cam viewers of significant events, steam venting and bright flashes, plus very elevated detections on the monitoring systems at the Fukushimka site itself. There were also recent detections of Xenon in South Korea, plus Iodine and Xenon in some Japanese cites near Fukushima.
Just in:
Quote from article on simply info;
Even more concerning is this statement from the head of Japan’s nuclear regulator who has not been someone prone to dramatic language. Shunichi Tanaka, head of the Japan NRA said this today in relation to the current problems at Daiichi. “We cannot waste even a minute,” he said. “This is what we have been fearing.”
I feel considering all the evidence, it is important to maintain a close eye on the situation.
Columbia Nuclear Offers Partial Explanation As To Unusual Radiation Readings
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.7 CPM
At around noon today I observed a wave of high readings on netc.com. Like I had never seen before.
There were a total of 8 Level 5 ALERTS mostly on the east coast.
There were 19 Level 4 Warnings mostly from the Mississippi River east.
Netc.com uses the EPA systems data and places it on a google map basically. I used EnviroReporter.com’s RadNet graphs as a verification.
Here’s the screen shot:
This was a big wave of radiation considering half of the beta detectors are not even working. This is the biggest uptick I have witnessed.
I wonder if the EPA will make some sort of statement?
They should, it’s their job. 😉
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.7 CPM
@POTRBLOG: Invaluable news. This radiation surge can be seen in several U.S. cities on RadNet Air Monitoring as we discussed on the radio last night. Please keep us informed, Potrblog!
@All: This one was a doozy…
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 19, 2013: This may be the finest hour-long special in the last 2.5 years. Associated Press picks up on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory story with alternative headlines betraying battle of Boeing PR flack Gary Polakovic and the residents fighting for the agreed-upon comprehensive cleanup to background levels of rads and chems. AP not fooled by Polakovic’s meltdown makeover of SSFL with Girl Scouts and disadvantaged youths the target of Boeing photo ops at lab. Three 100-ton meltdown coriums ‘missing’ at Fukushima as radiation readings higher in last week than at any time during the meltdown. 125 liters of intensely hot goo found outside Unit 4 with damaged spent fuel pool that will destroy Tokyo if it collapses and catches fire. SPF 4 has 14,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of cesium-137 alone. Radiation readings pick up sharply in San Francisco and San Diego. New Dept. of Defense study by University of Texas research assistant says all reactor complexes, spent fuel pools and nuclear weapons storage depots are vulnerable to terrorists. Flawed study misses the most obvious weakenesses but does show that subject itself isn’t taboo in DOD circles, an important consideration in surveillance state where executive branch targets journalists. EnviroReporter.com study will break mold on issue. New Freedom of Information Act documents show coverup of Fukushima triple meltdowns in US with West Coast pounded with fallout in early days of ongoing triple meltdown begun March 11, 2011. Over 100 Ohio earthquakes near nuke plant on Great Lakes caused by fracking in official new study. Columbia Generating Station, a version of the Fukushima reactor design, can be hit with earthquake over three times its design limit according to Dept. of Energy report. Northwest activists want it shut down.
MAXIMUM ALERT! Columbia Nuclear Detecting Unusual Radiation- Fukushima Recritical?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy sky
6:10a INT 46.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 50.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.7 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient average at 10:30am.
External 49 cpm
Internal 46 cpm
All normal on the east side
Todos los niveles estan normales a las 10:30am
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a EXT 55.1 CPM
8:10a INT 49.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 47.9 CPM
7:50a EXT 52.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 57.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 52.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.1 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 12, 2013: FDA says nothing to fear hence nothing to test in Alaskan waters even as TEPCO admits 300,000 gallons of rad water into Pacific daily. Program follower has range of Southern California fish for us to test including bluefin tuna. State sued over SSFL disposal and recycling of lab radiation waste in unlicensed dumps.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 54.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.1 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient average levels at 11:30am
External-50 cpm
Internal- 46 cpm
All normal on the east side
To do nivel normal a las 11:30 am
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:45a INT 46.5 CPM
7:55a EXT 50.5 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:30a EXT 52.8 CPM
8:40a INT 46.9 CPM
An interesting retrospective comparison.
March of 2011-
A Michael Collins interview on KTLA 5. In the interview Michael states that if a meltdown reaches ground WATER it would not be good. [paraphrased]
KTLA breaks EnviroReporter’s Radiation Station
March 17, 2011-
President Obama
Harmful Radiation Not Expected in US
You be the judge of who was telling the truth.
As of today.
PBS News Hour interview on ground water contamination and the continuous leaking.
😉 Too bad they did not have a journalist like Michael Collins asking them the hard questions.
Note: They never mention PLUTONIUM.
Some interesting comments there though.
Perhaps the tide is beginning to change. (?)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a INT 47.4 CPM
7:40a EXT 49.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 52.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 56.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.2 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update August 5, 2013: Breaking news with “Boeing’s Meltdown Mess” with six environmental groups ready to sue Cal-EPA’s Department of Toxic Substances Control and Department of Public Health for allowing Boeing to demolish radioactive buildings, including a plutonium fuel fabrication facility, recycle the metal & send to municipal dumps.
Heavy rain shower traveling from W to E.Went out for sample 10 min after ending.Most water evaporated.Took from larger area where water was left on car.Some dirt also as will add some radon progeny
1…379.1 CPM @ 10:15 am
2….28.1 CPM background @ 10:26 am
3…13.49 X background
I also took another reading at 10:38 am using a piece of paper to cover sample to BLOCK Alpha emissions for Beta
Beta/Gamma…212.4 CPM reading = 7.56 X background
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly overcast sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.1 CPM
July 2013 Report, Fukushima very unstable, Pacific Sea Food Risk, Southern Hemisphere Background, and Rain reports
Fukushima Criticalities Occurring?
The Fukushima Nuclear disaster site has been getting very unstable. In early July, possible fires were seen on Fukushima webcam. There also have been lots of large steam events witnessed recently on the Fukushima live webcams. These events seem to be following a two week cycle at present.
Thanks to enenews webcam forum commenter ‘pure water’ for the screen shots of the possible fire at reactor 3. One other suggestion is it is not a fire, they were burning off Tritium near the reactor 3 building.
Radioactive Iodine I-131 was also detected in sludge in nearby cities. There were also increased levels of Tritium, Cesium and Strontium, detected in recent tests of water from bore holes at the Fukushima nuclear plant. This all points to the possibility that underground criticalities are occurring, or have occurred, recently at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site.
Here is a list of International radiation monitoring stations if a major event happens at Fukushima.
Consumption of any Northern Pacific Ocean sea food is risky
Headline in a recent Japanese news article.
“Tepco now admits radioactive water entering the sea at Fukushima, No. 1 Fisheries exec shocked by utility’s flip-flop on groundwater’s flow.”
Shocked, really! Anyone who has taken any notice of what has been happening at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site from the very beginning, would not be shocked. Contamination has flowed into the Pacific Ocean for 28 months now. They use the word leak, to play it down. Their estimate is 800 tons a day of ground water is flowing into the Pacific Ocean. This is probably a very conservative estimate! It’s a flood, not a leak!
Look under the Pacific Ocean heading at,
to see the magnitude of these contamination reports.
It is important to keep an eye on reports here, so you know what to avoid. There are new reports being posted constantly. Contamination detection reports of Korean, and Atlantic Canadian seaweed are two of the very newest.
Background Radiation Levels
Monitoring station location
July’s 2013 month average was 6% above the pre Fukushima nuclear disaster four year average. It is lower than July 2012 month average of 9% above. Local radiation levels have been relatively lower during winter months here over the last couple years. Our theory for this seasonal change is that less air breaks through the equatorial barrier during the winter months.
2013 month average chart
2012 month average chart
Day average chart for July 2013
Rain Report
There were very small traces of Iodine I-129, Lead Pb-210, Uranium U-235, Thorium Th-234 and Beryllium Be-7, detected in this month’s rain test. It was in smaller amounts compared to previous months.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partially overcast sky
I noticed heavy overnight dew on my backyard table so I took a sample.
7:50a EXT 52.5 CPM
Hard bounce 5.8 earthquake near Fukushima Daiichi.
Time: 2013-08-03 19:28:50 UTC
– EQ at 2x record speed on youtube user fuku1long
(The earthquake actually lasts twice as long.)
Start view at 14:30 on the recording
Occurs at 12:29 jst:
😉 Seems to me, it’s just a matter of time.
East los Angeles 10 minute ambient level
External- 45 counts per minute- normal range at 2:55pm Aug 3
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 45.3 CPM
7:30a EXT 49.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.8 CPM
East los angeles checks in at 7:15pm. 10 minute average ambient reading
External-46 cpm
Internal -44 cpm
All normal on the east side
todos los niveles normalized a las 7:15pm.
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500 survey meter
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 45.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Earth’s close call with a disasterous EMP! Apparently, there was a Carrington-class coronal mass ejection event 2 weeks ago that just missed hitting the Earth. I wonder how many nuke plants are ready for a power outage stretching many weeks, months, or even years! The resulting forced shutdowns wouldn’t be pretty, maybe resulting in numerous meltdowns all around the world. http://washingtonexaminer.com/massive-solar-flare-narrowly-misses-earth-emp-disaster-barely-avoided/article/2533727
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 46.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy sky
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.3 CPM
Radiological Release SCHEDULED – Free Potassium Iodide available on August 8, 2013 in Lancaster County, PA.
_ 😉 “(KI) for their protection…”
What if one lives just outside the 10 mile zone?
Are people there AWARE of this?
How often do NPPs do this?
I’ve never heard of pre-distribution of KI pills announced regarding a specific RELEASE.
I wish I knew someone who lived near there, so we could get there opinion.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 50.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.4 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:00a EXT 50.7 CPM
8:10a INT 45.7 CPM
Just had a large 45 min thunder/lightning storm moderate/heavy rain from S to N (no jetstream) pass
1…433.8 CPM @ 2:25 pm
2….31.4 CPM background @ 2:36 pm
3….13.82 X background
Illinois, USA
30-35 miles South-West of Chicago
Inspector Extreme Geiger Counter readings taken in my yard.
For Reference: 100 CPM (Counts Per Minute) is an Alert Level
CAPITALIZED date indicates highest reading.
July 27, 2013
68.2 CPM at 1:30 pm, taken from a 10 minute timed count. Outside at ground level on grass in yard.
(Highest 72.6 Aug 2nd 2012)
(Previous CPM in 2012 were: 51.0 in June, 52.9 on July 2nd, 58.3 on July 13th, 60.5 on July 15th, 72.6 ON AUG 2ND, 64.0 on Aug 4th, 52.7 on Aug 30th)
July 27, 2013
53.9 CPM at 1:15 pm, taken from a 10 minute timed count. Outside on Picnic table.
(Highest 63.7 Aug 2nd 2012)
(Previous CPM in 2012 were: 39.8 in May, 57.9 in June, 54.0 on July 2nd, 61.1 on July 13th, 59.1 on July 15th, 59.1 on July 24th, 63.7 ON AUG 2nd, 61.0 Aug 4th, 58.8 on Aug 30th)
July 27, 2013
35.2 CPM* at `1:00 pm, taken from a 10 minute timed count. Inside house at Kitchen table windows and doors closed. *=door open
(Highest was 47.1 July 13th 2012)
(Previous CPM in 2012 were: 32.4 in May & 37.4 in June, 43.4 on July 2nd, 47.1 ON JULY 13TH, 44.0 on July 15th, 43.0 on Aug 2nd, 38.8 on Aug 4th, 43.8 on Aug 30th)
Other Previous Counts:
42.3 CPM at 6:44 am, taken from a 10 minute timed count on July 24th 2012.
Inside house at screen door, storm front, pre-rain, high winds with gusts in area around 60mph.
53.2 CPM at 6:50 am, taken from a 10 minute timed count on July 24th 2012.
Inside house at screen door, during rain, fast moving storm & after first burst of rain.
October 25, 2012
These radiation readings were taken outdoors at 3½ feet height above the ground.
44.0 CPM at 1:50 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
46.4 CPM at 3:10 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
42.7 CPM at 4:30 p.m. (clear/warm/slight wind)
49.4 CPM at 6:00 p.m. (Storm/Intense rain/slight wind)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:25a INT 44.1 CPM
7:35a EXT 47.9 CPM
The question of ‘why’ people react they way they do to Fukushima has somewhat baffled me for awhile.
Very few seem aware or care, so to speak.
“…control the flow of information and you can control the event.” – internet user Cisco
The psychology of programming of the masses intrigues me.
This documentary explains pretty clearly how and why people can be controlled.
Tap peoples emotions NOT their logic. It’s really pretty easy. It’s not magic, it’s literally mind control. It works very well about 95% of the time.
IMO – One of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen.
🙂 Catch it while you can.
Ethos (2012)
Full Movie – free (68 min)
Narrated by Woody Harrelson
Ethos trailer (3 min)
This video was on Vimeo and Youtube, but has since been removed.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG cloudy sky
6:10a INT 51.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.1 CPM
East los Angeles 10 minute average ambient levels
External- 41 cpm
Internal-37 cpm
All normal on the east side at 9:00pm
todos los niveles normales en el este de los Angeles a las 9:00pm
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500 survey meter
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 50.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.4 CPM
Here is a report from 7/21/13
Heavy ltng/thunder/rain lasting 1/2 hr…from West to East
1…170.5 cpm @ 7:53 pm
2….29.3 cpm background @ 8:05 pm
3….5.82 X background
Note also 2 short storms since last report and this which were LESS than 1 X background…Both storms traveling from East to West…a rarity! Higher readings definitely coming from West/SouthWest/South.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 44.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.5 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update July 22, 2013: Fast-paced half hour with EPA RadNet analysis of cities with high rad readings including Bakersfield, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Pierre, South Dakota; upcoming special investigation yielding nuggets like fact no US nuclear plant concrete containment no matter size or shape can contain meltdown or spent fuel fire!
From our friends at the Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network:
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) today applauded the recent American Medical Association (AMA) resolution that calls on the U.S. government to test all U.S. seafood for radiation and fully report the results to the public. The AMA joins FFAN in demanding the public’s ‘Right to Know’ regarding radiation levels in food. The California Medical Association (CMA) initiated the resolution.
In March of 2013, in response to the worst ongoing nuclear disaster in history at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, FFAN coalition member groups Beyond Nuclear, Citizens for Health and Ecological Options Network filed a legal Citizen Petition through the official process of the United States Department of Health Services Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The FFAN Citizen Petition points out that the U.S. currently has the highest allowable limits for radioactive Cesium 134 and 137 in the world, 12 times higher in fact than Japan’s. “Food and beverages that are considered far too dangerous for consumption in Japan can be exported to U.S. citizens, including vulnerable children and pregnant women. This is an outrageous radioactive loophole that our lawmakers and FDA must address immediately,” states Kimberly Roberson, FFAN Director and author of “Silence Deafening, Fukushima Fallout.” Roberson continues, “We appreciate the AMA’s call for testing and encourage all to speak out for the additional steps required to protect our children as the current U.S. limits are still dangerously high.”
To that end, FFAN has petitioned the FDA to accept their petition into official process and lower the amount of man-made radiation currently allowed in U.S. food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals.
After the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded, children in Belarus were found to have heart and hormonal problems with approximately 1% of the current U.S. limit for radioactive Cesium in their bodies.
“We must demand our right to know what’s in our food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical products. The National Academy of Sciences has stated that there is no safe dose of radiation, therefore we reject the current FDA radiation in food policy. The limit the FDA has set will doom a certain number of people to unnecessary disease, particularly children who are much more vulnerable to radiation,” says Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear.
On July 10, 2013, the Japan Times reported that rising radioactivity levels in seawater off the coast of Fukushima measured 90,000 times more than officially “safe” drinking water. This is in ocean water that migratory fish, such as bluefin tuna spawn and swim in before crossing the Pacific to U.S. coastal waters. Bluefin tuna caught off San Diego in an August 2012 study demonstrated elevated amounts of Cesium 134 and 137, which are considered characteristic isotopic markers for Fukushima radiation.
Both AMA and FFAN want a national database, and we invite others to join us in demanding that FDA reduces the amount of radiation permitted in our food.
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) is a coalition of groups and concerned citizens working for safe food policy in the U.S. For more information please visit http://www.FFAN.us and http://www.silencedeafening.com
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.9 CPM
July 22, 2013
10:30am INT RAIN SAMPLE taken 12 hours after its precipitation in Santa Monica garden: 48.1 CPM^ 16.8% HIGHER than BACKGROUND LEVEL w/ no radon progeny. Result over Inspector’s +/- 15% margin of error.
10:15am INT BG: 41.2 CPM^
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
6:10a INT 47.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.6 CPM
East Los Angeles 10 minute average ambient levels t 4:45 pm
external-51 CPM
internal 47 CPM
all normal reading on the east side.
Todos los niveles normales a las 4:45 pm.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
7:45a EXT 53.2 CPM
7:55a INT 47.2 CPM
Possible fires seen on Fukushima webcam in early July, plus huge levels of Tritium, Cesium and Strontium detected from recent tests of water from bore holes at Fukushima nuclear plant.
There also have been lots of large steam events recently caught on the Fukushima live webcams.
This all points to the possibility that underground re-criticalities are occurring, or have occurred recently at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site.
For recent reports of the huge detections of Tritium, Cesium and Strontium at the site, go to the Pacific Ocean heading, under the International detection list at,
Thanks to enenews webcam forum commenter ‘pure water’ for the screen shots of the possible fire at reactor 3. One other suggestion is it is not a fire. They were burning off Tritium near the reactor 3 building.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy sky
8:10a EXT 49.3 CPM
8:20a INT 50.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG smoky sky from Idyllwild fire
6:40a EXT 53.4 CPM
6:50a INT 46.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7;45a EXT 55.3 CPM
7:55a INT 50.0 CPM
Great interview the other night on Rense Radio!
(the 15th of July)
Also wanted to say that everyone should take a periodic look at the US EPA RADnet Data Graphs. Very nicely done. Thanks EnviroReporter.
Being 1.5 hours drive north of Bakersfield and at an even higher elevation really makes me wonder. The Bakersfield readings are very HIGH in comparison to almost everywhere else except Fresno which is 1.5 hours to my north.
Is there any way to tell what the readings in Bakersfield were like, say 4 or more years ago? Again, just wondering. A comparison might say a lot.
East los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels at 10:45am
Internal-47 cpm
External- 50 cpm
All normal on the east side
todos los niveles ambientales de radioactvidad estan normalized a las 10:45am
Vector v
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:15a EXT 51.4 CPM
8:25a INT 47.9 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update July 15, 2013: One of the best shows ever with “EPA Nukes Radiation Rules” discussed in lively interview. Jeff is amazed by new allowance of Plutonium-239 in soil so high that it will induce fatal cancer with 100% certainty eight times over!
After the show, we received the nicest message from Rusty E. in Matawan New Jersey that we wanted to share because folks like Rusty make all the work worth it:
Hi Mike,
I have to tell you how much we enjoy your reports weekly during your
appearances. It’s so refreshing to hear real data, developments – and
we love your sense of humor. After all, it is a depressing subject.
Your spark of humor and unique delivery helps us get the point, but
not so that we’re numb by the end. Instead, we’re motivated to tell
others about the information, yours/Jeff’s program and the radiation
developments. Keep up the good work.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:55a EXT 55.9 CPM
7:05a INT 46.1 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:15a INT 48.7 CPM
7:25a EXT 53.0 CPM
East los Angeles ambient levels at 7:45pm. 10 minute integrate
External-46 cpm
Internal-44 cpm
All normal levels
It seems as if things may be getting out of control in Fukushima!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:20a INT 51.1 CPM
6:30a EXT 53.7 CPM
East los Angeles 10 minute average ambient count rate
Internal-46 cpm
External- 49 cpm at 9:00am
All normal readings on the east side
Todo normal en el este de los Angeles
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:20a INT 46.8 CPM
7:30a EXT 51.1 CPM
Dear Mr. Collins,
Please be aware of soon-to-be-released response to public comments from Cal EPA’s DTSC regarding their nuclear, chemical, and in-situ gun range contaminant cleanup plan at Chatsworth Park South (CPS). Tunnel #26 connects Simi Valley to CPS. This train tunnel is over 7000 feet long and bleeds contaminated-by-Rocketdyne (?!) groundwater that illegally flows out ends of the tunnel and is allowed to ‘settle out’ in the middle of the old skeet shooting range at CPS. Every day of the year, thousands of gallons of this tunnel goo is then mixed with exposed soils laden with high amounts of lead & arsenic shot plus Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon target pieces (aka skeet pigeons), dioxins, furans, plus other firing range goo — creating, in effect, a SUPER GOO…
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly cloudy
6:10a INT 45.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.7 CPM
NRC Regional Office Webinar to Discuss Agency Steps on Palisades Water Tank
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Region III office will hold a webinar on July 16 to discuss the agency’s response to the leak from the safety injection refueling water tank that occurred May 5 at the Palisades nuclear plant near South Haven, Mich.
The office, located in Lisle, Ill., will present information about the NRC’s close monitoring of the plant’s actions to identify the source of the leak and conduct repairs to ensure the tank’s safety going forward. The plant returned to service June 17 after the tank was repaired.
NRC inspectors independently verified the condition of the tank before Palisades could start up. Even though there is no current evidence of leakage from the tank, NRC Resident Inspectors at the plant continue to monitor its condition through visual examinations and other reviews.
“We remain committed to the high level of openness and engagement with the public,” said Region III Administrator Charles Casto. “This webinar will give us an opportunity to talk to participants about issues we know are of interest to the community and answer questions.”
The webinar will be held at 5:30 p.m EDT. Participants will be able to view presentation slides prepared by NRC staff and submit questions in writing over the Internet. Interested members of the public must to register at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/431957345 or follow the instructions on the meeting notice in order to participate. If you need assistance with registration, call 888-259-8414.
NRC Will Hold Meeting to Discuss Status of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public meeting on July 24 to discuss the NRC’s ongoing oversight and inspection activities at the Fort Calhoun nuclear plant. The plant, located 19 miles north of Omaha, Neb. is owned and operated by Omaha Public Power District (OPPD).
Fort Calhoun has been shut down for a refueling outage prior to the 2011 Missouri River flooding, and remained shutdown to address a breaker fire and other restart complications.
The meeting will be held from 6-9 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, 3321 South 72 St., Omaha. Following NRC and OPPD presentations, the public will have opportunities to ask the NRC questions about Fort Calhoun and the regulator’s oversight activities.
This meeting is one of a series the NRC is holding to keep the public informed about OPPD’s effort to address performance issues. No restart decision will be made at the meeting.
Pacifica Readings
Taken 7/9/2013
BG 27.9 cpm – taken before measuring samples at home
LMB Air 31.8
LMB 7 39.5
LMB 8 34.9
LMB Air 31.8
LMB Creek 27.3
PWS 1 26.9
PWS 2 30.2
PWS 3 27.7
PWS 4 30.7
PWS 5 32.3
PWS 6 28.9
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 43.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.1 CPM
July 10, 2013
10:15pm INT RAIN SAMPLE: 68.1 CPM^ 126.6% of BACKGROUND LEVEL HIGHER w/ no radon progeny
10:00pm INT BG: 53.4 CPM^
The background is highish and the measurement larger than the +/- 15% error range making it valid. RadNet Los Angeles is still down so can’t compare. Anaheim looks good. Simi Valley & East Los Angeles are solid.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 50.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.8 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update July 8, 2013: Special 1-hour show with Fukushima corium wrecking groundwater flowing into Pacific; new EnviroReporter.com US EPA RadNet beta and gamma air monitoring data for 48 states & Puerto Rico made user-friendly; new EPA emergency rad regs that raise limits thousands of times & much more!
East Los Angeles checks in this morning with 10 minute average ambient levels at 6:45 am.
exterior 49 CPM
interior 46 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles, ca a las 6:45 am
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 49,9 CPM
Now is the time for you to comment on the EPA’s radical new plan to loosen up radiation standards for air, water and soil during an emergency – and beyond – as our coverage will soon show later this week. But with only one week left until comment cutoff on Monday July 15, we’ve decided to give you a head start.
June 2013 report on local background radiation levels, and rain test results.
Background radiation report
Here are the June charts for this location, day averages, 2013 month averages, and for comparison, the 2012 month averages. The June 2013 local background radiation level was 7% above the 4 year pre Fukushima June average.
Day averages June 2013
Month averages 2013
Month averages 2012
Rain water Test
Junes local rain water test detected Beryllium Be-7, Uranium U-235 ?, Lead Pb-210, and possibly I-129 in trace amounts. (See test chart). At the location here, June was a very wet month, with over 300 mm of rain. A lot of water went through the filter. Even so, the amount of these isotopes that were detected, was less than previous months.
Food Report
Food contamination fears still persist in Japan, and will for decades. This short video by Jamie Williams of the New York Times, clearly explains why private food testing has become a necessity to protect families, and children in Japan.
Keep an eye on Enviroreporter’s “Radiation Food Lab”
for the latest food detection reports.
Quick moderate 10min shower from S to N….Sample off car a bit dirty..
1…340.1 CPM @ 12:01 pm
2….27.2 CPM background @ 12:12 pm
3…12.5 X background
FYI…South of my address approximately 20 miles “as the crow flies” are the 2 McGUIRE I II nuke plants may be adding to this count??
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:05a EXT 52.2 CPM
8:15a INT 46.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:55a EXT 46.5 CPM
9:05a INT 46.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:40a INT 46.0 CPM
7:50a EXT 46.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 50.6 CPM
7:40a INT 47.1 CPM
The interview in this article provides deep insights into the seriousness of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster, and Tepco’s management mind set.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 47.1 CPM
10 minute interval ambient levels east los Angeles,ca @4:30pm
External-49cpm- normal
Internal 45cpm- normal
All reading within normal range
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles a las 4:30pm
Survey meter:WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.8 CPM
@Chase: Note that I didn’t take these measurements so I didn’t make the comment about the 300-400 cpm range at altitude. Indeed, in our two articles Seasons Readings and Winter Hot Zones we refer to S.E. International’s “Radiation Detection Basics” page which says “when you fly in an airplane at 30,000 feet your rate meter may measure 200 CPM (.2 mR) for 2 to 5 hours.”
Bottom line: 30,000 feet = ~200 cpm not 300-400 cpm.
Re Airplane:
The 300 – 400 cpm is what I remember also. With an extreme high considered to be 700.
All of your rad readings are above that.
I remember this from when I was researching ‘Dark Lightning’ and it’s dangers. I went back to a saved link, but it’s no longer there. (?)
IMO – Pregnant women, small children, absolutely should not fly.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
6:10a INT 49.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a EXT 50.4 CPM
8:15a INT 45.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:40a EXT 49.5 CPM
8:50a INT 47.9 CPM
From Radiation Station Pacifica California
SFO-AUS Sample 1
BG = 22.1 cpm *
Timed = 60 min
Sample = 923.3 cpm
SFO-AUS Sample 2
BG = 22.1 cpm *
Timed = 10 min
Sample = 974.4 cpm
AUS Terminal
BG =
Timed = 10 min
Sample = 38.2 cpm
BG = 29.9 cpm *
Timed = 60 min
Sample = 1026.5 cpm
BG = 44.2 cpm *
Timed = 30 min
Sample = 899.0 cpm
* 10 min sample measured in plane prior to takeoff.
DEN Terminal
BG =
Timed = 10 min
Sample = 60.6 cpm
– SFO = San Francisco, CA
– AUS = Austin, TX
– DEN = Denver, CO
– MSP = Minneapolis-St Paul, MN
– All inflight samples were taken at cruising altitude: 35-37k feet.
– Data indicates levels at this these altitudes should be ~300-400 cpm, but I can’t find definitive data regarding this.
No: 13-053 June 24, 2013
CONTACT: Scott Burnell, 301-415-8200
NRC Seeks Public Comment on Spent Fuel Pool Study
The NRC is interested in comments on a draft study examining if faster removal of spent reactor fuel from pools to dry cask storage significantly reduces risks to public health and safety. Based on previous research showing earthquakes present the dominant risk for spent fuel pools, the draft study evaluated how pool leakage from a potential earthquake might cause the spent fuel to overheat and release radioactive material to the environment. The draft study concludes there is approximately a one-in-10-million-years chance of a severe earthquake causing a radioactive release from the pool at the site examined.
The NRC began the study following the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, where the spent fuel pools survived a strong earthquake. The study considered a spent fuel pool similar to those at Fukushima and 23 other U.S. reactors, and an earthquake several times stronger than what the pool’s design considered. The study examined both a “full” spent fuel pool and one with less fuel and more spacing between individual fuel assemblies, as well as emergency procedures for adding water to the pool in the unlikely event that the earthquake causes the pool to lose water.
“Our detailed analysis showed that even a very strong earthquake has a low probability of damaging the pool studied to the point of losing water,” said Brian Sheron, Director of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. “The draft study also shows that even if this particular pool was damaged, the fuel could be kept safely cool in all but a few exceptional circumstances. We’ll use the final study to inform further analysis of U.S. spent fuel pools.”
In cases where the analysis led to fuel damage, the draft study concluded existing emergency procedures would keep the population around the plant safe. Those emergency measures could mean relocating people from a large area of potentially contaminated land. The study also examined the potential benefits of moving all spent fuel older than five years (and therefore easier to cool) into storage casks within five years. For the scenarios examined, the study concluded faster fuel transfer to casks would not provide a significant safety benefit for the plant studied. The NRC will incorporate public comments and use the final study in a broader regulatory analysis of the spent fuel pools at U.S. operating nuclear reactors as part of its Japan Lessons-Learned activities.
The public and interested groups can comment on the study, using Docket ID NRC-2013-0136 on the Regulations.gov website, for 30 days following publication of a notice in the Federal Register, expected shortly. Comments can also be submitted, using the Docket ID, via mail to
Cindy Bladey
Chief, Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch (RADB)
Office of Administration, Mail Stop: TWB-05-B01M
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555
The study will be available on the Regulations.gov website, as well as in the agency’s electronic document database, ADAMS, under accession number ML13133A132.
East los Angeles at 2:00pm
External-48 cpm
Internal-46 cpm
All normal levels on the east side with 100 degree heat
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.5 CPM
@biggee – the information in that video is sickening. Thank you very much for posting for us to see.
In regards to last message this is the 1st DANE WIGINGTON Live talk from Youtube to watch FIRST!! It should take PRECIDENCE above ALL others…..Im lost for words….PLEASE Watch and email to friends….Comments appreciated
I have 2 rain sample reports
6/25/13…short thunder/lightning shower 10 min from W to E
1…60.3 CPM @ 6:24 pm
2…29.5 CPM background @ 6:35 pm
3…2.04 x background
6/27/13…Short moderate shower about 5-7 min from W to E
1…121.8 CPM @ 5:39 pm
2…30.7 CPM background @ 5:50 pm
3…= 3.97 x background
Im also adding a MUST VIEW interview GEORGE NOORY/DANE WIGINGTON on how WEATHER MODIFICATION is gone “outa-hand” and they have LOST CONTROL of it….WW#/radiation/Fukushima/GMO foods ALL take a back seat to Destruction to Life on this planet…..YOUR RESPONSES APPRECIATED…..
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 44.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Posted by the the site admin of netc.com radiation monitoring site. The dark red and black markers on the map, indicate locations in Japan, where there have been recent increasing radiation detections.
“The radiation in Japan is increasing south as seen on the map. It looks like South Korea should have increased radiation from Japan.”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.9 CPM
East los angeles 10 minute average at 3:45 pm.
internal 45 CPM
external 48 CPM
all normal readings on the east side
Todo nivel ambiental normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 3;45pm
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500 survey meter
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 51.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:05a EXT 47.6 CPM
8:15a INT 49.2 CPM
Here’s a TOP 10 list of the most radioactive places on Earth. (with photos)
Can you guess which site is number 1 on the list?
Hint: It’s ongoing with no end in sight and is setting the bar for radioactive contamination on a global scale.
I am sure the list of ‘known’ contamination sites worldwide must be staggering.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:40a INT 45.3 CPM
6:50a EXT 49.8 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.7 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update June 17, 2013: Taut one-hour show starting with amazing images of Pacific hot zones of water matching Sea of Goo floating on the Kuroshio Current towards North America. Custom-video illutstrates just how far in the drink Pacific users and exploiters are two years after Fukushima Dai-ichi meltdowns began; more startling San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station exclusive exposures; Boeing’s meltdown makeover with reputation-shredding antics.
East Los Angeles, CA at 7:45 am
external 46CPM-normal
internal 40 CPM-normal
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 57.9 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 43.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 46.9 CPM
Back from a short road trip.
East Los Angeles checks in with 48 CPM external 10 minute average-normal for this area
internal-45 CPM-normal for this area
All normal ambient readings on the east side
Todo nivel de radioactividad ambiental normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 6:15pm
WB Johnson GSM 500 survey meter
Moderate shower from W to E. Some thunder/lightning N & S.
1…129.7 CPM @ 7:39 pm
2….28.7 CPM background @ 7:50 pm
3….4.52 X background
@Chase: We will more than reply to this in the form of a series of articles soon to appear weeks before the end of comments. USEPA is quite keen on what we have to say according to inside sources. So will you be.
@Rich: Thank you for making us aware of this must-see link with daily images of the Pacific Ocean heat anomalies. We discussed it extensively last night on the 6/17/13 Michael Collins Radiation Update, thanks to you.
@vital1/Peter, Dr. Solar, Simi Rich, Hector & Biggee: Thank you so much for your outstanding work contributing to your respective Radiation Stations. We are most fortunate for your excellent work.
@Chase: We will more than reply to this in the form of a series of articles soon to appear weeks before the end of comments. USEPA is quite keen on what we have to say according to inside sources. So will you be.
@Rich: Thank you for making us aware of this must-see link with daily images of the Pacific Ocean heat anomalies. We discussed it extensively last night on the 6/17/13 Michael Collins Radiation Update, thanks to you.
@vital1/Peter, Dr. Solar, Simi Rich, Hector & Biggee: Thank you so much for your outstanding work contributing to your respective Radiation Stations. We are most fortunate for your excellent work.
Some updates on PAG at the EPA.
EPA is seeking public comment on a proposed revision of the current PAG Manual:
The update, titled “PAG Manual: Protective Action Guides and Planning Guidance for Radiological Incidents,” includes new science, expands the document’s relevancy to more than just nuclear power plants and incorporates recent guidance on re-entry, cleanup and waste disposal.
Comments must be received by 07/15/2013.
Submit comment guidelines:
IMO – It seems a bit complex, but maybe someone here could add their 2 cents.
What’s your “LOC” today?
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 56.6 CPM
OK guys, sorry if you’ve seen this before:
Go to: http://www.weather.unisys.com/surface/sst_anom.gif
You will see a sea surface temperature hotspot ballooning out off the NE coast of Japan. It is changing by the day! A few months ago this was quite severe, it then vanished for a while and has now started up again.
I dont know if this is due to normal volcanic activity in the region, or if there is a criticality on, or under the sea bed that is causing this.
There’s also a hotpot towards the west cost of the US – could this be the sea of radioactive debris that we hear about?
Hopefully somebody with some scientific insight can explain these charts.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 56.3 CPM
Happy Father’s Day!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly overcast sky
7:50a EXT 47.9 CPM
8:00a INT 45.1 CPM
This loving couple will most certainly have their lives cut short.
Probably on their honeymoon. Little did they suspect, and in the end they will never know, that a simple stroll down the beach on a cool foggy day would kill them.
It’s not fair! 🙁
Ducks · On the Beach · FINAL FLIGHT
(I was able to capture three frames.)
Tribute… Screenshot video:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:15a INT 49.1 CPM
6:25a EXT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 58.1 CPM
Large storm/heavy wind moving W to E.Lightning/thunder N and S.Winds knocked out power here.Im doing this test in dark with artificial lights.1/2 hr moderate showers passed after power outage
1…224.2 CPM @ 6:10 pm
2…30.2 CPM background @ 6:21 pm
3…7.42 X background
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 50.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 55.0 CPM
East Los Angeles,ca 10 minute average ambient at 7:50am
Internal-40 counts per minute
External-48 counts per minute
All normal on the east side
Todo normal en Los Angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500 survey meter
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 44.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.0 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 49.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.3 CPM
This is either 3rd or 4th heavy shower today. I was home to collect sample of this one… Heavy rain thunder/lightning/wind shower from SW to NE about 25 minutes.
1…73.9 CPM @ 3:58 pm
2…27.3 CPM Background @ 4:09 pm
3…2.71 x background and minimal radon prodigy due to the proceeding showers
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 47.7 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.2 CPM
Early morning screenshot of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Facility.
Here’s my screenshot photo.
This is an original.
It has not been filtered or manipulated.
Rainbow-like Emissions Jun 9th 3:33 jst
Watch this for 3 or 4 minutes and you’ll really get the picture.
Source video fuku1long at 15 minutes in:
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
8:05a EXT 51.8 CPM
8:15a INT 45.0 CPM
East Los Angeles checks in with 49 CPM external at 10:15am and 45 counts per minute internal 10 minute average.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
7:30a INT 48.1 CPM
7:40a EXT 52.5 CPM
A: There is no 100% quantitative way to tie it to Fukushima, you can only make qualitative correlations based on the magnitude detected vs what would be expected, and other factors like opportunity and timing.
B: I-129 is the most dangerous thing listed in the EPA’s drinking water limits. Its limit is 1 piCu/L. The limit for I-131 is 3 piCu/L. see
C: That is a question people have to answer for themselves; Post Fukushima, my concern would be is the Iodine supplement also contaminated with I-129. (Japan produces 21% of the worlds iodine, see http://www.iofina.com/mid-stream-iodine-business/iodine )
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels at 11:15am 6/7/13
external 49 CPM-probe on ground
internal 45 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todo normal en el este de los angeles, ca a las 11:15am
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ “pancake” probe
Very good news, regarding the closure of SONGS! One less potential radiation risk for the So Cal area… Now, if we could just stop that nasty Pacific Ocean radiation plume coming from Fukushima. It’s the 9,000 pound gorilla in the room, but everyone acts as if it isn’t there. It is literally breathing hot poison down all of our necks. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, and it never stops.
Op-Ed News article “Swan SONGS” coming later today
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 44.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.5 CPM
@ Potrblog “it is not “proof” in a scientific sense.” Agreed
Radioactive I-129 is a lot less radioactive than the I-131, they are both released during a nuclear reactor melt down, at a fixed ratio of 3 parts iodine-131 to one part iodine-129.
Half life 1-131 8 day, in the environment 80 days +.
Half Life I-129 15.7 million years.
I-129 can also be naturally produced in the upper atmosphere by a process call cosmic spallation.
1-129 can bio accumulate in the environment.
The questions being debated here are.
A. If it is a I-129 detection, is it from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster?
B. Does it pose a health risk? (It is far less radioactive that I-131.)
C. Would it be wise to take Iodine supplements, if a significant extra amount of it was being released into the environment, and bio accumulating?
Potrblog as you suggested, I will see if I can source a sample from a sea water evaporation zone, and test it.
Two heavy showers today about 1/2 hr+ from SW to NE
1…92.2 CPM @ 2:13 pm
2…33.1 CPM Background @ 2:23 pm
….2.79 X background
2nd shower
1…154.0 CPM @ 4:53 PM
2…30.6 CPM background @ 5:04 pm
….5.03 X background
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Note how the second reading is twice as high as the first reading where most of any potential radon progeny would have been washed out. This strongly suggests another radiation source such as continued air emissions from Fukushima and ongoing resuspension of radioactive particulates caused by the triple meltdowns of March 11, 2011.]
@vital1, its not “proof” in a scientific sense. But that type of information is useful in making risk assessments.
The Be-7 would come from Tepco pumping nitrogen (likely liquid) into the reactor. I would think your exposure would be from ocean currents and evaporation. Ocean water sampling from those evaporation zones would give a better indication. The difficulty would be getting the sample, and then precipitating out the elements in question out of the solution in effort to get the best reading.
Local cow thyroids would also be an interesting place to test.
According to Arnie Gundersen…
There have been 5 meltdowns over a 35 year period. That averages to 1 meltdown every 7 years.
There is NO OFF switch in a Nuclear Power plant. 🙁
Fukushima Lessons for Nuclear Power in California
– Excerpt 3
by youtube user MsMilkytheclown1 ·
According to Arnie Gundersen…
There have been 5 meltdowns over a 35 year period. That averages to 1 meltdown every 7 years.
There is NO OFF switch in a Nuclear Power plant. 🙁
Fukushima Lessons for Nuclear Power in California
– Excerpt 3
by youtube user MsMilkytheclown1·
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG partly overcast sky
6:40a INT 46.7 CPM
6:50a EXT 52.5 CPM
10 minute internal and external ambient average E. Los Angeles, CA
internal 42CPM
external 44 CPM
all normal readings on the east side at 8:00pm
Todo normal en el este de los angeles, ca
a las 8:00pm
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ HP-265 Probe
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 48.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.4 CPM
Is this proof, that some of the Beryllium Be-7 in our rain tests here in Australia, is from Fukushima?
This is open for discussion, I am interested in positive feedback,
and alternative views on the test results.
Read this previous post in the EnviroReporter “Radiation Food Lab”, to get information on why a I-129 detection is a pointer to Beryllium Be-7 coming from Fukushima.
Looks like a detection of Iodine I-129 from the tin roof down pipe polyester filter. It was collecting rain off a 36 sqm tin roof at my location.
Test chart
If it is, it is still a very small detection of I-129, because the filter was in place for all of May. Mind you, not all of it would have been captured using this filter system. Lots of Beryllium Be-7 is also present! If this is present in the Southern Hemisphere, it would suggest that there is a lot more in the rain in the Northern Hemisphere!
Nimbin Australia has been getting huge Radon washouts this year. The rain swab test charts from that location have been showing lots of Lead Pd-210 and Beryllium Be-7. Lead Pb-210 is the end isotope of the Radon daughter decay chain.
Nimbin test chart
Because the I-129 at 39.6 keV, and Pb-210 at 46.5 keV, have energy peaks so close together it can be difficult to tell them apart with a NAI scintillator. If they are present at the same time, the peak that shows will drift toward the 39.6 kev if more I-129 is present, and towards 46.5 keV if more Pb-210 is present.
The experimental Theremino MCA V4.5 software used in this test is a bit noisy near background. It is a lot more sensitive than the other scintillator MCA software I use. It is just that the noise at low CPS activity can make it harder to interpret isotope peaks.
Disclaimer: I am an amateur. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 46.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.4 CPM
Concerned citizens of Southern California are honored to announce that the former Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, will be their guest on June 4th to share his perspectives on nuclear safety and the future of sustainable alternatives. Kan was prime minister in March 2011 when an earthquake and tsunami triggered the catastrophe at the Fukushima-daiichi nuclear plant. He was confronted by three reactor meltdowns and a nuclear crisis that persists to this day. Other distinguished speakers will include top names in the industry.
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Location: Map
Chambers of the County Board of Supervisors,
1600 Pacific Highway,
San Diego, CA, 3rd Floor
Time: Doors open at 8:00 AM (come early for parking)
Webcast begins at 8:30 AM (PDT)
Q&A will be taken at the end of the event for as long as time permits.
Please join and promote our Facebook event.
Naoto Kan, Former Prime Minister of Japan
In 2011, Mr. Kan was Japan’s Prime Minister during the Fukushima nuclear disaster. At one point Japan faced a situation where there was a chance that people might not be able to live in the capital zone including Tokyo and would have to evacuate. Mr. Kan declared the need for Japan to end its reliance on atomic power and promote renewable sources of energy, such as solar that have long taken a back seat in the resource-poor country’s energy mix. Mr. Kan resigned as Prime Minister in August 2011 and now serves the Democratic Party of Japan to garner support for alternative energy policies.
Gregory Jaczko, Former Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Mr. Jaczko was first sworn in as a Commissioner of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on January 21, 2005. On May 13, 2009, President Obama designated him the organization’s Chairman. During the Fukushima crisis, Chairman Jaczko recommended that Americans evacuate 50 miles outside Fukushima. On February 9, 2012 Mr. Jaczko cast the lone dissenting vote on plans to build the first new nuclear power plant in more than 30 years when the NRC voted 4-1 to allow Atlanta-based Southern Co. to build and operate two new nuclear power reactors at its existing Vogtle nuclear power plant in Georgia. He cited safety concerns stemming from Japan’s 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, stating, “I cannot support issuing this license as if Fukushima never happened.” His pro-safety stance caused much friction with the other commissioners, resulting in his departure from the NRC. He has since been appointed to a post on a Congressional panel overseeing the National Nuclear Security Administration.
Peter A. Bradford, former member of the NRC
Mr. Bradford was a member of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission during the Three Mile Island accident. He was also the former chair of the New York and Maine utility regulatory commissions, Peter Bradford has taught at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and currently is an Adjunct Professor at Vermont Law School teaching “Nuclear Power and Public Policy”. A member of the China Sustainable Energy Policy Council, he served on a recent panel evaluating the reliability of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Panel advising how best to replace the remaining Chernobyl nuclear plants in Ukraine, a panel on the opening of the Mochovce nuclear power plant in Slovakia, and the Keystone Center collaborative on nuclear power and climate change. He is the author of “Fragile Structures: A Story of Oil Refineries, National Securities and the Coast of Maine” and many articles. He is a graduate of Yale University and the Yale Law School and is Vice Chair of the board of The Union of Concerned Scientists.
Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Associates
Arnold “Arnie” Gundersen is chief engineer of energy consulting company, Fairewinds Associates. Arnie Gundersen has 40-years of nuclear power engineering experience. He attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) where he earned his Bachelor Degree cum laude while also becoming the recipient of a prestigious Atomic Energy Commission Fellowship for his Masters Degree in nuclear engineering. Arnie holds a nuclear safety patent, was a licensed reactor operator, and is a former nuclear industry senior vice president. During his nuclear power industry career, Arnie also managed and coordinated projects at 70-nuclear power plants in the US.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 43.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.8 CPM
Sunshine Coast,
Monthly report
Monitoring location
The May 2013 monthly average was 7% above the pre-Fukushima monthly average for May. This is the same as May 2012. (See charts below) This would suggest that at our location, background radiation levels have stabilized for the time being.
Month averages 2013
Month averages 2012
May, day local background averages
We now also have in place a new live monitoring station in Australia, near Melbourne, at Grovedale in Victoria . The live Grovedale Victorian Australian charts can be found on this page.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 49.5 CPM
7:40a INT 50.9 CPM
Tornado Damage, Car Wreck, Radioactive Fire, Another Day In Saint Louis.
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute external ambient level at 6:15pm 46 CPM. All normal on the east side.
Todo normal nivel ambiental 46 CPM en el este de Los Angeles 10 minutos promedio
WB Johnson nstruments GSM 500 with Pancake GM probe
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute external ambient level at 6:15pm 46 CPM. All normal on the east side.
Todo normal nivel ambiebtal 46 CPM en el este de Los Angeles 10 minutos promedio
WB Johnson nstruments GSM 500 with Pancake GM probe
UPDATE: minor tree damage at STL underground radioactive landfill fire, Radiation levels 33 cpm upwind and 27 cpm downwind; major tree damage at nearby Holiday Inn Express; no indications of casualties, video to follow later.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 54.1 CPM
7:40a INT 50.4 CPM
East Los Angeles 10 minute ambient levels
interior 42CPM
exterior 43CPM
all normal on the east side at 10:44pm
Todo normal en el este de los angeles
WB Johnson GSM 500+pancake probe
ALERT! Tornado Strikes At Radioactive Underground Landfill Fire In Saint Louis
Tornado related Mass causality event reported at Holiday Inn at Earthcity, Mo. within a few thousand feet of the WestLake superfund site. The landfill was in the direct path of the tornado, immediate radioactive risk assumed low, but bears watching
From Residents Organized For a Safe Environment:
Sen Boxer 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510, (202)224-3553
Email address and Phone #’s of the NRC commission below.
Chairman@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-1750
CMRSVINICKI@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-1855
CMRAPOSTOLAKIS@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-1810
CMRMAGWOOD@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-8420
CMROSTENDORFF@nrc.gov Tel: 301-415-1800
AP Exclusive: Calif Sen Boxer wants Justice Dept probe on troubled San Onofre nuclear plant
Another very strong action that can be taken over the next few weeks is to write CEO Ted Craver of Southern California Edison asking him to make the tough financial decisions to SHUTDOWN SONGS for good and start the decommissioning process at San Onofre for the good of the ratepayers in California, property owners in the future children of California.
It is time to replace nuclear power with solar and you can start immediately by doing rooftop solar in areas that are projected to have grid instability in San Diego & Orange counties.
I believe if we can get 10,000 California ratepayers to send him a letter saying the same thing we can make a big impact on him.
His mailing address is:
Theodore (Ted) Craver Jr.
Southern California Edison
P.O. Box 800
Rosemead, CA. 91770
Gene Stone
Residents Organized For a Safe Environment (ROSE)
949-233-7724, On twitter @gene_stone
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 46.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.6 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 45.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 53.9 CPM
East los Angeles checks in with 10 minute ambient levels
Interior 45 cpm
External 48cpm
All normal on the east side at 7:25pm
Yay!!!! Sorry if this has already been posted. Just saw it and had to tell somebody. It is also in my general local area (i’m in north San Diego County). Thanks to all who put effort into this case!!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG some high clouds
6:10a INT 51.3 CPM
6:20a EXT 46.7 CPM
@ABC Unfortunately I have no contacts in those regions who have been willing to share monitoring information.
Thanks for the “Editor’s note”. That is a very informative source you mentioned. I was also wondering about geiger readings in other areas up north, in Northern Territory, Western Australia (i said SA but i meant WA), and northern Queensland. Maybe i overlooked some info, i’ll check again.
I’d like to thank those that serve/served in our military to give us the freedom we have today!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 50.3 CPM
7:40a INT 46.7 CPM
Happy Memorial Day Weekend. East Los Angeles, CA checks in with 10 minute ambient levels at 3:07pm
internal 45CPM
external 48 CPM
all normal on the east side
Niveles Normales de Radioactividad ambiental a las 3:07PM
45 CPM-interior
48CPM exterior
WB Johnston Instruments GSM 500+pancake probe
I just checked out the site netc.com – some crazy readings. Anyone know whether it’s possible that the latest CMEs from solar activity could cause that? From the geomagnetic storms or solar winds which are currently blowing through but dying down (solarham.net)? Just wondering, because of that wave of high readings.
Thanks for all your readings, resources and info!
@vital1 – been looking into going to Australia, maybe northward for winter. Never been there (checking out helpx.net, a work exchange program). But wondering whether you’d heard of any readings from NT, SA, or northern Q. Or the most reliable source to look up.
Thanks again for all your work and intent!
[Editor’s note – Radiation Station Sunshine Coast Australia is the most reliable source to look up, abc. And don’t forget to check vital1’s incredible Radiation Food Lab too for the world’s best data on hot, or not, food and drink in 12 nations, Europe and the Pacific Ocean.]
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
7:30a EXT 53.4 CPM
7:40a INT 46.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG mostly clear sky
7:40a EXT 52.1 CPM
7:50a INT 47.0 CPM
East Los Angeles at 8:00pm 10 minute average ambient readings
external 43 CPM
internal 40 CPM
all normal on the east side
Todos los niveles normales en el este de los angeles a las 8:00pm
Alert Level showing at Burlington Vermont, on the netc.com site 24th May 2013 at 23:40, plus 5 other stations showing significant increases down the east coast of the USA, from Vermont to The District of Columbia.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 43.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 54.3 CPM
East Los Angeles, CA 10 minute ambient average
exterior-48 CPM
interior-45 CPM
all normal on the east side at 4:15pm
Nivel de radioactividad ambiental 10 minutos promedio
interior 45 CPM
exterior 48 CPM
Todo normal en el este de los angeles
WB Johnson Instruments GSM 500+ “pancake” probe
These are some recent reports from the Nimbin monitoring station. Nimbin is located on the north east coast of New South Wales Australia. This location has been getting up to 10 uSv/hr + rain swab detections!
Alert Nimbin monitoring station 22 May 2013.
“Very high radon washout event currently in the Nimbin Valley. About 40 minutes ago, as I was leaving to drive to town for some supplies, I took a rain sample from the bonnet of my car (small sedan) using a cotton swab. When I returned home 25 minutes later I put the swab under my LND 7317 geiger counter and got 3974 counts in the first minute. That’s basically 10uSv/h! I’m logging it’s decay now….”
Nimbim update on the 22nd Alert Level detection 24.05.2013 –
“….and here’s the chart – http://youtu.be/j18DbxD5Oys”
Note: Large Radon washout events can be very localized, just because it is happening in one location does not mean it is happening at yours.
Alert Nimbin monitoring station 11 May 2013.
“Heavy downpours this morning have brought yet more radon progeny. A swab taken off the roof of the car (small sedan) this morning gave 2755cpm (LND7317) or ~6.8uSv/h. Ouch! Nimbin Update: After more than 500 minutes, here’s the decay chart –
I’ll send this one to be analysed too…”
Note: The Nimbin monitoring station has multiple Geiger Counters to verify detections.
Alert Nimbin monitoring station 2nd May 2013.
“Radon and friends are back! A little shower just now left behind 1900cpm (LND7317) on a swab taken from the car windscreen…Average here with LND7317 is 27CPM.”
Scintillator rain swabs test chart, for the 2nd and 11th May alert level rain event, at Nimbin Australia. They appear to be very large Radon washouts.
Theory put forward by the station operator for these huge detections.
“I live on the rim of a very large caldera and I suspect that the radon responsible for these events is forced out of the ground right here at times of high rainfall, when the fractures in the strata are inundated with water.
Often the mountain that is my back yard is under mist and I suspect that mist accumulates radon progeny which is then rained out. On to my bloody vegetable garden!”
Title: Hanford officials hid leak evidence from advisory panel
Date: May 21, 2013
…..measurable amounts of Cesium-137 and Strontium-90, two highly radioactive elements that are a byproduct of nuclear fission. Trace amounts of Plutonium 239/240 and Americium-241 were also detected.
….the materials were registering 800,000 dpm (disintegrations per minute), a high level of radioactivity
Good morning from East Los Angeles, CA
10 minute ambient average readings at 7:00am
interior 42 CPM
exterior 43 CPM
all normal ambient levels on the east side of town
Buenos dias desde el este de los angeles, ca
nivel ambiental
interio 42 CPM
exterior 43 CPM
todo normal en East Los
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500+”pancake” probe
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.2 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.8 CPM
Greetings from East Los Angeles, CA
10 minute average integrate at 10:15pm
exterior-40CPM all within normal range
Nivel ambiental de radioactividad a las 10:15pm
Todo los niveles estan normales
WB Johnson Instruments GSM-500
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 43.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 49.2 CPM
Michael Collins Radiation Update May 20, 2013: Special Michael/Denise Anne 9-year anniversary hour-long show with intensely radioactive black mold growing in Japan; ongoing Fukushima contamination undiminished but impacting Pacific more than air now; consumption of sushi, seaweed impacted by radiation; Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover scandal spreads; Oklahoma tornadoes & nuclear power plants plus more.
Large thunder/lightning showers moving S to N (not in jetstream)
1…229.5 CPM @ 4:07 pm
2…30.4 CPM background @ 4:20 pm
3…7.55 X background
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG high clouds
6:10a INT 51.4 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.9 CPM
Scintillator rain swabs test chart, for the 2nd and 11th May alert level rain event, at Nimbin Australia. It appears to be another very large Radon washout. The levels of Lead Pb-210 and Beryllium Be7 detected in these rain swabs, is much less than the Nimbin late January, and early February 2013 rain swabs.
Lead Pb-210 is the end product of the Radon isotope daughter decay chain.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 51.1 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.6 CPM
local central coast newspaper with an article on environmental health specialist testing japanese drift onto central cali beaches [of course it does not test for increased radiation levels]:
Been rebuilding my crashed pc the last couple weeks. About 1 1/2 weeks ago a rain shower reading was almost 2x background. Today a short/light thunder/lightning shower from S to N went through.
1..79.4 CPM @ 3:50 pm
2..29.2 CPM background @ 4:12 pm
Much lower than what its averaged in the past
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:05a EXT 47.9 CPM
8:15a INT 45.2 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
8:00a EXT 55.1 CPM
8:10a INT 48.1 CPM
Good morning from East Los Angeles, CA.
10 minute average
internal at 7:30am 39 counts per minute
external at 7:45am 45 counts per minute
all normal on the east side
Buenos dias, nivel de radioactividad ambiental son
interior a las 7;30am 39 Counts por minuto
interior a las 7:45am 45 counts por minuto
todo normal
WB Johnson GSM-500
While observing the TEPCO Web Cam I saw a team of white suited workers on top of Reactor #3. They were there for approximately 5 minutes.
IMO – This is significant in at least several ways.
1. Why were they using people to access R3 when they’ve got cranes with cameras?
2. What was there exposure? Lead suits did not work for Chernobyl. 🙁
Here’s the preset start time on recording at 19:15.
(that’s 2013-05-16 16:38 jst time clock)
Fuku1long 16:00 – 17:00
Time, Distance, Shielding…
“In some cases, improper shielding can actually make the situation worse, when the radiation interacts with the shielding material and absorbs in the organisms more readily.”
“…although high atomic number materials are very effective in shielding photons, using them to shield beta particles may cause higher radiation exposure due to the production of bremsstrahlung x-rays…”
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 45.5 CPM
6:20a EXT 51.7 CPM
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG overcast sky
6:10a INT 45.0 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.4 CPM
Crazy Radioactive Stench From Underground Fire At Superfund Landfill in Saint Louis. We take readings and video
East los angeles checks in with 47 CPM external 10 minute average and 45 CPM internal. All normal on the east side at 7:15pm
Nivel de radioactividad ambintal en el en el este de los angeles. 47 CPM-extrior
45 CPM en el interior. Todo normal a las 7:15pm
WB Johnson Instruments GMS 500
From our friends at San Clemente Green:
Thanks to a high level of grassroots support, we are doing pretty well on our petition and poll. Unfortunately we are still considerably short of our goals. We are counting on people like you to do what you can to reach out to others, more than ever before.
We need your help to give us one more big push ASAP. We will submit the results of the poll and petition by 8:00 am Thursday – May 16, to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), a few hours before they are closed for comments. The results will be submitted to the NRC as one aggregate statement from San Clemente Green. Your contact information will not be published or shared by us. Your non-deductible donations will be used to get the word out and cover other out-of-pocket expenses.
FYI – We have word that the tentative date for the final NRC meeting might be June 24th, just before their critical restart decision is determined. We’ll definitely let you know when more details are available. That is going to be our last chance to make an impression on the NRC, to let them know we don’t want Edison to do a nuclear experiment in our backyards. Please hold this date on your calendar and plan on being there. It is important to show up in great numbers.
There is also one more important way you can help our cause. Send in your own individual comment to the NRC. At this link you’ll find a couple of easy options to send a prepared statement or one of your own. You’ll be doubling your impact at a critical time before Edison can find away around public oversight and is allowed to recklessly restart a defective nuclear reactor.
Thank you for your help!
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 47.6 CPM
6:20a EXT 48.4 CPM
6:30a INT 51.1 CPM Re-take of paper towel sample from yesterday’s morning dew
Michael Collins Radiation Update May 13, 2013: Hard charging special hour show with breaking news that NRC must hold full public judicial-like hearing on SONGS restart; top DTSC honcho’s head roles for her regulating companies she has stock in; Boeing Meltdown Makeover continues with former Times reporter Gary Polakovic hard at work with Girl Scouts now coming to contaminated SSFL to plant trees for merit badges even as liability waiver Boeing uses declares no rights if sickened at lab yet visitor images can be used to keep selling radioactive lab as clean & more!
Jeff Rense has posted a photo-essay showing dead sea lions on the beach near San Onofre with a Radex detector showing mSv readings taken in March from different parts on the carcasses and sea weed. One photo shows a .48 mSv reading from the heart and liver region of a dead sea lion.
@Marge Brown, thanks for the link, too bad it was not scratch and sniff. Given the exponential stench growth over the last weeks, it is unbelievable that anyone can live near it. To bad all radioactivity doesn’t have the same stink.
The heart of the matter is individual property rights; we don’t have them anymore, and that’s how they get away with polluting their neighbors. In a free country, the neighbors would sue and a jury trial would take place in the stink zone. As it stands now, it will just be an excuse for more one size fits all regulations whose only true purpose is to stifle the free market.
Further testing of the morning dew sample taken from my backyard table:
6:30a 73.1 CPM Alpha Reading
7:05a 50.5 CPM Non-Alpha Reading (background)
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG foggy
6:10a INT 50.9 CPM
6:20a EXT 52.6 CPM
6:30a INT 73.1 CPM Paper towel sample of morning dew taken from outside table
From our friends at Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles with the link for you to comment on whether San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station should be allowed to be restarted:
Last month, Southern California Edison requested a license amendent with a “No Significant Hazards” consideration that would allow it to re-start Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Station at 70% power. Take action to keep San Onofre shut down now.
Both reactors have been shut down since January 2012 when a radioactive leak led to discovery of extensive damage. Though Edison has tried to minimize the damage of Unit 2, a September report revealed that its damage is nearly as bad as Unit 3 and more than 400 times what is normal for new steam generators in the entire country. Even Edison’s own consultants have stated that if Unit 2 is restarted, another leak could be expected within months.
No significant hazard? According to a 1982 NRC study, a meltdown at one of San Onofre reactors could cause 130,000 prompt fatalities; 300,000 latent cancers, and 600,000 cases of genetic defects within 35 miles of the site. Since then, the population in the area has increased substantially with over 8 million people living within 50 miles of the reactors.
San Onofre must not be allowed to restart, and must have a public adjudicated license amendment hearing with testimony from independent experts before any decision is made. The deadline to submit comments to the Nuclear Regularly Commission is This Thursday, May 16. Comments can be submitted here.
Here’s a sample comment. If you are a physician, we encourage you to add information about radiological dose and impacts on human health.
I write to ask that the NRC reject Southern California Edison’s narrow license amendment request and no significant hazard consideration. These requests from Edison would pave the way to restart before a full adjudicated license amendment hearing with testimony from independent experts was held. This license amendment seeks to remove the critical licensing issues from the context in which it is requested – to pave the way for restarting a severely damaged reactor without understanding the cause and without fixing the problems. It further fails to address significant safety and licensing issues, such as impacts on vital safety systems. Given the extensive damage at both reactors and tremendous public concern, Southern California Edison should not be attempting fast-track a restart decision. The health and safety of Southern Californians must come first.
Please submit your comment today!
All of us at PSR-LA
@ Potrblog
Good morning from the east side of Los Angeles, CA
10 minute average atr 8:00m
interior-40 CPM
exterior-45 CPM
all normal background readings on this side of town with a 90+ heat forecast.
Buenos dias desde el este de los angeles. Nivel ambiental promedio de 10 minutos
interior-40 CPM
Todo nivel normal para esta area con un dia bastante caliente
Hasta Luego
WB Johnson Instruments GGM-500 contamination survey meter
@Chase thanks for your ongoing efforts to elucidate as well.
@POTR thanks for cluing us in to your region. What goes around comes around.
The recent scholarship on St. Louis nuke testing is truly frightening and I haven’t read the dissertation yet but a St. Louis City College instructor just published on Cold War Era radiation testing on downtown residents there. This probably provides a major new trail of breadcrumbs into other insights.
What I learned after years of working with infrastructure professionals all over the US is that infrastructure in the US was perverted long ago to serve political/real estate development interests rather than the greater good and/or sane/sustainable urban development. However, this varies quite widely from city to city and region to region.
Where there is government transparency and/or good investigative reporting there is a chance at the city’s adaptation and survival into the post-climate change era.
My Grandfather, who was an editor at the LA Mirror and LA Times (’40s -’60s) told my Grandmother that the LA Times always forecast nice weather for the weekend to encourage its readers to go out shopping and support its advertisers.
Simi Valley, CA – 10 MIN AVG clear sky
6:10a INT 48.8 CPM
6:20a EXT 50.2 CPM
New West Auckland Monitoring Station New Zealand, has charts to show day and monthly trends, plus other information.
@Michael Collins, 99.9% of the time we are upwind of that landfill, our radioactive readings correlate with the Jet Stream.
A few weeks ago we did have a wind shift that blew in our direction from the landfill, but did not notice any unusual detections. However that evening we drove to a Sam’s Club a few miles closer to the landfill site, the smell was horrendous (worse than a rendering plant or paper mill).
Something is seriously wrong at that land fill, underground fires and such. They claim that the fire is not in the radioactive section, but it is unlikely they actually know what they have. What ever has gone wrong has gotten much worse recently. And there were reports of official airborne radioactive detections, but supposedly at “safe levels”
Saint Louis has serious radioactive problems related to the ww2 and the cold war, many details are unknown and those which are known are hidden (the McDonnell Douglas folks used to play softball on a radioactive superfund site).
In the end, like all big failing cities, the powers that be are more concerned about negative perceptions influencing the city’s “recovery” than they are about the facts