Abridged and updated version of Beta Watch, with new data, information and interviews showing the uncontrolled release of radiation into the Pacific in Japan has hit home in California.
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Rad News Digest
Rad News Digest which goes back to Day 1 of the Fukushima triple meltdowns and keeps us current going into Year 3 of this unprecedented disaster.
Highest Radiation in L.A. Air Yet
March 6 test of combined dust came in at a sizzling 6.68 times normal. Since last testing period, radiation detected has risen another 130% indicating continued upward trend.
Radiation Readings Soar at Rocketdyne
Shocking new Rocketdyne radiation readings show cesium-137 at nearly 9,300 times normal background. Worse yet, U.S. EPA baits and switches radiation background numbers.
What’s in Pepper Spray?
LA Weekly investigation finds the cancer-causing chemicals TCE and PCE being used as the base of pepper sprays sold in California with no mandatory Prop. 65 warnings.
Beta Watch
An 11-month investigation with over 1,500 Fukushima radiation tests, a new UC Davis report on uranium-filled “buckeyballs” and proof that sea mist carries radiation inland for hundreds of miles.
A Whole HEPA Trouble #2
Dust and debris of both the Honeywell and Kenmore Plasmawave HEPA filter air cleaners was shocking – 5.38 times normal. Natural radon progeny is not a factor affecting this high reading.
A Whole HEPA Trouble #1
According to a Nevada accident report obtained by EnviroReporter.com, a hazardous material incident’s tripwire is three times background for any subject media, or 300% of normal.
Will SOPA Nuke the Internet?*
Don’t count on being able to access uncensored information about Fukushima, or anything else, if SOPA or its Senate version PIPA (the Protect IP Act) becomes law.
Seasons Readings
Radiation readings in jets up to eight times normal and a jet stream-driven storm coming in at a sizzling 650% of background. Fukushima fallout in the American Heartland.
HOTTER Michigan Rain 12-30-11 Pt 2
Our second rain sampling on the second to last day of 2011 yielded highest radiation readings EnviroReporter.com has taken in precipitation since Japan’s triple meltdowns began.
HOT Michigan Rain 12/30/11 Pt 1
Storm in Southwest Michigan where first storm sample comes in a whopping 561% of previous background radiation test. Jet stream’s front began over Pacific near Japan.
Hazmat-level So Cal Rain – December 17, 2011
Los Angeles rain comes in at a sizzling 415% of normal, far higher than what triggers a radiation hazmat incident for the California Highway Patrol.
Radon Progeny Risk? December 15, 2011
Santa Monica rain radiation reads 264% of normal. But is this sample, which decayed down to background within two days, reading hot because of so-called “radon progeny”?
Radioactive Downtown L.A. Air 11-30-11
EnviroReporter.com tests three months worth of HEPA filter-cleaned air in an historic downtown L.A. building with central air. Dust tests 364% of normal, hotter than expected.
Radioactive Los Angeles Air 11-16-11
Disturbing readings from one of Radiation Station Central’s HEPA filters after just 30 days of use: 308% of normal background higher. Alpha and beta radiation captured by the filter.
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