Thomas Feener published “Aerojet Chino Hills Ca” on May 23, 2016 which as filmed from dji Phantom 3:
Rick Hyden’s October 9, 2014 “gun range at Aerojet” has this descriptor: “Aerojet Ordinance Chino Hills facility. REMEMBER ???” Even more interesting are the RV’s that seem to have made the supposedly secure area their home as show on the video. Aside from the obvious fire danger that they create, do these people know where they’ve apparently squatted?
This “Vellano and Aerojet tour” was uploaded on May 8, 2010 and describes itself as “A trip to the now decommissioned Aerojet munitions facility and the new Vellano Country Club golf course/community on my GoPed Sport (without the engine).”
JPL archivist and oral historian Dr. John Bluth (deceased) talks about the end of Jack Parsons and Ed Forman’s association with Aerojet and JPL. This video interview was conducted in the spring of 1998.

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