Reactor disaster spirals out of control as Bill Gates pushes nuclear energy doomed liquid sodium design
Tag: strontium-90
NASA’s Last Stand
Trump’s NASA seeks SSFL historic listing claiming it as “pristine” sacred Native American land & avoid cleanup, burying Nazi lab origins
Radiation Requiem – 60 Years After America’s Worst Nuclear Meltdown
60 years since SRE meltdown yet more alarming radiation finds
Los Angeles, State Smack Back at Illegal Trump Plan to Kill SSFL Cleanup
Feds attempt to leave 98% of radiation and chemicals in place at meltdown site
Until We’re Dead and Gone
DTSC deceives public about Rocketdyne cleanup, denies petition insisting on complete remediation, falsely claims no SSFL goo got offsite.
Brandeis-Bardin’s Toxic Denial
Jewish camp below Santa Susana Field Lab, aided by troubled state toxics agency, denies contamination has migrated to its property despite decades of evidence; new Dept. of Energy report proposes not cleaning up most contamination
Gone Fishing – Fukushima at Five Years
Five year anniversary of Fukushima’s three ongoing meltdowns that are causing cancer and are impossible to clean.
Canada’s Land of Milk and Strontium 90
Team EnviroReporter tests Canadian milk for Strontium 90. Not only are test results shocking – the radiation regulatory system maintained by Canada is practically non-existent.
Runkle Roulette
New contamination has been found on the Runkle Canyon development site and evidence that KB Home has blocked government requests for Clean Water Act data mandated by law.
Rocketdyne Still Hot
The U.S. EPA spent $41.5 million on assessing radiation contamination in just one of four parts of the old Rocketdyne site finding radionuclides at thousands of times background.
Radiation Readings Soar at Rocketdyne
Shocking new Rocketdyne radiation readings show cesium-137 at nearly 9,300 times normal background. Worse yet, U.S. EPA baits and switches radiation background numbers.
Sleight of Land
Lost in the glow of an historic deal to clean up the old Rocketdyne is the fact that the cleanup will stop at the edge of the property line and not include contamination-impacted Runkle Canyon.
The Aerospace Runkle Canyon Comments
D’Lanie Blaze questions Dade Moeller lab retesting Runkle Canyon for strontium-90 saying that Dade Moeller himself discounted any radiation danger because “we’ll soon have a cure for cancer.”
Documents Confirm More Runkle Contamination completes analysis of thousands of pages of KB Home reports. Radiological and chemical contamination in Runkle Canyon may be worse than already known.
Spin Cycle
Ventura County Star and Simi Valley Acorn report Runkle Canyon as “safe” with continued fact-challenged coverage including a false alarm about copper. Hogwash reporting no surprise.
The Radiation Rangers
Los Angeles CityBeat & ValleyBeat cover story “The Radiation Rangers” reveals high arsenic, nickel and vanadium in Runkle Canyon surface water found by undaunted citizen sentinels.
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