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March 1, 2013
Top Economist: Nuclear power is over — “Frankly I think from a business perspective it’s over.


February 28, 2013
New grassroots groups form to permanently shutdown Palisades.



February 28, 2013
Mass. Loses Pilgrim Nuclear Plant Relicensing Appeal.


February 28, 2013
French nuclear giant Areva loses $130M in 2012.


February 28, 2013
510,000 bq/kg found in Fukushima greenling fish.


February 28, 2013
Four things you should know about the Fukushima nuclear disaster.


February 28, 2013
Canada to fund non-nuclear sources for medical isotopes.


February 28, 2013
TEPCO fails to submit dose data on 21,000 Fukushima plant workers.


February 28, 2013
Japan to Begin Restarting Idled Nuclear Plants, Leader Says.


February 27, 2013
Crystal River nuclear plant had flaw in safety procedures for over a decade.


February 27, 2013
Sen. Wyden expects draft nuclear waste bill ‘shortly’.


February 27, 2013
The Japanese basically lied about what happened with the reactors for months. They said they were trying to prevent a meltdown, when in fact they knew within the first couple of days Reactors 1, 2, and 3 at Fukushima Daiichi had melted down, and they actually melted through the steel containment vessels.
So there was a worst case scenario that they were trying to hide, they even knew that at that time enormous amounts of radiation were released over Japan and some of it even went over Tokyo […]
The melted core cracked the containment vessel, there really is no containment. So as soon as they pump the water in it leaks out again.


February 27, 2013
Rising doubts about Japan’s official radiation figures.


February 27, 2013
Flurry of films on Fukushima disaster — Shows authorities playing down health risks, not telling whole truth.


February 27, 2013
Paul Gunter talks to Seattle group about the problems with the NRC and Boiling Water Reactors.


February 27, 2013
Governor: Nuclear waste leaking at an estimated 1,000 gallons a year — “No available technology to plug the leaks” at Hanford.


February 26, 2013
After Fukushima, Tasks Remain for the American Nuclear Industry.


February 26, 2013
Over 1.0 μSv/h of ambient dose in Hitachi city Ibaraki, “100km from Fukushima”.


February 26, 2013
CBS News: U.S. nuclear waste leak a “major emergency problem” — Most dangerous substances known to science — “A ticking time bomb” (VIDEO).

CBS News contributor Michio Kaku, a physics professor at the City University of New York: It is scandalous […] we’re leaking nuclear waste dating all the way back to the Nagaski bomb […]
A toxic witches brew of chemicals, the most dangerous known to science like plutonium, enriched uranium, nitric acid and solvents. […] We have 56 million gallons worth of this toxic stuff. To get this into perspective, to get your head around this, imagine 80 Olympic-sized swimming pools containing the most toxic substance known to science of which two Olympic-size swimming pools have leaked right into the ground and eventually into the water table and, perhaps, even into people’s drinking water.
We have to immediate realize that this is a major emergency problem. The government promised 10 years ago that it’s under control. Now we realize it’s not. They have to take the waste, put it into new vats that are double, triple lined. They have to drill to assess how far the waste is. And it’s a ticking time bomb. In 15, 50 years — we don’t know when — it’s going to hit the ground table. When it hits the ground table, it will go right into the Columbia River, and remember, that’s one of the major rivers in the entire Pacific Northwest.


February 26, 2013
At 40:00 in
Steven Starr, Director of the Clinical Laboratory Science Program at the University of Missouri/Senior Scientist at Physicians for Social Responsibility: The Japanese basically lied about what happened with the reactors for months. They said they were trying to prevent a meltdown, when in fact they knew within the first couple of days Reactors 1, 2, and 3 at Fukushima Daiichi had melted down, and they actually melted through the steel containment vessels.
So there was a worst case scenario that they were trying to hide, they even knew that at that time enormous amounts of radiation were released over Japan and some of it even went over Tokyo […]
The melted core cracked the containment vessel, there really is no containment. So as soon as they pump the water in it leaks out again.


February 26, 2013
Post-Fukushima, Arguments for Nuclear Safety Bog Down. Is there any length the nuclear industry won’t go to avoid spending money on public safety? Apparently not.


February 26, 2013
The nation put at risk by nuclear power plants.


February 26, 2013
IAEA Director General says global team should help Japan dismantle Fukushima reactors.


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  1. Michael..what a great way to start a New Year! It is just way beyond terrific to have all of these important articles, with their links, all listed on one page. First of all, it is really impressive to see that there are so many recent articles that MUST be read, and second…it is wonderful not to have to go hunting for them. I just wish I had the time back that I have spent in the past, trying to locate these articles, in order to forward them to friends, in an attempt to inform and educate them as to the nuclear crisis that is going on, thanks to Fukushima. I just wish that the US Government would go and do likewise!
    While I know that there are certainly articles on this potential global disaster to be found in some small newspapers, I have not, so far, found anyone, anywhere, who has been tackling the whole Fukushima disaster, head on, as you have been doing. And, in addition, you have also written many articles, plus, now, a five part series, on our local nuclear and toxic chemical contamination on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
    I cannot believe how incredibly lucky that we all are to have you here in our midst, doing your knowledgeable environmental reporting, without which we would basically all be in the dark, when it comes to understanding and interpreting everything that has been happening in California, the USA, and the World. My hope is that in 2013, you, and also Denise, will continue to have the concern, energy and courage to keep investigating and writing about all of these issues, which affect the health and welfare of all of us.
    Meanwhile, 2012 grateful THANKS!

  2. radar.weather.gov/Conus/full.php Check out this site to see the [possibly] radioactive clouds across USA

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