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May 31, 2013
Energy Northwest Pays Record Amount of Privilege Taxes Today
RICHLAND, Wash. – Energy Northwest paid approximately $4.5 million in privilege taxes to the state of Washington today – setting a record year for the largest tax sum ever paid by the public power agency.
May 31, 2013
Abe to intensify efforts to restart nuclear power plants.
Score a victory for Japan’s powerful business lobby.
May 30, 2013
Over 300Bq/Kg from most of the jerseys for junior high school students in Kohriyama city (34 miles from Fukushima npp).
May 30, 2013
Risk of “dirty shutdown” at Paducah gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment plant.
May 30, 2013
“3.3 μSv/h in Iitate mura (24 miles from Fukushima npp), vegetables are still planted”.
May 30, 2013
No Longer Unthinkable: Should US Ready For ‘Limited’ Nuclear War?
May 30, 2013
Amid years of delays, leaks and other problems, a question: Will Hanford ever be cleaned up?
May 30, 2013
USA, an energy innovator, launches first floating deepwater wind turbine in the world .
May 30, 2013
Japan Orders Tepco to Build Underground Wall at Fukushima Plant.
May 30, 2013
US officials cover up evidence of radioactive leak in Washington state at Hanford.
May 29, 2013
Over 60 Bq/kg of radioactive cesium in dried plums OUTSIDE Fukushima Prefecture
Cs-134: 21.95 Bq/kg
Cs-137: 38.17 Bq/kg
May 29, 2013
Head of Hanford tank farm contractor abruptly retires.
May 29, 2013
Yellow Oscar for Indian film at Uranium Film Festival.
May 29, 2013
Vermont and three other states have petitioned the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to re-evaluate the environmental impacts of long-term storage of spent radioactive fuel on nuclear plant sites.
The petition also asks the commission to re-evaluate the ongoing production of spent fuel rods when the federal government has no permanent repository for the waste.
May 29, 2013
Canada’s oldest nuclear power plant is seeking to renew its operating license for five years. Critics say it should be closed.
May 29, 2013
In late April, the Leverett Town Meeting voted to abolish the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and to demand that Entergy expand the emergency evacuation zone from 10 to 50 miles from the troubled Vermont Yankee nuclear plant.
May 29, 2013
Fairewinds podcast: Eyewitness report on the Fukushima disaster.
May 29, 2013
JAPAN TRAVEL ADVISORY (Updated May 29, 2013)
[Read and then see May 27, 2013 links re:Tokyo ward level of 0.6 μSv/h. and .42 μSv/h and you decide – Team EnviroReporter]
“Tokyo is NOT within radiation contamination concern area, located over 200km (124 miles) away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant facilities”
May 29, 2013
Last no-go zone designation in Fukushima lifted.
May 28, 2013
9,348 Bq/Kg from soil in Kunimimachi Fukushima, 72km from Fukushima nuclear plant”.
May 28, 2013
Cs-134/137 from pool bottom sediment of 9 of 9 elementary school in Chiba,(20 miles NE of Tokyo) max as 796 Bq/Kg.
May 28, 2013
Black substance in Fukushima — Beta particles too intense to be only cesium-134 and 137 (VIDEO).
May 28, 2013
Radioactive Eyeglasses, Hip Joints, Spoons and More Might Be Coming…
May 28,2013
Yochi Shomatsu on Hanford.
May 28, 2013
San Onofre: Internal letter reveals Edison knew of defects at crippled reactors but misled federal regulators to get expedited license.
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Michael..what a great way to start a New Year! It is just way beyond terrific to have all of these important articles, with their links, all listed on one page. First of all, it is really impressive to see that there are so many recent articles that MUST be read, and second…it is wonderful not to have to go hunting for them. I just wish I had the time back that I have spent in the past, trying to locate these articles, in order to forward them to friends, in an attempt to inform and educate them as to the nuclear crisis that is going on, thanks to Fukushima. I just wish that the US Government would go and do likewise!
While I know that there are certainly articles on this potential global disaster to be found in some small newspapers, I have not, so far, found anyone, anywhere, who has been tackling the whole Fukushima disaster, head on, as you have been doing. And, in addition, you have also written many articles, plus, now, a five part series, on our local nuclear and toxic chemical contamination on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
I cannot believe how incredibly lucky that we all are to have you here in our midst, doing your knowledgeable environmental reporting, without which we would basically all be in the dark, when it comes to understanding and interpreting everything that has been happening in California, the USA, and the World. My hope is that in 2013, you, and also Denise, will continue to have the concern, energy and courage to keep investigating and writing about all of these issues, which affect the health and welfare of all of us.
Meanwhile, 2012 grateful THANKS!
radar.weather.gov/Conus/full.php Check out this site to see the [possibly] radioactive clouds across USA