Author: Michael Collins

Runkle Rousing

State project manager for the KB Home/DTSC cleanup agreement, Norm Riley, said nothing about public input he’d received, including the Radiation Rangers’ response plan comments.

More Meltdown Man

“They had two broken fuel rods they had to remove from the reactor core. The last one pulled and fell on the floor before they could get it into the lead cask, and contaminated the High Bay area.”

Merry Widow Health Mine

Being vacation season, we thought we’d check up on the Merry Widow Health Mine in Montana for you folks searching for an exciting and hot place to visit with the family.

The Gloves Come Off

“What you don’t know is that in these secret negotiations that have gone on the last seven months, DOE, NASA, and Boeing have been resisting complying with that law and attempting to break the promise that they made to the Congress.”

Meltdown Denier

Who has the time to actually go to a source when you can just be it yourself and impersonate reporters all in an effort to deny Rocketdyne’s 1959 meltdown? Chris Rowe does.

Blow In Place

Does $46 million Aerojet Chino Hills cleanup go far enough? Missing munitions, untested groundwater, depleted uranium and radiation running off facility into Santa Ana River are concerns.