Author: Michael Collins

The Right Thing to Do

A celebration of forty years of nuclear watchdog activism by Dan Hirsch’s Committee to Bridge the Gap brings out a Who’s Who of state environmentalists in celebration.

Atomic Avenger

Bonnie Klea is the Atomic Avenger, an American who has taken her considerable skills and perseverance to fight for the rights of the nation’s nuclear workers.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

On the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Simi Valley’s Radiation Rangers take Runkle Canyon developer KB Home to task after its former head, Bruce Karatz, was convicted of four felonies.

The Toxies

First Annual Toxies Awards with Perchlorate as a sleak silver rocket girl with thrusters and fireworks, she was ‘the chemical that launched a thousand rockets’ including mine.

We, Robot

Part Two of a special Pasadena Weekly cover story investigation explores origins of NASA’s manned space program, brainchild of infamous Nazi rocket scientist, Wernher von Braun.

Space Monkey Business

Critics say NASA is taking a giant leap backwards by irradiating monkeys in space-travel tests designed to simulate intense radiation astronauts would experience in voyages to Mars.

Goo-ology discovers a pathway for pollutants from rocket test stands into the soil and groundwater at Rocketdyne – massive amounts of water sprayed after firings.

NASA’s Monkey Business

President Obama’s 2011 budget request for NASA may determine the future of 28 squirrel monkeys and renewed animal radiation experiments, which we discovered weren’t even needed.

Challenger Remembered remembers the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger that perished 24 years ago January 28, 1986. These heroes represent the very best of America.

Grave Mistakes

Despite outrage over soldiers’ tombstones disposed of VA’s biomedical nuclear and chemical dump in Brentwood, $1 million Phase II testing for toxins begins. VA ducks questions.

Cain Was Able was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our friend Steve Cain, senior environmental planner for the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Atomic Tombstones

Soldiers’ tombstones are emerging from the muck of a biomedical nuclear and chemical dump on the Department of Veterans Affairs grounds in Brentwood, California.

Dereliction of Duty

Ghoulish graveyard of atomic tombstones – American veterans’ headstones – dumped in Brentwood’s toxic VA grave, according to a new LA Weekly article by Michael Collins.

Darkness Over the Land

A rowdy romp with a cast of characters whose devotion to their earthly paradise is devilishly delightful. Their sizzling tales shed light on the hottest, lowest land in North America.

It’s a Gas

U.S. EPA just announces new draft guidelines for vapors of the toxic solvent trichloroethylene or TCE. Now four times stronger limits for carcinogen that plagues L.A. groundwater.