Joan Trossman Bien’s writing partnership with Michael Collins reporting on the meltdown of the Sodium Reactor Experiment sparkled.
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L.A. County Terminates Toxic Trails
L.A. County terminates trails to SSFL after public & media outcry as more lab contamination exposed
Until We’re Dead and Gone
DTSC deceives public about Rocketdyne cleanup, denies petition insisting on complete remediation, falsely claims no SSFL goo got offsite.
DUMPED: Wayne Fishback in Browns Canyon
Wayne Fishback’s dumping destruction of the environment spans Ventura and Los Angeles counties
Toxic Trails
LA County Rec and Parks quietly plans hiking trails to contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, ignoring toxins while honoring anti-cleanup gadfly.
Perchlorate draining off Aerojet Chino Hills
Radiation and chemicals in surface and subsurface water found in 2017 including uranium, RDX and perchlorate
Toxics agency buries Santa Susana Field Laboratory cleanup
State toxics department’s draft EIR for SSFL omits risk data and suggests leaving Rocketdyne contamination in place.
Boeing aborts cleanup of Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Boeing has announced that it no longer intends to clean up Rocketdyne to levels it previously promised. Company now claims that since the land is intended for open space it no longer has to remediate the site to levels demanded for decades.
State toxics department white papers over Brandeis-Bardin contamination
DTSC’s “white paper” on Brandeis-Bardin contamination debunked as greenwashing propaganda as are camp reports.
Brandeis-Bardin’s Toxic Denial
Jewish camp below Santa Susana Field Lab, aided by troubled state toxics agency, denies contamination has migrated to its property despite decades of evidence; new Dept. of Energy report proposes not cleaning up most contamination
Dept. of Energy secretly funding front group to sabotage its own Santa Susana Field Lab cleanup
Dept. of Energy hides grant to group dedicated to sabotaging full cleanup of DOE’s nuclear part of Rocketdyne hoping Sen. Barbara Boxer won’t find out.
Protest of Boeing Santa Susana Field Lab tour leads to potential discovery of new contamination
Boeing picketed and protester discovers broken and corroded pipe with possible deadly antimony insulation out in the open.
Critics question safety of Boeing’s Santa Susana Field Lab hikes
The Boeing Company hosts public hikes and tours through Santa Susana Field Laboratory areas contaminated with radiation and chemicals as part of its efforts to paint SSFL as ready parkland not needing full cleanup.
Dead for the Hills
Aerojet Rocketdyne Chino Hills facility riddled with high radiation and chemical contamination in water and soil.
Adiós Diablo Canyon
Adiós a Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant today as owner PG&E announces 2025 shuttering. Close to earthquake faults, plant’s re-licensing fight avoided but decommissioning challenges loom though not as acutely dangerous as San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 250 miles to south. DECADE 2006-2016 marks a major milestone – the online news organization turns 10 today having begun publishing May 18, 2006 with a story about the biomedical nuclear and chemical dump in the Los Angeles suburb of Brentwood. Story stopped a $4 billion scheme to privatize the West L.A. Veterans Administration. So began this award-winning environmental news outfit which says its best is yet to come.
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