Tag: radioactive fallout

Radiation Food Lab

Thousands of food and drink radiation tests worldwide are conducted and compiled by Radiation Station Sunshine Coast Australia’s Peter Daley. Most comprehensive compendium.

Rad News Digest

Rad News Digest which goes back to Day 1 of the Fukushima triple meltdowns and keeps us current going into Year 3 of this unprecedented disaster.

A Whole HEPA Trouble #2

Dust and debris of both the Honeywell and Kenmore Plasmawave HEPA filter air cleaners was shocking – 5.38 times normal. Natural radon progeny is not a factor affecting this high reading.

A Whole HEPA Trouble #1

According to a Nevada accident report obtained by EnviroReporter.com, a hazardous material incident’s tripwire is three times background for any subject media, or 300% of normal.

Eat Me!

EnviroReporter.com expands Radiation Station’s Fukushima fallout coverage to include choices for rad free food foraging. We test everything we buy to consume and share results.

Radiation Station

EnviroReporter.com‘s “Radiation Station” will go online tomorrow. We will be able to show, in live time, just what the radiation readings are in Santa Monica California.