READ the Ventura County Reporter news feature “ROCKETDYNE STILL HOT – Questionable new EPA soil survey detects radiation thousands of times over cleanup triggers

SEE U.S. EPA February 22, 2012 PowerPoint “Gamma Radiation Scanning Update” with highlighted hot radiation readings with “Radiation Trigger Levels” (RTLs) for cleanup that are nowhere near their “Background Threshold Values” (BTVs). [20.0 MB]

SEE July 2011 U.S. EPA “Radiological Background Study Report” for the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, millions in the making, with the real background numbers for the radionuclides in “Rocketdyne Still Hot” including strontium-90, cesium-137, tritium and plutonium-239/240. Note Several table in 8, especially Table 8.4. These detailed background numbers have been inflated by multiples with no discerning pattern rendering the costly background survey moot. [15.7 MB]

[KB Home’s Runkle Canyon development is now called Arroyo Vista at the Woodlands.]

READ our September 23, 2010 LA Weekly expose “Rocketdyne Cleanup Won’t Help Runkle Canyon” which described Department of Energy and NASA’s separate Agreements on Consent with California EPA’s Department of Toxic Substances Control to clean up Rocketdyne to background. Both federal government agencies appear to be backpedaling on these agreements. These bait and switched U.S. EPA RTLs reduce the amount of cleanup exponentially and violate the AOCs literally and in intent.

CHECK OUT our Runkle Canyon investigation of the property next to and downhill from Area IV where KB Home has been stalled in building 461 homes by the Radiation Rangers citizens group. [KB Home’s Runkle Canyon development is now called Arroyo Vista at the Woodlands.] In addition to the high strontium-90 levels in Runkle Canyon next to Area IV, the Rangers have found high levels of chromium, arsenic, nickel and vanadium in Runkle Canyon Creek water and mud. Their website has documented their 5-year fight to stop development of Runkle Canyon.

WATCH Videos of the Area IV where these high radiation readings have been found where the Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) once stood. This reporter was the last journalist to visit the SRE before it was demolished. A Boeing official, Phil Rutherford, demonstrated with a Geiger counter that the interior of the building read at background, yet as we now find out, we were yards away from soil – in all directions – polluted by a bevy of poisonous isotopes.

READ why this area is so polluted in “50 YEARS AFTER AMERICA’S WORST NUCLEAR MELTDOWNHuman error helped worsen a nuclear meltdown just outside Los Angeles, and now human inertia has stymied the radioactive cleanup for half a century.

CHECK OUT Eight Sodium Reactor Experiment photo galleries including Meltdown photos.

READ a comprehensive breakdown of the bait and switch RTLs and BTVs as well as an in-depth look at the astronomical amounts of radiation found in the post “Radiation Readings Soar at Rocketdyne*New EPA soil studies detected radiation thousands of times over cleanup triggers.” This is the story where the U.S. EPA official referred to in this Ventura County Reporter article claimed on a blog not to know what this reporter was talking about in the post suggesting that either the official is not astute or he wasn’t being forthwith. In either case, this bait and switch is at the very heart of a very expensive cleanup that is in imminent peril if this kind of fudging of the figures can occur in direct opposition to the law.

25 Years of Award-Winning SSFL/Rocketdyne Reporting

One Comment

  1. This is an amazing article in the VC Reporter but I’m confused: An EPA official will “look into it”? What does that mean??? Maybe they should have looked into it before blowing millions of our dollars on sampling and testing and then faking the result ‘radiation trigger levels’. I hope VC Reporter, Enviroreporter and Michael Collins stay on this. I want to know how this happened. Assemblymember Brownley should start an investigation before its too late and all this money and effort go down the drain because of incompetent and corrupt government officials thwarting the will of the community on both sides of the Hill.

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