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By Peter Daley, Radiation Station Sunshine Coast Australia

This detailed and multi-sourced information and documentation is one of the most comprehensive sources for food and drink radiation testing results conducted and compiled since the triple meltdowns began at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan March 11, 2011. Radiation Food Lab will be updated with new test results continuously through the comments section below.

GO TO COMMENTS FOR LATEST READINGS (most of which are added to Master List below)

Over 10,000 multi-media radiation tests across the United States since March 11, 2011 and counting

The Basics

Free handy geiger counter use guide

Free DIY food testing lab guide

Why test food for radioactive contamination?

Because governments have deceived the public about food safety radiation levels worldwide.
They first release an article like the one below. I am using the European Union as an example here:

“EU boosts food import controls after Japanese nuclear disaster. The European Union is to step up controls on food imports from Japan in the wake of the nuclear accident at Fukushima – but stressed there was no evidence that consumers in the region were at risk from radiation-contaminated food.

“The EU ruling insists that all products from these prefectures are tested before leaving Japan and said they will be subject to random testing in the bloc. Japanese authorities will have to provide a declaration confirming products do not contain radioactive elements – called radionuclides – that exceed EU maximum levels. The Commission highlighted radionuclides iodine-131, caesium-134 and caesium-137.”

This makes you feel warm and cosy inside, because you think your government is looking after you and your family. This article “EU boosts food import controls after Japanese nuclear disaster” is a clever deception because they then proceed to quietly raise the EU maximum safety levels by 20x for caesium-134 and caesium-137. Governments worldwide have used this same tactic.

They then tell the public everything is testing below safety levels, nothing to worry about!

Here is another example, Japan this time.

If you do purchase good food testing radiation contamination equipment, look at the old pre-Fukushima radioactive food contamination safety levels, as a possible guide. If you can purchase a non-contaminated food item do so, as any level of radioactive food contamination poses a risk.

Sunshine Coast Computer Club president Peter Daley So what does this mean?
Radiation contamination bio-accumulates over time, particularly in meat, dairy and seafood grown and harvested in radiation contaminated areas. Ingested radiation from contaminated food radiates body cells with high doses of radiation for long periods of time.

You can’t rely on governments, so it is important for your family’s health and safety that you take the time and effort to research this subject. In summary, for your family’s safety, only purchase food and goods that are not from contaminated areas. Also, research dietary systems that help remove or protect your body from radioactive contamination.

An Oncologist in Japan Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa, has been doing ongoing research on the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site workers, and found he is getting very good results with Liposomal Vitamin C. It appears to be healing a lot of radiation damage to their bodies. Liposomal Vitamin C is a combination of vitamin C and lecithin. This combination seems to improve the up take of vitamin C by 80%! It maybe a good idea for you and your family to research taking this to fortify against the effects of radiation. He has been trying to encourage the Japanese government to educate their people about this treatment.


A study from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found that flaxseed may help protect lungs against the damage caused by radiation exposure. The researchers believe that flaxseed might also have a role in protecting other healthy tissues and organs, before exposure to radiation. It can even significantly reduce damage even after exposure.


Making your own Liposomal Vitamin C

If you are living in Southern Hemisphere, it is suggested at present, to eat locally grown food. A lot of Northern Hemisphere food is safe to eat. It is just hard to tell what is and what isn’t, without government or private testing. The dynamics of the situation suggests that Southern Hemisphere grown food is more likely to be less contaminated. No significant detections have been made in any locally grown food, that has been tested so far here, at our testing lab in Australia. Be careful of food products labelled “Made from Australian and imported ingredients.”

Further Reading
Even low-level radioactivity is damaging, http://www.sc.edu/news/newsarticle.php?nid=5214#.UKlCJYbAHov

According to the Petkau Effect long term low level radiation can potentially be more dangerous than a short high dose.

Latest International reports of radioactive isotope contamination of food items

This is by no means a complete list. If you know of a reported detection that is not on this list please let us know by posting a comment.

NOTE: A lot of food and environmental detection reports tend to concentrate on Cesium detection. This is because it is relatively easy to test for, and detect. If Cesium is present in a test result, there is a possibility that other types of radioactive isotopes are also present but not reported. Fallout is a dirty mixture of isotopes. It is not just Cesium. Some of the other isotope contaminants, particularly the dangerous Alpha emitters, need more specialized and expensive equipment to detect their presence.

Ingested radiation from contaminated food or water radiates body cells with high doses of radiation for long periods of time. This means any ingestion of radioactive isotopes increases risk to ones well-being. Children and pregnant women are far more sensitive to the effects of radiation.


2014/09/18 at 2:31 am

2012 – Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition


This release is more than a factor of two higher than the Chernobyl 133Xe source term and most likely the largest radioactive noble gas release in history.

A quantitative analysis of the model output shows that 18 % of the total 137Cs deposition until 20 April occurred over Japanese land. Only 0.7 PBq, or 1.9 % of the total de-position were received by land areas other than Japan, while the remaining 80 % were deposited in the oceans.


This document only estimates the initial releases from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster from March to April 2011. It does not included the huge ongoing atmospheric and Pacific Ocean releases since then. Also, it is researching the dispersion of two isotopes that were released, it doesn’t include the hundreds of others that were and are still being released.

All the evidence points to the ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, being far worse than Chernobyl!





2015/12/07 at 3:40 pm

4th December 2015 – Fukushima Pacific Plume Reaches Predicted Levels


“Scientists monitoring the spread of radiation in the ocean from the Fukushima nuclear accident report finding an increased number of sites off the US West Coast showing signs of contamination from Fukushima. This includes the highest detected level to date from a sample collected about 1,600 miles west of San Francisco. The level of radioactive cesium isotopes in the sample, 11 Becquerel’s per cubic meter of seawater (about 264 gallons), is 50 percent higher than other samples collected along the West Coast so far,“

2015/09/14 at 5:24 pm

14th September 2015 – TEPCO releases first batch of decontaminated Fukushima groundwater to sea


TEPCO’s standard is set at 1 becquerel of radioactive cesium per liter of decontaminated groundwater, 3 becquerels for elements that emit beta rays and 1,500 becquerels for tritium–a substance which is very hard to treat.

As for now, the utility plans to pump 100 to 200 tons of groundwater daily, but will increase the volume to 500 tons if it does not encounter any problems with the decontamination facilities.

12th September 2015 – Bags of tainted waste swept into Fukushima river during torrential rain


FUKUSHIMA–Seven sites for radioactive waste generated from the Fukushima nuclear crisis were submerged during torrential rain in eastern Japan on Sept. 11, raising fears over a possible radiation spill into the environment.

Floodgates normally block tainted water from reaching the ocean from drainage ditches, but the torrential rains overwhelmed the gates twice in the pre-dawn hours of Sept. 9 and Sept. 11, the plant operator said.


20th June 2015 – 1,000,000 Bq/m3 of Sr-90 detected in seawater of Fukushima plant port / Highest in recorded history


The previous highest readings were lower than 700,000 Bq/m3.

1,000,000 Bq/m3 of Sr-90 detected in seawater of Fukushima plant port / Highest in recorded history




21st May 2015 – Thirty years of unbroken monitoring on radioactivity in the Baltic Sea


Despite a general decreasing trend of concentrations of radionuclides, the Baltic Sea still is one of the most polluted sea areas as regards radioactive contamination.

Chart: Northern Baltic, Cesium becquerels per cubic meter, by year,


Note, in the chart the first two bars for years 1986 & 1987 should be much higher, they appear to indicated 294 Bq m-3 for 1986, and 196 Bq m-3 for 1987. This would have been just after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, which occurred in 1986.

Thematic assessment of long-term changes in radioactivity in the Baltic Sea, 2007-2010




Submitted on 2014/01/03 at 6:17 pm

31st December 2013 – Nuclear Waste Sits on Ocean Floor U.S. Has Few Answers on How to Handle Atomic Waste It Dumped in the Sea.


From 1946 to 1970, federal records show, 55-gallon drums and other containers of nuclear waste were pitched into the Atlantic and Pacific at dozens of sites off California, Massachusetts and a handful of other states.

How many dump sites are there? Over the years, federal estimates have ranged from 29 to more than 60.


20th December 2013 – USS Calhoun County sailors dumped thousands of tons of radioactive waste into ocean.


For up to 15 years after World War II, the crew of Albernaz’s ship, the USS Calhoun County, dumped thousands of tons of radioactive waste into the Atlantic Ocean, often without heeding the simplest health precautions, according to Navy documents and Tampa Bay Times interviews with more than 50 former crewmen.

Not all of them sank. A few pushed back against the frothing ocean, bobbing in the waves like a drowning man. Then shots would ring out from a sailor with a rifle at the fantail. And the sea would claim the bullet-riddled drum.





9 May 2001 – Newly released documents indicate the Navy dumped far more nuclear waste than it’s ever acknowledged in a major commercial fishery just 30 miles west of San Francisco.


The Navy’s own documents, declassified at the request of SF Weekly, show that significant amounts of the nuclear bomb component plutonium, which has a half-life of 24,000 years, and similarly long-lived “mixed fission” products were used at the nuclear laboratory at Hunters Point.

An entire radioactive ship, the 10,000-ton aircraft carrier USS Independence, is believed to have been sunk in or near the waste site. The carrier itself was clearly “hot” when it went down. It had been used as an atomic bomb target and a nuclear laboratory, and it was packed full of fresh fission products and other radiological waste at the time it sank.

The simple truth is that no one can say with any degree of certainty whether the Farallon Islands Nuclear Waste Site and the fish taken there are safe, because no one has fully studied them.


Radionuclides in fishes and mussels from the Farallon Islands Nuclear Waste Dump Site, California.


August 1999 – This very detailed IAEA report provides a map on page 15-16 that shows all the known official dumps sites, up to the publication of the document. It then provides details of what was dumped at each individual dump site.


The maps provided with the article “Ocean Disposal of radioactive waste,“ on wikipedia show the dump site locations in more detail.


1989 – IAEA Ocean disposal of radioactive waste status report


Between these two dates, an estimated 63 PBq (1.7 MCi) of radioactive waste coming from research, medicine, and nuclear industry activities have been packaged, usually in metal drums lined with a concrete and bitumen matrix, and disposed of at sea.





20th November 1980 – A detailed EPA document on ocean dumping.



28th August 2103 – Russia announces enormous finds of radioactive waste, and nuclear reactors in Arctic seas.


26th August 2103 – Two nuclear generators missing in Arctic Ocean.



20th November, 2013 – This documentary discusses the effects of ocean dumping of radioactive waste and trash on the health of people living on the local coasts, like the Irish Sea and the Baltic Sea, which is the most radioactive sea in the world.

The documentary focuses on the British sea dumping in the English Channel Hurd Deep about 12 miles north of the Channel Island of Alderney. Alderney is also subject to releases to the sea from the French Nuclear Reprocessing Plant at Cap de la La Hague 12 miles East of the small island.


2000? – The environmental impact of the Sellafield discharges.


Time-series analyses of western Irish Sea surface sediments have shown that, while 137Cs concentrations have fallen by a factor of between 2 and 5 since their peak in 1980-81, 239,240 Pu concentrations have remained relatively constant.

Presently, concentrations of radionuclides such as 137Cs, 239,240 Pu and 241 Am in muddy sediments near the outfall are in the ranges 500–1,500 Bq kg , 500–600 Bq kg and 700– 900 Bq kg.

At the present time, typical fresh weight concentrations of 137Cs in whitefish, lobster, crab, winkles and mussels sampled in the Sellafield coastal area are 7 Bq Kg-1, 3.4 Bq Kg-1, 2.9 Bq Kg-1, 12 Bq Kg-1 and 4 Bq Kg-1 , respectively, while the corresponding Pu–α concentrations are 0.02 Bq Kg-1, 0.54 Bq Kg-1, 0.54 Bq Kg-1, 13 Bq Kg-1 and 11 Bq Kg-1, respectively (Jackson et al., 2000)

The 137Cs activity discharged from Sellafield has now left the Irish Sea, and has resulted in a significant increase in the 137 Cs
inventory in the North Atlantic.



2015/09/19 at 6:11 pm

14th September 2015 – Radioactivity In Our Ocean: Fukushima & Its Impact On The Pacific – Vancouver Aquarium


The following presentation is for those interested in the most recent, scientifically rigorous, monitoring data related to the impact of the Fukushima Dai-ichi disaster on the health of North Pacific Ocean ecosystem and inhabitants of western North America.


Longer term Chernobyl research indicates that very small amounts of Cesium contamination can cause serious health issues for children, and on the human embryo and fetus. The levels that can cause harm are much much less than the post Fukushima regulatory limits set by Japan, the USA, Canada, and other world governments!

This very informative video that is only 10 minutes long, explains how even very small amounts of radioactive contamination can be harmful.

Using the external dose models to evaluate risk from internal ingestion of chemically toxic and radioactive contaminants, is poor science in my opinion. Any increase in radioactive contamination in food and the environment significantly increases the risk of a serious illness developing, particularly for children and pregnant women, who are far more sensitive. There is no safe level of contamination. After the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe, governments around the world increased acceptable contamination levels by a huge margin, to protect the nuclear industry!

This excellent video by Aluminum Studios explains “Becquerels” and Japan’s changing “safety” standards after Fukushima, for radiation in food and water. It paints a very different picture to the commentary on the new government safety levels in the “Fukushima & Its Impact On The Pacific”, video.

Large amounts of Tritium are also being released from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean. It is also being made out to be relatively harmless. This 15 minute video brings up a lot of independent research on the dangerous biological effects radioactive Tritium releases. Tritium is something to be very concerned about!

Video Presentation:

Web Site:


PACIFIC OCEAN Kelp Watch 2015


Some groups in the Pacific Northwest area have been able to collect more frequent samples in order to attempt to detect the radioactivity when it arrives in those locations. Below is a table showing the results of these measurements. So far, no samples have shown the presence of Cs-134, the radioactive isotope that would unambiguously point to Fukushima as a source.


Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the chart to see all the test data


22nd June 2015 – Update: Monitoring Results For Sockeye Salmon and Steelhead Trout Collected Summer 2014


The measurements undertaken as part of the InFORM project to look for Fukushima derived radionculides in fish during our first of three years of monitoring are now complete. Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (as well as some Chinook, Chum and Pink Salmon) were caught off the west coast of Canada in Summer 2014 as they were returning to 9 different streams and rivers up and down the coast of British Columbia Canada.

2015/03/09 at 8:53 pm

8th October 1971 – Fallout and Reproduction of Ocean Fish Populations E.J. Sternglass, Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Nuclear Fallout causes Fish Population Decline

As will be shown below, very large declines of fish-populations after low-altitude nuclear tests followed by a gradual recovery to pretesting levels have been observed both in the Atlantic and Pacific, strongly suggesting that the eggs of fish and the developing young are far more sensitive to internal radiation from low-level fallout than had been anticipated, very much as in the
case of the human-embryo and fetus.



“The purpose of the study was to determine whether continued atmospheric testing by France and China or potential releases from underground detonations that might unexpectedly escape into the nearby fishing grounds could have detectable effects on the reproduction of fish populations similar to the unanticipatedly severe effects of low level radiation on the human embryo and
fetus (2, 3, 4) recently confirmed by independent studies by other
investigators (5, 6).”

The continual release of radioactive fallout and contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean, from the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, would have the same effects as atmospheric atomic bomb testing. It is causing a huge drop off in fish stocks and other sea life. This would explain why there are large numbers of sea lions and
other sea life, presently starving to death on the west coast of America.

Thanks to Dr.Sternglass who passed away in early February, for this study.


2015/01/14 at 8:35 pm

2014 – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHIO), Science Made Public: Fukushima Radiation – Ken Buesseler


The presentation covers the Pacific Ocean Fukushima contamination, plus provides contamination information on World seas, and oceans. Seventeen minutes into the video presentation there is a bar graph showing 1990 Cesium-137 ocean surface contamination, caused by Chernobyl, 1960 weapons testing, and from local sources.
The Baltic ocean, Irish sea, Black sea, North Sea, and Mediterranean, had the highest Cesium surface contamination.

The nuclear industry simple dose model is used to explain away risk. Here are food bio-accumulation concentration factors for plutonium, Americium, and Cesium for a variety of sea life.

Plutonium concentration factors

phytoplankton – ~100 000 x
microzooplankton – ~15 000 x
starfish – ~600 x
clams – ~110 x
crabs – ~70x
octopus – ~60 x

Cs-137 concentration factors
Teleost Fish – ~23, 52 x +- 4
phytoplankton – ~20
Molluscs – ~7 x
octopus and squid – ~10 x

This bio-accummulation research information can be found in this separate WHOI document on pages 8, and 12. If you are interested in the subject of bio-accummulation, the whole document is worth reading.

Video Presentation



18th November 2015 – Radioactive source found in Dalgety Bay mussel beds as part of routine monitoring by Sepa


A RADIOACTIVE source has been detected in mussel beds off Dalgety Bay beach in Fife.

This is the first time that sources have been found in the mussel beds, Sepa said.

2nd November 2015 – Radioactive honey found near nuclear power station


The samples showed levels of radioactive caesium-137 that are 14 times higher than samples of honey from elsewhere in the UK, prompting scientists to call for an investigation into wider contamination at the site.


7th January 2015 – Radiation found in food 80 miles across the border from Cumbrian nuclear-plant Sellafield


NUCLEAR waste released from the Cumbrian reprocessing site has made fish and shellfish caught off the Dumfriesshire coast radioactive.

Despite Sellafield nuclear station being situated 80 miles away, the new report reveals that the nuclear power station is still having an impact on Scotland, reports the Daily Mail.

Radiation found in food 80 miles across the border from Cumbrian nuclear-plant Sellafield

NUCLEAR waste released from the Cumbrian reprocessing site has made fish and shellfish caught off the Dumfriesshire coast radioactive.

RADIATION has been found in food 80 miles across the border from a Cumbrian nuclear-plant a report has revealed.

Nuclear waste released from the Cumbrian reprocessing site has made fish and shellfish caught off the Dumfriesshire coast slightly radioactive.

And fish-fans in Dumfriesshire have the highest exposure to nuclear radiation of anyone north of the Border.

Despite Sellafield nuclear station being situated 80 miles away, the new report reveals that the nuclear power station is still having an impact on Scotland, reports the Daily Mail.

And although the levels are within safe EU limits, Sellafield and Scottish nuclear power stations have infiltrated the food chain here.

Traces of radiation were found in fruit, potatoes and vegetables near to Dounreay nuclear power station in Caithness, in the far north-east of Scotland .

Whilst in Chapelcross, in Dumfriesshire, nuclear radiation has made its way into the milk.

Where as at Faslane, near Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, the destination of Britain’s nuclear submarines where liquid radioactive waste is discharged into the Gareloch, beef has been revealed to contain a small amount of radiation.


This article uses the nuclear industry simple dose model to explain away risk. No mention of the amounts detected in Becquerels per Kilogram, or that the EU raised the safety levels by 20x for cesium-134 and cesium-137 soon after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Governments worldwide have used these same tactics to fool the public.


2015/01/11 at 1:07 am

30th December 2014 – Fukushima Radioactivity Monitoring in the North Pacific Ocean – a new paper published by Fisheries and Oceans Scientist Dr. John Smith


Ocean circulation model estimates indicate that future total levels of Cs-137 off the North American coast will likely peak at 3-5 Bq/m3 by 2015-2016, before declining to levels closer to 1 Bq/m3 by 2021.


Bio-accumulation will concentrate this through the food chain.


2015/01/07 at 2:27 pm

“Nicholas Fisher’s opinion was that the chances any fish would have any Plutonium contamination was small.” Report 15th July 2014 – Fukushima Radioactivity in the Pacific – Nicholas Fisher

Here are two studies that show fish and other sea life can ingest and bio-accumulate Plutonium. So testing needs to be done!

How Is Fukushima’s Fallout Affecting Marine Life? – May 2, 2013


In an experiment in the early 1980s, Fowler demonstrated vast differences in how much plutonium was absorbed from seawater by marine life across a spectrum of taxonomic groups.

Phytoplankton accumulated roughly 10 times as much plutonium as microzooplankton, which took up 100 times more than clams. Octopi and crabs took up about half as much plutonium as clams, but about 100 times more than bottom-dwelling fish.

Hanford, WA Tests Find Plutonium In Fish, Mulberry Trees


In addition to plutonium being found for the first time in fish, increased levels of strontium, mercury, beryllium, uranium, and cesium were detected in aquatic creatures. Short and long term effects of this exposure remain unknown, the report states.



From previous studies it has been found that in deeper water the Plutonium contamination will stay longer in the water column than in shallow waters.

2014/12/31 at 8:14 pm

15th July 2014 – Fukushima Radioactivity in the Pacific – Nicholas Fisher

(Note: There are sound problems with the first video, the sound does not start until 2 minutes into the video.)

Fukushima Radioactivity in the Pacific and Risks to Marine Life and Humans Delivered September 19th, 2013. Fisher and his colleagues evaluated the release of radioactivity from the failed Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan into the Pacific Ocean and the subsequent bio-accumulation of select radionuclides in marine animals. They found that cesium isotopes were accumulated in all plankton samples as well as in Bluefin tuna that transport the cesium from the waters off Japan towards North America.

Points of interest:

1. It is estimated that the 2011 Cesium contamination of Pacific Bluefin tuna near Japan was ~150 Bq/kg. As they migrated from the Western to the Eastern Pacific they excreted most of their Cesium contamination. After being caught in the Eastern Pacific near America they tested ~10 Bq/kg, 15 times less.

2. Their tests also detected radioactive Silver Ag-110M, at 8.4 to 17.9 Bq/kg in the plankton samples.

3. Sample dry weight Cesium bio-accumulation concentration factor was 16 to 22 times for Zooplankton, 71 to 79 times for microscoptic Copepods, and 15 times for small fish.

4. They didn’t have the sophisticated test equipment necessary to test for Strontium or Plutonium contamination.

5. In Nicholas Fisher’s opinion, the chances that any fish would have any Plutonium contamination was small.


The nuclear MSM propaganda machine uses a simple external dose model to make out to the public that most of the radioactive contamination is nothing to worry about.

This industry created safety model does not convey the true potential damage that can be caused by ingested radioactive contamination. Eating a Banana with potassium-40 in it is safe. Frequently eating seafood or food with Cesium-137 or Cesium-134 in it can be potentially dangerous, even in small amounts. Pregnant women and children are far more sensitive to radioactive contamination!

Artificially created Cesium-137 and Cesium-134 are radioactive and chemically toxic! Internally ingested Cesium radiates cells with large amounts of radiation, far more than any Potassium-40 decay. As ingested Cesium-137 decays it irradiates cellular structures with enormous amounts of radiation. Irradiation from Cesium-137’s decay daughter Barium-137m, is particularly damaging, because it has a very short half life.

This test chart provides a comparison in radioactivity by weight, between radioactive Potassium-40 and Cesium-137/134.


Potassium has always been in the environment. In actual fact we would die without it. Although artificial Radioactive Cesium has similar chemical properties to Potassium, it is not Potassium! Cancer is not the only illness that can result from the ingestion of these radioactive toxins. Chernobyl research shows if Cesium is taken up in the heart, it can cause heart damage, particularly in young children.

This very informative video, that is just 10 minutes long, discusses the damage very small amounts Cesium-137 and Cesium-134 can do to children and pregnant women.


Video Presentation:

Nicholas Fisher – Fukushima Radioactivity in the Pacific… (Part 1)


Nicholas Fisher – Fukushima Radioactivity in the Pacific… (Part 2)



10th November 2014 – Fukushima Radioactivity Detected Off West Coast


The amount of cesium-134 reported in these new offshore data is less than 2 Becquerels per cubic meter (the number of decay events per second per 260 gallons of water). This Fukushima-derived cesium is far below where one might expect any measurable risk to human health or marine life, according to international health agencies.atments like this

Comment: (My opinion)

“This Fukushima-derived cesium is far below where one might expect any measurable risk to human health or marine life”

Statements like this ignore the potential for the Cesium to be Bio-accumulated (concentrated) by tens of thousands of times through the ocean food chain. Trace amounts of other radioactive Isotopes from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster would have to be present, if Cesium was detected. A lot of artificial isotopes are not only radioactive damaging, but are also chemically toxic to biological life.

Toxicity Multiplying Effect.

The toxicity of each additional environmentally introduced toxin, radiological or chemical, does not add up like Toxin 1 + Toxin 2 = 2, twice the damage. T1 + T2 can be 10 or twenty times more damaging and dangerous. The human or animal defense systems become weaker the more toxins they have to deal with creating a system overload, fighting too many battles on too many fronts, at the same time!

The Bio-accumulation of radiological and chemical toxins are going to dramatically increase toxicity multiplying effects throughout the Pacific Ocean food chain.




12th October 2014 – Tritium up 10-fold in Fukushima groundwater after Typhoon Phanfone


Some 150,000 becquerels of tritium per liter were measured in a groundwater sample taken Thursday from a well east of the No. 2 reactor. The figure is a record for the well and over 10 times the level measured the previous week.

In addition, materials that emit beta rays, such as strontium-90, which causes bone cancer, also shattered records with a reading of 1.2 million becquerels, the utility said of the sample.

The well is close to the plant’s port in the Pacific.


24th September 2014 – Researchers Find Radiation Hot Spots Off Coast Near Fukushima


Average cesium 137 concentrations in the sea floor were 90 bq/kg
Areas 4 km out to sea, 20 locations had concentrations of 1000 bq/kg
Areas 6 km out to sea had levels of 2000 bq/kg in some locations

This information was originally published in July 2014. While TEPCO has been publishing readings of cesium in the water near the plant that seem unusually low, the sea bed is another story. Long lived radioactivity doesn’t just go away, it moves somewhere else.


18th September 2014 – Fukushima radioactive contamination is rapidly warming North Pacific seawater.


There is a massive pool of warm water in the Gulf of Alaska, NOAA scientist Nate Mantua said in an email. It is unprecedented in the historical record, he added… the past year is way out of the historical range — “so who knows what will happen?”…

300,000 becquerels per cubic centimeter detected in ocean water is 300 BILLION becquerels per square meter. Fukushima has been leaking ever since, but the worst of it occurred at the beginning of the catastrophe.

The contaminated water will not move out for many years, but decay heat release will continue, so look for Pacific sea surface temperatures to keep increasing, and the drought to continue.


10th September 2014 – Japanese mass media “Jiji” rose in revolt against Tepco / 2 trillion Bq leaked to the sea in 10 months.


Japanese mass media, “Jiji” reported about 2 trillion Bq of Sr-90 and Cs-137 leaked to the Pacific only in 10 months.




2014/09/10 at 3:22 am

3rd April 2013 – Cesium, iodine and tritium in NW Pacific waters – a comparison of the Fukushima impact with global fallout


At the sampling site about 40 km from the coast, where all three radionuclides were analyzed, the Fukushima impact on the levels of these three radionuclides represents an increase above the global fallout background by factors of about 1000, 50 and 3, respectively. The water column data indicate that the transport of Fukushima-derived radionuclides downward to the depth of 300 m has already occurred.

The observed 137Cs levels in surface waters and in the water column are compared with predictions obtained from the ocean general circulation model, which indicates that the Kuroshio Current acts as a southern boundary for the transport of the radionuclides, which have been transported from the Fukushima coast eastward in the NW Pacific Ocean.



2014/09/10 at 3:22 am

September 2013 – Ocean Plume Modeling for the Fukushima Dai’ichi Event: Particle tracing.


These particle tracing exercises show us: The Kuroshio (extension) and Oyashio are remarkably effective in localizing pollution on a relatively small section of the Japanese coast, while effectively dispersing pollutants eastward into the Pacific. l Coastal water may take several weeks to reach the Kuroshio extension. l Currents are strongest near Japan, particles slow down as they move eastward.

First weeks contamination 30km offshore is dominated by atmospheric deposits. Localized spikes in contamination after April 1 are likely due to coastal releases. Could be added as separate load to model.


2014/09/08 at 3:47 am

31st December 2013 – Nuclear Waste Sits on Ocean Floor


“I would beg to differ,” Thomas Suchanek, the principal investigator and lead author of the 1991 study, said recently. The study found americium, a radioactive decay product of plutonium, in some fish samples from the site as well as a comparison area about 60 miles away. The report calculated that plutonium in underwater sediment at the dump site was up to about 1,000 times normal background levels.

The Food and Drug Administration said that in 1990 it found traces of plutonium in fish samples from the site but at levels well within safety standards.

On various occasions, federal reports say, government researchers have encountered lobster fishermen or lobster traps inside the no-fishing advisory zone.


27th August 2014 – Scientist wants samples from islanders for testing for radioactivity


“The plume also contains other radioactive material, including Strontium 90 at a far, far lower level than was released into the atmosphere during the nuclear bomb testing up until the 1960s. As well, radioactive isotopes of iodine, low levels of plutonium and tritium (hydrogen 3) might be in the plume.”



“The plume also contains other radioactive material, including Strontium 90 at a far, far lower level than was released into the atmosphere during the nuclear bomb testing up until the 1960s.”

In my opinion this is a very misleading statement, because ocean life can greatly concentrate contaminants, through the dynamics of Bio-accumulation. Plant and animal life in the ocean can potentially Bio-accumulate radioactive isotope contamination through the food chain, by hundreds of thousand of times, and sometime millions of times.


27th August 2014 – Fukushima Daiichi Sea Releases Updated To 157 Billion Bq Per Day


“The journalists at the conference prodded TEPCO for actual readings due to the graph having wide ranges and exact numbers were not published along side it. The cart appears to show a very clear reading of 150 billion bq per day for tritium at the 2014 rate, not the 1 billion bq per day quoted by TEPCO in the meeting. The other isotope readings quoted by TEPCO appear to be accurate. This big change in the daily tritium release increases the daily total radiation release to the sea as being 157 billion becquerels per day.”


26th August 2014 – TEPCO Drops Bombshell About Sea Releases; 8 Billion Bq Per Day


“*** Update*** With a translation of a related portion of a TEPCO document released to METI just yesterday the total releases of this new admission are even higher than the 11 Tbq mentioned.”


8th August 2014 – Tepco discharged the largest volume of bypass contaminated water / 700 million Bq of Tritium to the Pacific.


However their discharging volume keeps increasing.

According to third party organization, Tritium density in the discharged water was 340,000 Bq/m3.

682,380,000 Bq of Tritium was released to the sea by this discharge.




9th July 2014 – New safety rules may be applied to Fukushima plant

Extract: The body also discussed a delay in work to freeze waste water in underground utility tunnels at the plant to block further inflows of water and stop contaminated water from leaking out to sea.

Members urged that the effort be speeded up. Some expressed doubt as to whether the plant’s operator has a sense of crisis.



Extract: Just after midday a piece of rope was pulled aboard. As part of our logging protocol, I brought out the Geiger counter and took a reading. The ambient reading that morning had been about 30 CPM (cycles per minute) so it was a surprise when the reader climbed, and spiked at 120 CPM – our highest reading yet. It should be noted however, that to calibrate the counter I actually use a product sold in supermarkets called Nu-Salt which registers at 100 CPM. So we don’t feel it poses a substantial health risk, but is important to monitor as radiation levels in the gyre is a common question we encounter.

Comment: The radioactivity in NU-salt sold in supermarkets is from extra Potassium content, a small percentage of which is natural radioactive Potassium. Radioactive Potassium is in all living things.

The contamination on this rope could be cause by far more biologically dangerous radioactive contamination. A Geiger counter test won’t tell you what radioactive isotopes are causing the higher than background detection.


2nd July 2014 – Nuclear Watch: US View on Fukushima Daiichi


Around 1 minute 40 seconds in, there is mention of releasing large amounts of tritium into the Pacific Ocean.


25th June 2014 – Tepco finally admitted the “possibility” that contaminated water penetrated to the deep layer of the ground


If the contaminated water is penetrating to deep layer of the ground, there are few measures to stop it spreading. It can also travel underground of the ocean bed to come up to the sea offshore of Fukushima plant.



14th June 2014 – NRA reports “Marine soil contamination stretches S-W to N-E” / N-E from Fukushima plant is Alaska.


2,000 Bq/Kg from marine soil 6km offshore Fukushima, over 1,000Bq/Kg at 20 locations.

There is Alaska in far North-East of Fukushima nuclear plant. Fukushima Diary hasn’t found the report on marine soil further than 32km offshore, however it would be high priority where / how the marine soil contamination spreads in the Pacific.


21st May 2014 – Tepco begins dumping Fukushima No. 1 groundwater into Pacific Ocean


Tepco said 560 tons of groundwater captured and stored before it entered reactor building basements was to be released Wednesday, using a bypass system that funnels it toward the ocean after checking for radiation levels.

The safety limits for the water released, which Tepco says are tighter than World Health Organization guidelines for drinking water, state that released groundwater should contain less than 1 becquerel per liter of cesium-134 and cesium-137, 5 becquerels of beta ray-emitting radioactive material such as strontium-90, and 1,500 becquerels of tritium.


5th April 2014 – Tepco plans to discharge pumped groundwater to the sea this coming June


The pumped groundwater contains significant level of radiation as well, however it would not be filtered before discharging. (cf, [Coincidence ?] 3 highest densities of Tritium are “exactly 1,200,000 Bq/m3″ in groundwater bypass.


There should be an international effort to stop this from happening. At present there is a lot of Nuclear industry propaganda making out that Tritium is harmless. This video brings up a lot of independent research on the biological effects radioactive Tritium releases. That Tritium is something to be very concerned about. It is not just large amounts of Tritium that will be released into the Pacific Ocean!




16th March 2014 – “Squelching Efforts to Measure Fukushima Meltdown”


As a senior scientist at the Japanese government’s Meteorological Research Institute, he said levels of radioactive cesium 137 in the surface water of the Pacific Ocean could be 10,000 times as high as contamination after Chernobyl, the world’s worst nuclear accident.

Off the record, university researchers in Japan say that even now, three years after the triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, they feel under pressure to play down the impact of the disaster.

“Getting involved in this sort of research is dangerous politically,” said Joji Otaki, a biologist at Japan’s Ryukyu University who has written papers suggesting that radioactivity at Fukushima has triggered inherited deformities in a species of butterfly.


It appears the Japanese government complained to The New York Times about the original headline to this article, because on the 17th March this correction was added by the NYTimes.

Correction: March 17, 2014

“An earlier version of the headline with this article misstated the actions of the Japanese government. There are deep differences over how to determine the health impact of the Fukushima disaster. The authorities are not ‘‘squelching” efforts to measure the effects of the accident.”

The new New York Times headline is, “Concerns Over Measurement of Fukushima Fallout”

Older Link:


Newer Link:


2nd February 2014 – Japan’s nuclear regulator raps Fukushima operator over radiation readings.


Tepco said last week that groundwater drawn from a monitoring well last July contained a record 5 million becquerels per litre of dangerous radioactive strontium-90 – more than five times the total beta radiation reading of 900,000 becquerels per litre recorded in the well, which is around 25 metres from the ocean.


22nd January 2014 – Large amount of cesium flowed into ocean after 2011 typhoon.


Cesium released from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in a triple meltdown in March 2011 landed in the soil in the region, which measures some 5,000 square kilometers wide. The fallout is gradually finding its way into the river through storm-water runoff.

In the 12-month period, the amount of cesium that reached the ocean was about 10 trillion becquerels, almost the same as the figure for cesium that directly flowed into the ocean from the crippled plant during the same period.


This study shows that even if they were able to stop the contamination from the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site following into the Pacific Ocean, there will still be huge amounts of contamination flowing into to the Pacific Ocean for years to come, from the vast area of contaminated land rain runoff .


20th January 2014 – International marine science organization releases report on radiation in Pacific Ocean


Researchers from Fisheries and Oceans Canada confirmed that the radioactive plume from Fukushima is indeed reaching the shores of Canada and the United States – and was detected at least six months ago – carried both in the ocean surface water and the atmosphere on similar but slightly different courses.

Meanwhile, the second, published by Vincent Rossi and other colleagues from the Climate Change Research Centre in 2013, presents a much more consequential picture. It predicts alarming maximum levels reaching 25 Bq/m^3 at their monitoring station in British Columbia by 2015 and peaks above 30 Bq/m^3.


25th December 2013 – Fukushima is worse than Chernobyl: radiation affects fish, World Ocean, West Coast – experts


70 crew members of the US Ronald Reagan aircraft-carrier, involved in the relief operation in the wake of the disaster, are filing a lawsuit against the TEPCO Fukushima operator company, claiming the Japanese company had failed to warn them of all the risks that they were running during the operation.

Because of the World Ocean currents, the seafood that’s caught off the US Pacific coast is more likely to contain radionuclides than the seafood in the Sea of Okhotsk, which is by far closer to Japan. It is these marine products that may find their way to the tables of different countries’ residents that pose the gravest danger.

Radionuclides have made it even to the Alaskan coast, causing a decline in the sockeye populations there.


10th December 2013 – FVCOM Modeling Assessment of Japan’s Tsunami Event and Impacts of Radionuclides on the Pacific Ocean

Extracts :

The results suggest that radionuclides could affect the US western coast after 5 years. We also include the animations of particles at each depth here.

The results suggest that radionuclides in the deep water could be upwelled to the upper water column and then disperse over a broad wide region including the East China Sea and Japan Sea as well as the Bering Sea.

We would like to share preliminary results of our particle tracer-tracking experiments. We welcome any comments and suggestions.


9th December 2013 – Plutonium in water leaking into ocean is “the most dangerous thing” at Fukushima, it can be carried around world and end up on a beach or in fish — Researcher: Plutonium contamination “a serious threat to environment and human health.


6th December 2013 – Fukushima isotopes are nearing West Coast — Official: U.S. ocean water to have 100 Bq/m3 of cesium-137?


Though officials claim the cesium-137 in the ocean water is ‘safe’ for humans to drink, fish bio-concentrate cs-137 at a rate of 100 times the level found in the surrounding water. For seals and sea lions it’s up to 1,000 times.

Note that the study’s findings may be a considerable underestimation, as its results are calculated based on releases from Fukushima ending in April 2011 — yet the plant has been releasing a reported 400 tons of radioactive water every day since the disaster in March 2011.


5th December 2013 – IAEA tells Tepco to dump Fukushima into the Pacific.


1st December 2013 – Study finds giant strontium-90 release into body of water begins around 1,000 days after meltdown — Dec. 5, 2013 = thousand days after 3/11 — Graphic shows very high levels being discharged for up to 50,000 days


It is now approximately a 1000 days since the meltdowns of the multiple nuclear reactors in Japan. This study provides a possible explanation for the recent dramatic Strontium-90 detection spikes in the ground water, at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site.


29th November 2013 – Typhoons that hit Japan each year are helping spread radioactive material from the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the country’s waterways.


Local populations who escaped the initial fallout two-and-a-half years ago could now find their food or water contaminated by the cesium particles as they penetrate agricultural land and coastal plains, researchers warned.

Last year, the radioactive content of Japan’s rivers dropped due to fairly moderate typhoons. But more frequent and fierce storms in 2013 have brought a new flood of cesium particles.


22nd November 2013 – “Sea Snot” Explosions Feed Deep-Sea Creatures


The scientists observed the largest spikes in deep-sea productivity in 2011 and 2012, corresponding with massive phytoplankton blooms.

In March 2012, less than one percent of the seafloor beneath Station M was covered in dead sea salps. By July 1, more than 98 percent of it was covered in the decomposing organisms.

The major increase in activity of deep-sea life in 2011 and 2012 weren’t limited to Station M, though: Other ocean-research stations reported similar data.


They put this event down to global warming.

The vast majority of the large multiple species die off reports I have seen, are from Northern America, and the Pacific Ocean. This geographical evidence strongly points to the continuing Northern America radiation fallout, and Pacific Ocean contamination, caused by the ongoing Fukushima Nuclear disaster.


22nd November 2013 – Fukushima released up to 100,000 times more cesium-137 in surface ocean waters than Chernobyl or nuclear weapons testing.


“up to 60 million becquerels per cubic meter were reported, high enough to cause reproductive and health effects
in marine animals”

“Yet all the data we have show that measurements around the site remain elevated to this day at up to 1,000 becquerels per cubic meter.


Quote: “He hastened to put that number into context. “A thousand becquerels is not a big number for cesium. Just for comparison, that’s lower than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s limit for drinking water.”

In the light of recent research the Environmental Protection Agency’s Cesium limit for drinking water, has been set far to high.

Also, in regards to Ocean dynamics this report does not take into account,

1. The potential 100,000 times or more bio-accumulation in sea food.

2. The fact that the Fukushima nuclear disaster has released and is still releasing, thousands of different types of radioactive isotopes, not just Cesium.

These reports generally only concentrate on the Cesium contamination, and conveniently leave out discussion on the other isotopic contaminants.


11th November 2013 – Groundwater level near the Fukushima plant building in sync with ebb and flow of the sea



10th November 2013 – All β nuclide density increasing for 4 days in groundwater beside the tank, chart shows around 550,000 Bq/liter.






19th October 2013 – Contamination level of plant drain spiked up 95 times much near the sea / Tepco “no spread to the sea.”






18th October 2013 – Radiation level in drain jumped up by 15 times after the Typhoon.


The reading was 34,000,000 Bq/m3. It was 2,300,000 Bq/m3 on 10/16/2013.




18th October 2013 – All β density of groundwater jumped up by 6557 times after the Typhoon / 400,000,000 Bq/m3 highest ever!




18 OCTOBER 2013 – The Pacific Ocean is broken.


“We hardly saw any living things. We saw one whale, sort of rolling helplessly on the surface with what looked like a big tumour on its head. It was pretty sickening.”


This is heart wrenching.


18 OCTOBER 2013 – Water radiation soars at Fukushima No. 1


“The level of becquerels, a record high for water in that well, was up 6,500-fold from the 61 becquerels found Wednesday.”

“It is believed some 400 tons of radioactive groundwater is flowing into the Pacific daily.”


17th October 2013 – Tepco discharged 9 tank area dam water due to the Typhoon




16th October 2013 – Tepco’s toxic water failures pitiful: NRA


Despite such efforts, the levels of cesium-137 in seawater samples collected between the water intakes for reactors 1 and 2 inside the port rose to around 100 becquerels per liter this month from around 10 becquerels between late June and early July.

“It is reasonable to assume that the total amount of radioactive materials flowing into the sea has risen,” said Masaya Yasui, an emergency response official at the NRA secretariat.


15th October 2013 – Radionuclide Transport from Fukushima to Eastern North Pacific


Pacific water contaminated with Fukushima 137 Cs flows through Bering Strait and mixes with underlying Atlantic water labeled with 137 Cs from Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant and Chernobyl accident.

Cs 137 is transported northward into the Arctic Ocean to the North Pole (Sta. 4) and Canada Basin (Sta. 1). Red water depth profiles show arrival of peak (inset) inputs. Comparison with input function used to estimate circulation time scales, eg. 10 y to North Pole.


There are very detailed maps and charts showing the spread of the Cs-137 contamination through the North Pacific, Arctic Ocean and Atlantic Oceans, in this research document.

15th October 2013 – The amount of water released from the notch tanks (2) is 40 tonnes so far, according to Jiji. Cesium-137 in the water was 21Bq/L, within the provisional standard at Fukushima I NPP of 25Bq/L.


If the density of cesium-137 is less than 25Bq/L, [the rainwater inside the dam] will be released.






10th October 2013 – Radiation levels in harbour off Fukushima hit two-year high.


They constantly promote the myth that these high level contamination Fukushima harbour detections are confined there, even though this harbour is directly connected to the Pacific Ocean.


10th October 2013 – ALPS and frozen water wall can be the performance before discharging contaminated water into the Pacific.


“A person inside of Japanese government said, “Everyone knows Japanese government will end up discharging the contaminated water into the sea.”


There has to be a worldwide effort to stop this from happening!


8th October 2013 – Fukushima’s Fish Tale


Something not tested for to date but mentioned by Straight.com is the risk from strontium 90 and plutonium in Pacific fish.

The fish most at risk for contamination were rarely if ever tested. This tactic gives a false sense of security and leaves the true risk factor unknown.

A citizen radiation watchdog group, BQwatcher posted these contamination readings.

Miyagi Full Season → Genki blue uni Kesennuma 8.7 Bq / kg

Ibaraki 130 Bq / kg · Komonkasube 33, flounder, yellowtail flounder 11 7.7, rock trout, red sea bream 2.8 1.2 1.1 Shousaifugu

Ibaraki Kasumigaura 44 Bq / kg · Gengoroubuna 40-26-whitebait smelt 14 (river fish)


7th October 2013 – Scientists dismiss claims that radiation in Japan is contained.


Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s claim that radioactive water leaking into the sea from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant is confined to the coast doesn’t make scientific sense.

Each tank contains about 10 terabequerels, or 270 curies, of strontium-90.

Once strontium gets into fish, it stays in them for months and years and it’s going to be an additional reason why they won’t be able to open up their fisheries


7th October 2013 – Report raises fresh concerns about radiation levels in Japanese fish.


The Japanese Fisheries Agency has been testing the radiation in fish caught in its waters since March 2011. On average, fish in the 33,000 tests had 18 becquerels per kilo of radioactive cesium.

Some fish samples tested to date have had very high levels of radiation: one sea bass sample collected in July, for example, had 1,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium.


Recent research suggests 5 Bq/Kg should be the maximum for children, and preferably none. If they detect Cesium there are probably other radioactive Isotopes contaminants present, but not reported.


4th October 2013 – Radioactive silver in seafood caught off Japan.

The recent detections of radioactive silver (Ag-110m) exceeding those of radioactive cesium in squid, octopus and crab caught off Fukushima prefecture, implies that fission and criticalities are still going on at the Fukushima site.


4th October 2013 – 13,000,000 Bq/m3 of all β nuclide already detected from the near drain to the Pacific



3rd October 2013 – 200,000,000 Bq/m3 was leaking for 12 hours max / Patrol didn’t notice “because it was raining



1st October 2013 – TEPCO submits criteria to the Nuclear Regulation Authority to dump radioactive contaminated rainwater into Pacific Ocean.


27th September 2013 – Reactor 5 & 6 pump up 6,000 tones of seawater per hour from Fukushima port to discharge to outside of the port.




All talk and no action for over two years now, from authorities being asked to test Salmon, Herring, Tuna, and Halibut, for Fukushima radiation contamination, even after numerous reports of dramatic stock reductions, and disease.

19th September 2013 – Japan Meteorological Research Institute “60,000,000,000 Bq of Cs-137 and Sr-90 is leaking to the open ocean everyday.”




18th September 2013 – TEPCO has known about the massive groundwater intrusion and leaking at the site since at least May of 2011. The company chose to do nothing out of fear the high cost ($1 billion USD) would cause investment markets to consider the company “bankrupt”.


28th August 2013 – Radioactive water may contaminate entire Pacific Ocean in 6 years!



30th August 2013 – Ag-110m detected in 8 out of 8 crab samples 20km taken from Fukushima disaster site.



25th August 2013 – Empire Editorial: Is Fukushima tainting one of Alaska’s most valuable resources? Calling for testing of seafood.


24th August 2013 – Highly Regarded Physician: The salmon migrate through radioactive plumes coming off Fukushima, then we catch them on Canada’s shores — Concerned about lack of testing — Officials “rely on Japan for test results”


21st August 2013 – Nikolaus Gantner, an ecotoxicologist affiliated with Trent University in Peterborough, Ont., said the challenge is to discover how much radiation is accumulating in migratory or long-lived fish, such as halibut, salmon and tuna.

“There are simply not enough measurements being done in water and biota on this side of the Pacific Ocean,” he said.


13th August 2013 – Disease killing Pacific herring threatens salmon, scientist warns.


12th August 2013 – Lake Babine sockeye fishery at risk of unprecedented closure. reports of Salmon fish stocks being drastically reduced from western Russia, Alaska to the Canadian west coast.


22nd August 2013 – Tepco “30,000,000,000,000 Bq of Cs-137 and Sr-90 leaked to the Pacific” / 30,000,000,000 Bq still leaking per day!


21st August 2013 – West Coast of North America to Be Hit Hard by Fukushima Radiation.

“Last year, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and 3 scientists from the GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences showed that radiation on the West Coast of North America could end up being 10 times higher than in Japan.”


16th August 2013 – 3,800 Bq/liter of tritium detected in Pacific sea water near the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site, one of the highest detection so far. Cesium 137 and 134 was also detected in significant amounts.


15th March 2012 – Test results provided by the Japanese Meteorological Research Institute, of 137Cs and 134Cs activities in the North Pacific Ocean, from sampled sea water during the period from April – May 2011.


Huge amounts of highly contaminated water has been following into the Pacific Ocean for over 28 months now, and it does not look like stopping soon!

6th August 2013 – Japan’s nuclear body calls radioactive groundwater leakage at Fukushima ‘emergency’.


1st August 2013 – 950,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 from reactor2 seawater trench shaft.


1st August 2013 – 39,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 measured from reactor3 seawater trench shaft.


1st August 2013 – 5,800 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 measured in seawater “outside” of Fukushima nuclear plant port.



27th July 2013 – 750,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of all β nucleotides to include Sr-90 detected from seaside trench of reactor 2.



26th July 2013 – 2.35 Billion Bq/L of Cesium in trench in ground water that comes from Fukushima reactor 2 turbine building.


26 July 2013 – Fisheries station “Contaminated groundwater may well up a few Km offshore Fukushima.”



22th July 2013 – Tepco now admits radioactive water entering the sea at Fukushima, No. 1 Fisheries exec shocked by utility’s flip-flop on groundwater’s flow.

Shocked, really! Anyone who has taken any notice of what has been happening at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site from the very beginning, would not be shocked. It has flowed into the Pacific Ocean for 28 months now. They use the word leak, to play it down. Their estimate is 450 tons a day of ground water flowing into the Pacific Ocean. This is probably a very conservative estimate! It’s a flood, not a leak! Look at the multiple huge detection reports here, under the Pacific Ocean heading, for some enlightenment of what is truly happening.


20th July 2013 – Maritime Safety Agency, “Sr-90 and Cs-137 density in seawater became the highest in past 40 years”

Maritime Safety Agency, “Sr-90 and Cs-137 density in seawater became the highest in past 40 years”



19th July 2013 – 36,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 measured from retained water of reactor 2 trench / Tritium density under analysis.

36,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 measured from retained water of reactor2 trench / Tritium density under analysis



13th July 2013 – Why Fukushima Daiichi leaks large amounts of Radioactive contamination into the Pacific Ocean.


13th July 2013 – Tritium levels rising, 630,000,000 Bq/m3 detected from the sample on 7/8/2013, and 600,000,000 Bq/m3 on the 7/5/2013. They also measured 4,400,000 Bq/m3 of beta radiation from this sample.




13th July 201392,000,000 Bq/m3 of beta emitting isotopes detected in new testing bore hole 38 meters from the Pacific Ocean.





12th July 2013 – 100,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-137 + 50,000,000,000 of Cs-134 for a total 150,000,000,000 Bq/m3 detected from at test shaft water sample at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site. This water is leaking into the Pacific Ocean.



12th July 2013 – 1,200,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 was detected, in ground water situated on the east side of reactor 2.




12th July 2013 – An estimated 450 tons of highly contaminated ground water flows into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site every day, and has for over two year now.




13th July 2013 – Why Fukushima Daiichi leaks large amounts of Radioactive contamination into the Pacific Ocean.


13th July 2013 – Tritium levels rising, 630,000,000 Bq/m3 detected from the sample on 7/8/2013, and 600,000,000 Bq/m3 on the 7/5/2013. They also measured 4,400,000 Bq/m3 of beta radiation from this sample.




13th July 201392,000,000 Bq/m3 of beta emitting isotopes detected in new testing bore hole 38 m from the Pacific Ocean.





12th July 2013100,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-137 + 50,000,000,000 of Cs-134 for a total 150,000,000,000 Bq/m3 detected from at test shaft water sample at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site. This water is leaking into the Pacific Ocean.



12th July 2013 – 1,200,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 was detected, in ground water situated on the east side of reactor 2.




12th July 2013 – An estimated 450 tons of highly contaminated ground water flows into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site every day, and has for over two year now.





12th July 2013 – Radioactive Fish, Pacific Ocean, Fukushima leaking badly.


8th July 2013 – Seawater contamination 17,000,000 Bq/m3 for all β nuclides, and 850,000 Bq/m3 for Sr-90 detected.



5th July 2013 – Measured 900,000,000 Bq/m3 for all βeta emitter radioactive Isotopes from groundwater, at Fukushima. This is going to end up in the Pacific Ocean.



28th June 2013 – Can’t stop Titium overflowing into the Pacific Ocean. Tritium detected from 11 locations in the sea, average 340,000 Bq/m3.



27th June 2013 – Tritium density in Pacific Ocean seawater has tripled in 2 weeks, near the Fulushima plant Japan.

Sample : Seawater

Sampling location : North of water intake of reactor 1 ~ 4

6/24/2013 : 1,500,000 Bq/m3

6/21/2013 : 1,100,000 Bq/m3

6/10/2013 : 500,000 Bq/m3



10th June 2013 – Study finds levels of Strontium up to 100x in parts of the Pacific Ocean in June 2011. These studies do not take into account long term bio-accumulation, or the constant releases from the Fukushima Nuclear plant since 2011.



30th May 2013 – Phytoplankton upsurge observed off Japan after 311, dragged fallout down to 7300m deep in the Pacific Ocean.

21st May 2013 – Fukushima Cesium contamination of the Pacific Ocean could be much worse than surface detections indicate, because it is going deeper into the ocean.




6th May 2013 – Dried Mushrooms from Italy Still Found With 170 Bq/kg of Cesium-137.

5th May 3013 – Researchers find high cesium in some Pacific plankton, already east of Hawaii?





24th January 2013 – Independent study finds Pacific Ocean Cesium levels stopped declining, and have remained stuck at 10,000 times above pre-accident levels.


22nd Jul 2009 – Search for Containers of Radioactive Waste on the Sea Floor


Between 1946 and 1970, approximately 47,800 large containers of low-level radioactive waste were dumped in the Pacific Ocean west of San Francisco. These containers, mostly 55-gallon (208 liter) drums, were to be dumped at three designated sites in the Gulf of the Farallones, but many were not dropped on target, probably because of inclement weather and navigational uncertainties.

Visual observations revealed that the condition of the barrels ranged from completely intact to seriously deteriorate.


Fromm page 211 on, you will find excellent maps and photos.




Flag of Japan


8th February 2017 – Japan Radiation Embargoed Food List


These embargoed food lists give an idea of what food products were found to be contaminated on a frequent enough basis to warrant banning them from sale. This list also doesn’t assure other food items (or food from other prefectures) to not be contaminated. In order to confirm that, regular and frequent testing would be needed. The embargo list does follow what other reporting has confirmed to be problematic foods.

Food restrictions are listed in two levels. One is where the item is completely restricted from sale, the other where it must pass the government management program before it can be sold. The government management program allows the item to have up to 100 bq/kg of cesium before they will prevent it from being sold. The management programs are imperfect. Spot checks won’t catch all contaminated products. Bulk testing can miss a highly contaminated item mixed in with uncontaminated items. Anything below 100 bq/kg is permitted to be sold.


20th June 2016 – Fukushima rice to be sold in Britain


A total of 1.9 tons of Fukushima rice called Ten no Tsubu will be sold in London, making the UK the first EU nation to import the region’s produce after the nuclear disaster. The sale became possible after a long campaign from Fukushima natives in London to fend off rumors about the potential danger of the crops, the media said.


15th June 2016 – The Spread of Radiation Internal Contamination thru Fresh Produce in Japan


Everyone should be careful and aware that radiation contaminated food is being distributed anywhere in Japan, not only in Fukushima Prefecture.

To know the exact measure, becquerels level in each food to be consumed is becoming vital so as to not be harmed internally, knowing that radiation exposure internally is much more harmful than external exposure : at least 100 times more harmful.

Recently, information about contaminated foods is become more available, than just after the accident. Nevertheless radioactive contamination is ongoing and well present in food everywhere as it shows on the map above.


11th January 2016 – I-131 detected from sewage sludge in Koriyama city Fukushima almost everyday this November


In total, I-131 was measured almost everyday this November. The highest reading was 49 Bq/Kg.

In October, I-131 was detected only on 10/30/2015.


These recent sewage sludge I-131 detection reports, in a city near the Fukushima site, point to criticality still occurring at the nuclear catastrophe site!

I-131 detected from sewage sludge in Koriyama city Fukushima almost everyday this November


10th January 2016 – 8,000 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from vacuum dust collected in the last week of 2015


On 1/8/2016, the same person posted on Twitter that 7,993 Bq/Kg of Cesium-134/137 was measured even after the entire cleaning of the house.

After cleaning the entire house to detect 5,600 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from the dust on 12/20/2015, the person cleaned the house again. 7,993 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 was measured in the dust collected during this second enter cleaning, which suggests radioactive material is still newly accumulated in a house.

25th December 2015 – I-131 still detected from two sewage plants in Tokyo this December


The measured density was 21 ~ 25 Bq/Kg. In Edogawa ward, 1,450 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 was also detected. Cs-134 density was 250 Bq/Kg to prove it came from Fukushima plant.

In the plant of Akishima city, 20 Bq/Kg of I-131 was detected in November too.


31st December 2015 – Radiation-contaminated water at Fukushima plant on the rise


Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the operator of the plant, had initially planned to halve the daily amount of contaminated groundwater to 150 metric tons by pumping up groundwater from wells called “groundwater drains” on the ocean side and “subdrains” inland. However, because the pumped water was found to be highly radioactive, the utility was unable to release it into the ocean, resulting in up to around 400 tons a day of tainted water being transferred back to the side of reactor buildings.

30th December 2015 – 5,600 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from vacuum cleaner dust accumulated from this September in Iwaki city


A Japanese citizen living in Iwaki city Fukushima posted on Twitter that 5,580 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 was detected from vacuum cleaner dust.

27th December 2015 – Levels of radioactive contaminants in marketed food in Tokyo



7th December 2015 – Still over 22,657 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 detected from mushroom in Iwaki city


On 11/29/2015, a citizen’s radiation researcher posted on Twitter that the person measured 22,657 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from mushroom.

3rd December 2015 – 45 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 detected from farm soil in Chiba prefecture


A citizen’s radiation measurement station named “Fujimi-ru” reported they measured 44.7 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from farm soil. The sample was collected in Kimitsu city of Chiba prefecture (0 ~ 10cm deep). Sampling date was this November.

2015/11/25 at 2:21 pm

23rd November 2015 – 14,290 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 detected from mushroom in Iwaki city / Over double as last year


The sampling location was Iwaki city in Fukushima. The type of the mushroom was Lactarius chrysorrheus. Cs-134/137 density in the surrounding ground was 2,789 Bq/Kg.

The researcher comments Cs-134/137 density was 828 Bq/Kg from the sample at the same location in 2013. It went up to 5,625 Bq/Kg in 2014, which shows the increasing density trend in mushroom.

2015/11/16 at 4:15 pm

10th – November 2015 – Test fishing in Fukushima reels in a clean catch fit for a king


But a reading of white rockfish was 58.7 becquerels per kilo, below the national standards of 100 becquerels per kilo, but in excess of the limit of 50 becquerels set by the local fishermen’s cooperatives for circulation.

8th November 2015 – Chris Busby; Fukushima Thyroid Cancer- The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences


Sweden, like all European States is subject to the EURATOM Basic Safety Standards Directive which contains a clause, an amendment by the European Greens in 1996 at the suggestion of Busby, Alice Stewart, Alexy Yablokov and Rosalie Bertell.

It states that if “New and important Evidence” emerges that the risk model is wrong, all practices involving radiation exposure in the EU must be Justified all over again. Here, Chris Busby attacks the risk model and those who had presented extremely biased science through the day of the symposium.

He draws attention particularly to the recent publication in the journal Epidemiology which reports 120 thyroid cancers in 380,000 children living near Fukushima. This shows an error in the ICRP model of 2600 times.


It is very evident from numerous research papers, that the Nuclear industry dose model is seriously flawed. This means all their statements about safety levels are grossly inaccurate. They don’t want the general population to be aware of this.

9th November 2015 – 7,200,000,000 Bq of All β nuclides in contaminated water leaked from Reactor 2


In total, 7,200,000,000 Bq of all β nuclides to include Strontium-90 and 3,037,500,000 Bq of Cs-134/137 are reported to have leaked out. The density of other nuclides was not announced.

Tepco is still investigating the exact leakage point. However, it is highly likely that the transferring pipe was damaged and it was made of Polyethylene.

10th October 2015 – 9,000 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 detected from stove ash in Tochigi prefecture


On 10/10/2015, the citizen’s radiation measurement station announced they detected extremely high level of Cesium-134/137 from stove ash used in Tochigi prefecture.

The density was 8,570 Bq/Kg in total of Cs-134/137. From the safety regulation of Ministry of the Environment, this is the level to be properly stocked as radioactive waste.


30th October 2015 – Fukushima Contamination Found In Tap Water; New Report


The readings are very low but drinking water is used in so many things people consume it does create a long term method of ongoing exposure. NRA did not mention if any of these municipalities were doing anything to try to further filter out contaminants before delivering water to the public.



29th October 2015 – 52,339 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 still measured from mushroom in Fukushima


On 10/22/2015, the person posted on Twitter that 52,339 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 was detected from a type of mushroom called “Ramaria botrytis” (Photos A). The sample was collected in a copse of Futaba county in Fukushima.


2015/10/20 at 3:51 pm

10th October 2015 – 9,000 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 detected from stove ash in Tochigi prefecture


On 10/10/2015, the citizen’s radiation measurement station announced they detected extremely high level of Cesium-134/137 from stove ash used in Tochigi prefecture.

30th September 2015 – Municipal Drinking Water In Japan Still Show Traces Of Fukushima Contamination


A recent Health Ministry report showed that a number of Japanese cities were still finding traces of Fukushima related contamination in their drinking water. The amounts found were low but they did include cesium 134, the shorter lived contaminant from Fukushima Daiichi. A strontium 90 test was not conducted on these samples.

2015/10/14 at 4:02 pm

9th October 2015 – Significant level of Cs-134/137 measured from 46 of 50 dried persimmons from Fukushima


15 of them exceeded the food safety limit in Cs-134/137 density. The highest density was 270 Bq/Kg, which is nearly 3 times higher than food safety limit.

Significant level of Cs-134/137 measured from 46 of 50 dried persimmons from Fukushima

2015/09/29 at 5:01 pm

29th September 2015 – 420 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 detected from mushroom sold on a shelf in Gunma


On 9/25/2015, MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) announced high level of Cs-134/137 was detected from mushroom that was already sold.

The highest density was 420 Bq/Kg from Shimeji. The analysis was implemented by National Institute of Health Sciences.


24th September 2015 – Still 0.88 MBq/km2 of Cs-134/137 falls in Tokyo monthly


From their report released on 8/31/2015, 0.88 MBq/km2 of Cs-134/137 falls onto Tokyo this July. The sampling location was Shinjuku.

The comparable data on Fukushima prefecture is not listed on the same report for some reason.

In Miyagi prefecture, where is in the North of Fukushima prefecture, the fallout level is 0.55 MBq/km2. The fallout density in Tokyo is higher than Miyagi prefecture.

22nd September 2015 – Cs-134/137 measured from Tokyo tap-water


The density was from 0.00178 to 0.003 Bq/Kg. Cs-134 was detected to prove it is from Fukushima plant.

All the other analyses were carried out by Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks or municipal governments and the lowest detectable amount was over 0.5 Bq/kg to show none of the actual readings.

20th September 2015 – The highest I-131 density of this year detected in 2 Fukushima sewage plants


The highest reading was 1,038.4 Bq/Kg of 7/11/2015. The highest density of Cs-134 was also detected, which was 44 Bq/Kg the same day. It rained on 7/8/2015 but the precipitation was only 10.5 mm.

Also in another sewage plant in Koriyama city, 889 Bq/Kg of I-131 was detected from dry sewage sludge. This is also the highest reading of this plant. I-131 kept on being detected for 15 days of this July.

19th September 2015 – Over 700 Fukushima waste bags swept away by torrential floods


Extensive and destructive floods across eastern Japan have swept more than 700 bags containing Contaminated soil and grass into Japan’s rivers, with many still unaccounted for and some spilling their radioactive content into the water system.

25th July 2015 – Cs-134/137 detected from 6 of 6 sea bass samples taken Ibaraki offshore


The sampling location was offshore of Hitachi city, Ibaraki. They were collected around the end of June. The highest reading was 9.7 Bq/Kg.

Cesium-134 was detected from 5 of 6 sea bass samples.


15th July 2015 – Cesium-134/137 measured over 200 percent of safety level from Fukushima rice


According to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, excessive amount of Cs-134/137 was detected from two unpolished rice samples produced in Fukushima city.

The rice was experimentally produced but not distributed, the farmer states. The highest reading was 220 Bq/Kg in total of Cs-134/137. The safety limit is supposed to be 100 Bq/Kg.


2015/06/11 at 11:16 pm
16th January 2015 – Japan-Radiation Test Results: 5th Round – We’ve tested our seafood for a fifth time … and again received very reassuring results


Strontium-90: None detected in king salmon, halibut, or albacore tuna. Sockeye salmon contained 1,760 pCi/kg of strontium-90, which is less than half (41%) of the FDA’s safety limit (DIL) of 4,300 pCi/kg.

“Grains, leafy vegetables, and dairy products are the leading sources of dietary strontium-90 in the U.S. diet, and the concentration in U.S.-grown vegetables typically peaks at 9 pCi/kg.”


My opinion.

It is commendable that this company is testing sea food for radioactive contamination.

I am surprised at the amount of Strontium-90 detected in the Sockeye salmon, considering the other isotopes tested for were below reliable equipment detection limits. The question is why did the Sockeye salmon bio-accumulate so much Strontium-90, and the other fish didn’t? Knowing what they are eating and their migration patterns could answer this question. It may turn out that the Strontium source is not from Fukushima.

Strontium-90 is a poison and does not have any dietary health benefit, at any level of contamination!

From previous research, the Sockeye salmon Strontium-90 contamination could affect Sockeye salmon fertility, and cause a crash in fish numbers. It will also be bio-accumulated up the food chain by all its predators, including Humans.

8th October 1971 – Fallout and Reproduction of Ocean Fish Populations E.J. Sternglass, Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Nuclear Fallout causes Fish Population Decline extract:

As will be shown below, very large declines of fish-populations after low-altitude nuclear tests followed by a gradual recovery to pretesting levels have been observed both in the Atlantic and Pacific, strongly suggesting that the eggs of fish and the developing young are far more sensitive to internal radiation from low-level fallout than had been anticipated, very much as in the case of the human-embryo and fetus.


18th May 2015 – Fukushima Radiation Found In Tap Water Around Japan


Testing conducted in February and March of 2015 found cesium in many tap water samples collected around Japan. While the numbers were fairly low it is still a persistent problem since tap water is used in some way in everything that is consumed. In the readings, Tokyo had higher tap water contamination levels than Fukushima City.

April 2015 – Massive internal contamination occurring in Japan, over a wide area, and long distances from Fukushima, as evidenced by house dust test results.


If it is in the house dust, it has to be getting into the air, food and water, of the people living in these homes.

Presentation by Arnie Gundersen, at the World Uranium Symposium.

12th March 2015 – Produce worries easing but some fish, wild foods still a problem in wake of Fukushima meltdowns


But concern remains over fish, wild vegetables and wild game. Between April 1 last year and March 1, around 292,000 such samples were tested for radioactive cesium and 502, or 0.17 percent, exceeded the safe threshold, the health ministry said. In fiscal 2012, that ratio stood at 0.85 percent.

In February, wild boar meat from Fukushima Prefecture was found to contain 15,000 becquerels of cesium per kilogram, the highest figure since last April 1.

Highly contaminated wild game was also found in Miyagi, Iwate, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Niigata and Saitama prefectures, including wild boar meat from Miyagi that contained 1,300 becquerels of cesium per kilogram and deer meat from Saitama that contained 530 becquerels of cesium per kilogram, according to government data.


If Cesium is present, there is the likely hood that other radioactive isotopes are also present, but not tested for.

In my opinion, the so called Japanese safe limit of 100 Bq/kg of Cesium is set too high, particularly for children, who are much more sensitive to radiation than adults. This short ten minute video explains why 100 Bq/kg of Cesium is too high a limit for children.



2015/03/06 at 1:09 am

22nd December 2014 – Radiological Dose Rates to Marine Fish from the Fukushima Daiichi Accident: The First Three Years Across the North Pacific


Our analysis of publicly available data indicates the dose rates to the most impacted fish species near the FDNPP (median 1.1 mGy d–1, 2012–2014 data) have remained above benchmark levels for potential dose effects at least three years longer than was indicated by previous, data-limited evaluations.

In addition to 134,137Cs, the radionuclide 90Sr was estimated to contribute up to approximately one-half of the total 2013 dose rate to fish near the FDNPP.

A hypothetical human consumer of 50 kg of fish, gathered 3 km from the FDNPP in 2013, would have received a total committed effective dose of approximately 0.95 mSv a–1 from combined FDNPP and ambient radionuclides, of which 0.13 mSv a–1 (14%) was solely from the FDNPP radionuclides and below the 1 mSv a–1 benchmark for public exposure.


In my opinion, the internal dose rate model is seriously flawed. There are so many independent studies that show it is flawed, and should not be use. It is used to play down the serious effects of internal ingestion of radioactive isotopes. A lot of radioactive isotopes are often not just radioactive, but also chemically toxic.

It does not take into account the serious biological toxicity multiplying effect of an organism ingesting multiple radioactive, and chemical toxins.


2015/02/21 at 8:46 pm

5th February 2015 – 30 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 detected from pig excrement in Iwaki city to prove internal exposure of domestic animals.


A Fukushima citizen measured a significant level of Cs-134/137 from pig excrement. This means the pork has serious amount of internal exposure.

The detected density was 29.44 Bq/Kg in total of Cesium-134/137 (Photo A). The citizen is living in Hamadori area of Fukushima prefecture.

The sample was compost of pig excrement produced in Tohno town, Iwaki city. Producing year was 2013.

Also, on 1/20/2015, this citizen measured 21.20 Bq/Kg from tangerine produced in Iwaki city (Photo B).


2015/02/06 at 3:07 am

26th January 2015 – Analysis of Japanese Radionuclide Monitoring Data of Food Before and After the Fukushima Nuclear Accident


Lessons Learned. An ample set of food monitoring data allows for the observation of general radioecological trends, such as the mobility and bioavailability of radionuclides. In this particular case, the long series of pre-Fukushima monitoring data teach us that the 90Sr/137Cs activity ratio is not constant in foodstuffs but constantly increases with time, thus causing an underestimation of the internal exposure as long as a constant (and low) ratio is assumed by the regulatory bodies.

A key finding of this study is that the correlation between 90Sr and 137Cs may soon no longer follow the assumption of a maximum 90Sr/137Cs activity ratio of 0.1 or even 0.003 in food. Background data from Japan suggested that after several years following the release into the environment, the 90Sr/137Cs activity ratio observed in food rises significantly (most of the samples showing a ratio > 2).





2015/01/28 at 4:52 pm

27th January 2015 – 31,000,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 measured at the nearest boring well to Reactor 2


It was 31,000,000 Bq/m3. The sampling point was the boring well, which is the closest to Reactor 2.

This is the highest density measured from this boring well, which is 10% more than the previous highest record.

31,000,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 measured at the nearest boring well to Reactor 2


26th January 2015 – Over 2× as safety limit of Cs-134/137 detected from fish outside of Fukushima plant port


Cesium-134/137 density was 209 Bq/Kg. This is over double as the food safety limit in Japan.



21st January 2015 – 223,000 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 detected from Jacopever inner Fukushima plant port


Soon it’s going to be 4 years since 311 took place, however contamination level still remains high among marine creatures and also Tepco’s ill nature to try to downplay the actual contamination hasn’t been changed at all.



2014/12/22 at 1:18 am


17th December 2014 – 日本産原木干ししいたけ Japanese Dried Shiitake Mushroom

Test results:




15th December 2014 – 日本産かつお節 Japanese Bonito

Test results:



10th December 2014 – Cs-134/137 detected double as food safety limit from water purification plant soil in Saitama.


The second highest Cs-134/137 density was 180 Bq/Kg. Cs-134/137 density exceeded the food safety limit at 3 of 5 prefectural water purification plants.



7th December 2014 – 4158 bq/kg Mushrooms Found In Tochigi Prefecture


Mushrooms from Tochigi prefecture tested and found to have 4158 bq/kg of cesium. The test was recently completed and shows that the problems of radioactive foods it not “over” and not isolated to Fukushima prefecture.


15th November 2014 – Fukushima health risks underestimated


For instance, one street in front of a hospital in Fukushima City “is quite contaminated”, Smitai said, measuring 1.1 microsieverts of radiation per hour. Although this was one of the highest readings, Greenpeace found 70 other places in the city where the amount of radiation recorded exceeded the Ministry of Environment’s long-term target of 0.23 microsieverts per hour.

Most of these areas therefore have “not been decontaminated, and cannot be decontaminated because, for instance, a forest can’t be decontaminated, practically speaking”, he added.

Critics, however, charge that these results were found by averaging the radiation measurements, meaning that individual “hot spots” such as those Greenpeace claims to have found could go unstated.


Submitted on 2014/11/14 at 8:37 pm
8th March 2012
– Isotopic evidence of plutonium release into the environment from the Fukushima DNPP accident


In addition, a more efficient transfer of 241Am into plants may be expected. A recent study showed that the coefficients of 241Am transfer from soil to wild plants28, particularly to legumes, are 3–5 times higher than those of 239,240Pu. Therefore, it is highly necessary to investigate the distribution and surface activity of 241Pu inside the 20 km zone, where much higher 241Pu could be expected. This is important for the long-term dose assessment of actinides, and will have important implications in the strategy for decontamination procedures.

For soil samples collected in Mito, Chiba, and Kamagaya Cities, although 137Cs activities were significantly higher than the activity level before the accident (Table 1), for example, the Kamagaya soil sample 2 (0–2 cm) collected on the grounds of a Japanese shrine, near the drain pipes from a building roof, had a 137Cs activity of 11429±88 mBq/g.


When reading these scientific documents they often use Becquerel per gram (Bq/g) measurements, so you need to multiply by a 1,000 to convert to Bq/kg.


8th November 2014 – Still 102,900 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 measured from Matsutake mushroom in Minamisoma city


From their latest report of September, 102,900 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 was measured from Matsutake mushroom. The city government reports it was collected for self-consumption, but the ratio of Cs-134 and Cs-137 was not announced.



12th October 2014 – Tritium up 10-fold in Fukushima groundwater after Typhoon Phanfone


Some 150,000 becquerels of tritium per liter were measured in a groundwater sample taken Thursday from a well east of the No. 2 reactor. The figure is a record for the well and over 10 times the level measured the previous week.

In addition, materials that emit beta rays, such as strontium-90, which causes bone cancer, also shattered records with a reading of 1.2 million becquerels, the utility said of the sample.

The well is close to the plant’s port in the Pacific.


18th September 2014 – Fukushima radiation damages rice genome


A study in the American Genetic Association’s Journal of Heredity examines the detailed genetic alterations of the all-important young rice plant when exposed to low-level radiation – that emitted by the Fukushima nuclear plant a year after the disaster.


2014/09/15 submitted

Levels of Radioactive Contaminants in Foods Tested in Respective Prefectures, by the Japanese ministry of Health.


Here you will find the most recent and past, Japanese government food contamination test results.


2014/09/08 at 3:47 am

19th May 2013 – This video, is from rice produced in Fukushima Prefecture going to market at 11bq/kg Cesium, anything under 100bq/kg is considered safe by japan but scientist of Chernobyl say 16bq/kg should be the limit. This is alarming since they lifted the food restrictions on Fukushima grown rice Aug 2014.



2nd September 2014 – Mushroom contamination map shows contaminated products mainly consumed in Kanto area.


The online uncontaminated food distributer, “Whitefood” plotted the cases that MHLW detected Cesium-134/137 from a mushroom on Japanese map.


23rd August 2014 – S. Korea returned 20 t of Japanese marine products for Cs-134/137 contamination / Not from Fukushima area.


S. Korea banned imports from Fukushima prefecture and 7 adjacent prefectures last September, so this 20 t of returned marine products are not from the main contaminated regions in Japan.



7th August 2014 – “Radiation Fallout,” ABC Australian Catalyst program.


1. The program Highlights the Safecast public radiation monitoring program in Japan.

2. Researchers finding that decontamination efforts can sometimes create more contamination downstream, after snowfall and rain events.

3. Soil contamination levels do not reflect what food contamination levels can be, because different plants have different biological efficiencies in contamination uptake.

27th July 2014 – Cs-134 / 137 density jumped up 12 times much as previous highest reading in groundwater beside Reactor 2

Extract: See also.. 2,700,000,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 measured from groundwater nearby Reactor 2 [URL 2]

Comment: A lot of this contamination is probably going to end up in the Pacific Ocean.




20th July 2014 – Over 1,000 Bq/Kg of I-131 measured from sewage sludge in Northern part of Fukushima prefecture


Their data shows I-131 started being detected on 6/12/2014. It kept being detectable since then and it reached the peak on 6/14/2014. The reading was 1,017.2 Bq/Kg.

20th July 2014 – 370 Bq/Kg of Cesium-134 / 137 from 5 ~ 6 km offshore Fukushima plant


Tepco reports it was fished approx. 4km offshore of Kumagawa-river. It is assumed to be 5~6 km from Fukushima plant port.

Also 178 Bq/Kg of Cesium-134/137 was measured from another Okamejei sample taken outside of Fukushima plant port.


14th July 2014 – Debris cleanup at Fukushima reactor may have contaminated rice crops.


Radioactive cesium exceeding the government limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram was detected in rice crops from Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture, last year, including areas located more than 20 km from the crippled nuclear plant.

A Tepco spokesman said the company does not deny the possibility that its cleanup work is to blame but added it isn’t clear whether that was the direct cause of the contamination.


8th July 2014 – Japanese citizen “Fukushima kindergarten turns a blind eye to highly contaminated ingredients and serves lunch”


25th June 2014 – 67,886 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 measured from elementary school soil in Fujisawa city / 300 km from Fukushima plant


The sample is the soil removed for school area decontamination. The reading was 64,281 Bq/Kg including water. The density is assumed to increased to 67,886 Bq/Kg when it’s dry.



24th June 2014 – 17,060 Bq/Kg from Chengiopanax sciadophylloides in Fukushima / 13,742 Bq/Kg from Ash for cooking.


Among 3,000 samples, Cs-134/137 was detected from 39.8% of all. It was 39.9% in May of 2013, which shows the radioactive contamination hasn’t become less since last year.



20th June 2014 – Angry Japan farmers bring cow from Fukushima to Tokyo.


“Our cows cannot be shipped as meat. They are evidence of lives affected by radiation,” said Masami Yoshizawa, leader of the farm, in front of the ministry, as his supporters and media looked on.

Fellow Fukushima farmer Naoto Matsumura said: “What if this started happening to people? We have to examine the cause of this and let people know what happened to these animals.”


2014/06/07 at 4:56 pm
6th June 2014 – Latest Fukushima Prefecture beef, seafood, fruit, and vegetable test results.

Comment: This is a large list of tests, so you need to click on the page numbers at the bottom, to see the rest of the tests.


26th May 2014 – Fukushima VICE- Up to 3,000Bq/kg of Cesium in Fukushima produce, farmer commits suicide over guilt for selling it.


Insect research in this video suggests multi generational genetic damage is occurring, which will get worse with each generation.


It is a crime that large numbers of Japanese children are left in these highly contaminated areas, and have not been evacuated.

Criminal that the Japanese government monitoring stations show much lower levels of background radiation than is actually present, to provide a sense of safety, when in fact the environment is highly radioactive.



11th May 2014 – Fieldwork 7 or 1.15μSv/h in a Vegetable Field near Tokyo


1.15μSv/h is the highest reading that I had had during the 1 1/2 years of use of this dosimeter.


4th May 2014 – Ibaraki elementary school to have a “rice-planting” class for 9~12 y.o students in 270 Bq/Kg / “Come with socks”


They published the announcement to state the radioactive density (Probably they mean Cesium-134/137) is only 270 Bq/Kg, which is lower than the average of the rice fields of the city to be 296.8 Bq/Kg.


17th April 2014 – Japan Radiation Embargoed Food List


The Japanese government has been wooing the media with claims that all the contamination in the food supply has miraculously just gone away. This is of course not exactly what is going on.

What is not mentioned is how many foods are still being held back from sale and that they are not just in Fukushima prefecture.

Spot checks won’t catch all contaminated products. Bulk testing can miss a highly contaminated item mixed in with uncontaminated items. Anything below 100 bq/kg is permitted to be sold.


17th February 2014 – New Independent Fukushima Food Contamination Results


People in Japan early on realized they needed to take things into their own hands if they wanted to know the conditions around them and what their risk factors were. Citizen labs have been set up in Japan to allow people to test their own food.

While the government in Japan (and elsewhere) have insisted anything below legal intervention levels of food contamination are “safe”, the public and many NGOs have disputed this. Ongoing problems with cesium in children’s urine belies the govt claim that all is ok. Two sets of standards have evolved. The one the government uses and the one the public uses to scrutinize their food supply.

Out of the readings that were frequently positive are citrus fruits, that were found to be contaminated along with persimmons and kiwi fruit. There were also many negative, no contamination findings for foods including those in Fukushima.

Recent Food Testing Results from most recent 2013-2014 tests:


Submitted on 2014/04/15 at 4:49 pm

21st February 2014 – Living With Radiation In Japan


Local food coops that carefully select and test their food have become a go-to source for people concerned about contamination in the food supply.

This non profit called Project Food is sourcing foods from safer areas, testing them then offering them for sale.


Aeon testing results:
Beef: They do source meat from regions known to not be contaminated.


Rice: They source rice from a limited set of locations or farms.


Produce: Selectively sourced from regions not considerably impacted by contamination.


Seafood: Mostly sourced away from Fukushima, some Pacific fish, usually of species known to be low in contamination.




5th April 2014 – Tepco plans to discharge pumped groundwater to the sea this coming June


The pumped groundwater contains significant level of radiation as well, however it would not be filtered before discharging. (cf, [Coincidence ?] 3 highest densities of Tritium are “exactly 1,200,000 Bq/m3″ in groundwater bypass.


There should be an international effort to stop this from happening. At present there is a lot of Nuclear industry propaganda making out that Tritium is harmless. This video brings up a lot of independent research on the biological effects radioactive Tritium releases. That Tritium is something to be very concerned about. It is not just large amounts of Tritium that will be released into the Pacific Ocean!




4th April 2014 – Significant level of cesium-134/137 from 3 of 3 bamboo shoot samples in Yokohama


The sampling location is Yokohama. The samples were collected on 4/1/2014. The highest reading was 34 Bq/kg (Cs-134/137), the lowest was 15 Bq/kg. Because Cs-134 is measured from all of these bamboo shoots, it is from Fukushima for 100% sure. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare states these products are not distributed.



5th March 2014 – Fishing for data in the radioactive waters off Fukushima


With help from fisherman and citizen scientists, researchers in Japan and the U.S. are tracking the nucleotides in the ocean creatures who swim in the plume of water tainted with radiation from Fukushima. Their research is part of a long-term effort to figure out when — if ever — certain fish will be safe to eat. Science correspondent Miles O’Brien reports.


You continually hear this statement on the news, and in press releases.

“The fish tested well below safety levels.”

Governments around the world raised the safety levels massively, soon after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. These safety levels are an outright deception to fool the public. Unless you take the time to do the research, you would not know how deceitful the present actionable, or safety levels are.

Here are just two examples to make this clear.


EU secretly ups cesium safety level in food 20-fold



Their testing only focuses on Cesium, and conveniently leaves out the other bio-accumulating radioactive contaminants. The fallout from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster is a dirty mixture of different isotopes, not just Cesium! A lot of these radioactive isotopes are chemically toxic, as well as radioactive.



14th March 2014 – Shiitake mushroom, Kanagawa Prefecture

Measurement date 2014.1.22

Specimen Shiitake ( only edible portion ) ( Concentrated to 1937g → 1236g) weight 1003g, 3600 seconds measurement time

Cs-137: 6.15 ± 2.13 Bq / kg
Cs-134: 4.36 ± 1.75 Bq / kg
Cs total : 10.5 ± 2.76 Bq / kg



4th March 2014 – 2,900 MBq/km2 of Cesium-134/137 still fall down in Fukushima plant area monthly


It’s been nearly 3 years since 311, but still high level of radioactive plume is falling around the plant.



Submitted on 2014/03/02 at 7:52 pm

28th January 2014 – High radioactive materials detected in fish


The prefectural fisheries association said on Thursday that 110 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive materials was detected in scorpion fish caught in test-fishing off Iwaki City.

The government safety limit is 100 becquerels. This is the first time radiation levels have exceeded the limit in the test-fishing program.


Japans Cesium contamination safety limit is 12 times less than the USA’s. Even Japans limit is set far to high, particularly for children and pregnant women.


25th February 2014 – Health risk or not? Cesium levels high in hundreds of Fukushima reservoirs


Very high levels of accumulated radioactive cesium have been detected in the mud of hundreds of reservoirs used to irrigate farmland in Fukushima Prefecture, where agriculture is a key industry.

A joint survey by the prefectural government and a branch office of the farm ministry found that the levels exceed 8,000 becquerels per kilogram of soil in 576 reservoirs. In 14 of those cases, the level tops 100,000 becquerels.

The survey covered 1,939 reservoirs, or slightly more than half of the 3,730 in Fukushima Prefecture for agricultural use.

The remaining 468 reservoirs are located outside the evacuation order zones and still supplying water to rice paddies and other farmland. Those areas are mainly located in the central part of the prefecture, including the cities of Fukushima and Date.

However, the Environment Ministry says it has no plans to dredge the reservoirs to remove the contaminated mud.

Myotoishi reservoir in the Takagi district of Motomiya, some 55 kilometers west of the stricken Fukushima plant, had the highest contamination at 370,000 becquerels.


25th February 2014 – Strontium 90 Readings From Citizen Collected Fukushima Samples.


“The detection limits are higher than I would like, at about 10 Bq/g. Even so, I got some good results for some of my existing samples. The sample of black sand from Namie had been reported last year at 1530 Bq/g of radiocesium. The 90Sr level for this sample was 348 Bq/g. An air filter sample taken in June 2011 in Fukushima City was 2792 Bq/filter radiocesium, and 668 Bq/filter 90Sr. These were quantified against a 2700 Bq 90Sr source from Oak Ridge, TN, USA. For these two samples, 90Sr is about 23 % of the level of 134Cs and 137Cs combined.”


Submitted on 2014/02/13 at 4:09 pm
1st January 2014 – Including the JPR Symposium on Current Status and Future Control of Cesium Contamination in Plants and Algae in Fukushima.


As plant scientists who faced the Fukushima nuclear disaster


Radioactive pollution and accumulation of radionuclides in wild plants in Fukushima


Estimation of soil-to-plant transfer factors of radiocesium in 99 wild plant species grown in arable lands 1 year after the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant accident


Radioactive cesium accumulation in seaweeds by the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant accident—two years’ monitoring at Iwaki and its vicinity


134Cs and 137Cs levels in a grassland, 32 km northwest of the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant, measured for two seasons after the fallout.


Verification of radiocesium decontamination from farmlands by plants in Fukushima


Difference in cesium accumulation among rice cultivars grown in the paddy field in Fukushima Prefecture in 2011 and 2012


The effect of fertilization on cesium concentration of rice grown in a paddy field in Fukushima Prefecture in 2011 and 2012


Evaluation of the radioactive Cs concentration in brown rice based on the K nutritional status of shoots


Global searches for microalgae and aquatic plants that can eliminate radioactive cesium, iodine and strontium from the radio-polluted aquatic environment: a bioremediation strategy


Measurements of gamma (γ)-emitting radionuclides with a high-purity germanium detector: the methods and reliability of our environmental assessments on the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant accident



There are more articles at the “Journal of Plant Research,” on this subject.


Submitted on 2014/02/13 at 4:09 pm
28th June 2013 – Radioactive Beef in Grocery Stores


7th February 2014 – Iodine-131 surge in Japan. Strontium-90 nightmare.


New sludge data from Japan shows recent increases in iodine-131. This suggests increases in fission, probably from Units #2 and #3.

It turns out that groundwater from the well at the seaside direction from Unit 2 has a lot more strontium-90 and all-beta radiation than they previously said. It used to be 900,000 Bq/liter, now it’s 5 million Bq Sr-90 and 10 million Bq all-beta.

Applying this ratio yields over 17 million Bq/liter of strontium-90 in the most recent measurement.

Strontium-90 doesn’t start leaking in significant quantities until 1,000 days after the meltdown, which was approximately the time frame from last July. Cesium-137 doesn’t really get going until after 10,000 days.


Submitted on 2014/02/04 at 9:02 pm

22nd May 2013 – Researchers find high cesium in some Pacific plankton


This places some of these detections near Hawaii.


They detected cesium-134 in plankton at all 10 points. The density of radioactive cesium was the highest at 8.2 to 10.5 becquerels per kilogram in samples collected from waters around 25 degrees north latitude and 150 degrees east longitude. The lowest concentration at any of the 10 points was 1.9 becquerels per kilogram.

The density of cesium in seawater was highest in waters at around latitude 36 to 40 degrees north, the team said.


This places some of these detections near Hawaii.


13th May 2013 – Fukushima’s Food Fallout: Testing Groceries for Radiation in Japan.

Promoting produce from Fukushima, a Tokyo store lists the cesium levels beside the price — just one way life has changed a year after an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident struck Japan.


Submitted on 2014/02/01 at 8:40 pm:

23rd October 2012 – Greenpeace Radiation surveys – Fukushima


Expert teams have taken hundreds of radiation measurements on many occasions in towns just outside the 20 km exclusion zone around the Fukushima disaster site and in Fukushima City and Koriyama, 60 km from the disaster. Greenpeace monitoring began shortly after the accident on 11 March 2011. The teams have also tested soil, vegetables, seafood, and sediment.


Test Results

Team 1 – Gamma spectrometer output, 04 April 2011 (xls)


Team 2 – Field log, 04 April 2011 (xls)


Team 2 – Field log, 07 April 2011 (xls)


Food Testing results 04 – 08 April 2011 (xls)


Marine testing preliminary results, published 12 May 2011 (xls)


Marine testing lab results 1, published 25 May 2011 (pdf)


Marine testing lab results 2, published 25 May 2011 (pdf)


Marine testing lab results 3, published 09 August 2011 (pdf), (more info)


Letter to National Government, August 2011 (pdf)


Fukushima/Watari/Onami results, December 2011 (xls)


GP Radiation Monitoring Fukushima, October 2012 (xls)


GP Radiation Monitoring Iitate, October 2012 (xls)


22nd January 2014 – Contamination level in seaside of reactor2 still skyrocketing / 2,700,000,000 → 3,100,000,000 Bq/m3





20th January 2014 – TEPCO: Fukushima leak likely water used to cool nuclear fuel


The water sample contained 2.4 million becquerels per liter of radioactive cesium, while the reading for substances emitting beta rays, including strontium, reached 24 million becquerels per liter.


11th January 2014 – Fish with very high levels of cesium found near Fukushima.


The Fisheries Research Agency said Jan. 10 the black sea bream had 12,400 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium, 124 times the safety standards for foodstuffs.

The fish was caught at the mouth of the Niidagawa river in Iwaki.


9th January 2013 – TEPCO withheld Fukushima radioactive water measurements for 6 months


Tokyo Electric Power Co. has withheld 140 measurements of radioactive strontium levels taken in groundwater and the port of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant between June and November last year.


25th December 2013 – ‘Fukushima fish ends in garbage’: Radioactive fears blight Japan’s seafood industry


There is significant contamination in the bottom segment, especially in the pond and the river system, where we can find a very high amount of radioactive cesium accumulated.

Most of the fish caught within the 30 kilometer radius is thrown into the garbage because it is radiated. And TEPCO is paying to local fishermen for it, so that they’re happy and keep silent on that. Some of it though makes it to stores, but only locally.


23 December 2013 – 1,900,000,000 Bq/m3 of all β nuclide in groundwater on seaside of reactor2 / Keeps increasing for a month.








19th December 2013 – Iodine-131 rises in Chiba prefecture.


The most recent measurements of iodine-131 in sewage sludge from Chiba prefecture indicate the highest amount of I-131 since August. The last measurement was actually made on Dec. 3. It is the third highest measurement since May 2011.


9th March 2012 – Asahi: Iodine-132 not considered in tests showing high thyroid radiation levels in Fukushima residents — Dose could be much greater.


“Levels could have exceeded 100 millisieverts if infants had stayed in a district with a high iodine concentration,” said professor Shinji Tokonami, who led the research team. “The central and local governments need to provide thorough care to protect the health of children.”

“The research is valuable because it is based on measurement data more detailed than the government’s, although iodine 132, whose half-life is two hours, is not considered,” said Yoshio Hosoi, a professor at Hiroshima University’s Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine.


Thyroid Gland exposure map.


17th November 2011 – Absorbed radiation dose of iodine-132 was 10 times higher than iodine-131 in Northern Japan after Fukushima meltdowns — Plus iodine-132 is 9 times more ‘effective’ at irradiating thyroid


19th December 2013 – 434,000 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from Shimeji mushroom in Minamisoma city / 4,340 times much as “safety limit.”



18th December 2013 – 1,070 Bq/Kg of Cesium-134/137 detected from fish 2km offshore of Fukushima Daini / Over 10 times much as safety limit.



18th December 2013 – Inside Japan’s battle to prove fish is safe after Fukushima nuclear disaster


MERI screens 200 species every year, including shellfish and seaweed, as well as the more common cod and salmon, from waters as deep as 1,300 feet. Seawater and sediment are also monitored, as are freshwater fish.

A reading of more than 100 bequerels per kilogram triggers an automatic ban. By comparison, the U.S. tolerates much higher amounts of radiation; 1,200 bequerels per kilogram.

Amassing the results of tens of thousands of samples like this, Japan’s Fisheries Agency says ocean and fish contamination has sharply declined since the March 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. In the three months following the catastrophe, 53 percent of fish sampled off Fukushima showed radiation levels surpassing the safety limit of 100 bequerels per kilogram. By the following year, the proportion of contaminated fish had halved.


The latest research I have seen suggests 5 Bq per Kg of Cesium or less for children and preferably none. If this is the case, then both the Japanese and USA standards are set way to high.

It is not just Cesium and Strontium contamination that should be reported. There are lots of other Isotopes that can be potentially bio-accumulating in this sea food that they don’t talk about.


16th December 2013 – Radioactive cesium levels in Miyagi forest soil up since 2011


In a forest in the town of Marumori closer to Fukushima, the average cesium level of 10 samples of fallen quills was 26,684 becquerels per kilogram in June 2012, but rose to 42,759 becquerels a year later. And the level in soil up to 10 cm deep increased from 721 becquerels to 3,225 becquerels, according to the study.


16th December 2013 – What the Japanese Government Isn’t Saying About Fukushima


The Japanese parliament has just passed the state secrets law. It’s really an information ‘iron curtain’ that’s preventing people in Japan from learning just how bad the exposures were that they received after the accident at Fukushima.


16th December 2013 – Damage from Fukushima is unprecedented, a disaster never before experienced in human history


15th December 2013 – 0.014 Bq/m3 of Plutonium-239/240 detected in seawater.


0.014 Bq/m3 of Plutonium-239/240 was detected from seawater, according to Fukushima prefectural government. The report was published by Nuclear Regulation Authority on 12/9/2013.

The sampling location is outside of Fukushima plant port. It’s directly exposed to the Pacific.




14th December 2013 – Malformed persimmon mass-generated in Tokyo and Saitama




30th October 2013 – Testimony of a Fukushima Evacuee, Oct. 30, 2013


Miko from Iwaki City What the state announces is different from the reality. As I just told you what the media says and the facts are entirely different. What happened to Fukushima residents will soon affect all Japanese people While some say the radiation has dispersed, we are now safe people are in fact dying in Fukushima. One day a nephew of my friend died of Leukemia. The next day her husband also died.


8th December 2013 – Cs-134/137 detected from 71% of JT burley tobacco produced in 2013 / 98% of them were shipped for sale.




8th December 2013 – 7,500,000 Bq/m3 of “Strontium-90″ detected from groundwater near reactor1.


7,500,000 Bq/m3 of “Strontium-90″ detected from groundwater near reactor1

8th December 2013 – All β nuclide density in groundwater beside reactor3 marked the highest for 2 continuous days.



4th May 2012– Archive Footage of the NYC Press Conference May 4th 2012



A year after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima there has not been a significant improvement in protecting the local communities in Japan from exposure to radioactivity. Radioactive materials are still being released into the environment – air, soil and ocean – from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Many citizens still live in areas where the radiation level is dangerously high.

Soil contamination map



There is a lot of information on this page including video presentations and detailed contamination maps.

30th November 2013 – Seafood contamination from Hokkaido, 194% above background.


30th November 2013 – The highest reading of all β nuclides detected in seaside of reactor2 / 1,100,000,000 Bq/m3



29th November 2013 – Typhoons that hit Japan each year are helping spread radioactive material from the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the country’s waterways.


Local populations who escaped the initial fallout two-and-a-half years ago could now find their food or water contaminated by the cesium particles as they penetrate agricultural land and coastal plains, researchers warned.

Last year, the radioactive content of Japan’s rivers dropped due to fairly moderate typhoons. But more frequent and fierce storms in 2013 have brought a new flood of cesium particles.


24th November 2013 – 110,000 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from spotbelly rockfish of Fukushima plant port. This is 1,100 times higher even than the safety limit.



15th November 2013 – Some things learned from the radio chemistry symposium.


Page 57: “At 4810 m of S1, the highest 134 Cs flux was observed in early May 2011. It was notable that the maximum 134 Cs activity and relatively higher flux was observed in late November and early December 2011.”

“The activity ratio of 0.85 reported by TEPCO can only result from an enriched Uranium fission having occurred about 50 hours before the samples were measured or an explosive criticality which occurred 60 hours before the measurements.”

Page 256: “The tritium concentration of the precipitation in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, showed the highest annually averaged value of 74.1 Bq/L 1 in 1963, which corresponded to the year of the maximum fallout of tritium in the northern hemisphere.

A dramatic increase in tritium concentrations of 131.6 Bq/L and 99.9 Bq/L was observed in the rainfalls of 9:30-13:40 on 30 May.”

Page 53: “The mean isotopic ratio between Iodine-129 and Iodine-131 at the accident was estimated that 129 I/ 131 I = 26 ± 6 as of March 11 2011.”

“This is in agreement with “31 times as much Iodine-129 than I-131 from Fukushima”.

Page 293: Carbon-14 and tritium were measured in Japanese sewage sludge. C-14 had an activity of 2,000 Bq/kg. This is about 3% that of tritium. But its half-life is over 400 times as long as tritium.

Page 323: “We also studied whether there were influences on 12 C/ 14 C ratios in the plants due to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) occurred in March, 2011. Although there are many papers reporting the release of several nuclides, there are almost no data for 14 C…

Page 239: High activities of 241 Pu ranging from 4.5 to 34.8 mBq/g were detected in the J-Village surface soil (0-2 cm) and two litter samples. This finding of high 241 Pu activities in environmental samples after the FDNPP accidnet provided evidence of the release of Pu isotopes from the accident.”

Page 322: “Figure 1 shows correlation between 238 Pu and 137 Cs for six aliquots. The radioactivity of 238 Pu in one aliquot is clearly higher than the others, and the ratio of 238 Pu/ 239,240 Pu of the former is also higher. This result suggests the existence of hot particle of Pu in that aliquot.”

“Cesium-134 and -137, plutonium-238, -239, -240, americium-241, curium-242, -243, -244, uranium-236, are in the black dust. Curium is especially nasty. It is a neutron radiation emitter. It works on the same principle as the neutron bomb. It makes the chemical substances in human cells radioactive.”



15th November 2013 – 133.4 Bq/Kg from eel of Tone-gawa river Chiba prefecture.



15th November 2013 – 78,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of all β, more tank leakage found.






7th November 2013 – Radioactive cesium detection of 430 000 Bq / kg of mushrooms, in the analysis of Minamisoma. From matsutake 38 200 Becquerel (11/7 Mainichi Shimbun)


11th November 2013 – Fukushima flathead flounder sold in Nagoya / 5.5 Bq/kg of Cs-137 detected

Fukushima flathead flounder sold in Nagoya / 5.5 Bq/kg of Cs-137 detected


31st October 2013 – Levels of Radioactive Contaminants in Foods Tested in Respective Prefectures, provided by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.


18th October 2013 – Plutonium release from Fukushima Daiichi fosters the need for more detailed investigations.


Here are two recent research based articles, explaining why Plutonium can travel considerable distances through biological, and environment mechanisms.

Mystery of how plutonium enters cells solved


Plutonium hitches a ride on subsurface particles



Article Extract:

However, a plant sample as far as 16 km away in north-northwestern direction (G-V) is suspected to contain plutonium from Fukushima.





2013 – Active cesium contamination of freshwater fish in Fukushima and Eastern Japan.


However, contamination levels are possibly higher than the Chernobyl as the cesium is concentrated by the water systems in limitation region.

In areas within a radius of 100 km from the nuclear plant, active cesium contamination levels of the Ayu are more than 200 Bq/kg. In those between a radius of 100 km and 200 km, it is around 60–200 Bq/kg. In those between a radius of 200 km and 300 km in which Tokyo is included, it is 20–60 Bq/kg.

The contamination is recognized as far as Shizuoka prefecture, 400 km south-west from the plant.





13th October 2013 – Highest level of Cs-134/137 detected in seawater of Fukushima plant port entrance.




13th October 2013 – Collapsed groundwater bypass plan, Tritium detected in all of the 8 groundwater samples. In this analysis, the highest reading was 730,000 Bq/m3. Tritium will not be filtered out to discharge to the Pacific.



11th October 2013 – Olympic athletes and tourists warned they will be in danger from Tokyo’s elevated radiation levels — Cesium found at almost every venue tested!


It doesn’t mater if the contamination was there pre Fukushima or after, these are significant amounts of Cesium contamination!


10th October 2013 – Greenpeace said tests it had carried out inside the original 20-kilometre no-go zone around the plant, showed that high levels of radiation remain.


10th October 2013 – 120 Bq/Kg from 2 bags of rice in Minamisoma Fukushima / All the other bags are to be shipped!


The other bags that are going to be shipped, are also contaminated with significant amounts of Cesium!



7th October 2013 – Cesium Found In Children’s Urine Shows Ongoing Widespread Problem In Japan.


If children from different prefectures in Japan are having Cesium detected in their urine, it means there has to be widespread food, and water contamination. If Cesium contamination is reported, it is very likely other Isotope contaminants are present, but not reported.


26th September 2013 – “This week the Weekly Asahi (週刊朝日)published a report that in urine samples from children living in Kanto, 70% of those tested, contained cesium, a radioactive element that results in internal exposure.”


23rd September 2013 – Cesium 134/137 still found in drinking water across many regions of Japan, including Tokyo NRA June 2013 report.


24th October 2012 – Concentration of Strontium-90 at Selected Hot Spots in Japan.

The data in this study is using Becquerels per gram Bq/g, so you need to multiply by 1000 to get Becquerels per Kilogram Bq/kg ! Note the charts are also using a Becquerels per gram scaling.


18th September 2013 – ‘Extremely Malicious’: Hundreds of tons of cesium tainted wood chips have been found over 500 kilometers from Fukushima, near Japan’s biggest lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture. They were found in the dry bed of the Kamo River, in Takashima and other locations near the lake.

Tons of cesium-tainted wood chips found near Japan’s biggest lake

16th September 2013 – JP Gov “There is no technology to remove Tritium from contaminated water,” Appeal international world for technology.


Tritium density in the storage tanks at Fukushima is approx. 100,000,000,000 Bq/m3, half life 12.32 years. It combines with oxygen to form a liquid called tritiated water, T2O.


Hugh amounts of Tritiated water would have to be flowing into the Pacific Ocean, as they can’t filter it out.




13th September 2013 – 97,000,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium detected in groundwater of 300m3 leakage tank area / 1.5 times much as one day before.


12th September 2013 – Fukushima Prefecture wants to allow farmers to sell wild mushrooms and wild edible plants, which have been known to concentrate radioactive cesium.

Food testing full of loopholes big enough to drive a farm truck through.


4th September 2013 – Fukushima fishermen losing hope as trial operations postponed.

This is because of the latest reports of water leaks into the Pacific Ocean at the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster site.

Extract: In recent months, radiation levels have been at less than the detection limit of around 16 becquerels per kilogram for most species, such as flatfish, marbled flounder and whitebait.


2nd September 2013 – Farmers REFUSE to Eat their OWN Food & feel GUILTY Selling it! FUKUshima.

Fukushima farmers make clear courageous statements about the food contamination situation in Japan, while government officials lie, and play down the seriousness of the situation, to protect their jobs, and positions.


30th August 2013 – 56,000,000,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 in water of reactor 3.




28th August 2013 – Tepco Faces 132 Olympic Pools Worth of Radioactive Water


The more than 330,000 metric tons of water with varying levels of toxicity is stored in pits, basements and hundreds of tanks at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant.

“There are really only a few ways you can get rid of it,” Friedlander said. “You put it in the ocean or it’s going to have to be evaporated. It’s a political hotspot, but at some point you cannot just continue collecting this water.”


23rd August 2013 – Chinese media question at press conference “May contaminated water affect neighboring countries?” → (Tepco) “We don’t know.” This question was put to Tepco as Soma city fishery cooperative, had given up the testing of fishing due to the marine contaminated.


21st August 2013 – 300 tonnes of highly contaminated water from cesium absorption by SARRY, and desalination by Reverse Osmosis Apparatus, has leaked from a huge 1,000-tonne steel tank.

It is likely that the waste water is STILL LEAKING. There are 350 of these poor quality tanks, presently located at the Fukushima Nuclear disaster site, storing highly contaminated water!




6th August 2013 – Japan’s nuclear body calls radioactive groundwater leakage at Fukushima ‘emergency’.


5th August 2013 – This is a large database of food testing results for the Fukushima region. Firstly look at the contamination levels that are now classed as safe, for Cesium and Iodine. They are much lower than the elevated levels they set just after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, still much to high for children.

Can these test results be relied upon? The Japanese authorities have been caught out numerous times tampering with local monitoring stations, and Geiger counter settings, to show lower readings. Trying to present a much safer environment than is actually present.

Also, the detection levels thresholds seem to be a moving target in this database. It may be because of differences in test equipment sensitivity. This database is only showing test results for Cesium, and Iodine. It does not provide testing information for other possible dangerous isotopes that may be present.

Click on food items, and then set the date range at the bottom of the page, and then click search to get the food testing results.


26th July 2013 – TEPCO admits lax risk management over tainted water.

Now, if 2.35 Billion Bq/L of Cesium is a definition of tainted water, what would be the amount of Cesium in Bq/L, for hugely contaminated water?


26th July 2013 – Citizen’s radiation station “530 Bq/Kg from shoji screen in Saitama”


22th July 2013 – Tepco now admits radioactive water entering the sea at Fukushima, No. 1 Fisheries exec shocked by utility’s flip-flop on groundwater’s flow.


17th July 2013 – 212,000 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from Spotbelly rockfish in Fukushima nuclear plant port.



15th July 2013 – 290,000,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium in the first analysis of the new boring hole 38 m from the Pacific Ocean.


14th July 2013 – Japanese children are catching crayfish in a park in Kohriyama city Fukushima, where the atmospheric dose is over 1 μSv/h.


July 12, 2013 – 1,037 becquerels of Cesium per/Kg in Japanese sea-bass, this is more than ten times the safety limit set by the government, Japanese news reports said on Friday.



12th July 2013 – Radioactive Fish, Pacific Ocean, Fukushima leaking badly.


10th July 2013 – Toxic water at Fukushima likely contaminating sea – Japan’s nuclear watchdog


5th July 2013 – Food contamination fears still persist in Japan, and will for decades. This short video by Jamie Williams of the New York Times, clearly explains why private food testing has become a necessity to protect families, and children in Japan.


1st July 2013 – 1.04 Bq/Kg of Cs-137 detected from powdered milk sold in Tokyo, Japan.



1st July 2013 – 220 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from carp in Teganuma lake Chiba, Japan.



1st July 2013 – 0.27~0.3 μSv/h from incense sticks at a temple, made with Japanese cedar.


30th June 2013 – Radioactive Iodine I-131 detected in school lunches in various school lunch ingredients from the North Kanto area Japan. The half life of I-131 is 8 days so were is this contamination coming from? This strongly suggests re-criticality is happening at Fukushima.



This is the explanation for the editing of the I-131 detection in school lunches document.

“Following up this article..”“Iodine-131″ detected from various school lunch ingredients from North Kanto area” [URL]

Having the detection data widely reported, on 7/1/2013 Obihiro city board of education announced on their website to state Iodine-131 was mistakenly detected.

“They stated probably because the ventilation of the analysis room was not properly operated, the radioactive noble gas Rn-222 was attached to the equipment and the descendant nuclide Pb-214 was mis-detected to be I-131 up to 17.32 Bq/kg, according to the analyzing equipment maker.

They have already changed all the I-131 readings of June to be “Not detected”. They plan to change the I-131 readings in the date of May soon as they finish analyzing as well.””


29th June.2013 – Japanese Government demands China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, drop food bans on imported Japanese foods.


28th June 2013 – Radioactive contamination detected in beef, from supermarket in Hitachi City Ibaraki Prefecture Japan. Watch the whole video to see it reach 0.45 uSv/hr when unpacked.


29th June 2013 – Higher amounts of Cesium 137/134 detected in Tokyo tap water, than in Fukushima city tap water.


29th June 2013 – At the Fukushima disaster site massive amounts of groundwater contamination 3,000,000 Bq/m3, has been detected near the sea.


28th June 2013 – Map of combined Cesium 137/134 contamination of fresh water fish in central Honshu island Japan.


26th June 2013 – After two years the April 2011 radioactive Iodine I-131 deposition for part of Eastern Japan has been released. The maps show contamination of radioactive Iodine in the 400 square kilometer area around Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, and are based on the analysis of aerial surveys done by the US Department of
Energy on April 2, and 3 in 2011.


26th June 2013 – Cs-134/137 detected from 15 of 15 tea leaves samples in Shizuoka prefecture Japan



Special Report

26th June 2013 – This scientific report indicates that the amount of long lived radioactive Iodine I-129, released during the early stages of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster, was 31 times greater than that for the short lived radioactive Iodine I-131. This study does not take into account any radioactive Iodine releases since then.

Reported here on “Radiation Food Lab” 14th June 2013:

“1.19 million Becquerel/kg of radioactive iodine detected on leafy vegetables near Fukushima Medical University in March 2011.” (See this Japanese report below)

This would mean that 36.89 million Becquerel/kg of radioactive Iodine I-129 was on leafy vegetables, at a combined total for of I-129 + I-131 38.08 million Becquerel/kg. The bio-accumulation of I-129 poses a serious health problem for animal and human populations. Unlike radioactive Iodine I-131 which has a short half life of 8 days, or an environmental presence of 80 days +, radioactive Iodine I-129 has a half life of 15.7 million years.


Another pre Fukushima Argentina studying indicates that the I-129 will eventually reach the Southern Hemisphere. As it has from other major sources like the nuclear fuel reprocessing plants of Cape de La Hague (France) and Sellafield (UK).


It would be logical to suggest that locations that had large bio-accumulation or fallout detections of Iodine I-131 from Fukushima, Japan, Southern Californian Kelp, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Europe etc., should be multiplying their detections by 31, to get their fallout amounts of Iodine I-129! (These large Iodine I-131 detection reports are listed here at “Radiation Food Lab”.)

I have been informed by a reliable source, the reason the general population was not advised to or issued with Potassium Iodine pills, is that there was a worldwide shortage at the time. It was not possible to supply them to everyone. So who was chosen get them at the time?

With this level of long life Iodine contamination bio-accumulating in the environment, the question needs to be asked. Is it necessary to take a clean sourced Iodine supplement for the rest of one’s life?

Iodine supplements are not for everyone. We are all different. Some people taking them can get adverse side effects. No one should take them without medical advice from their doctor.

This is a subject that needs further research.

23rd June 2013 – 20 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 measured from pickled plum in Miyagi Japan.



23rd June 2013 – 2.5 Bq/Kg of Cs-137 detected from canned meat sauce manufactured in Kumamoto Japan.



13th June 2013 – Fukushima a Technological Disaster, or Crisis In Governance? Professional decontamination experts shocked by Japanese attitude to foreign assistance. Japanese food testing and
decontamination procedures, plus radiation monitoring equipment reliability, brought into question because of systemic corruption.


18th June 2013 – What is wrong with the Japanese medical profession?

“A teenage women in the temporary housing of Fukushima said, “Sr-90 and Cs-137 were detected from the breast milk of my sister. They call us fear monger, even hospital tells us we worry too much. We shouldn’t have trusted the government and media to say “It’s all safe”after 311.”


14th June 2013 – 1.19 million becquerels/kg of radioactive iodine was detected on leafy vegetables near Fukushima Medical University in March 2011. Being aware of this high radioactive iodine detection, Fukushima Medical University distributed potassium iodide pills to the doctors and nurses. The report points out that potassium iodine pills were not distributed to local men, women, and children. This university is located just south of Fukushima City.


12th June 2013 – 54 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 measured from Shiitake mushroom in Osaka Japan


7th June 2013 – Commissaries to sell Japanese produce again, 2 years after nuke disaster. (There is no mention in this article, what the safety levels in Becquerels are.)


31st May 2013 – Over 60 Bq/kg of radioactive Cesium detected in dried plums outside Fukushima Prefecture.


30th May 2013 – Murayama city declared safety 2 days after detecting radiation in wild plants that was over the safety limit Japan.



29th May 2013 – Cs-137 detected from 64% of the first-grade tea samples in Chiba Japan



27th May 2013 – Cs-134/137 measured from apple juice of Aomori prefecture Japan.



25th May 2013 – Cs-134/137 detected from all the samples of first-grade tea in Ibaraki Japan.


17th May 2013 – River eels caught with high amounts of detected Cesium, Tokyo Japan


16th May 2013 – Burly and native leaf tobacco Fukushima and Iwate Japan.



9th May 2013 – Eels from Ibaraki Japan



9th May 2013 – Sr-90 measured in children’s food not reported even though it was detected, Fukushima government says it is not dangerous level.



9th May 2013 – Minamisom municiple goverment fails to release latest food contamination data, last reports where for 7,150 Bq/Kg for Shiitake mushrooms, and 3,080 Bq/Kg for acanthopanax sciadophylloides.




7th May 2013 – High levels of Cs-134/137 was measured in local food
products, Kakuda city Miyagi Japan.



26th April 2013 – Cesium contamination of freshwater fish in Fukushima, and Eastern Japan. Over 60 million people live in this contaminated area. The study uses the data from 2011 only.


01st May 2013 -Carp Saitama Japan



30th April 2013 – Contaminate tea leaves picked be elementary students Itabashi Tokyo Japan.



30th April 2013 – Cultivated land Niigata Japan.



29th April 2013 – The bamboo shoots Da-te city Japan. From the report these bamboo shoots will be served to all the kindergartens, elementary schools and junior high schools, in the area!




29th April 2013 – Bear meat Niigata on the west coast of Japan. This is also a very large rice producing district.



28th April 2013 – Fish in supermarkets tested by Greenpeace Japan.



28th April 2013 – Edible wild plants highly contaminated, in Tochigi, which is 102 km away from the Fukushima nuclear plant Japan.



27th April 2013 – School lunch cabbage Aichi Japan.



25th April 2013 – Contaminated rice piles up, veggies from the evacuation zone and over the limit towns reopen, Tamura Japan. This article also points out some of the methods used to sell contaminated food.


25th April 2013 – Fukushima and Miyagi Japan, “less than one Becquerel campaign for children” gets underway!


April 21, 2013 – Orange produced in Shizuoka prefecture Japan



20th April 2013 – Formulated milk powder produced in Tokyo, sold in western Japan.



14th April 2013 – Pond Smelt 340 bq/kg Haruna lake in Gunma Japan. Children will be participating in a triathlon competition in this lake!


7th April 2013 – Mainichi newspaper reported 28,340 Bq/Kg and 24,360 Bq/Kg were measured from Shiitake mushroom, Japan.



7th April 2013 – Miso rice Osaka Japan



7th April 2013 – Results of the inspection on radioactivity materials in fisheries products. This is a large list of test results from all over Japan, since 2011 to the present.


1st April 2013 – Highest detection in wild board meat ever, Japan.



29th March 2013 – Fuji, Yaizu, and Nishiizu cities to quit testing of school lunches, Japan


30th March 2013 – Lance Fish less than 50 Bq/kg, the fished young lancefish will be sold in Fukushima and Tsukiji Tokyo from 4/2/2013. Japan


30th March 2013 – Tap water tests for Fukushima and Miyagi Japan.





25th March 2013 – Rice crackers and Tangerines Shizuoka Japan



25th March 2013 – Angelica Keiskei Miyakemura Japan



16th March 2013 – Rain water utilization system from 18 schools in Yokohama Japan. There are 44 schools in the area, that use a similar rain water utilization system.


16th March 2013 – Tea Powder Shizuoka Japan


15th March 2013 – Fat greenling fish, at record 740,000 bq/kg, Fukushima plant port Japan. This is because 8,000,000,000 ~ 93,000,000,000 Bq of Cs-137 is estimated to be still leaking into the pacific, from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site, every single day.


10th March 2013 – Beef Ibaraki Japan


10th March 2013 – Wild Boar Fukushima Japan


28 February 2013 – Fish and marine products Fukushima Japan

http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/nu/fukushima-np/handouts/2013/images/ handouts_130228_02-e.pdf

28 February 2013 – Fish highly contaminated Fukushima Japan


3rd March 2013 – Saury and suntan cream from Japan sent back by China

01st March 2013 – Fish Fukushima Japan

26th February 2013 – Tap water Saitama Japan


25th February 2013 – Honey Tochigi Japan


21st February 2013 – Meal Fukushima Japan

21st February 2013 – Wild Boar -Fukushima Japan

18th February 2013 – Sea Bass Chiba Japan

17th Frebruary 2013 – Shiitake Mushrooms and Wild game Japan

16th February 2013 – Tomato ketchup Miyagi Japan

15th February 2013 – Pacific Cod Yokohama City Japan

15th February 2013 – Beef Iwaki city Japan

12th February 2013 – Beef Hokkaido Japan

10th February 2013 – Wild Boar Japan

3rd February 2013 – Beef Hokkaido Japan

2nd February 2013 – Pond Smelt Haruna Lake Japan

2nd February 2013 – Tap water Fukushima Japan

3rd January 2013 – Sardines Kagawa Japan

27th January 2013 – 0.1Bq/Kg-Contaminated Water by Cesium makes 76Bq/Kg-Rice Leaf, short video with English subtitles.

25th January 2013 – Beef Iwate Japan

25th January 2013 – Mushroom Chiba Japan

24th January 2013 – Cattle study Japan

23rd January 2013 – School Lunches Japan

23rd January 2013 – Multiple fish types Japan

20th January 2013 – Apple Juice and Miso Japan

19th January 2013 – Fish 100 miles off Fukushima Japan

18th January 2013 – Fish sold in Japanese supermarkets

18th January 2013 – Fish Fukushima Japan

17th January 2013 – Soft drink Iwate Japan

13th January 2013 – Mustrad Spinach Koriyama city Japan

11th January 2013 – Rice and Beef Miyagi Japan

11th January 2013 – Wild Boar Fukushima Japan

10th January 2013 – Kiwi Fruit Miyagi Japan

10th January 2013 – Rice Miyagi Japan

10th January 2013 – Reserviors and Dams Minamisoma city Japan

9th January 2013 – Mushrooms Aomori Japan

3rd January 2013 – Cesium in 25 of 26 food samples Fukushima Japan

27th December 2012 – Green Tea sold in USA from Japan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXOm6WShbis (7 minutes into video)

26th December 2012 – Apple Juice Fukushima Japan

24th December 2012 – soybeans, autumn buckwheat, vegetables and mushrooms Aizumisato Fukushima

20th December 2012 – Soya Beans Fukushima Japan

20th December 2012 – Wild Boar Minamisoma Japan

18th December 2012 – Honey Fukushima Japan

17th December 2012 – Pond Smelt Ashinoko Japan

17th December 2012 – White rock fish Fukushima Japan

13th December 2012 – Mushroom Matsutake and wild boar Minamsoma Japan

12th December 2012 – Citron Chiba Saitama Japan

10th December 2012 – Fish Aomori Japan

10th December 2012 – Wild Life Fukushima

9th December 2012 – Tea leaves Shizuoka Japan

9th December 2012 – Mushroom Koriyama Japan

4th December 2012 – Breakfast cereal Japan

3rd December 2012 – Apple Western Japan

3rd December 2012 – Levels of radioactive contaminants in foods reported on 3rd December 2012 Japan

30th November 2012 – Yuzu, Mandarin, Kiwi Fruit, Chiba Japan

30th November 2012 – Nihonmatsu city school lunches Japan

30th November 2012 – Marine products Fukushima Japan

21st November 2012 – Wild Boar and Duck Japan

21st November 2012 – Mushrooms Japan

21st November 2012 – Wild Mushrooms Aomori, Nagano, and Shizuoka Japan

17th November 2012 – Water Supply Lake Ibaraki Japan

17th November 2012 – Trout, Bass and Catfish Japan

14th November 2012 – Tea 1000 km from Fukushima Japan

13th November 2012 – Tea Western Japan

13th November 2012 – Fish Contamination Japan

12th November 2012 – Pacific Cod Ibaraki Japan

9th November 2012 – Mushroom Shizuoka Japan

9th November 2012 – Mushroom Tokyo Japan

9th November 2012 – Black Bear Japan

7th November 2012 – Tap water Fukushima and Tokyo Japan

5th November 2012 – Fish Saury Japan

4th November 2012 – Fish North East Japan

2nd November 2012 – Fish Fukushima Japan

1st November 2012 – Levels of radioactive contaminants in foods reported on 1st November 2012 Japan

31st October 2012 – Dried Radish Fukushima Japan

30th October 2012 – Baby food Aichi prefecture Japan

26th October 2012 – Beef Numata city Gunma Japan

25th October 2012 – Beef verses children Japan

25th October 2012 – Fish off Fukushima Japan

24th October 2012- Rice Kyodo Japan

24th October 2012 – Dried bonito Kagoshima Japan

23rd October 2012 – Soya Beans Iwate Japan

22nd October 2012 – Pheasant Ichinoseki city, Kamaishi city, and Rikuzentakata city, Japan

20th October 2012 – Wild Mushroom Nagano Japan

19th October 2012 – Another deceptive label of origin Japan

19th October 2012 – Wild mushroom Yuzawa machi Niigata Japan

19th October 2012 – 61 Unpolished rice samples Fukushima Japan

19th October 2012 – Beef Miyagi Japan

18th October 2012 – Beef Miyagi Japan

18th October 2012 – Rice Fukushima Japan

17th October 2012 – Peach trees Japan

14th October 2012 – Unpolished rice, Koriyama city, Iwaki city, and Fukushima city, Japan

13th October 2012 – Rice Iwaki city Japan

11th October 2012 – Japanese food suspended Brunie

10th October 2012 – Mushrooms Aomori Japan

10th October 2012 – Loquat leaf Fukushima Japan

9th October 2012 – Shool Lunch and Local Gaovernment Lunch Fukushima Japan

8th October 2012 – Hunted wild boar Japan

7th October 2012 – Mushrooms Southern Alps Japan

3rd October 2012 – Blue Berries Fukushima Japan

2nd October 2012 – Frozen tangerine school lunch in Zushi city Kanagawa Japan

1st October 2012 – Water Osaka city Japan

1st October 2012 – Levels of radioactive contaminants in foods reported on 1 October 2012 Japan

30th September 2012 – Mushrooms Japan

17th September 2012 – Blueberries from Koriyama Japan

17th September 2012 – 1 in 4 food items local products Japan

15th September 2012 – Pickled Plum Japan

10th September 2012 – frozen tangerine and canned apples, school lunches Japan

9th September 2012 – Greenpeace detected cesium from Sushi sold beside Shinagawa station in Tokyo

9th September 2012 – Fukushima rock fish

8th September 2012 – Contaminated fish from Miyagi was sold in west coast of Japan

3rd September 2012 – Baby food Japan

27th August 2012 – Pacific cod fish shipments suspended

27th August 2012 – Rosemary Japan

21st August 2012 – Fish Japan

17th August 2012 – Beef Japan

15th August 2012 – Large list of test results of radionuclides in foods, sampled since 19 March 2011 to 31 March 2012 Japan.

7th August 2012 -Beef contamiantion study Japan

6th August 2012 – Kelloggs Cereal Japan

10th August 2012 – Fukushima peaches Japan

3rd August 2012 – Contamination of Japan’s food chain

2nd August 2012 – Tea Japan

25th June 2012 – Pacific Fish Japan

22nd June 2012 – Blue Fin Tuna Pacific Ocean
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkdRw_XQl3Y&feature=player_embedded (4.38 minutes into video)

4th June 2012 – Deformed fish Sushi Bar Japan

23rd May 2012 – Food samples – Tokyo Kids & Radiation

27th April 2012 – Tea Japan

20th April 2012 – Sea weed Japanese

13th April 2012 – Tea Japan

9th April 2012 – Shioya Shiitake mushrooms in Tochigi Prefecture Japan

7th April 2012 – Commercial use skim milk Japan

18th March 2012 – Radiation checks of food in Japan are only 1 percent of what Belarus checked in past year

1st March 2012 – Fish imported to Sri Lanka

4th February 2012 – Beef Japan

15th Janaury 2012 – Northern Pacific sea food

13th January 2012 – Milk Japan

29th December 2011 – Top 50 contaminated foods Japan

6th September 2011 – Tea Japanese
24th July 2011 – Beef and tea Japan


18th July 2011 – Colossal Blunder tainted beef Japan


Flag of the United States

9th February 2016 – Brentwood nuke dump burns as VA finalizes draft master plan


Tritium-contaminated brush goes up in flames, radioactive smoke seen for miles.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake, let alone the potential health impacts of allowing the dump to sit there undisturbed, catching fire and spreading radiation over the VA and beyond in ash, dust and groundwater.

31st December 2015 – Radioactive materials spreading from St. Louis landfill – report


According to a peer-reviewed study just published in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, there is “strong evidence” that radon gas and water emanating from the West Lake Landfill are responsible for the anomalous levels of a lead isotope (210Pb), created by radioactive decay, in the surrounding area.

After analyzing nearly 300 soil samples from a 200-square-kilometer zone surrounding West Lake, the report’s authors concluded that “offsite migration of radiological contaminants from Manhattan Project-era uranium processing wastes has occurred in this populated area.”

12th December 2015 – Feds acknowledge radiation, chemicals likely killed 396 in Idaho


Drinking water, for instance. Water was contaminated with radioactive tritium, an isotope of hydrogen, which was pumped directly into the groundwater. Levels were as high as five times the maximum federal acceptable contamination level in the 1960s; levels violated the standard when the Environmental Protection Agency and the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality required monitoring in 1987, Thatcher said.

An open-air reactor test in 1965 that had not been made public also likely caused high doses for workers across the site, she said.

10th December 2015 – Study finds higher rates of advanced thyroid cancer in California


According to the study, 35 percent of Californians with thyroid cancer were not diagnosed until the disease had already spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body, compared with 29 percent of people nationwide.


In my opinion, a significant contributing factor to the thyroid cancer increase in California would be the heavy dose of Fukushima radioactive Iodine and Cesium fallout, which California received after 3/11!

8th December 2015 – “You can get cancer”: Uranium contaminates water in the West


Uranium, the notices warn, tests at a level considered unsafe by federal and state standards. The law requires the park’s owner to post the warnings. But they are awkwardly worded and mostly in English, a language few of the park’s dozens of Spanish-speaking families can read.

The uranium gleaned from local water systems is handled like the nuclear material it is – taken away by workers in masks, gloves and other protective garments, said Ron Dollar, a vice president at Water Remediation Technology, a Colorado-based firm. It is then processed into nuclear fuel for power plants, Dollar said.

31st October 2015 – SURPRISE! You’re Eating Fukushima Radiation; Bloody Cancerous Tumors in Fish & Seafood


According to the Local Environmental Observers (LEO) Network in Hydaburg, Alaska, they have found strange growths in the flesh or meat of salmon. “We were fishing for Cohos (silver salmon) at the mouth of the Hydaburg River with line and reel.” said Brian Holter, Jr. who said that eight fish were filled up inside with strange growths that were either white or pink in color. “On the outside the fish looked fine.

Other volunteers from LEO have come across even more disturbing cancerous tumors and bloody lesions on fish. According to another LEO volunteer, Sam Kunaknana, in Nuiqsut, Alaska, for the past few months they have been catching sick fish on Nigliq Channel and upstream from Nigliq Channel to the Colville River. The fish have had bloody lesions and tumors on them.

20th November 2015 – Nevada tells feds that 1,400 in farm area could face threat of tainted water from nuclear dump


Radioactive well-water contamination could threaten some 1,400 people in a rural farming community if federal regulators allow the nation’s deadliest nuclear waste to be buried in the Nevada desert, state officials said in a report issued Friday.


2015/11/16 at 4:15 pm

16th November 2015 – Duke Energy Florida, Inc. (Crystal River Unit 3 – 2014 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report to U.S. NRC), May 5, 2015 (emphasis added):


In 2014, sixteen of twenty four indicator [vegetation] samples had measurable amounts of cesium-137 [up to] 159 pCi/kg… The cesium-137 values are similar in concentration as compared to samples collected in 2013 which experienced radionuclide deposition as a result of the Fukushima earthquake event.

In 2013, fifteen of twenty four indicator samples had measurable amounts of cesium-137 [up to] 147 pCi/kg… Orlando, Fl. also had measurable amounts of cesium-137 [up to] 258 pCi/kg. The cesium-137 values are similar in concentration as compared to samples collected in 2012 which experienced radionuclide deposition as a result of the Fukushima earthquake event

18th August 2015 – Natural uranium levels by far exceed proposed limits in two major US aquifers


UNL researchers Karrie Weber and Jason Nolan analysed data from about 275 000 groundwater samples in the High Plains and Central Valley aquifers. According to the results, many residents live less than a kilometer (about two thirds of a mile) from contaminated wells, which by far exceeds uranium guideline limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Uranium concentrations found in the aquifers across the High Plains are 89 times higher than the EPA standard proposes with nitrate concentrations greater by up to 189 times. In the Californian Central Valley, the aquifer reported up to 180 and 34 times the recommended EPA thresholds.

78% of the contaminated aquifers were linked to the presence of nitrate that originates from chemical fertilizers and animal waste. Nitrate is most commonly linked to groundwater contamination, and is responsible for mobilizing uranium through a series of bacterial and chemical reactions which oxidize the radioactive mineral, making it soluble in groundwater.

2015/05/16 at 6:23 pm

As far as I [Peter Daley aka vital1] can tell, the new US food restriction changes reported in the Chinese paper, does no represent any major policy change by the US government to contaminated food imports from Japan. Here you can find the latest FDA changes to Japanese food restrictions.

9th May 2015 – US restricts food import from Japan over radionuclide contamination concern

The United States has recently tightened restriction of food import from Japan. According to Import Alert 99-33 issued by US FDA, a list of Japanese food will be banned unless they pass physical examination, which includes milk, butter, milk-based infant formula, and other milk products; vegetables and vegetable products; rice and whole grain; fish; meat and poultry; venus clam; sea urchin; yuzu fruit; Kiwi fruit. FAD indicates that revision to this import alert is due to radionuclide contamination.

2014/12/27 at 7:30 pm

Berkeley Radwatch Site Upgrade

The UC Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering has been performing a large range of radiation measurements starting in March 2011, following the releases of radioactive materials from the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.

This site represents a summary of sampling measurements from environmental assays from the Bay Area, as well as samples that are used as references of interest.



Data from the former Berkeley Radiological Air and Water Monitoring (BRAWM) activity site has been included in this new site. There are lots of current food and environmental test reports here. The new web site layout makes it much easier to find and interpret, food and environmental test reports.


Expansion of measurement capabilities

We are now involving the more sensitive monitoring system of the Berkeley Lab Low-Background Facility; A new and continuous air monitoring station on UC Berkeley campus was installed and we plan to provide near real-time data from this system on our website, including weather data we are collecting at the same location. The goal of this effort is not only to provide the radiation levels to the broader public but to encourage simple science projects with the data.

Comment: (My Opinion)

Cesium-137, released from the atmospheric bomb testing era in now referred to as Technically Enhanced Natural Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM). This is like the an arsenic industry calling environmental arsenic contamination, Technically Enhanced Natural Occurring Arsenic! A poison is a poison no matter what word spin you put on it.

Reports on this site equate internal ingestion of radioactive isotopes to an external dose. Research shows that internal ingestion of radioactive toxins is considerably more biological damaging than external exposure. Also, pregnant women and children are much more sensitive to ingested radioactive toxins!

Current Sampling Data (2013-)


These samples are mainly part of a measurement campaign that was started in the summer of 2014. They include many fish and environmental samples from around the Bay Area. “ND” means that the radioisotope was in undetectable quantities in the sample.


Berkeley Radiological Air and Water Measurements (BRAWM) Archive 2011-2012


UCB Milk Sampling Results


In this report, they make a correction to the original 2011 released Iodine-131 milk sampling test results. This correction increases the Iodine-131 activity level by a factor of 2 to
5 times!


Food Chain Sampling Results ( grass, spinach, etc.)


2014/11/26 at 9:51 pm

1979 – Tritium in Tucson, Wastes Worldwide

Extracts from the free online book, “Killing Our Own”:

Many of the factories that produce these items are legally permitted to release large quantities of radiation in the course of normal operations. Cobalt 60 fabrication plants, for example, are allowed to expose the public to twenty times more radiation than a commercial reactor.

But routine tests in early June at the Tucson school system’s central kitchen, near the plant, found food with radiation counts 2.5 times above permissible levels. The kitchen regularly fed approximately forty thousand students. Water in cake that had been served to twenty-eight thousand pupils contained fifty-six thousand picocuries per liter; federal standards allowed only twenty-thousand picocuries. Vegetation outside the kitchen tested at levels thirty-six times the legal limit. Radiation, said acting AAEC director Kenneth Geiser, was “in the humidity in the air. Everywhere. And all the time. Cake or bread left on a table gets kind of soggy; it picks up moisture like a sponge–and tritium with it.”

Dr. Michael Gray of the Arizona Center for Occupational Safety and Health reported that a survey showed a “long residency period in the system of very low concentrations of tritium.” Some of the workers, he said, produced urine samples containing tritium levels twenty times above normal. Rates of decay found in the survey suggested that tritium “can reside in the body” not just for the three to six months promised during the crisis, but “for up to ten years.”


Tritium is much more toxic than the regulators let on. The tests results presented here reinforce this view. This is important because Fukushima has, and is releasing enormous amounts of Tritium into the Biosphere.

How much pain and suffering did this company’s negligence cause to the workers and thousands of affected families, through serious illness, and premature death?



11th November 2014 – Fukushima Contaminated Food Was Found In US Right After The Meltdowns


One sample of imported fresh fish from Japan intended for sushi was found to have iodine 131. A sample of Koji powder was also found to be contaminated. The koji sample had not just iodine 131 but cobolt 60, radioactive silver, tellurium 132, cesium 134 and cesium 137. Contamination was also found in imported green tea samples and seaweed.

This testing shows a number of things of concern. Contaminated food was being shipped to the US. While these individual shipments from these food companies that hired this one lab for testing were not sent to market, others likely did.


17th October 2014 – Fukushima radiation nearing West Coast


A sample taken Aug. 2 about 1,200 kilometers west of Vancouver, B.C. tested positive for Cesium 134, the Fukushima “fingerprint” of Fukushima.

Further results, which Buesseler will release at a conference Nov. 13, will show offshore Fukushima radiation down the coast into California, he said, including some samples that are closer to shore.

It showed levels of cesium 134, the Fukushima fingerprint, at 2.2 becquerels per cubic meter (Bq/m3).

Levels of cesium 137 were 3.9 Bq/m3. Background levels range between 1 and 2 Bq/m3.


These maybe small detected amounts, but bio-accumulation through the food chain can potentially concentrate this by thousands of times.


Submitted on 2014/10/18 at 1:13 am:
23rd January 2007– Depleted Uranium Poison Explosions Target US Citizens, By Cathy Garger


Site 300, where these radioactive explosions occur, is only about 40 miles from San Francisco. More than seven million people live in the highly populated Greater San Francisco Bay area. America has been breathing in this toxic, “gene busting” invisible poison since 1945 when Uranium-238, as well as other radioactive materials, were used inside the hydrogen bomb that the US exploded in the New Mexico desert.

Want to make your head spin? Just do the math. If Livermore explodes 60,000 pounds of explosives in ten years? Since the high explosives “tests” began at Site 300 in 1955, that makes 60,000 pounds every ten years, which amounts to 300,000 pounds or 150 tons of radioactive blasts. And that’s at only one of the federal “test” sites – of which there are several.

The explosion of these vast amounts of Depleted Uranium radioactive microscopic particles affect Americans all over the country. We’ve all watched the Weather Channel and observed how in a matter of just a few hours, wind currents carrying invisible particles start at one part of the country and sweep across the map, reaching into entirely different sections of the country in a matter of hours.

In a memo declassified in 1974 written to James B. Conant and Brigadier General L. R. Groves from: Drs. Conant, Compton, and Urey, War Department United States Engineer Office Manhattan District, Oak Ridge Tennessee on October 30, 1943. The 1943 memo also stated that it could be used as radioactive warfare to make evacuated areas uninhabitable, to contaminate small critical areas, and as a radioactive poison gas to create casualties among troops, and to create casualties among civilian populations. It also mentions that,

“These materials may also be so disposed as to be taken into the body by ingestion instead of inhalation. Reservoirs or wells would be contaminated or food poisoned with an effect similar to that resulting from inhalation of dust or smoke.”

In other words, the US Military has known since 1943 precisely what it was doing with regard to the life-destroying use of aerosolized uranium.


The more I research this subject, the more horrified I am by the shear evil of the political, military, and scientific leadership, and what they are willing to do to their own populations.

I started to research site 300 because in the last 24 hours (18 October 2014) a poster reported a high radioactive Isotope detections in an air filter downwind of site 300. The present Californian drought maybe creating conditions that are allowing the large amount of radioactive contamination at this site, to become mobilized.

Thanks to a poster on enenews for pointing to this article.


2nd October 2014 – Matsutake Mushroom from USA


Tested by 横浜市民測定所 (Citizen Radioactivity Measuring Station, Yokohama)

I-131 ND(<2.06)

Cs-137 37.1±8.1 Bq/kg

Cs-134 ND(<3.31)


16th September 2014 – OP-ED: Nuclear plant is polluting our drinking water


• DEP plans to issue an NPDES water pollution permit with dangerous exemptions and loopholes for Limerick’s radiation and cooling tower toxic discharges, and overheating the river.

PA DEP is allowing Limerick to violate federal protective water law and standards. DEP has the power to deny Limerick an NPDES pollution permit renewal. Instead, DEP plans to approve a permit with shocking exemptions. Instead of exemptions from compliance, Exelon, Limerick’s owner, should be required to filter Limerick’s dangerous discharges to meet Safe Drinking Water standards. Exelon is profiting and should be accountable to minimize damage.

• Suffering and health care costs will increase. DEP plans to allow unlimited amounts of Limerick’s broad range of radionuclides and toxic cooling tower chemicals to be discharged into the river every day with up to 14.2 million gallons of wastewater.


2013 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Diablo Canyon Power Plant


Concentrations of tritium were detected in four monitoring wells (stations OWl, DY1, GW1, and 8S3) near the power block. This tritium was evaluated and attributed to rain-washout of gaseous tritium exiting the plant vent system

During these 2011 rain events, Fukushima related Cs-137 was deposited into the Central Coast environs in rain concentrations of 2.4 to 25.4 pCi/Liter. This Fukushima Cs-137 was detected within one sample of monitoring well DYI at a concentration of 2.22 pCi/L in 2013 due to the approximate 30 year half-life of Cs-137

Cs-137 was detected in three samples of market fish (station 2F1 and 7D3) most likely due to rainwater washout of Fukushima Cs-137 isotopes during March of 2011 (ref 2011 DCPP AREOR). For reference, the March 2011 Central Coast rainwater Cs-137 concentrations ranged from 2.4 pCi/Liter to 25.4 pCi/Liter due to Fukushima event fallout.

Various concentrations of 1-131, 1-132, Te-132, Cs-134, and Cs-137 were identified as Fukushima fallout along the Central Coast in March-April 2011.


11th June 2014 – Unbelievable: US Government Promotes Fish Consumption by Pregnant Women and Children.


Shrimp, tuna, and salmon all present significant risks for contaminants. Although there are many sources of contamination for fish, Fukushima-caused radionuclide contamination will be a persistent risk for decades.

However, the permissible dose is NOT ‘the safe dose.’ There is NO safe level of exposure to radionuclides and toxic metals.

The permissible dose concept was a compromise position between Atomic Energy Commission scientists and early geneticists who argued any additional increase in radionuclide exposure creates additional risks, especially for the youngest among us.

Women and children should not be eating seafood unless said seafood is tested for elements such as mercury AND radioactive elements, especially tritium, iodine, cesium, strontium, and uranium.


21st May 2014 – Report by Eager Lab Assistants – Estimation of Cesium in Sand and Soil Samples in the United States, 2012-2013


Soil and sand samples were obtained between April 2012 and December of 2013 from a broad spectrum of areas ranging from almost every region in the continental United States.

Results: Twenty-two (22) of forty-eight (48) samples yielded statistically significant detections for Cesium-137. Of those, six (6) yielded statistically significant detections for Cesium-134. Considering sample collection and testing dates with respect to the Fukushima Diachii NPP multiple meltdowns of March 11, 2011, those detections are strongly indicated as resulting from the same due to atmospheric deposition.


30th April 2014 – California Coastal Commission – Report on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster and Radioactivity along the California Coast.


The levels of Fukushima-derived radionuclides detected in air, drinking water, food, seawater and marine life in California are extremely low relative to the pre-existing background from naturally -occurring radionuclides and the persistent residues of 20 th century nuclear weapons testing.

However, it should be noted that the long term effects of low level radiation in the environment remain incompletely understood, and that this understanding would benefit from increased governmental support for the monitoring of
radioactivity in seawater and marine biota and the study of health outcomes linked to radiation exposure.

Fukushima derived radionuclides were first detected in air samples in western North America on March 15, in Western Europe between. March 19 – 23, and had circled the globe within 18 days of the accident.

Radionuclide activities measured in precipitation from these storms at various California locations ranged from about 2 – 20 Bq/L for 131 I, the most abundant isotope detected, and 1 -2 orders of magnitude lower (~0.03 – 1.4 Bq/L) for
132 I, 132 Te, 134 Cs, and 137 Cs.


Quote from Report,

“Fukushima Briefing Report 4 Radioactivity Released into the Environment The Fukushima NPP disaster represents the second largest accidental release of anthropogenic radiation to the environment in history, after only the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in the Ukraine.”

In my opinion, this statement in the report is factually incorrect. All the evidence suggests that the amount of radioactive contamination release from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, far exceeds that of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. Also, the radioactive contamination from the Fukushima nuclear disaster has not stopped, and it doesn’t look like stopping any time soon!


“Cesium is also highly bioavailable, but is distributed more evenly throughout the body and is removed more quickly (“biological half-life” of ~ 70 days in humans)”

This 10 minutes long very informative video, paints a very different view on the effects ingested Cesium. It discusses the damage very small amounts of Cesium can do to children.


This report uses the external dose models to explain away internal ingested contamination. The biological dose dynamics of internal ingestion is different to external exposure dose models. This is because of the radioactive isotopic microscopic proximity to living tissue. Most ingested Isotopes concentrate in different parts of the body, because of their chemical affinities. Also, a lot of radioactive isotopes are heavy metal toxins, as well as being highly radioactive. The Nuclear industry propaganda that says it is no worse that eating a banana, or having an X-ray, is nonsense!



29th April 2014 – Radiation level in tuna off Oregon coast tripled after Fukushima disaster


Most of the 3-year-old tuna tested had no traces of Fukushima radiation, but 4-year-old tuna – which likely traveled through the radioactive plume a couple of times – had higher cesium levels.

Since the results did reveal a spike in radiation, though, the researchers will be expanding their study beyond Oregon to test a larger number of tuna across the West Coast.


They don’t provide the actual detection levels in this article.




29th March 2014 – Researchers consider: How risky is that radiation?


The baby teeth of kids living near the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant contained radioactive Strontium-90 – which can cause bone cancer and leukemia – at levels nearly one-third higher than in the baby teeth of other California kids, says a controversial study released last week.

Studies from France and Germany suggest that kids living within 3 miles of nuclear plants have double the risk of developing acute leukemia as those living farther away, and that the peak impact is on children aged 2 to 4; but the U.S. government’s take has historically been, “Don’t worry, be happy.”

http://www.ocregister.com/articles/nuclear-607540-diablo-health.html [Subscription fee required]

14th March 2014 – “A Slow Genocide of the People”: Uranium Mining Leaves Toxic Nuclear Legacy on
Indigenous Land


“It’s really a slow genocide of the people, not just indigenous people of this region, but it’s estimated that there are over 10 million people who are residing within 50 miles of abandoned uranium mines,”

There are an estimated over a thousand in our homelands. But there are estimated to be over 10,000 abandoned uranium mines throughout the whole United States, and it’s primarily within 15 Western states. But the EPA has
never done a meaningful inventory on these threats that are really a toxic legacy that impacts us to this day.


3rd March 2014 – Colorado Mining Corp. Spills 20,000 Gallons of Uranium Waste Amid Negotiations To Clean Up 15 Million Tons More


Cotter estimates that cost at more than $895 million — or burial in existing or new impoundment ponds.

“There’s an official, decades-old indifference to groundwater protection and cleanup of groundwater contamination at the Cotter site — even though sustainable and clean groundwater for drinking, orchards, gardens and livestock remains important to present and future Lincoln Park residents,” Stills said. “This community is profoundly committed to reclaiming and protecting its groundwater.”


Colorado Mining Corp. Spills 20,000 Gallons of Uranium Waste Amid Negotiations To Clean Up 15 Million Tons More


12th March 2014 – Top Expert Debunks Radiation Myths


Mousseau has made numerous trips to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and Fukushima – making 896 inventories at Chernobyl and 1,100 biotic inventories in Fukushima as of July 2013 – to test the effect of radiation on plants and animals.

Indeed, Mousseau found – in studies of plants, insects and mammals – that:

Most organisms studied show significantly increased rates of genetic damage in direct proportion to the level of exposure to radioactive contaminants

Many organisms show increased rates of deformities and developmental abnormalities in direct proportion to contamination levels

Many organisms show reduced fertility rates

Many organisms show reduced life spans

Many organisms show reduced population sizes

Biodiversity is significantly decreased many species locally extinct

Mutations are passed from one generation to the next, and show signs of accumulating over time

Mutations are migrating out of affected areas into populations that are not exposed (i.e. population bystander effects)


11th March 2014 – Fukushima – The Perfect Crime?


Multiple hazardous readings of suspected Fukushima radiation have been detected in air, rain, snow, and surf in California and across the nation. The high radioactivity findings came during tests of air across America, Pacific Ocean surf south of San Francisco and Santa Cruz, rain in Death Valley and nearby Las Vegas, and in the soil of California’s marijuana-growing heartland in Humboldt County.

EnviroReporter.com has also learned that soil in the most marijuana-intensive growing region of California is hot with radionuclides that could have come from nowhere but Fukushima.

Amateur radiation sleuth Michael Van Broekhoven gathered two soil samples from near Willow Creek and from “commercially available top soil in Northern California.” Both samples, collected in April 2013, tested positive for
cesium-134 and cesium-137.

The Willow Creek soil sample had 0.962 Becquerels per kilogram (Bq/kg) of cesium-134 and 13.39 Bq/kg of cesium-137 according to the lab gamma spectroscopy analysis done for Van Broekhoven in May 2013 by Cinnaminson, New Jersey-headquartered EMSL Analytical, Inc.. The store-bought dirt had even more
Cs-134 with 1.11 Bq/kq though less Cs-137 at 4.10 Bq/kg.


11th March 2014 – WIPP radiation leak still a mystery


The contamination drifted across the countryside and 26 miles west, all the way to the city of Carlsbad itself.


28th January 2014 – First results from crowd funded study shows radioactive seawater from Fukushima has NOT reached the US coast


“The reason why we see such low levels of radiation in these samples is because the plume is not here yet. But it’s coming. And we’ll actually be able to see its arrival,” Buesseler says. “That baseline data is critical.”

The plume is predicted to reach the US West Coast in April 2014 and it will be “detectable but not harmful. ”Samples taken off the coast of Vancouver Island in June 2013 show the plume has reached it, but the observed concentrations are at most 1 Bq/m3. In other words, 7400 times less than the EPA’s maximum concentrations for drinking water so the levels are not harmful for humans or sea life.

My opinion:

They have done base line testing, which is great. Lets look at the finer details.

The USA EPA recently raised the drinking water safety level from 3 pCi/Liter of Cesium 134/137 to 200 pCi/Litre, which is equivalent to 7,400 Bq per cubic meter.

(Multiply by a 1,000 to get per cubic meter amounts.)
Pre-Fukushima safety level, 3 pCi/ltr = 0.111 Bq/Ltr
New safety level, 200 pCi/ltr = 7.4 Bq/Ltr
7.4/0.111 = 66.6

So this new standard is 66.6 times greater than the pre-Fukushima level. It has been a common ploy by governments worldwide to quietly raise the safety levels during events like Fukushima, As detectable levels increase they can tell you everything is OK, because it tested below the new much higher government set safety level.

The organization doing the testing here is independent of government. They haven’t created this new standard the US government has.

Very small amounts of contamination in sea water can bio-accumulate thousands of times through the food chain in sea food. Testing the seafood will provide the important information on bio-accumulation, plus whether it is hazardous for human consumption. Sea food testing is what is needed at present. It may be excellent information for a scientists to know how much contamination is in the sea water. Is your child going to drink sea water? Right now, mums and dads would rather know what contamination is in the seafood, and is it safe for their family to consume!

The plume may not have arrived yet, but the contaminated fish may have, plus significant bio-accumulation could go on for a long time.

Watch this 10 minute short video to get up to speed quickly on food testing, and safety levels. Independent research is suggesting much lower safety levels for Cesium contamination, particularly for pregnant women and children.


A lot of food and environmental detection reports tend to concentrate on Cesium detection. This is because it is relatively easy to test for, and detect. If Cesium is present in a test result, there is a possibility that other types of radioactive isotopes are also present but not reported. Fallout is a dirty mixture of isotopes.

Interactive Map with sampling locations and testing results:





6th March 2014 – China Syndrome Town


China Syndrome Town is a true tale of greed, corruption, and malfeasance that could have real life consequences for the Los Angeles region and its residents.

EnviroReporter.com exposes a new twist on these plots that would keep the Santa Susana Field Laboratory radioactive and chemically contaminated, saving the polluters hundreds of millions. If lab owner Boeing, government agencies, and astroturfers are successful, the toxic land could become Glow in the Dark Park or a new Chumash gambling casino.

Hirsch, an UC Santa Cruz lecturer on nuclear policy, pointed out that the 1959 partial meltdown of the Sodium Reactor Experiment, while smaller in size than the partial meltdown of Three Mile Island twenty years later, spewed out hundreds of times more radiation because the experimental SRE wasn’t fortified against disaster like TMI was with its concrete superstructure.

Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition member Barbara Johnson began her comments with a reminder of what the fuss was all about. “I have lived since 1970 just below the contaminated site. I have had cancer; my son has had cancer, way too many of my neighbors have as well.” Johnson reminded the DOE of previous health studies that found elevated rates for key cancers in the offsite population closest to the site compared to people living further away.


The site is one of the most radiological and chemically polluted places in the USA. It is just 30 miles, or 48 km northwest of Downtown Los Angeles. These excellent articles expose the attempted coverup, and corruption for all to see.


2014/02/16 at 2:13 pm

27th December 2013 – Measurements of Fission Products from the Fukushima Daiichi Incident in San Francisco Bay Area Air Filters, Automobile Filters, Rainwater, and Food.


Monitoring activities in air and rainwater began soon after the onset of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and are reported here through the end of 2012. Observed fallout isotopes include 131I, 132I, 132Te, 134Cs, 136Cs, and 137Cs. Isotopes were measured on environmental air filters, automobile filters, and in rainwater. An additional analysis of rainwater in search of 90 Sr is also presented.

The highest activity found in these samples was that of 131I which peaked at 16 Bq/L on 3/24/2011.

This produced a one sigma upper limit of 8.98 mBq/L for the presence of 90Sr in the rainwater samples analyzed.

Table A.6 . In most of the Pacific Fish samples, 137Cs was present, with the highest activity found in tuna from the Philippines, which had a 137Cs activity of 0.24(4) Bq kg.


The chart on page 11 – Table A.7: Chernobyl food measurements from 1988 previously unpublished (formally) from Norman and Harvey [17, 18]. All samples were purchased at retail locations in the San Francisco Bay Area.

This chart shows Chernobyl contamination in honey, goats cheese, beer from a variety of different European countries.

Here is an excellent 10 minute video on Cesium food contamination and testing, to quickly get you up to speed on the subject.



2012 – California Department of Public Health Drinking water and Laboratory Branch Reports.


These tests of Californian cattle feed, milk and cheese cover the period of 2012. Even in 2012 I-131 is still being detected in milk, which brings up the question.

“Is this contamination from Fukushima, or local Nuclear Power Plants?”

For the cattle feed testing multiply by 1,000 to get pCi/kg, as the test are in pCi per gram. Here is a pCi to Bq converter. So multiply the PCi/grm by 1,000 before putting it into the converter to get Bq/kg.



7th February 2014 – Definitely some increased radiation in the water of Hawaii


Cesium 137 in Hawaii pasteurized milk

Strontium 89 and 90 in Hawaii pasteurized milk

Cesium 137 in Hawaii rain

Cobalt 60 in Hawaii rain

Plutonium 239 in Hawaii air

Tritium in Hawaii drinking water


10th January 2014 – With radiation in food safety limits 10x weaker than Japan’s, North American food and agricultural imports from Japan escalate.


The US has the weakest standards of those studied. In comparison, the EU has stricter standards, and Japan’s standards are the strictest. In comparison to Japan and the EU limit for imports from Japan, the US and Canadian limits are 12 and 10 times weaker, respectively.

The conclusion, based on the data, appears to be yes. With food safety limits at least 10x weaker than Japan’s, North America could have become a target for Japan’s radioactive food. This has implications for consumers, who may not be fully aware of the fact that these varying standards may result in food deemed as too radioactive in Japan being exported to the US and Canada for human consumption.



This situation is not just isolated to the USA. This New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries New Zealand testing report (Link below), indicates that contaminated Japanese tea that tested above the Japanese 100 Bq/kg limit, was allowed to be sold to New Zealanders!

Ministry of Primary Industries New Zealand, “Radionuclide testing in Imported Foods Survey,” 21st August 2013.

Quote Page 9 “Summary”: (This was for imported Japanese tea.)

“All results were well within Codex limits, with the highest results being 76.7Bq/kg for 137Cs and 57.4Bq/kg for 134Cs.
Total Cesium content 134.1 Bq/Kg.”

(The codex limit for these radionuclides is 1000Bq/kg, which applies to foods for a year following a nuclear incident.)

Quote Page 10 “Conclusion”:

“The tea samples tested indicates that there is no concerning levels of radionuclide contamination in food products exported from Japan to New Zealand.”

My Opinion:

Why would any country outside of Japan be using this criminal standard anyway? Japan isn’t even using using it!

A 1000Bq/kg is way too high an international standard for Cesium, Nuclear Disaster or not. Recent research is suggesting 5 Bq/kg or less for children is more realistic, but preferably none! if I knew tea had a total 134 Bg/kg of detected Cesium in it , I certainly would not be using it. In my opinion it is criminal to allow anyone, particularly children or pregnant mothers, to consume tea at this level of contamination!

If Cesium is present, it is very likely other isotopes are also!

Full Report June 2013:


Current advice to importers;


Margery Brown posted this excellent article on the effects of Cesium food contamination, based on lots of research.


7th January 2014 – No Elevated Levels of Radiation Found in North Pacific Salmon Samples*


Loki Fish Company announced today that laboratory analysis of five salmon species harvested by its fishermen in Puget Sound and Southeast Alaska during 2013 show no indications of elevated radiation levels.

Two of the samples registered at trace levels – Alaskan Keta at 1.4Bq/kg for Cesium 137, and Alaskan Pink at 1.2Bq/kg for Cesium 134. There were no detectable levels of iodine-131 in any samples.


[*Editor: The fact that Cesium 134 was, with its 2-year half-life, detected is very significant and certainly does not validate “no indications of elevated radiation levels.” Cs-134 has could have only come from Fukushima. This is very significant and this food stock should not be consumed by folks not eager to feast on Fukushima-impacted fish.]

SUBMITTED 2013/12/29 at 3:47 pm

19th May 2011 – Texas politicians knew agency hid the amount of radiation in drinking water


However, the TCEQ would consistently subtract off each test’s margin of error from those results, making the actual testing results appear lower than they actually were. In MUD 105’s case, the utility was able to avoid violations for nearly 20 years, thanks to the TCEQ subtractions.


17th May 2011 – Texas drinking water makes pipes and plumbing radioactive


According to local officials, the contamination comes from years of exposure to drinking water that already tests over federal legal limits for radioactive radium.

“It’s a serious concern,” City of Brady Manager James Minor said. “These pipes have so much radioactivity in them, metal recycling places refer to them as they’re ‘hot.’”

The City of Brady has individual wells that have tested three times above that limit. Nearby “North San Saba” has tested more than four times the EPA limit for radium. The public water system for “Millersview” has wells that have tested 11 times the limit for radium.

“What these data show are the amount of radionuclides in our water are so high that they could cause cancer, birth defects or kidney disease,” said Tom “Smitty” Smith of Public Citizen, a government watchdog group.


24th December 2013 – New model shows U.S. was hit by Fukushima cloud that dispersed little over Pacific — Gundersen: Authorities knew about hot particles and didn’t warn public; Could have worn air masks, instead it’s stuck in their lungs;


One of the scientists we work with had air filters, continuous air monitors, set up in Seattle and we could clearly show that the average person in Seattle was ingesting about 10 hot particles a day into their lungs.

The authorities did know about it though. I’m absolutely convinced that authorities did know about it and chose to keep us all in the dark.


14th December 2013 – Radiation alerts hit U.S. cities Fukishima cited as suspected source of increasing threat


6th December 2013 – Milk Cleveland, Ohio USA.


Big detections of Iodine-131 in Cleveland Ohio milk in February 1990. Why?


Radioactive Potassium K40 is in all living things.


November 23, 2013
3:35pm INT SUV CAB RAIN SAMPLE at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 1,087 CPM^ WHICH IS 31.5 TIMES BG HIGHER
3:20pm INT SUV CAB BACKGROUND at Furnace Creek Visitors Center parking lot, Death Valley National Park, CA: 34.5 CPM^
10:45am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 49.1 CPM^

November 22, 2013
2:25pm INT SUV CAB RAIN SAMPLE at Badwater, Death Valley National Park, CA: 1,232 CPM^ WHICH IS 26.7 TIMES BG HIGHER
2:10pm INT SUV CAB BACKGROUND at Badwater, Death Valley National Park, CA: 46.2 CPM^
9:10am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 51.7 CPM^

November 21, 2013
11:30am INT BACKGROUND Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley CA: 44.3 CPM^

19th November 2013 – Fukushima fallout damaged thyroid glands of California babies.


“This presents a severe challenge to Dr Wolfgang Weiss of the UN and WHO, who stated last year that no thyroid cancers could result from the Fukushima disaster as the “doses were too low”. How does he explain the 80-fold increase in this normally rare condition?

Or rather, when will he admit that the entire scientific model that underpins his views is fraudulent? And that nuclear radiation is – roughly speaking – 1,000 times more dangerous to human health than he is letting on?”


September 2013 – Amchitka Island, Alaska,Biological Monitoring Report 2011 Sampling Results


A lot more radioactive contamination has been released into the air and Pacific Ocean, from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site, since this study was done in 2011.


19th October 2013 – Community Symposium on Decommissioning San Onofre


(Note: Due to technical difficulties there are sound problems at the beginning, this improves at 4;11)

You might also be interested to know that all nuclear power plants, that are of the variety of light water reactors, release tritium to the atmosphere, so you can expect radioactive rainfall around nuclear power plants.


19th October 2013 – US Pacific Coast Seaweed Shows Fukushima Cesium Contamination!


These values converted to the more common bq/kg are:
Cesium 134: 8.14 Bq/Kg
Cesium 137: 8.88 Bq/Kg
Cobalt 60: 3.7 Bq/Kg

They also tested nori sheets from a market in Chiba prefecture Japan.

“One of two Japanese nori samples from a Chiba Prefecture market contained 1.1 pCi/g of Cs134 and 1.7 pCi/g of Cs137. (That’s 41 and 63 Bq/kg, respectively.) The other was nondetect for these isotopes.”

Cesium 134: 41 bq/kg
Cesium 137: 63 bq/kg
Cobalt 60: none detected


10th October 2013 – USA Nuclear Power Plant “Rooftop Grabs” reveal picture of widespread fallout over US.


It also proves authorities we’re well aware of the danger here at home but were unwilling to issue warnings or advisories (rainwater, milk, green leafy vegetables) so that the American public could take precautionary measures

From the NRC FOIA documents: an example of an ‘unscheduled radiation release’. Since Fukushima fallout was not a result of activities at US nuclear plants, reporting was done on a voluntary basis.

From the NRC FOIA documents: (part 6) the brutal truth: “…licensees do not have to report on elevated levels if it is not due to their licensed activities.”


1st October 2013 – Email exchange with Bruno Chareyron, head of Frence CRIIRAD and Bobby1′s blog.

Comment: This exchange is in regard to the reported detection of I-131 in France recently.

Original Iodine Detection Article:


Extract: Mr. Chareyron claimed that the Montelimar graph indicated no iodine activity, and that the beta nuclides detected were from natural radon, as was explained in the text.

He also said that the Avignon graph, which was clearly labeled to indicate a detection of iodine-131, was actually a measurement gamma emissions in the range of 320 to 400 keV. This range includes iodine-131, as well as the radon-222 daughters, lead-214 and bismuth-214. The variations were due to increases in the current of the Rhone river.


29th August 2013 – Radiation monitor Green tea Tazo iced tea.


27th August 2013 – Radiation monitor Rice noodles Pad Thai Annie Chun’s.


26th August 2013 – Radiation monitor Rice Chex cereal.


24th August 2013 – Radiation monitor brown rice vs white rice.


24th September 2013 – American safety limit for the import of Japanese food is 12 times more lax than Japan.


9th September 2013 – FDA Import Alert: U.S. bans agricultural and fishery products from 14 prefectures in Japan due to Fukushima radionuclides Import Alert # 99-33, Type: DWPE Import Alert Name: Detention Without Physical Examination of Products from Japan Due to Radionuclide Contamination.

Comment: They are not stating that they are doing this, just that they could.



17th September 2013 – Video published on EnviroReporter.com‘s YouTube channel

September 17, 2013
EnviroReporter took a road trip to the Central Coast of California that included visiting a fisherman and his wife, Will and Robin, at their beautiful Santa Barbara home to test an assortment of fish and sea creatures for radiation. Will offered us an excellent opportunity to test yellowtail, bluefin tuna, rockfish, bluefin tuna “collar,” mussels, squid, albacore tuna and yellowtail collar. All the fish was caught locally by Will and measured at background. This is probably because the Sea of Fuku Goo hasn’t made it down to Southern California yet. The results, while hopeful for the time being, do not change EnviroReporter’s admonition not to eat or consume anything from the Pacific unless you can verify yourself it is radiation-free. That includes seaweed and its derivative carrageenan which is widely used in the food industry and toothpaste for its gelling, thickening and stabilizing properties. But at least for the time being, these anecdotal tests show that at least some of Southern California’s fish are still not hot.

16th August 2013 – “Plume-Gate is PROVABLE. Proof is available to the public in the form of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Freedom of Information documents.” There are lots of photo copied FOIA documents here to back up the claims in this report.

Important Extracts;

“NOAA tracked a 19 mile long radioactive cloud along the coast of Japan and on at least two occasions TEPCO measured (not modeled) radioactive plumes over 60 kilometers long.”

“Evidence of the ‘President’s source term’ and more proof that Obama’s administration knew the seriousness of the situation.”

“EPA busted for ‘rigging’ the RADNET monitoring equipment to report lower levels of radiation.”

“Moving Navy ships en masse would have been indicative that the situation was worse than Officials were willing to admit.”

“From the NRC FOIA documents: Transamerica model shows 4.5 REM to thyroid of infants in California.”

“From the NRC FOIA documents: modeling suggests up to 35 REM thyroid dose to children in Alaska and 4.9 thyroid dose to children in Midway.” (From the NRC website: .5 REM allowed to the fetus of a pregnant Nuclear Power Plant employee.)


30th July 2013 – Green tea showing elevated counts, when tested with sensitive Geiger Counter.


27th July 2013 – Interview with Marco Kaltofen on how radiation spread via airborne dust particles from Fukushima. That Pacific Seafood, and food should be tested in North America, and Internationally. There is also a short discussion on the Hanford nuclear site testing, and cleanup.


7-25-13 mutant corn reads at background
July 25, 2013
7:30pm INT BG: 44.1 CPM^7-25-13 mutant corn

11th July 2013 – The American Medical Association has passed a resolution calling for the US to continue to monitor, and publicly report radiation contamination in seafood.


21st February 2012 – Very detail report on detected Fukushima fallout across the USA, following the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster. The reports only looks at a short period of time, from just before Fukushima from March 8, to April 5, 2011.



June 11, 2013
Simply Delish peach gelatin The third ingredient in this powdered gelatin made in South Africa is carrageenan, a product of seaweed. We have previously reported “Japanese Seaweed Radiation Doubles” April 12, 2012 where we wrote “Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia and the Philippines, make up 90% of the world’s supply.” The manufacturer of the gelatin may have used carrageenan from abroad or South Africa which has dozens of kinds of seaweed in the rich marine bioregions the South African Exclusive Economic Zone.

5:05pm INT SAME TWO UNOPENED BOXES SIMPLY DELISH PEACH GELATIN: 59.8 CPM^ which is 25.90% HIGHER THAN BACKGROUND. Reading exceeds Inspector Alert’s (+/-) 15% margin of error.
4:50pm INT BG: 47.5 CPM^
1:25pm INT TWO UNOPENED BOXES SIMPLY DELISH PEACH GELATIN bought at Whole Foods on Wilshire in Santa Monica on this date: 56.3 CPM^ which is 19.79% HIGHER THAN BACKGROUND. Reading exceeds Inspector Alert’s (+/-) 15% margin of error.
1:10pm INT BG: 47.0 CPM^

Santa Monica homegrown veggies read rad-free June 8, 2013
6:50pm INT readings of Santa Monica-grown beats, kale, string beans and a carrot: all read at background.
6:45pm INT BG: 48.4 CPM^

2009 – Abstract – Chernobyl’s radioactive contamination of food and people USA


21nd February 2012 – Tuna off west coast USA

27th December 2012 – Green Tea sold in USA from Japan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXOm6WShbis (7 minutes into video)

20th December 12 – Walnuts Missouri USA

9th December 2012- Californian Mandarins USA (13 minutes into the video)

7th December 2012 – Iodine in water Philadelphia USA

5th December 2012 – Sunflower kernals USA

22nd November 2012 – Milk tests west coast USA

14th November 2012 – Food USA

9th November 2012 – Cod liver oil USA

24th October 2012 – Fish Oregon USA

30th October 2012 – Milk sampling from the Bay area March 2011 to August 2012 USA

28th August 2012 – Oranges, Grapefriut, dryied prunes, California USA

23rd August 2012 – Beef USA (very detail analysis)

23rd August 2012 – Milk and rain California USA

23 August 2012 – Food contamination California USA, “The Long-Winded Fallout-Generated Hotspot Phenomenon.”

15th August 2012 – Blue Fin Tuna

12th July 2012 – Prunes and Almonds California USA

28th June 2012 – Beef USA

20th June 2012 – Pacific Sea food and American Milk

4th June 2012 – Deformed fish Sushi Bar

1st June 2012 – Blue Fin Tuna Pacific Ocean

29th May 2012 – Fish Oil Pacific Ocean

29th May 2012 – Fish California USA

15th May 2012 – Rain water west coast USA

20th April 2012 – Nori Seaweed from Japan purchased in the USA

10th April 2012 – Kelp Pacific Ocean

5th April 2012 – Kelp Pacific Ocean

16th April 2012 – Lettuce USA

30th March 2012 – Kelp Southern California USA

7th February 2012 – Milk San Francisco USA

13th January 2012 – Fish 60 to 80% of fish catches Japan (Second article on page)

8th September 2011 – Vegetable Joice from Japan in USA

7th September 2011 – Japanese sake purchased in USA

6th September 2011 – Japanese beer purchased in the USA

30th August 2011- Japanese green tea purchased in USA

25th May 2011 – Milk Hawaii

28th April 2011 – Milk Hawaii

20th April 2011 – Milk San Fancisco USA

13th April 11 – Pasteurized Milk California USA

11th April 2011 – Multiple locations USA

11th April 2011 – Milk Mutiple Locations USA

9th April 2011 – Multiple cities milk and drinking water USA

8th April 2011 – Strawberries, Spinach, Mushrooms Northern California USA

17th March 2011- Rainwater USA


Flag of Canada

2015/09/28 at 9:17 pm

28th September 2015 – Radioactive cesium-137 from Fukushima now detected off coast of Canada


The Woods Hole researchers tested water samples collected on February 19 from various locations off the coast of Ucluelet, British Columbia, a small town on Vancouver Island. They detected cesium-134 at levels of 1.4 Becquerels per cubic meter, and cesium-137 at levels of 5.8 Becquerels per cubic meter.

According to a 2013 study by the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center in Norway, the main part of the radioactive ocean plume from the Fukushima disaster is likely to hit the North American west coast in 2017, with maximum concentrations of radioactivity arriving in 2018. The model showed the bulk of the radioactive material from the disaster remaining concentrated along the North American coast at least through 2026.

2015/02/21 at 8:46 pm

15th February 2015 – Sold in Japan, Organic Dried Blueberry – Product of Canada Harvested in June, 2013, Report from Green Coop in Japan June 18, 2014.


An expert told us this should be most likely from Chernobyl accident which affected board area of Northern Europe and Canada.


2015/01/11 at 1:07 am

30th December 2014 – Fukushima Radioactivity Monitoring in the North Pacific Ocean – a new paper published by Fisheries and Oceans Scientist Dr. John Smith


Ocean circulation model estimates indicate that future total levels of Cs-137 off the North American coast will likely peak at 3-5 Bq/m3 by 2015-2016, before declining to levels closer to 1 Bq/m3 by 2021.


Bio-accumulation will concentrate this through the food chain.


2014/12/22 at 1:18 am


17th December 2014 – 日本産原木干ししいたけ Japanese Dried Shiitake Mushroom

Test results:




15th December 2014 – 日本産かつお節 Japanese Bonito

Test results:



4th September 2014 – Kale from UBC Farm – Dehydrated

Cs-134 Cs-137 0.766 +- 0.204 Bq/kg
K-40 1211 +- 12.4 Bq/kg


25th March 2014 – Alberta student’s science project finds high radiation levels in grocery-store seafood


The Grade 10 student from Grande Prairie said she was shocked to discover that, in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) stopped testing imported foods for radiation in 2012.

“Some of the kelp that I found was higher than what the International Atomic Energy Agency sets as radioactive contamination, which is 1,450 counts over a 10-minute period,” she said. “Some of my samples came up as 1,700 or 1,800.”

“More than 200 food samples were tested and all were found to be below Health Canada’s actionable levels for radioactivity,” the CFIA states in a February 2014 posting on its website. “As such, enhanced import controls have been lifted and no additional testing is planned.”


Same story book reply you get from governments. Tell you it is not detected at “actionable levels.”

1. These isotopes are biologically chemically toxic, as well as radioactive.

2. Actionable levels were much lower pre-Fukushima.






Canada Busted Covering Up Spikes In Fukushima Radiation




30th January 2014 – Maple Syrup


27th October 2014 – Potato sold in Greater Vancouver


27th October 2013 – Mushroom sold in Greater Vancouver


5th December 2013 – Canada Busted Covering Up Spikes In Fukushima Radiation.


For 22 days, a Health Canada monitoring station in Sidney detected iodine-131 levels in the air that were up to 300 times above the normal background levels. Radioactive iodine levels shot up as high as nearly 1,000 times background levels in the air at Resolute Bay, Nunavut.

It has now been revealed that data were not released from a Calgary Health Canada monitoring station detecting levels of radioactive iodine in rainwater well above the Canadian guideline for drinking water.


Criminal charges should be laid against the people responsible for these coverups. Communities in the path of these radiation clouds could have taken action to protect themselves and their children, if they had been informed how serious the situation was..


2nd October 2013 – Fish tell a different story.


“Two nuclear experts who saw the Straight’s figures said the real cancer toll could be 100 times higher—or 80,000 cancers.”

“The cancer numbers also don’t include other possible health impacts from radiation in the fish, such as heart disease, stillbirths, and genetic damage to subsequent generations.”

“The Canadian Food Inspection Agency briefly tested food imports from Japan.”

“One sample of smoked bonito had 7.7 becquerels of cesium per kilo but it was allowed on the market.”

Comment: These figures don’t take into account the continual releases from Fukushima that could last for decades, or more.


2nd August 2013 – Poster reports elevated CPM, with a Geiger counter, in Atlantic Canadian Dulse seaweed. “With a background reading of 21 CPM, a sample of this dulse on a non-radioactive plate read as high as 260 CPM.”

28th February 2013 – Milk Canada

18th February 2013 – Milk and water supply Canada

26th January 2013 – Maple Syrup Canada

3rd October 2012 – Tritium in water supply Vancouver BC

30th August 2012 – Maple Syrup Canada

13th January 2012 – Fish 16 of 22 seafood species exported from Japan to Canada are hot ( Second article on page)

28th April 2011 – Rain water and Seaweed Canada

5th April 2011 – Rainwater and Seaweed Vancouver Canada


Flag of South Korea

14th September 2014 – Fukushima sake raises health concerns


China imposed a ban on importing some products, including sake, from Fukushima, following the rector meltdown triggered by the earthquake and tsunami in April 2011.


23rd August 2014 – S. Korea returned 20 t of Japanese marine products for Cs-134/137 contamination / Not from Fukushima area.


S. Korea banned imports from Fukushima prefecture and 7 adjacent prefectures last September, so this 20 t of returned marine products are not from the main contaminated regions in Japan.



1st November 2013 – Radioactive cesium detected in stock feed imports from Japan.


According to a report by the agriculture ministry, levels as high as 2.3 becquerels of cesium were found in more than 85 tons of assorted feed for livestock. About 10-thousand tons of different types of feeds are estimated to have been distributed so far nationwide.



13th September 2013 – Government says seawater passes safety test.

Comment: If you read further down this article and you find this statement.

“China has banned fish imports from 10 prefectures of Japan, but accepts those from the other regions even though cesium levels are as high as 800 Bq/kg,” the minister said. “Since we import those with 100 Bq/kg or less, Korea has a stronger standard.”

800Bq/kg or even 100 Bq/Kg is not safe! Recent research is suggesting 5 Bq/kg or less occasional ingestion. It is all extra risk no mater what level. Also these tests do not tell you about any other isotope contamination that may have bio-accumulated in these sea food products.


10th September 2013 – Korea may sue Japan for mishandling leaks, of highly contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean.


Comment: These are not leaks, there has been a flood of highly contaminated water flowing into the Pacific Oceans for over 30 months now. Tepco has provided various estimates ranging between 300 to 600 tons per day.


Calculation there is far more water flowing into the Pacific, than the Tepco published estimate. This does not include the ground water flowing through the plant!

Water is poured on to a melting core at 30,000 gallons per minute – (scientific estimation during an emergency meltdown)

– 8.3 pounds is the weight of one gallon of water
– 30,000 gallons of water weight 249,000 pounds
– A short TON, commonly used in the US, is equal to 2000 pounds

ONE MINUTE – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 124.5 TONS of water. (All based on 30,000 gallons per minute)

ONE HOUR – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 7,470 TONS of water.

24 HOURS – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 79,280 TONS of water.

1 WEEK – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 1,254,960 TONS of water.

ONE YEAR – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 65,257,920 TONS of water.

50 YEARS – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 3,262,896,000 TONS of water.

100 YEARS – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 6,525,792,000 TONS of water.

1000 YEARS – of water flowing over a SINGLE melted core is 6,525,792,000,000 TONS of water.

Now lets x3 melted cores = 19,577,376,000,000 tons of water.


It is logical to suggest, that far more water has and is flowing into the Pacific Ocean than the estimates provided by Tepco!

6th September 2013 – South Korea places import ban on all fisheries products from eight Japanese prefectures, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Gunma, Miyagi, Iwate, Tochigi, Chiba and Aomori.


South Korea places import ban on all fisheries products from Japan’s Fukushima region.


18th August 2013 – The Korea Herald “Government slammed over monitoring of Japanese seafood.” Around 3,010 tons of fish detected with Cesium contamination in Korea. Any Cesium contamination is a high risk to Pregnant women and young children, particularly girls.


2nd August 2013 – 3.65-5.25 becquerel/kilogram of iodine was detected in six samples of tangleweed.


25th November 2012 – Infant Powered Milk from New Zealand in South Korea

29th August 2012 – Yogurt from New Zealand in South Korea

4th January 2012 – Seaweed South Korea


Flag of the People's Republic of China



12th March 2015 – Hong Kong Finds Radioactive Contamination in Sample of Japanese Tea


A sample of powdered tea imported from the Japanese prefecture of Chiba, just southeast of Tokyo, had 9.3 times the legal maximum level of radioactive cesium 137 allowed in food, the Hong Kong government announced late Thursday evening.


PAST REPORT APRIL 8, 2011 – Radioactive Iodine detections over 30 provincial areas and Cesium over 22 provincial areas of China.



10th September 2013 – Ban all fish from Japan to ease fears, says Hong Kong food expert. Professor argues it is better to reassure people there is zero risk of radioactive contamination.



Flag of Taiwan

2015/06/28 at 4:57 pm

22nd June 2015 – New Contaminated Japanese Tea Found In Taiwan


One was a “roasted” Japanese tea that tested at 18.8 bq/kg of combined cesium. The second was a Japanese tea blend of matcha green tea and brown rice, that product tested at 9.5 bq/kg.

The previous highest readings were lower than 700,000 Bq/m3.

20th June 2015 – 1,000000 Bq/m3 of Sr-90 detected in seawater of Fukushima plane port / Highest in recorded history.

18th May 2015 – SimplyInfo.org Report: Taiwan Food Testing Of Japanese Imports


The testing results included roughly an item a day that was found to be contaminated. Taiwan’s food radiation limit is 370 bq/kg. Japan’s food limit was 500 bq/kg until April of 2012 when it was reduced to 100 bq/kg.

There were other foods that were over the 100 bq/kg level before it was the official limit in Japan. These included wheat flour, potato chips, a type of “fries”, and frozen carp.


13th May 2015 – Taiwan’s food test results from March 2011 to May 2015

29th April 2015 – Taiwan Customs Broker Arrested In Fukushima Food Scandal


A food import customs broker has been arrested in Taiwan on charges he faked import testing and documents. This included allegations that he faked origin documentation on seafood products that were from Chiba prefecture in Japan in order to import them into Taiwan. All of the food items had been sent to restaurants in Taiwan and served.

6th May 2015 – Mos Burger denies speculation its foods use radiation-tainted sauces


The MHW’s Food and Drugs Administration (FDA, 食藥署) said that Magic Food had been importing its “No Brand Sauce” from at least one of the five radiation-stricken Japanese prefectures last month. 504 kilograms of goods were stopped at customs and did not make it onto shelves, according to the FDA’s report.


2015/03/28 at 5:58 pm

26th March 2015 – Banned Japanese Fukushima Foods Mislabeled, Sold In Taiwan (Report Update)


A total of 300 food items were found on sale in Taiwan with falsified origin food labels. Investigators found an additional 3000 mislabeled products at the port of Keelung. Local health officials have seized some of the food products but many were already sold to customers.

193 of those were found to contain no radiation by Taiwan’s Atomic
Energy Council. This would indicate that 101 were contaminated.
There have also been calls by legislators for sanctioning the companies involved or a wide scale boycott of all Japanese foods. Citizen groups are also calling for much more strict import and testing processes to be put in place on all Japanese food products. Taiwan’s Homemaker’s Union demanded that the government require food origin and radiation testing proof for Japanese imports.


Where else have these products ended up! Haven’t heard anything in the main stream Western press on this subject. Well it seems British, Australian, Canadian and US citizens don’t matter, just send it there and they will heartily consume it!

Thanks to SimplyInfo for this detailed update on the Japanese food mislabeling report.


25th March 2015 – 283 mislabelled Japanese food products originated near Fukushima: Taiwan govt


More than 283 Japanese food products imported from the radiation-stricken areas near the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster were found to be relabelled as having come from other areas of Japan and sold to local customers, authorities said yesterday.

Officials from New Taipei City’s Department of Health, as well as the Food and Drug Administration and other law-enforcement authorities, seized the mislabelled products, although a substantial portion had already been sold to consumers.


4th January 2014 – Japanese seafood contamination found in Taiwan and Sri Lanka


FDA Taiwan detected high level of radiation in imported foods from Japan in 2012. Green tea, flour, fish etc…

It shows green tea powder with Cs 321bq/kg is successful for the distribution to the market because it’s less than Taiwanese Standard of 370 bq/kg.



Flag of Sri Lanka

23rd December 2013 – Japanese seafood contamination found in Taiwan and Sri Lanka


Waduge said that radiation levels, particularly in seafood items imported from Japan, had noticeably increased. He attributed the high level to the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Plant.

However, he said that radiation levels were below the danger level of 100 Becquerel (BQ), with the readings indicating the level varying between 15 and 20 (BQ).



Flag of Pakistan

18th April 2014 – Pakistan may ban Japan edible items, Senate told


Almost three years back in April 2011, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority had directed authorities dealing with Cargo arriving directly or indirectly from Japan to screen all types of consignments including edible/non-edible, for radiation.

It is worthy of mentioning here that country’s nuclear scientists had advised the federal government three years back to halt all types of goods from Japan to minimize the threat of radiation following the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis in Japan. The scientists had advised the government after they detected high level of Iodine from the consignments imported from Japan.

keeping in view that the move to ban imports from Japan may hurt bilateral relationship between the two friendly countries, the Pakistani government never imposed ban on import of goods from Japan.


This is criminal behaviour by a government. It allowed highly radioactive contaminated food items into the country, just to keep relations sweet with Japan.



Flag of India

12th December 2015 – India’s nuclear industry pours its wastes into a river of death and disease


When Ghosh’s team seven years ago collected samples from the river and also from adjacent wells, he was alarmed by the results. The water was adulterated with radioactive alpha particles that cannot be absorbed through the skin or clothes, but if ingested cause 1,000 times more damage than other types of radiation. In some places, the levels were 160 percent higher than safe limits set by the World Health Organization.

“It was potentially catastrophic,” Ghosh said in a recent interview. Millions of people along the waterway were potentially exposed.

What the professor’s team uncovered was hard evidence of the toxic footprint cast by the country’s secret nuclear mining and fuel fabrication program. It is now the subject of a potentially powerful legal action, shining an unusual light on India’s nuclear ambitions and placing a cloud over its future reactor operations.



Flag of Iraq

9th May 2014 – Dangerous Radioactive Contamination Found in an Iraqi Village


The official environmental authority in the Iraqi governorate of Missan, which is located 390 kilometres away from Baghdad, has announced the discovery of dangerous radioactive contamination that is attributed to the 2003 US-led war on Iraq.

Abdel Khalek Mahmoud, an environmental expert, told the New Arab that “radioactive contamination in Iraq is divided into two types: The first, which is rarely found in Iraq, is high-level radioactivity that can be discovered by electronic devices.

The second is low-level radioactivity, which is more difficult to discover. It was caused by the waste of depleted uranium that was used by the US in its 2003 war on Iraq. This is abundantly found and it has caused a lot of lethal damage in the country.

Comment: They also mention animal deaths in this report, which suggests the food supply in this area has contamination.



Flag of New Zealand

15th August 2015 – Kiwis exposed to radiation in seafood – study


Levels of caesium were of minimal dietary concern, but levels of polonium could “contribute significantly to the dietary does of ionising radiation for high seafood consumers, although the magnitude varies considerably depending on the composition of seafood species consumed

They found levels in New Zealand were the same as found in other countries, which suggested the radiation was a worldwide result of global nuclear testing rather than the 2011 Fukushima incident.


Slapjack tuna
greenshell mussels
queen scallop
rock lobster
Bluff oyster
littleneck clams


30th October 2013 – West Auckland Radiation Monitor sent an email to the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries.

“Is NZ doing any testing for radioactivity in ocean-run fish?”


They received this report.


All results were well within Codex limits, with the highest results being 76.7Bq/kg for 137Cs and 57.4Bq/kg for 134Cs.
The highest level of 137Cs detected Mackerel was 3.23Bq/kg.

The codex limit for these radionuclides is 1000Bq/kg, which applies to foods for a year following a nuclear incident.

I-131 must not be more than 100 Bq/kg.

Strontium-90 must not be more than 100 Bq/kg

90 Sr was not detected in any of the fish samples, and was not tested for in the tea samples.


A 1000Bq/kg is way to high an international standard for Cesium. Recent research is suggesting 5 Bq/kg or less for children is more realistic, but preferably none! I certainly would not be using tea that had a total of 134 Bg/kg of detected Cesium in it. In my opinion it is criminal to allow anyone, particularly children or pregnant mothers, to consume tea at these levels of contamination!

If Cesium is present it is very likely other isotopes are also!

Full Report June 2013:


Current advice to importers;


25th November 2012 – Infant Powered Milk from New Zealand in South Korea

29th August 2012 – Yogurt New Zealand


Flag of Australia

2015/04/13 at 4:49 pm

March 2015 – Tuna Contamination Report,

This incident reportedly happened six months ago, and unfortunately there was no available sample to test.

In late March I received this email from a contact who has a Geiger counter.

I have removed some information from the correspondence to protect the contacts anonymity.


“You have to watch your food like a hawk. My daughter had some tuna in oil….very small tin. I had been warning her. But dad is crazy. I found the tin going into the recycle, it still had a bit of oil in it. So, me being me, I got out my geiger counter and took a reading………it went ballistic.

It just keep climbing and climbing. I didn’t think it was going to stop……It stopped climbing when it hit 38K counts per minute….I didn’t know my bGeigie Nano meter went that high. The oil seemed OK, the tin seemed OK, but a tiny flake of leftover tuna the size of a match head was on the lip of the tin, that is what set it off. Don’t eat ANYTHING from the sea….anymore. That tuna was toxic radioactive nuclear waste, and not food.”


38K counts per minute would be around 1000 times background, using this model Geiger counter!

I sent this email to get more information on this very high detection.

Do you still have the sample?

If you are located in Australia, and still have the sample, I could test it, if you posted to me.

If you don’t have it, if you provide the information below, I may be able to source some here, and test it.

In what country was the tuna tinned?

In what country was it purchased?

Here is the reply to my email query.


This happened over 6 months ago.

I can only assume it was canned in the USA. tuna in oil. At that time I thought the reading was coming from the oil in the tin….I didn’t notice the flake that was on the outside top edge of the can. I got it stuck on my finger and washed it off. After this, is when I couldn’t get a reading from the tin or the oil again. I realized that the flake which was gone down the drain by then was the cause.

I thought my Geiger counter was malfunctioning at the time, which it never has before or since. The count was going up and it freaked out my son as we watched it climb. The highest reading I have ever gotten until then was 164 CPM off of a milled piece of pine, but at that time I was (and still am) learning how to use the geiger counter.



A small number of tests on different brands of tinned tuna have been conducted here recently, and over the last couple years. There was nothing to report from these tests. This is only one community testing lab, and each test takes 24 hours, or more. A large variety of mainly Australian food products have been tested, so statistically the number of tinned tuna tests conducted here at this stage is very small.

One Australian commentator succinctly summarized my comment above.

“I’ve tested four tins of USA Tuna over the last 2 years and found nothing worth a comment….but that doesn’t mean jack….”

It obvious more widespread community and government food testing needs to be conducted.

8th March 2014 – Proven: Pilliga groundwater contaminated by Santos CSG


Documents obtained by The Wilderness Society show that groundwater in the Pilliga has been contaminated by Santos CSG operations.

Uranium levels recorded in the groundwater as a result of CSG activities are at 20 times the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

The NSW EPA have confirmed the contamination event, but failed to act with any proper legal force, choosing to fine Santos only $1,500 dollars.

On Friday, EPA chief environmental regulator Mark Gifford confirmed the contamination was caused by water leaking from the pond and that lead, aluminium, arsenic, barium, boron, nickel and uranium had been detected in an aquifer at levels ”elevated when compared to livestock, irrigation and health guidelines’

Comment By Lock the Gate:

Uranium levels recorded in the groundwater as a result of CSG activities are at 20 times the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. It is the nightmare that the communities of the north west dreaded, and we hope that the contamination is contained and does no harm. Groundwater is the lifeblood of towns and rural businesses and the worst fears of local farmers are being realised.



Submitted on 2014/02/08 at 2:29

11th September 2011 – Silent Storm atomic testing in Australia


Australia’s milk supply? From 1957 to 1978, scientists secretly removed bone samples from over 21,000 dead Australians as they searched for evidence of the deadly poison, Strontium 90 – a by-product of nuclear testing.

Official claims that British atomic tests posed no threat to the Australian people.


20th September 2013 – “Contaminated seawater reaches the east coast of Australia and Indonesia,” Japan Meteorological Research Institute.

Comment: It is important to read the PDF presentation to fully understand the dynamics of this. (Link provided below)



“The Food Lab” report

Cesium 134/137 still found in drinking water across many regions of Japan, including Tokyo NRA June 2013 report.


New reports like this are being added to The Food Lab constantly, so it is important to keep an eye on the latest reports coming in. This information can be accessed from these two sites.



Reports for the Alert Rain Event detected at Caloundra and Nimbin September 2013

Sunshine Coast



This short animation shows Northern, and Southern Hemisphere air circulation. It clearly shows why we can get detections so far south. There is more equatorial barrier circulation break through during warmer months than winter.


Summary of Report

The storms passed over the Nimbin area on the 16th, and Caloundra area on the evening of the 17th, and early morning of the 18th. Rain swabs were collected from both these rain events, and analyzed.

1. The rain swab collected at Caloundra was tested and found to contain both the decay daughters of both Radon-222, and Radon-220. It is common to get Radon-222 washouts, not Radon-220. Radon-222 is from the Uranium decay chain, and Radon-220 is from the Thorium decay chain.

This theory has been put forward by a contact in New Zealand. The Radon-220 decay daughter isotope detection here, is an indication that one or more of the underground coriums at Fukushima undergoing fast neutron fission. One or more coriums are possibly purifying, and operating in a mode of unmoderated fission. This would increase the yields of Thorium daughters.

2. Trace amounts of longer lived isotopes for Iodine I-129, Uranium U-235, Be-7 and Lead Pb-210 where also detected. This is not good, but probably far less than areas in the Northern Hemisphere are getting as fallout.

3. Here are some other theories why large Radon washout events are becoming more common.

Some of the very large Radon washouts that are occurring in Nimbin area may be related to the geography of the location. Why we have concerns about large Radon washout events.


For more Technical details, charts and analysis, read on. (Comments, corrections, and suggestions are welcome)

Alert Caloundra report 18th September 2013 – Storms overnight here, so I took rain swab off a car this morning. On testing it peaked at approximately 6 uSv/hr (1800 cpm) using two Russian SBM-20 tubes, and Theremino Geiger kit. Again it is suggested to stay out of the rain. This rain sample is decaying quickly which suggests it was a large Radon-222 washout.”

This long period Geiger counter test chart indicated the presence of other Isotopes besides Radon-222 washout decay daughters.

Geiger Counter Test Chart


Explanation of Geiger Counter charts


This swab was placed in the scintillator lead chamber for further testing.

Scintillator test chart


The main peaks are decay daughter isotopes of Radon-220, Lead Pb-212 (238 keV), X-ray at 77 keV, and Thalium Tl-208 (511, 583 keV), plus peaks for long lived isotopes of Iodine I-129, Uranium U-235, Beryllium Be-7, and Lead Pb-210. Because the rain swab scintillator test was started less than 24 hours after it was collected, there are some Radon-222 decay daughter isotopes of Lead Pb-214 and Bismuth Bi-214 also present.

Day average background levels have also been very volatile in this area for last 14 days, recently hitting 30% above the pre-Fukushima 4 year average.

September 2013 day average chart.


Alert Nimbin Monitoring Station report 16th September 2013 – Nimbin is located on the east coast of northern New South Wales Australia.

“…Rain began this morning…. drove to town about midday, got home about 30min ago and sat my SBT 10 on the roof of the car, as I gathered my things out of the back seat, and it started beeping. It was reading 0.38uSv/h….moments later I took a swab off the whole car roof (small sedan) and put it to my LND 7317 and got ~6500CPM for the first few minutes. I’ll send a photo and chart soon….” Here is the decay chart and detection photo of this detection, kindly provided by the Ninbim radiation monitoring station operator.


NOTE: We haven’t seen any studies on the heath effects of being exposed to large Radon washout events like this. It is only a suggestion to take these precautions in the Rain Alert emails. If you live in the area, it is suggested to stay out of the rain during these events, plus keep children and pets out of it also. If you do get wet, have a good shower. It maybe a very large radon washout event, that seems to be common to the Nimbin area. This rain washout could also have other isotopes in it. Without further testing with better equipment, there is no way of knowing.

Another report indicating recent Fukushima releases went far and wide.

“Radiation plume after Japanese earthquake. Iodine-131 cloud reached France.”



Disclaimer: This is an amateur volunteer run service. Human error can provide incorrect information, and equipment malfunction can produce false readings. Do not rely on, or take action upon information presented here, without further research.

09.09.2013 – Detection of radioactive Iodine I-129 in roof gutter moss Australia.

I recently collected 82 grams of moss that had been growing in roof gutter here, and tested it. It was very wet here for the first half of 2013. August has had no rain, so the moss sample was dry.

I am located here on the east coast of Australia.


Moss growing in roof gutter


Moss in Marinelli beaker for testing


Test chart of moss sample using experimental Theremino MCA version 5.


If my assessment is correct, this Southern Hemisphere detection is not a good sign. This is a lot of Iodine I-129. The other possibility is it is Lead Pb-210, or a mixture of both. The main peak is much closer to 40 keV than to 47 keV for lead Pb-210. I have tested this sample with different software, and calibrated a number of times, it very much looks like I-129.

This means it is bio-accumulating. So even though our background levels here have not risen a lot, bio-accumulations could present a more serious issue. The moss also had some other material mixed in with it, that it was growing on, leaves and other organic matter. This test result also suggests that there would be more 1-129 in fallout in the Northern Hemisphere.

I have discussed this test result with some of my contacts here.

Why so much I-129, and not Cesium etc.?

The conclusion is because of its volatility. It can also easily volatilize in an environment, as the temperature increases.

This would allow it to easily spread long distances, like Iodine I-131.

Japanese study of I-129 pre-Fukushima Nuclear disaster.


Another pre-Fukushima Argentina study, indicates that Norther Hemisphere I-129, can reach the Southern Hemisphere. This study shows I-129 has migrated from nuclear fuel reprocessing plants at Cape de La Hague (France) and Sellafield (UK).


For the technically minded – Testing procedures, and Becquerel activity calculations.

Scintillator Model:
Alpha Spectra NaI 818/2B, resolution 7%
Voltage setting; 800 Volts
Efficiency 7% at 662 keV

I used radioactive Americium (Am-241), from a smoke detector in the test chamber, to calibrate the low energy peak position, and also the scintillator efficiency at around 40 keV.

Here is the calibration chart for reference.


Estimate of scintillator efficiency at 40 keV

Smoke detector Am-241 activity = 37,000 cps, from my research approximately 1% of this activity is Gamma.

1% is Gamma = 3700 cps (36% of that 1% is at 60 keV)

37 x 36 = 1332 cps = 100% gamma at 60 kev

1295 / 100 = 13.32 = 1%

693 cps was the actual cps in chamber for this peak region

693 / 13.32 = 52% efficiency at 60 keV

Estimated efficiency at 40 keV is approximately 52%.

I used Japanese BecqMoni MCA software to calculate the activity.

Using 52% efficiency at 40 keV.

net count – background = 80039

80039 / 52 = 1,539 (1%)

1,539 x 100 = 153,900 (100%)

Time of test = 79700 seconds

153900 / 79700 = 1.931 cps

82 grams in weight 1000 / 82 = 12.195

1.931 X 12.195 = 23.5 Bq/kg

This may not be an absolute quantification of the scintillator tube’s efficiency at 40 keV, but we are dealing with moss in a large marinelli beaker here. The efficiency of activity is going to be less than the 52% for the Am-241. So the 23.5 Bq/kg activity estimation is probably conservative.

2013/04/15 at 3:44 pm
Soil, Water, and Rain Testing Results
Rainwater capture test 13th, April, 2013

Detected Beryllium Be-7, Lead Pb-210, and Uranium U-235 in local
rain test, Australia

If the large amounts of Beryllium Be-7 being detected in this, and previous tests, has not been created in the upper atmosphere, this means Fukushima is still very unstable, and the molten underground coriums could be still fissioning.

Rain test chart


Roof down pipe filter design.


This is not a test of the activated charcoal in this rainwater roof down pipe filter design, (see link), but the polyester particulate filter I placed before it. The polyester particulate filter was placed in front of the activated charcoal, to trap course material that may get flushed down off the 36 sqm tin roof.

Just thought I would also test the polyester particulate filter, as I usually just test the activated charcoal in this roof down pipe filter experiment. It had been in place for a couple weeks before testing. There had not been much rain through it until recently.

To get better accuracy I placed an Aluminum beta shield in front of the scintillator, during this test. This was to help stop peak position shift caused by a test chambers artifact at 511 keV, and Be-7 being a strong beta emitter.

Beryllium Be-7 has a theoretical back scatter peak at around 166 keV, very close to the 185 kev for Uranium U-235. There is the possibility that it is contributing to the size of the peak at that location. It may also explain the width, and rounding of that peak at around 185 keV.

Please feel free to comment on the test analysis.

In the next couple days I will air dry the activated charcoal filter, and test it.


October 2012, Impact on Australia from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident:

1. Food imported from Japan, page 22.

2. Family living in Fukushima for 150 days, page 32.

3. Vehicles and Military aircraft, including American helicopters, page 28.

4. Mutton Birds Tasmania, page 36.



Flag of Thailand

20th May 2013 – Cherry tomatoes, and asparagus, to be exported from Fukushima Japan to Thailand.


16th January 2013 – Apples, pears, and persimmons, exported to Thailand

5th December 2012 – Sardines Thailand


Flag of Hong Kong

4th May 2015 – Loophole opens the door to radioactive food in Hong Kong, lawmaker warns

Radioactive contaminated food may have been entering the city unnoticed for years because of deficiencies in safety controls on fresh produce brought in by sea, the South China Morning Post has learned.

But Cheung said while food samples were sent for tests, goods from the same batch could be sold in the market before the results were known.


The question is, are the lax inspection practices in Hong Kong that much different from other places in the world?

27th January 2013 – Tea and spinach imported to Hong Kong


22nd February 2017 – Radioactive boars found in Czech forests 31yrs after Chernobyl disaster


When boars eat radioactive mushrooms, they become radioactive themselves. Boar meat is highly popular in the Czech Republic, so there’s danger of radioactive meat ending up on one’s table.

According to Reuters data, at least 614 wild boars were inspected from 2014 to 2016, and 47 percent of them were radioactive.



Flag of Norway

6th October 2014 – Radioactivity in Norway’s reindeers hits high


In September, 8200 becquerel per kilo of the radioactive substance Caesium-137 was measured in reindeer from Våga reinlag AS, in Jotunheimen, central Norway.

In comparison, the highest amount at the same place was 1500 becquerel among the reindeer in September 2012.

Lavrans Skuterud said: “This year, there has been extreme amounts of mushroom. In addition, the mushroom season has lasted for a long time. And the mushroom has grown very high up on the mountains.”

Especially the gypsy mushroom (Cortinarius Caperatus) has been a problem. This is a good food mushroom, both for people and animals. But it has one bad trait: It can absorb a lot of radioactivity.



Flag of Germany

2015/02/21 at 8:46 pm

14th February 2015 – German Mushrooms, bought at supermarket “EDEKA”, after uncertainty / error & calculation into Kg: 6,9 Becquerel Cesium 137 per Kg to 20,8 Becquerel Cesium 137 per Kg.


1st September 2014 – Radioactive wild boar roaming the forests of Germany


But in recent tests by the state government of Saxony, more than one in three boars were found to give off such high levels of radiation that they are unfit for human consumption.

In a single year, 297 out of 752 boar tested in Saxony have been over the limit, and there have been cases in Germany of boar testing dozens of times over the limit.


A Cesium contamination safety limit of 600 Bg/kg, is set for this wild boar meat!

This informative video explains why this limit is set way to high.




28th July 2013 – Nuclear Waste in Supermarkets: ALDI 2013


“Calculations based on models used by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) show that dietary intake of the maximum amount of radioactive contamination permitted in the EU and Japan would lead to at least roughly 150,000 fatalities in Germany each year. Other calculation models reach vastly higher figures. If the entire German population were to eat foods exposing individuals to only 5 percent of the contamination currently allowed in food imports from Japan, at least 7,700 fatalities could be expected; this figure doesn’t even include the secondary consequences of a wide range of greatly varying diseases and genetic disorders.”


18th March 2011– In 2010, more than 1,000 wild boars were found to be contaminated with high levels of Cesium Cs-137, from the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear disaster. The Chernobyl plant is 650 miles away.



Flag of the United Kingdom


20th October 2008 – Suburb Poisoned by Shell Plutonium

Extracts Video 1:

Ealing Studios video of the Ray Fox story. Fox and his family lived in Earley, Reading next to a Shell Petrochemical Terminal where a secret buried bunker is said to contain a nuclear reactor emitting radiation. A housing estate has been built on the former Shell site by Persimmon Homes.

Fox and his family have suffered dire consequences from the alleged radiation. Deadly contamination continued despite three attempts to decontaminate the Shell Terminal.

Extract Video 2:

Channel 4 TV Mark Thomas’ Secret Map of Britain: Page about Ray Fox and the most polluted house in Britain next door to an alleged buried top secret nuclear reactor on a former Shell petrochemical terminal.


Polluting a suburban environment with Plutonium and other radioactive material is very serious. So they try to cover it up, and then comment trolls try to make out that the victims are crazy, even though the area was tested and found to have the contamination!

Video 1

Suburb Poisoned by Shell Plutonium


Video 2

Shell Buried Nuclear Bunker


31st December 2015 -Cumbria flooding: Environment Agency issues alert on Drigg nuclear waste site


“To describe the UKs nuclear waste site as a ‘Repository’ is putting a spin on the UKs main nuclear dump for ‘low level’ waste”, the letter states. “There is controlled discharge direct to the Irish Sea not to mention run off to the Drigg Stream and River Irt.

“Discharges to the air of radioactive gases are ongoing. According to the British Geological Society the Drigg site is above a regional aquifer. It is also likely to be destroyed by coastal erosion in 500 to 5,000 years (computer modelling can be wrong either way). Much of the waste is long lived and high risk.”

The nuclear site, already one of the most dangerous and contaminated in Europe, could be inundated by sea water within a century.


14th April 2015 – Radioactive Fukushima food could be hitting UK shops through safety loopholes


Security experts warned the UK’s food import regulations are not strong enough to prevent products contaminated with radiation from entering the country.

Contaminated products such as tea, noodles and chocolate bars have already been exported from Japan by fraudsters using false labels.

An investigation by the Independent newspaper discovered there is a risk such food may have already arrived in the UK due to loopholes in safety regulations.


4th March 2013 – House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee, Sixth Report of Session 2012–13.


2.3 Other work has demonstrated that insoluble radionuclides (such as those produced by the irradiation of
uranium and other artificial elements), discharged to sea from the Sellafield site, can also travel hundreds of
kms from source. Radio nuclides, such as Plutonium 239 (with a half life of 24,110 years), adsorb strongly to
the outer surface of particulate matter suspended in the water column wherein they are available for transport
in the water column (over extended distances and time scales) and subsequent deposition into fine sediment
deposits such as estuarine and coastal mudflats and salt marshes. (Ref 5)

2.4 The 2009 monitoring of Irish Sea sediments, records the presence of the Sellafield derived actinides
Plutonium, Americium and Curium isotopes in fine sediment deposits (salt marshes and mudflats) on
the Irish Sea coasts of Cumbria, Lancashire, S.W. Scotland, North Wales and Northern Ireland. (Ref 6)
UK Marine monitoring reports invariable allude to the detectable presence of Sellafield derived
Plutonium as far away as the Bristol Channel and the Southern North Sea.

2.5 Thus there is no doubt that both soluble and insoluble radio nuclides discharged to sea are
physically adapted to being transported for:
(a) extensive time periods; and
(b) over extensive distances from point of discharge


1st January 2014 – Uranium – the ‘demon metal’ that threatens us all.


In 2006 I was commissioned as an expert in a legal case involving 9 children in Los Angeles who had developed the rare eye cancer retinoblastoma shortly after birth. They lived in the north west of the city, downwind from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) a nuclear site involved in research into reactor development by an outfit called Rocketdyne – a subsidiary of Boeing.

Fallujah Study – The results showed an enormous increase in cancer, and this was most clear for in children (0-14) where the rate was 12.6 times the expected and in leukemia in young adults 0-34 where the rate was 38 times the expected.

The UK Gulf veterans are now in their 40s and are beginning to develop cancer. There are studies showing that US veterans have had children with birth defects.



18.10.2013 – First Tuesday Program aired on the 01 November 1983. Windscale: The Nuclear Laundry. Looks at the finding of childhood cancer excesses in a village called Seascale. 1 Mile from the Sellafield Reprocessing facility.

This 30 year old documentry lifts the lid on the shocking environmental contamination, being released by the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, on the Cumbrian coast.


Way above average childhood cancers in local villages near the plant.

Plutonium found in household vacuum cleaner dust collected from local sea side cottages, on the coast near Sellafield.

1,000,000 gallons a day of liquid radioative waste following into the Irish sea, contaminating the food supply of communities all the way up the Irish and Scotland coastline, plus the North Atlantic Ocean.

Plutonium and other contaminants blown many miles inland from the contaminated coast line.

Major leaks and lots of acidents at the plant over its history of operation.


For centuries to come this radioactive contamination will affect future generations, and the environment. Criminal that they have been allowed to do this!


14th January 2013 – Tea England


Flag of Kazakhstan

4th February 2014 – After the Apocalypse – hidden truths


The story of the people of Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan, who were used as guinea pigs in the Soviet Union’s testing of nuclear weapons.

Dr. Boris Gusev, Semipalatinsk Institute of Radiation Medicine:

“We knew precisely where the radiation was.”
“We knew precisely how much of the different types of radiation that people were being exposed to.”
“What dose the population was receiving.”
“We knew everything.”

“Between 1949 and 1989, the Soviet Union exploded 460 nuclear bombs in eastern Kazakhstan. The damage residents suffered as a result of being exposed to high levels of radiation has been passed on, and seems to have intensified in the following generations.”

The total number affected is thought to be more than one million – creating health problems ranging from thyroid diseases, cancer, birth defects, deformities, premature aging, and cardiovascular diseases. Life expectancy in the area is seven years less than the national average of Kazakhstan


This article has some excellent video resources plus links to other articles on the continual suffering that has resulted from these people being exposed to the fallout from numerous Soviet nuclear bomb tests.



Flag of Romania25th August 2011 – Rain water, Sheep and Goat Milk Romania



Flag of Italy

2015/06/17 at 3:59 pm

21st August 2012 – Sardinia: Militarization, Contamination and Cancer in Paradise


Thorium, a radioactive and highly carcinogenic heavy metal used in military targeting systems has been found in Sardinian honey, milk, and other areas of the food chain.

In a village with 150 inhabitants, 12 people died from leukemia in 2002, with 63 in the past decade. In the previous decade (1990 – 2000), there had been no cases of leukemia or lymphoma among this same population. 65% of workers on seven of twelve farms located near the Quirra base are suffering from serious cancer. Rates of lymphoma, thyroid cancer and autoimmune diseases are also unexpectedly high.

22nd January 2014 – Italian mothers battle the mafia and toxic waste



In this article they don’t mention that nuclear waste is a big component of this deadly trade. The article below this one, “The Mob Is Secretly Dumping Nuclear Waste Across Italy and Africa” provides information on the nuclear waste dumping, plus how deadly it is to the communities affected by it. In a lot of regions affected, the water now is not safe to drink!


They traveled to Rome from their towns around Naples as representatives of some 150,000 mothers who sent Italian President Giorgio Napolitano postcards with photos of their dead or cancer-stricken children in the hope that he might put an end to the environmental crimes that have been perpetrated in their region
for decades.

Investigators in Italy have long known that millions of barrels of toxic by-product from industries in Italy and Europe were given to the Camorra, who charged a fraction of the official disposal rate.

Residents living near the landfills and local doctors blame the unusually high cancer rates in the area on the toxic dump landfills, claiming the number of people diagnosed with cancer there is four times the national average.

The mothers of thousands of the impacted children are petitioning the president to kick-start the clean-up and reclaim the area.


1st February 2014 – The Mob Is Secretly Dumping Nuclear Waste Across Italy And Africa


Organised crime is famously good at exploiting time-sensitive industries like construction, fishing, and — of course — garbage removal. But revelations about millions of tons of toxic waste buried haphazardly and illegally by the mob are causing an uproar in southern Italy, where cancer rates are nearly 50 per cent
higher than the average in certain areas.

And in 2008, the US Navy published an internal study proving that much of the water in the region was too contaminated to drink.

So not only has refuse from Europe’s nuclear power plant found a home off the coast of Africa or Italy — the minerals and metals from your last computer, your fridge, or your phone might have, too.


23rd March 2014 – Dried Porcini Mushroom from INAUDI Product of Italy, Expir: May 24, 2014


As Cesium-137 (106.2 Bq/kg) was detected without Cesium-134 also present, this is most likely contamination from the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster.

Tested 2nd October 2013:



Submitted on 2014/02/08 at 2:29 pm

June 2010 – Greenpeace Report “The toxic ships The Italian hub, the Mediterranean area and Africa”


Ocean dumping takes on an even more sinister profile in the Mediterranean region where over two decades Italian prosecutors have looked into a number of suspicious deep-water sinkings. They suspect that Italian and foreign industries have acted in league with organised crime and possibly government agencies, to use the Mediterranean as a dumping ground. Vessels carrying suspicicous cargo sunk in fair weather, sent no mayday and their crew were never to be seen again. None of these sunken vessels have yet been located.

In the 80s and 90s Switzerland, home to the secretive banks made infamous by spy-thriller films and books, was obviously on the forefront in arranging shipments of millions tons of hazardous waste to developing countries. A number of Swiss lawyers, trustees, bankers and traders, contacted European industries to get their waste out of sight at the lowest price. Africa was the favourite destination.

Since the fall of Siad Barre allegations abounded that foreign companies and governments were taking advantage of the collapse of the Somalian state by using the nation’s waters and land as a waste dump.

In early 2005, several international media sources reported the waves hitting Somalia as a consequence of the 2004 earthquake in the Indian Ocean, besides killing hundreds of people, washed ashore radioactive and toxic waste dumped in the country in the early ‘90s. “Initial reports indicate that the tsunami waves broke open containers full of toxic waste an d scattered the contents.


1st February 2014 – The Mob Is Secretly Dumping Nuclear Waste Across Italy And Africa


It gets worse. These companies often dumped all over the region — including the coastlines of Somalia. Reports of a guns-for-dumping scheme circulated. A tsunami in 2005 turned up hundreds of barrels along the shore, and the next year, the UN confirmed that the waste included “uranium radioactive waste, lead, cadmium, mercury, industrial, hospital, chemical, leather treatment and other toxic waste.”

Waste containers were shipped away following a path of least resistance and weakest governance, ending up in remote areas of countries such as Equatorial Guinea, Lebanon, Somalia and the Congo. Toxic waste was dumped on Nigerian and Haitian beaches.

Last month, Interpol published a warning about millions of tons of toxic e-waste arriving in Africa and Asia from developed countries.



7th March, 2013 – Wild boars Italy



Flag of Belarus

25th April 2016 – AP Exclusive: Test finds Chernobyl residue in Belarus milk


“We have a disaster,” he told the AP in the Ukraine capital, Kiev. “In Belarus, there is no protection of the population from radiation exposure. On the contrary, the government is trying to persuade people not to pay attention to radiation, and food is grown in contaminated areas and sent to all points in the country.”

The milk sample subjected to an AP-commissioned analysis backs this picture.

The state-run Minsk Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology said it found strontium-90, a radioactive isotope linked to cancers and cardiovascular disease, in quantities 10 times higher than Belarusian food safety regulations allow. The test, like others in resource-strapped Belarus, was insufficiently sophisticated to test for heavier radioactive isotopes associated with nuclear fallout, including americium and variants of plutonium.

December 2012 to April 2013 – Very elevated levels of Cesium Cs-137 detected in food items, by mobile radiation testing lab, visiting villages in Belarus.




Flag of Switzerland

21st January 2014 -Cesium Found in Tuna in Swiss Stores and in Some Samples of Salmon Tested by a Seattle Fish Company


The fish come from the Philippines. As they travel long distances, they could have floated by the vicinity of the damaged nuclear power plant at Fukushima. For months, radioactively contaminated water has been leaking into the sea. Markus Zehringer, head of radioactivity in air and space at the Cantonal Laboratory in Basel, also assumes that the radiation is related to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima.


Original German article.


7th January 2014 – Nuclear weapon test debris ‘persists’ in atmosphere


Radioactive particles from nuclear tests that took place decades ago persist in the upper atmosphere, a study suggests.

Previously, scientists believed that nuclear debris found high above the Earth would now be negligible.


14th July 2013 – Outrage at a Nuclear plant, and nuclear inspectors for not providing information about high levels of cesium 137, released more than a decade ago, into a lake that provides 68 percent of the drinking water to the nearby town of Biel.


28th May 2012 – Ukrainian mushroom shipment, 10 tons destroyed by Swiss. Even after all this time, the contamination from the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster is still dangerous. It was certified safe, and found by chance. This raises lots of questions!




Flag of Russia


November 2009 – Chernobyl’s radioactive contamination of food and people.


Up until 1991 the United States imported food products with measurable amounts of Chernobyl radioactive contamination, mostly from Turkey, Italy, Austria, West Germany, Greece, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Sweden, and Denmark. These products included juices, cheeses, pasta, mushrooms, hazelnuts, sage, figs, tea, thyme, juniper, caraway seeds, and apricots. In Gomel, Mogilev, and Brest provinces in Belarus 7-8% of milk and 13-16% of other food products from small farms exceeded permissible levels of Cs-137, even as recently as 2005-2007.

From 1995 to 2007, up to 90% of the children from heavily contaminated territories of Belarus had levels of Cs-137 accumulation higher than 15-20 Bq/kg, with maximum levels of up to 7,300 Bq/kg in Narovlya District, Gomel Province. Average levels of incorporated Cs-137 and Sr-90 in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus, Ukraine, and European Russia did not decline, but rather increased from 1991 to 2005. Given that more than 90% of the current radiation fallout is due to Cs-137, with a half-life of about 30 years, we know that the contaminated areas will be dangerously radioactive for roughly the next three centuries.


Submitted on 2014/03/12 at 4:56 pm

Chelyabinsk “The Most Contaminated Spot on the Planet”


Accidents, nuclear waste disposal and day to day operation of the Mayak reactor and radiochemical plant contaminated a vast area of the province.

In 1957, a nuclear waste storage tank accident released radiation double the amount released by the Chernobyl accident.

On September 29, 1957 a liquid radioactive waste storage tank exploded following a failure in the cooling system and polluted an area equal to the size of New Jersey with plutonium and strontium.

Over the past 33 years, there has been a 21% increase in the incidences of cancer, 25% increase in birth defects and 50% of the population of child bearing age are sterile.


Submitted on 2014/01/26 at 3:12 pm

17th August 1998 – Wastes of War Radioactivity Threatens a Mighty River


The product of nuclear fission, including plutonium-239, cesium-137 and strontium-90, have been found hundreds of miles downstream, apparently carried by the river’s powerful floods, and have been detected in the food chain.

In downstream villages, experts have found a disturbing statistical pattern of illnesses: an increase in children with leukemia, in breast cancer among women, in genetic aberrations, and a higher death rate.

At Mayak, located in the Ural Mountains, immense releases of radioactivity came from wastes that were pumped into open reservoirs and Lake Karachai, as well as the 1957 catastrophic explosion of a radioactive waste container that created a massive aerial plume that exposed hundreds of thousands of people to radiation. At Tomsk-7, there was an explosion in 1993 in a 9,246-gallon tank containing uranium and plutonium that released substantial amounts of radioactivity.

These injections remain some of the largest discharges of radiation ever made into the global environment. Donald J. Bradley of the U.S. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, in a recent study on radioactive waste in the former Soviet Union, reported that the injections at Krasnoyarsk released 1 billion curies of radioactivity into the Earth, of which 450 million curies remained in 1996.

By comparison, he said, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in April 1986 released 5.8 million curies, of which 1.57 million remained.

Vitaly Kovalenko, deputy chief doctor for radiology at the regional sanitary-epidemiological center in Krasnoyarsk, said plutonium has been found on Gorodskoi Island at readings of up to 48 becquerels per kilo.


5th January 2014 – 130 ‘radioactive’ Japanese cars banned from entering Russia


20th September 2013 – Ban on Japanese fish remains in place due to Fukushima accident – oversight service. This decision is based on the monitoring, run by Russian services, and by international and foreign organizations.



Flag of European Union


December 2013 – List Of European Countries With Radioactively Contaminated Food, Map Of Radiation Contaminated Regions


It seems, however, that these regulations and guidelines are not followed by all EU countries. In 1998, the BBC reported that the European Commission received 19 complaints from Austria, Germany and France about radioactive contaminated mushrooms from Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Romania.


European Contamination Map:



November 2009 – Chernobyl’s radioactive contamination of food and people.


Up until 1991 the United States imported food products with measurable amounts of Chernobyl radioactive contamination, mostly from Turkey, Italy, Austria, West Germany, Greece, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Sweden, and Denmark. These products included juices, cheeses, pasta, mushrooms, hazelnuts, sage, figs, tea, thyme, juniper, caraway seeds, and apricots. In Gomel, Mogilev, and Brest provinces in Belarus 7-8% of milk and 13-16% of other food products from small farms exceeded permissible levels of Cs-137, even as recently as 2005-2007.

From 1995 to 2007, up to 90% of the children from heavily contaminated territories of Belarus had levels of Cs-137 accumulation higher than 15-20 Bq/kg, with maximum levels of up to 7,300 Bq/kg in Narovlya District, Gomel Province. Average levels of incorporated Cs-137 and Sr-90 in the heavily contaminated territories of Belarus, Ukraine, and European Russia did not decline, but rather increased from 1991 to 2005. Given that more than 90% of the current radiation fallout is due to Cs-137, with a half-life of about 30 years, we know that the contaminated areas will be dangerously radioactive for roughly the next three centuries.


21st February 2014 – EU to relax regulations on Japanese food imports.


“The European Union is preparing to relax regulations on Japanese food imports, except for products from nuclear disaster hit Fukushima Prefecture.

The EU requires radiation checks on food products from Tokyo and 9 other prefectures, mostly in northern Japan. The procedures were implemented following the 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

Officials at the European Commission, the EU executive body, said on Friday that from April it will no longer require inspections on food products made in Tokyo and adjacent Kanagawa Prefecture.

They also said no inspection will be needed for vegetables and livestock products from places other than Fukushima.
But the EU will newly require checks on mushrooms and bamboo shoots produced in Akita and Yamagata Prefectures.

The new rules are expected to take effect on April 1st after being approved by the commission.


In my opinion the European food testing requirements for Japanese food has been a deception from the beginning, and still are.

This article explains clearly how this worldwide Governmental deception works, using Europe as an example. “European regulators raised the European food safety levels by 20 to 30 times after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster.”


Example of this safety regulation system being used in New Zealand.


The food contamination situation in Japan is still bad, and will not improve anytime soon.

Here is an excellent 10 minute video on Cesium food contamination and testing, to quickly get you up to speed on the subject.




14th December 2012 – A study on the transport of radioactive isotopes from Fukushima in the two months after the nuclear incident suggests that they were at official levels of contamination for 34,000 km2 of Japan, and that 2.8% of iodine radionuclides from the event were calculated to have reached the EU.


The model results suggest that 12.7% of iodine radionuclides were deposited over the USA and Canada, 4.5% over Russia and 2.8% over the EU. Approximately 50 – 60% was deposited locally in Japan.

A separate calculation which assumed source emissions that were five times greater, suggested that a relatively large and densely populated part of Japan – 56,000 km2 – would be classified as contaminated.

It should be emphasized that this refers to two radionuclides only.


Submitted on 2014/02/08 at 2:29 pm

June 2010 – Greenpeace Report “The toxic ships The Italian hub, the Mediterranean area and Africa”


Ocean dumping takes on an even more sinister profile in the Mediterranean region where over two decades Italian prosecutors have looked into a number of suspicious deep-water sinkings. They suspect that Italian and foreign industries have acted in league with organised crime and possibly government agencies, to use the Mediterranean as a dumping ground. Vessels carrying suspicicous cargo sunk in fair weather, sent no mayday and their crew were never to be seen again. None of these sunken vessels have yet been located.

In the 80s and 90s Switzerland, home to the secretive banks made infamous by spy-thriller films and books, was obviously on the forefront in arranging shipments of millions tons of hazardous waste to developing countries. A number of Swiss lawyers, trustees, bankers and traders, contacted European industries to get their waste out of sight at the lowest price. Africa was the favourite destination.

Since the fall of Siad Barre allegations abounded that foreign companies and governments were taking advantage of the collapse of the Somalian state by using the nation’s waters and land as a waste dump.

In early 2005, several international media sources reported the waves hitting Somalia as a consequence of the 2004 earthquake in the Indian Ocean, besides killing hundreds of people, washed ashore radioactive and toxic waste dumped in the country in the early ‘90s. “Initial reports indicate that the tsunami waves broke open containers full of toxic waste an d scattered the contents.


10th January 2014 – More Cesium 137 Found In Gourmet & Organic European Jam Brands.


The jars in Japan that were tested were over 140 bq/kg in cesium 137 and tested by two labs.


These brands are sold in Europe, Canada, the USA, Asia, and possibly other locations.

The research I have seen suggests that 5 Bq/kg for children should be the maximum allowed for Cesium, but preferably none.


12th October 2004 – New radioactivity limit could sink shellfish


Thousands of tonnes of British shellfish currently eaten in Europe could be banned under new international safety limits for radioactivity in food.

World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organisation – is proposing a safety limit for plutonium in food of one becquerel per kilogram.

Concentrations of plutonium and related isotopes in all the shellfish sampled by the FSA between the Ribble estuary at Preston and Kirkcudbright on the North Solway coast in 2002 exceeded 1Bq/kg. Winkles from St Bees, next to Sellafield, contained 66 Bq/kg.


1st November 2013 – Toxic nuclear waste dumped illegally by the Mafia is blamed for surge in cancers in southern Italy.


In secret out-of-court testimony he told lawyers how the Casalesi clan ran ‘a military style operation’ dumping millions of tonnes of waste on farmland, in caves, in quarries and even on the edge of towns.

Schiavone revealed: ‘We buried 520 drums of toxic waste in a specially dug quarry near the town of Pure Villaricca. But we also did it in very populated places, outside towns- at Casal di Principe behind the sports field at the edge of the motorway.’

He added: ‘We disposed of 70 or 80 trucks from the north, millions and millions of tonnes.

‘To clean it up it would cost the entire Italian budget for a year I think.


9th November 2013 – Radioactive Cesium Contamination Level of France Blueberry Jam. MIRMC REPORT 32


25th October 2013 – (Italy / Bulgaria) Japanese weekly magazine Shukan Asahi did its own checking on imported Italian blueberry spread being sold in Tokyo and alerted the health authorities.


Place of origin: Bulgaria

164 Bq/kg of cesium-137 by test commissioned by Shukan Asahi


12th July 2013 – This very detailed 1992 fisheries report for the Channel Islands.


It shows large amounts of contamination of sea food in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of France. In light of recent research, I feel this report greatly underestimates the risks of consuming these levels of radioactive isotope contamination. For risk assessment they use the physics based external dose rate model for both external, and internal exposure. This greatly underestimates the risks from internal exposure. They should use the biological model for risk assessment for internal exposure. The source of this environmental contamination is dumping of nuclear waste in the Atlantic Ocean, Nuclear Power Stations, and the French De La Hague nuclear reprocessing plant.

Starting at page 13, they start to provide the actual amounts of individual isotopes detected in sea food, and the environment. In my opinion these levels of detection are very significant for some isotopes, and would pose a significant risk if consumed. These isotopes could be consumed collectively, so you will get a biological toxicity multiplying effect, plus most of these isotopes are heavy metals, as well as radioactive. It raises very serious questions about the safety of European sea food. The detected isotope levels revealed in this study, could have increased considerably since this study was completed.


11th April 2011 – Radioactive Iodine in water, and food supply Europe


Computer equipment used in the local community testing lab

This is what the testing equipment looks like set up on a computer, with the Beeresearch bias box “Gamma Spectacular” unit, plus scintillator. The scintillator is the tall silver tube. On the computer screen is free PRA charting software in action. It is the scintillator that does the detection. They are very delicate and need to be handled with care.


More info here,

To get the best testing results a scintillator needs to be set up in a lead shielded testing chamber. The unit used for testing is a 2′ x 2′ NaI crystal scintillator, set up in a 15 mm thick lead shielded container.

Spectrometry Charts

For those interested in Spectrometry, here are some charted results using this equipment to test radioactive items, and mineral samples.

Black fungus material from Japan test chart I was sent this resin encapsulated sample of black fungus like material. It has reportedly come from somewhere in the Minamisoma area Japan. A contact in Japan sent a friend this sample. This is my test chart of it. For those of you who have not looked at a chart like this before. This fungus started growing on the concrete, and rock surfaces in Japan after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster. It appears to be bio-accumulating Cesium.

Americium in smoke detector If you use an ionizing smoke detector for this type of test for safety reasons don’t pull it apart. Watch this very informative video on why the fire safety experts consider Ionization Smoke Alarms in the home to be DEADLY, and an environmental hazard.

Radon washout chart from a local rain event, this was captured on a paper towel swab off a car surface, after a storm had passed by.

Potassium (K40) in 430 grams of almost pure Potassium Chloride.

[The Radium clock Dail, Uraninite, and Euxenite, samples were kindly loaned by Spectrometising.]

Radium clock dial chart This spectra was recorded in a lead shield chamber without a copper liner, or proper calibration, hence the large secondary X-ray peak at approx 80 keV. The chart is of half a Radium clock dial. This is to demonstrate what the equipment can do, plus to show how radioactive this small piece of fashionable jewelry was. A lot of people who used it as jewelry, or who were employed to paint these dials, died from the exposure to this highly radioactive substance.

Uraninite sample Chart Spectra recorded with a copper liner. Uraninite is a Uranium rich mineral, it is most commonly known as pitchblende. It is very radioactive. It was used here to calibrate the equipment.

Euxenite Y Chart Spectra recorded in a lead shield chamber without a copper liner, hence the large secondary X-ray peak at approx 80 Kev.

Food Testing Results

Lots of food items have been tested. Only food items that have had radioactive isotope detections in them are listed here.

Cinnamon Detection (5th February 2013)
An 80 gram packet of Cinnamon imported from India, that was purchased in Australia, was found to have traces of Uranium isotope decay daughters in it. This is the second sample of Cinnamon that we have detected with isotope contamination. The other sample purchased last year was imported from Europe, and only had trace amounts of a single isotope.

This sample from India has multiple isotope peak signatures in it. This is probably from soil contamination during harvesting, processing, or root uptake. K40 is radioactive Potassium which is in every living thing, Pb-214 is radioactive lead, Bi-214 is radioactive Bismuth, and Ra-226 is Radium.
Test chart

Bentonite Clay Chart
This is a test of imported Bentonite clay. People are consuming Bentonite clay to remove radioactive contamination from their bodies, and for other health benefits.

The chart is of a 625 gram sample of Bentonite Clay. The peaks on the far left in this chart up to the 88 keV mark, are not from the Bentonite clay, but secondary X-ray artifacts created from background Gamma radiation passing through the lead shielding of the testing chamber.

The peak on the far right at 1460 keV is radioactive Potassium, referred to as K40. This is caused from the radiative K40 in the wooden building I did the testing in. A very small amount of K40 is in Potassium Chloride which is in pretty much every living thing.

If you look at the red highlighted peaks in this chart, the peaks indicate the presence of radioactive Radium Ra-226, Lead Pb-214 and Bi-214. Also on testing, Zeolite, also has be found to contain radioactive isotopes.

Zeolite Chart
1 kg of Zeolite was tested in a lead and copper lined test chamber. The Zeolite test showed that it had radioactive Lead and Bismuth Isotopes in it as well. It was not as radioactive as the Bentonite clay.

All soils have radioactive isotopes in them. This is what creates a lot of normal background radiation. These isotopes are created from Uranium and Thorium decay, which are present in soils. Most clays will have some radioactivity in them. That is why background radiation levels in a brick and tile house, are greater than a wooden one.

The second green marker in the Zeolite chart marks the largest peak for radioactive Lead Pb-214, and the second blue marker is Bismuth Bi-214, found in the Zeolite test.

People are taking Zeolite and Bentonite clay to remove radioactivity from their bodies, when they already have radioactive isotopes in them. OK, they only take a small amount at a time, so maybe it doesn’t matter? The benefits may out way the risks?

There is a big difference between using these items for environmental clean up or as a mud pack, to ingesting them. After testing and getting these results the big questions are.

Is it a risk or an advantage to take these substances internally?

Do they actually remove radioactive contamination from a person’s body as claimed?

Are the radioactive isotopes in them being absorbed when they pass through the digestive system?

It is generally agreed that consuming radiation, or stable lead is not a good thing!

This type of testing only shows the radioactive isotopes that emit Gamma radiation in the samples. There may be stable lead and other heavy metal contamination also present.

After testing, I personally would not ingest these substances without a lot of further research, showing that they are actually doing something positive.

Bentonite Clay and Zeolite need further testing by others with this sort of equipment, to verify this. Note, samples mined from other locations may test differently.

Peaks in these charts are relative to the quantity of the samples used, plus the length of time the testing took. You will need to get an understanding of this to fully interpret the testing results from this equipment.

For instance, the peaks in the chart from the sample of radium on the clock dial that weighs a fraction of a gram, were very large. The Bentonite clay and Zeolite samples were 625 grams and 1 Kg. These are much larger test samples of material. They were also tested over a longer period of time. You need to take into account, time, distance and quantity, to make a proper assessment of the results. The radioactivity detected in the Bentonite clay and Zeolite samples were very much smaller than the radium clock dial!

Brazil Nuts Chart
Radioactive isotopes were found in Brazil nuts purchased at the local supermarket. See attached chart. The chart shows radioactive lead isotopes are present. The second green peak marker in the chart is at 241 keV and other peaks at 295, 351, are the markers for radioactive lead. Then the other largest peak is for Bismuth 214 at 609 etc. The large blue coloured peak is the secondary X-rays, a product of a test chamber not being lined with copper, and the smaller blue coloured peak is Potassium K40 in my natural background. These results suggest this contamination is not from Fukushima because of the presents of Bismuth 214.

Information on Brazil nuts
1. Brazil nut trees produce fruit almost exclusively in pristine forests.
2. The fruit takes 14 months to mature after pollination of the flowers.
3. Around 20,000 tons of Brazil nuts are harvested each year, of which Bolivia accounts for about 50%, Brazil 40% and Peru 10% (2000 estimates).

If I can detect radioactive Lead and Bismuth in Brazil nuts at these levels, it suggests there must also be levels of stable lead present. I have taken Brazil nuts off my diet. If I had detected this in any other food, I would do the same.

It has been known for a long time that Brazil nut trees are bio-accumulating radium that can be found in most soils, because of their very deep root systems.

I was under the impression until I tested them, that the higher radioactivity in Brazil nuts was just caused by the extra concentration of natural occurring K40 in them like a Banana. It appears that it has been known for a long time that they also contained radioactive Lead and Bismuth.

“It’s believed Brazil nuts have 1,000 times more radium than the next most radioactive food. While extensive studies have yet to be conducted, the amount of radiation in a Brazil nut is still small when compared to radiation encountered in everyday life, and it’s not believed to pose any serious health risk, regardless of the quantities ingested.”

If I can detect radioactive Lead and Bismuth in Brazil nuts it also suggests there must also be levels of stable lead also present. Personal choice, I have taken Brazil nuts off my diet. If I had detected this isotopes at these levels in any other food I would do the same.

Brazil nuts need further testing by others with this sort of equipment, to verify this. Note, samples harvested from different locations may test differently.

Soil, Water, and Rain Testing Results

Alert level late January 2013 rain swab tests report, (9th February 2013) Tested the Alert level +++ rain swabs collected at a private monitoring station on the east coast of northern New South Wales Australia. They were collected in late January, during a flooding rain event that had come down the east coast of Australia, from the tropics. Here is the test chart results of these rain swabs.


There were small traces of Uranium U-235 detected in this test result, plus the signature of the fallout isotope/isotopes, at around 492 keV.

Report at the time.
“Well, today I broke the record for high detections in rain samples. 2700cpm or ~10uSv/h (LND 7317) off an area the size of a Corolla bonnet. I’m logging its decay…”
Photo: http://sccc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Nimbin-Rain-swab-2013-01-27-11.42.12.jpg

This is the third test sample tested here, that found the signature of the fallout isotope/isotopes, at around 492 keV.
1. It was detected in a local soil sample last year, on the Sunshine Coast. Here is that test chart of that soil sample using PRA scintillator software. (In the test above Theremino MCA software was used.)
2. It was detected in the activated charcoal down pipe capture test.
3. Detected in the cloth rain swabs.

UPDATE to mystery isotope detection: Mystery isotope in the above test chart may be Beryllium Be-7 at 477 keV.

PavewayIII suggestion, “Can you try this sample again with a beta shield?”

I put a extra Aluminum beta shield directly in front of the Scintillator crystal, with these rain swabs behind it. This shifted the gamma peak to around 477 keV, which is the marker for Beryllium Be-7. Beryllium puts out 10% gamma to around 90% beta. Beryllium beta energies are 11% at 384 keV, and 89% at 862 keV. There must be an interaction of these beta energy’s with the scintillator crystal, that was creating the slight gamma peak shift to around 490 keV. Berylllium also has a 53 day half life.

Fukushima Corium, plus Liquid Nitrogen Injections, produces Beryllium Be-7, from what I have been reading. It can also be created by a solar coronal mass ejection hitting the earth’s atmosphere.

Traces of U-235 in Rain Water Test (28th January 2013)
Traces of U-235, and mystery Isotope found in local rain water test, on the Australian east coast. Around 880 grams of activated charcoal was placed in the down pipe from a tin roof, just before the major flooding weather event passed over the area in late January 2013.

A reference test chart of the charcoal was made, so it could be compared with the down pipe charcoal capture test. The activated charcoal came from China, and already had some isotope contamination. It was used anyway. After this weather event had passed, the down pipe charcoal was then dried in the Sun. The charts here are a comparison between the reference, and the down pipe test.

As you can see, the charcoal filter did capture some significant isotope markers.


A lot of water went through this filter to get these results, so in overall terms, they are small detections. I think this proves we are getting fallout, but not as much as we expected.

U-238 produces a small amount of gamma at 50 (0.06%) & 114 (0.01%) keV and X-rays at 16 & 12 Kev. U-235 puts out a lot more gamma at 186 (57%), 144 (11%) and 163 (5%) kev and X-rays at 89 and 93 keV. This is probably the reason I was unable to detect U-238 directly at these low levels, when it has such a low gamma output? This brings us back to increasing Radon levels, as the biggest contributor to increasing background levels here.

Interestingly, I also detected this mystery isotope in a soil sample I collected around 15 km west of my location last year. Here is that test chart of that soil sample using PRA scintillator software. (In the test above Theremino MCA software was used.)

Open to positive suggestions, feedback or corrections, plus any suggestions as to what the isotope or isotopes, might be, at around 492 kev.

“Unusual soil sample chart has a radioactive isotope in it, at approximately 490 keV, which has not been identified yet. It is the second blue peak in the chart. There have been lots of suggestions as to what it could be, but no positive identification yet. If you think you know what it is, leave your suggestion in the comment section.”

In nature, uranium is found as Uranium-238 99%, Uranium-235 0.72%, and a very small amount of Uranium-234 0.005%. In a nuclear reactor using enriched refined Uranium, the percentage of U-235 is significantly increased. Enriched Uranium in light water reactors has concentrations of around 3% to 5% of U-235. The small amount of U-235 in the rain wash out means there is a lot more U-238 in the atmosphere with it, if it is purified Uranium.

Here is a test chart of Uranium ore, Uraninite. This sample was kindly loaned to me by Spectrometising. This chart has text peak markers to help you. As you can see,if it was Uranium contamination from a mine, you would expect to see significant peaks of radioactive Lead Pb-214 and Bismith Bi-214 showing up.


Radon washout detection test chart, (24th September 2012) Used a much better system to capture Radon decay isotopes in the hot rain from another storm that came through on the evening of the 24th. Using surgical gloves as the sample was hot. Wiped a paper towel over the bonnet of a car and kept turning it over and folding the paper towel swab on itself after each wipe . Then squeezed out as much water as possible.

This was then put into a zip lock plastic bag, and put into the testing chamber. It was 4x more radioactive than the last storm radon washout test sample used on the 21st. This allowed for a much more detailed spectrum to be recorded.

The first storm radioactive washout test chart in my post on the 25th ran for 2.75 hours. Radon decay chain isotopes decay quickly and the chart peaks get overwhelmed by background, so the test was stopped after 2.75 hours, and the test results saved.

Using the same swab a new test was immediately started. This time for a longer duration test. It ran for an extra 9.39 hours. So at this point the original sample had been decaying for 12.4 hours when this test was stopped and the results saved.

The short period chart shows the type of peaks you expect from Lead Pb-214 decay in Radon washout.
Short period chart,
Short period chart minus background,

That is because Lead Pb-214 decay gives out gammas in this ratio of 242 keV (7.25%), 295 kev (18%), and 352 keV (35.6%). So the highest peak should be at 352 keV. Which it is.

The longer period chart shows a prominent peak develop at 242 keV. This was unexpected and is under investigation.
Longer period chart,
Longer period chart minus background,

Conducted a longer term test on a rain swab sample taken from another rain event on the 11th October. Left it sit for a longer period of time to allow the short term Radon daugthers to decay away, and tested it again. What was detected was the longer life isotope signature of Radon decay, Lead Pb-210 at 47 keV.

What has been detected at present is a significant increase in radioactive Radon gas in the atmosphere when Northerly air arrives in the area. Other radioactive isotopes that could be atributed to the Fukushima nuclear disaster have not been detected in this series of tests.

Radon washout detection test chart, (21st September 2012) The first storm of the season came through late on the afternoon of the 21st. The wind was coming from the North / North east, and the storm came in from the South West, over the top of this northerly surface air flow.

I did a paper towel swab off the top of two wheelie bin lids. This is the first time I have done any swabs here, and actually got a hot detection with the GS (Gamma Scout Geiger Counter). The swab test GS visual peak was 0.28 uSv/hr and the data log peak was 0.35 uSv/hr.

I immediately put the swab into the scintillator test chamber, in a zip lock plastic bag. It was decaying quickly, so the chart is a bit rough. The screen shot was the test chart after 3 hours of testing. The longer I left it in the test chamber, the more the chart data was overwhelmed by background. This is because it was decaying quickly.

A rough estimate is that it was half as active after 3 hours. Seems to be a Radon decay chain as Pb-214 and Bi-214 are the main peaks, and there is no indication of any radium. The good news is that I did not detect any fallout isotopes. The peak in the chart between 352 and 609 keV is a test chamber artifact.

Byron Bay Black Mineral Sand (14th September 2012) This is a sample of 194 grams of black mineral sand from Byron Bay in Norhtern New South Wales. It is around 35x times more radioactive than our local soil samples. Wave action and sand mining can concentrate naturally occuring radioactive minerals in sand.

Glenview Soil test chart (6th September 2012) This 24 hour test was of 616 grams of soil sourced from a local semi rural area. It has the largest radioactive isotopic peak at 242keV for Lead Pb-214. Most soil tests will show this type of radioactive peak signatures it them. It is natural for peak heights to very for soil samples taken from different locations. See the other local soil test chart below for comparison, and for more detailed peak descriptions.

Under sink activated charcoal based water filter test chart (3rd September 2012) (Local background radiation was subtracted from the 24 hour test chart information to get better detail.)

An under kitchen sink water filter was pulled apart to get to the carbon core. This 600 gram carbon core was dried, and ground, into smaller pieces, and then placed around the scintillator to test it. It had been in use for the last 8 months, or longer.

It would appear there is a very small amount of soil contamination in the water supply. It is being filtered out by the water filter. Hence the peaks for the isotopes of Radium Ra-186 keV, Lead Pb-242, 295, 352 keV and Bismuth Bi-609 keV that can be found in most soil tests. The suggestion is that the peaks around, 83 and 92 Kev are from Thorium. Some local soil probably contaminates, in varing amounts, all town water supplies. There are very tiny amounts here.

Local soil sample chart has the largest radioactive isotopic peak at 242keV for Lead Pb-214. Most soil tests will show this type of radioactive peak signatures it them. It is natural for peak heights to very for soil samples taken from different locations.

Unusual soil sample chart has a radioactive isotope in it at approximately 490 keV which has not been identified yet. It is the second blue peak in the chart. There have been lots of suggestions as to what it could be, but no positive identification yet. If you think you know what it is, leave your suggestion in the comment section.

Miscellaneous Item Testing Reports

Black Fungus from Japan (17th June 2013
Black fungus material from Japan test chart I was sent this resin encapsulated sample of black fungus like material. It has reportedly come from somewhere in the Minamisoma area Japan. A contact in Japan sent a friend this sample. This is my test chart of it. For those of you who have not looked at a chart like this before. The position of the peaks in a the chart indicate what isotopes are present. This fungus started growing on the concrete, and rock surfaces in Japan after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster. It appears to be bio-accumulating Cesium.

Scintillators are less sensitive as you go to higher energy keV. The Theremino MCA software allows you to increase the magnification of the higher energy peaks. The peaks in this Theremino MCA V4.5 software chart have been energy compensated, to bring out the smaller details at higher energies. The sample very small, grams or less.

A professional lab reported test results 117 Bg Cs-137 and 58 Bq Cs-134. This black fungus material sample from Japan, contaminated with Cesium Cs-137 & Cs-134, is encapsulated in resin for safety reasons. So we don’t know how much it weighs. We are trying to find out. It may not have been weighed when it was collected. Visually, looking at the encased sample, it would be a few grams if that.

Here is a pen tip placed next to the sample, to give you and idea how small the sample is. The black center is the sample. Also, the sample does not fill up the small sample container, that is in the center of the resin encasement. The sample container is only around two thirds full.


Update on the possible weight of the Black Fungus sample from Japan. This comment was posted on a forum discussing this test.

“I’m an expert on weighing objects (sell scales, use different ones daily, some precise to .01g). Fungus in that form does not appear to hold too much water weight and would likely weigh less than a gram given the scale. If it jis thin and flakey type fungus, it may be under .25-.5g. Is it thick like a mushroom cap or more like lichen? I’ve only observed extremely thin fungi growing on concrete, and I would err on the very low side. My best guess is .3g.”

My reply

That means the black fungus sample from Japan is very, very, hot.

Test results 117 Bg Cs-137 and 58 Bq Cs-134

117 + 58 = 175 Bq x (1000 grams/0.3 grams) = 583,333 Bq/Kg of Cesium

Even if it was 10 times greater in weight 3 grams, it would still be 58,333 Bq/Kg of Cesium.

The person who supplied this sample to me, went to a lot of trouble and expense, to make this sample available to researches in Australia. I would like to thank him for that. Any comments or suggestions, regarding the results of this test chart results are welcome. There is no copyright placed on the chart screen shot, so you can copy it, and make use of it where ever you like.

Hot Jewelry Detection Special Report (20th January 2013)
A pair of imported earrings from the USA, that were to be given as a gift to a friend, where tested with a Geiger counter. It was found that some of the gems embedded in this earring design were radioactive. From the front side, and with the earrings next to each other, they tested 0.90 uSv/hr.

Originally thought the radioactivity was coming from the blue Topaz looking centre stones in this design, because there have been reports of radioactive Topaz being detected in jewelry.After removing these blue stones, and retesting the earrings, the light yellowy green stones positioned around these blue stones, were found to be the main source of the radioactivity.

Here are the scintillator and Geiger test charts results for the earrings test. These earrings were purchased as a gift for a friend, from the USA. The main isotopes detected were Thorium Th-234 and Uranium U-235.

The Thorium Th-234 is from Uranium U-238 decay. U-238 puts out hardly any gamma, but the Thorium Th-234 puts out enough for the scintillator equipment to detect it. The presence of Thorium indicates the presence of Uranium U-238, as Thorium Th-234 is a decay daughter of Uranium U-238.

Scintillator test Chart of earrings

This explains why there was so much beta detection with the Geiger test. Couldn’t work out why at first. Thorium Th-234 puts out a lot of beta, and a small amount of gamma radiation.

Geiger Counter test chart using a Russian SBT-10 pancake tube.

Thorium Th-234 info

The small yellowy/green stones on the earrings are Uranium glass made from purified Uranium ore, because there are no decay daughters of Lead Pb-214 or Bismuth Bi-214 isotopes present. It would appear that someone is supplying Uranium glass stones to the jewelry industry.

Most of the radiation is beta radiation with a small gamma component. This is manly from the Thorium 234 decay. Most of the beta radiation body exposure is blocked by the glass stone metal mountings, in this particular earring jewelry design.

Using the Geiger Counter with the SBT-10 tube I detected approximately an extra 0.06 uSv/hr, above background from the rear of the earrings, as opposed to 0.90 uSv/hr from the front.

The Alpha output by Uranium U-238 and U-235 isotopes would be locked into the glass.

Do these earrings pose a health hazard? Probably not in this design, as the wearer is protected from most of the radiation by the metal mountings during use. A resent commenter pointed out that when beta radiation hits metal it can produce bremsstrahlung secondary radiation. This also maybe a potential hazard that needs further investigation.

Do the stones themselves pose a health hazard? Maybe in these, or some other unforeseen circumstances.

Listed in order of possible risk

A. At a manufacturer site or jewelry store, where these stones could be stored in bulk. Being exposed to the dust from cutting or polishing this type of glass, in these environments, could pose the greatest health risk.

B. People spending long hours close up to the jewelry during assembly.

C. A person who had collected a lot of this type of jewelry, and stored it close to where they sleep.

D. Different types of jewelry design using these stones, could be potentially hazardous in these circumstances
1. The piece used larger stones, or more stones.
2. Thinner metal mountings were used.
3. If a piece was worn close to the body. The more proximity and surface area touching the body, means more radiation exposure.

It is suggested that those of you with Geiger Counters check everything that comes into your house.

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  1. JAPAN

    19th July 2023 – Cesium 180 times limit found in fish at Fukushima nuke plant 12 years after disaster


    But after a heavily contaminated fish was found off Fukushima Prefecture, apparently after it got away from the plant’s port, TEPCO resumed its surveys within the inner breakwater in May 2022. Between then and May 2023, fish caught within and near the inner breakwater accounted for approximately 90% of the 44 with radioactive levels topping the 100 becquerels per kg limit.

    Of the 44 fish, three caught within this area were found to be tainted with radioactive materials exceeding 1,000 becquerels per kilogram. Apart from black rockfish, 1,700 becquerels per kilogram was detected in an eel in June 2022, followed by 1,200 becquerels in rock trout in April 2023.


  2. 6th June 2023 – Japan may see wider Chinese seafood ban after Fukushima release


    Japanese officials are worried that China, the biggest buyer of its seafood exports, may halt purchases of those items after Tokyo begins releasing treated radioactive water from its crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea.

    The U.N. nuclear watchdog this week gave Japan the greenlight to begin discharging more than a million metric tons of water, enough to fill 500 Olympic swimming pools, used to cool the plant’s fuel rods after it was wrecked by a 2011 tsunami.

    The China-ruled city of Hong Kong said on Tuesday that when Japan begins the release it would “immediately take control measures, including imposing import control on aquatic products from high-risk prefectures”.

    China has said it will step up monitoring of the ocean and marine products in the wake of the release.

    In China, some consumers have called for boycotts of Japanese products, a social media trend that briefly knocked the share price of Japanese cosmetics maker Shiseido (4911.T) last week.



    The radio Interview below provides a very good overview on why this new release of radioactive contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site into the Pacific Ocean is a very bad idea!

    It will greatly increase the stress on life in the Pacific Ocean, that has all ready been decimated by the multiple reactor core meltdowns and fuel rod cooling pool fires, at the Fukushima site.

    The severity of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe has been constantly suppressed and covered up by governments and the nuclear industry. This is a crime against humanity as well as all biological life in the Pacific basin.



    22nd May 2021 – Fallout from nuclear tests at Maralinga worse than previously thought


    “We now have a sustained and prolonged release of plutonium into the ecosystem,” Dr Cook said.

    Millions of dollars have been spent cleaning up radioactive fallout from nuclear bombs detonated in outback South Australia, but recent tests show the contamination is worse than previously thought.

    Dr Cook, who is based at Monash University in Melbourne, said these reactive nano-particles — which normally are shielded from the environment — can interact with clay and organic matter in the soil over time and leach into groundwater, especially after heavy rainfall.

    Ms Lester said that many Anangu hunt, gather and cook native foods from the lands as part of their cultural responsibilities to country.


  4. 21st April 2021 – American Honey Still Contains Radioactive Fallout From Nuclear Tests Decades Ago


    As expected, various samples of fruits, nuts, and other foods revealed very faint traces of cesium-137 when measured with a gamma detector, but even Kaste wasn’t prepared for what happened when he ran the same test with a jar of honey from a North Carolina farmer’s market.

    “I reproduced the measurement. And it was, again, 100 times hotter than any of these other foods.”


    This very informative video, that is just 10 minutes long, discusses the damage very small amounts of Cesium can do to children.




  5. JAPAN

    14th October 2019 – Environment Pollution in Japan


    As Typhoon Hagibis hammered Japan on Saturday (Oct. 12), thousands of bags containing radioactive waste have reportedly been carried into a local Fukushima stream by floodwaters, potentially having a devastating environmental impact. According to Asahi Shimbun, a temporary storage facility containing some 2,667 bags stuffed with radioactive contaminants from the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was unexpectedly inundated by floodwaters brought by Typhoon Hagibis.

    Torrential rain flooded the storage facility and released the bags into a stream 100 meters away. Officials from Tamara City in Fukushima Prefecture said that each bag is approximately one cubic meter in size. Authorities were only able to recover six of the bags by 9 p.m. on Oct. 12, and it is uncertain how many remain on the loose while the possible environmental impact is being assessed.


    Every time there is a major Typhoon or storm in this area of Japan, large amounts of radioactive contamination flows from the mountains and forests into the Pacific Ocean. It is not only bags containing radioactive waste that’s concerning!


  6. JAPAN

    9th October 2018 – EDITORIAL: TEPCO bungles it again in dealing with Fukushima tainted water


    In 65,000 tons of treated water, the levels of strontium 90 are more than 100 times the safety standards, according to TEPCO. The levels are as high as 20,000 times the standards in some tanks.

    In explaining the reasons for this failure, TEPCO pointed to problems with the ALPS system shortly after it was first installed. The utility also reduced the frequency of the replacement of absorbents for removing radioactive materials to keep the system running as long as possible.

    The ministry, for its part, should be held accountable for its failure to ensure appropriate disclosure of the information by TEPCO. The subcommittee should be faulted for concentrating its attention almost exclusively on tritium.




    In my previous post on the 1 million tons of radioactive contaminated water stored in the tanks at Fukushima, there was only mention of the presence of tritium. This excellent article points out there are significant amounts of other radioactive contaminants in those tanks!

    Quote from the 2018 Asahi Shimbun Article:

    “The ministry, for its part, should be held accountable for its failure to ensure appropriate disclosure of the information by TEPCO. The subcommittee should be faulted for concentrating its attention almost exclusively on tritium.”

    In the light of these revelations it makes it important to have an independent third party organization investigated what is actually in those thousands of tanks. Also it would be niece to known where the high level radioactive material from the ALPS filtering process ends up.

    Environmentally naturally occurring tritium is very rare. No, tritium is not safe, as a lot of MSN articles have inferred, watch this short video about the health effects of tritium, “No Safe Dose”.


  7. JAPAN

    16th September 2019 – Fukushima fishermen concerned for future over release of radioactive water

    Nozaki said he and other fishermen throughout Fukushima would continue the fight to keep the water out of the ocean. “Releasing the water would send us back to square one,” he said. “It would mean the past eight years have amounted to nothing.”




    There needs to be alternatives to dumping this huge amount of radioactive contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean. Dumping one million tonnes of contaminated water in almost 1,000 tanks at Fukushima Daiichi into the Pacific would make an horrific situation much much worse!

    Since March 2011 there have been numerous media reports of Pacific Ocean fish, whales, birds and other sea creatures dying in large numbers. The ongoing radioactive environment pollution from Fukushima nuclear disaster has resulted in multiple Northern Pacific Ocean food chains crashing! Like the human embryo, embryonic sea life of plankton, zoo plankton and fish eggs, etc., are hypersensitive to artificial radioactive isotopes. This has resulted in widespread decimation of fish stocks and why large numbers of seals, whales and birds have been washing up on the west coast of North America, dead or starving to death.

    Below is an extract from a comment posted on Armstrong Economics on the 17th February 2017, it points to widespread censorship of scientific research. The censorship of this important research is to hide the real and documented effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster has had on Northern Pacific sea life. If the populace actually new how devastating this nuclear accident has been to all life on this planet, they would demand the immediate shutdown of the nuclear industry.


    “I have just returned from visiting my friend, who is a senior cetacean biologist at one of the large west coast universities. While there, he described an amazing situation to me that has alarmed me greatly. He said that research at his university has conclusively identified the complete or almost complete collapse of several dozen food chains within the Pacific Ocean, all within the last 36 months or so.

    “Further, in “unauthorized” exchanges with the relevant departments in other coast universities, he learned that the numbers involved may well be more like hundreds of chain collapses in the same timeframe as opposed to dozens. Finally, in talking with authoritative figures in Vancouver, they apparently believe that the figure is likely closer to 1000.

    “As bad as all of this sounds, here is the real rub. Regarding these findings about food chain collapses, mutations, and injuries, my friend’s university has instituted a policy that forbids them from publishing their findings, from discussing their findings (on this subject) publicly or in private with other researchers outside their own campus, or finally from taking “unauthorized” radiation readings as part of their research. The penalties for violating these new rules are severe: loss of tenure, civil lawsuits for violation of contract, and potentially employment termination.”

  8. JAPAN

    25th August 2019 – Ground-level nuclear disasters leave much more radioactive fallout than Tokyo is willing to admit


    International concerns are growing over the Japanese government’s plans to provide meals from the Fukushima area to squads participating in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The starting point for the Olympic torch relay, and even the baseball stadium, were placed near the site of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

    Due to accessibility issues, most of the forests that make up around 70% of Fukushima’s area have been left unaddressed. According to Japanese scholars, around 430 square kilometers of forest was contaminated with high concentrations of cesium-137. The danger of this forest cesium is that it will be carried toward residential or farm land by wind and rain, or that contaminated flora and fauna will be used in processing and distribution.


    Quote from Article “The Fukushima disaster did not result in mass casualties”

    This list of Fukushima fatalities and injuries, proves otherwise. https://technologypals.com.au/fatalities-and-injuries-resulting-from-the-fukushima-nuclear-catastrophe/



  9. Thank you for your research and reporting. This is very valuable information.

  10. RUSSIA

    10th August 2019 – Chernobyl-Style Cover Up? Run On Iodine Pills After “Isotope Powered” Rocket Explosion In Russia


    But there’s a growing pile of evidence suggesting a major radiation emitting event has indeed occurred.

    As a Reuters/VOA report stated further, “Greenpeace has cited data from the Emergencies Ministry that it said showed radiation levels had risen 20 times above the normal level in Severodvinsk around 30 kilometers (18 miles) from Nyonoksa.”


  11. RUSSIA

    29th July 2019 – Gigantic, mysterious radiation leak traced to facility in Russia


    The source of a gigantic, mysterious leak of radioactive material that swept across Europe in 2017 has been traced to a Russian nuclear facility, which appears to have been preparing materials for experiments in Italy.

    The leak released up to 100 times the amount of radiation into the atmosphere that the Fukushima disaster did. Italian scientists were the first to raise the alarm on 2 October, when they noticed a burst of the radioactive ruthenium-106 in the atmosphere. This was quickly corroborated by other monitoring laboratories across Europe.


    We repeatedly see governments around the world, that have a vested interest in nuclear power, do anything they can to cover up, or play down the seriousness of any nuclear accident. They do this even though the cover up may lead to the death of large numbers of men, women and children.

    Governments support this industry even though it makes no economical sense to keep this sick industry going. The only reason anyone makes a profit is because the governments massively financially subsidize the industry, and socialize the risk. This means, when a major accident occurs, the public picks up the costs, and the industry is provided a bailout through the public purse.


  12. JAPAN

    10th June 2019 – According to Japan govt’s official statistics on pediatric cancer, children cancers doubled since Fukushima


    The least was in 2006, where there were 1861 people affected, the year before the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake.

    But the numbers of children cancers really much increased after Fukushima. In 2015, 3246 people, in 2016, 3161 people, in 2017, 3279 people.


    Reports coming out of Japan since 2011 indicate that the Japanese government has be actively pressuring doctors to under report injuries and deaths, resulting from the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, so the actual figures could be much larger.



  13. USA

    8th June 2018 – A stunning case of kids, radioactivity and government neglect emerges in Ohio


    In 2017, federal regulators from the U.S. Department of Energy testing the neighborhood around a 20th century uranium plant in Pike County, Ohio, made a startling discovery in the air near a middle school attended by hundreds of local children — traces of neptunium-237, an extremely radioactive particle, typically a by-product from nuclear reactors.

    But what happened next was even more incredible. Instead of issuing a public alert that might have led to more testing and a possible closure of the Zahn’s Corner Middle School, located in an economically depressed region of southern Ohio, the U.S. government said absolutely nothing.


    Very said to see another local community so badly effected by another nuclear contamination cover up. When you investigate the nuclear industry these types of reports are never ending.

    History shows us that human beings are considered to be expendable, as long as it means the powers that be can keep the nuclear industry going, and the profits coming in.



    Lest we forget: Aboriginal victims of Maralinga atomic bomb testing


    Australian atomic massacre still ignored By David T. Rowlands from Green Left Weekly issue 971 June 29, 2013

    The number of casualties is unknown because the secretive and unaccountable nuclear establishment has always declined to investigate the full impact of its own criminal negligence. But it has been suggested by investigators that perhaps 50 short-term Aboriginal fatalities resulted.

    In addition to those who died, many others were exposed to harmful levels of radiation. The long-term health effects on these individuals have never been charted — but anecdotal reports of high cancer rates and horrendous birth defects in isolated “downwinder” communities have circulated.


    Here we have extensive documented proof, of a criminal act against humanity and the environment, by nuclear scientists and government bureaucrats. Were any of them prosecuted for the mass murder and the environmental damage perpetrated here? NO!


  15. JAPAN

    12th April 2019 – Fukushima’s mothers became radiation experts to protect their children after nuclear meltdown


    Driven by a desperate need to keep their children safe, a group of mothers began testing food and water in the prefecture.

    But contamination of food from Japan remains a hotly contested issue.

    Australia was one of the first countries to lift import restrictions on Japanese food imports after the disaster.


    From first hand experience these Japanese mothers have learnt that you can’t trust the nuclear industry, governments, or the main stream media to tell the truth, as this list of fatalities and injury proves.




  16. INDIA

    1st May 2019 – Cancer-stricken village near nuclear test site cries for help


    We have seen our kids die a silent death, but nobody has leant an ear to their cries.”

    “We have approached many government officials, but they just don’t want to listen to us. For decades we have been trying to draw their attention, but all our efforts went in vain. “We have submitted memorandums to many people, including Chief Ministers and other politicians, but nothing has happened.


    We see this same sad story wherever nuclear contamination has occurred. The local people die and their children and grand children die from the effects. The people in the affected communities yell and scream but nothing happens. Governments deny proof of any ill health effects, plus drag any legal action through the courts for as long as possible, waiting for those affected to die or give up. At the end of this process those that may eventually get compensation are very few.

    The greedy and power hungry ruthless monsters who support nuclear don’t care, they make their profit and move on. Governments bail them out with public funds and the public also pays for the hugely expensive clean up, if it occurs!


  17. South Korea

    12th April 2019 – South Korea wins WTO appeal on Fukushima seafood ban


    The World Trade Organization has upheld South Korean’s ban on seafood from areas affected by Japan’s 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, overturning a lower panel’s ruling last year.

    South Korea banned seafood imports from eight Japanese prefectures after the March 2011 disaster, including Fukushima and Iwate, over radiation concerns. Other Japanese food products were put under additional restrictions, such as tougher testing requirements.


  18. JAPAN

    20th March 2019 – As fears linger, Fukushima rice rebounds under anonymity


    “There is high demand for industrial use rice from Fukushima Prefecture, which is cheap for its taste,” one distributor said.

    Industrial use rice often only carries a “domestic” label with no mention of the production area.


    This lack of labeling on industrial rice makes it very difficult to determine what rice sold in Japan is from the Fukushima area. This rice could end up anywhere in the food processing industry. Below is a link to a very informative, 10 min video. It discusses the serious health effects, very small amounts of Cesium-137 consumed in food products, can do to children. Even if the detected Cesium level was low, and below the Japanese safety level of 100 Bq/kg, it is still way too high for children to consume!

    Most western governments around the world raised the acceptable Cesium-137 safety levels to ridiculous amounts after Fukushima. They raised the level by twenty to thirty times, to 1200 Bq/kg. This shows how bogus these government set safety levels really are. They just change the acceptable level to whatever suits them at the time, to support the nuclear industry!




  19. 23rd March 2019 – Radioactive material released from Fukushima plant doubled up since last year


    Tepco released their monthly report about the additional atmospheric contamination on 25th February 2019.

    According to the report, from January 2018 to January 2019, 933,000,000 Bq of Cs-137 and Cs-134 were release from the buildings of reactor 1, 2, 3 and 4 in total. It was 471,000,000 Bq during the corresponding period of the previous year.


    The Fukushima nuclear catastrophe is still releasing huge amounts of radioactive toxic material into the environment, plus the cost of the clean up is constantly increasing.

    Thanks to Fukushima Diary for providing this information in English.


  20. JAPAN

    11th March 2019 – Radioactive Glass Beads May Tell the Terrible Tale of How the Fukushima Meltdown Unfolded


    What no one knew or expected was the fallout also contained bacteria-size glassy beads, with concentrations of radioactive cesium that were far higher than those in similar-size motes of tainted dust or dirt.

    Since these particles were discovered in 2013, scientists have plucked them from soil samples and air filters throughout the contamination zone, including filters as far away as Tokyo. The beads could pose an under-recognized heath risk, researchers say, because they are tiny enough to be inhaled deep into the lungs—and their glassy makeup means they may not easily dissolve or erode. They also present an opportunity to conduct what one researcher called “nuclear forensics”: By analyzing the particles’ composition, scientists can piece together a clearer image of what happened during the white-hot violence inside the plant itself, and of the current condition of the debris in the three reactors that experienced meltdowns. This could help inform the strategy for cleaning up the ruins of the plant.

    They also discovered the particles blew farther than anyone initially anticipated. Some were found in an air filter in Tokyo, about 240 kilometers from Fukushima.


    This research paper shows highly radioactive and chemically toxic glass like microscopic particles where created in the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns. These particles where detected in air filters hundreds of kilometer away. There have been detection reports of nano sized radioactive particles from Fukushima being detected in Europe.

    In EnviroReporters’s June 2012 article “A Radioactive Nightmare” Michael Collins reports* on the formation of tiny and tough uranium filled nanospheres, that could travel thousands of miles. No one in their right mind would want to breath in any of this highly radioactive and toxic material.




    *Ed. note: EnviroReporter.com first reported on these tough uranium-filled nanospheres called “buckyballs” in the Feb. 12, 2012 feature Beta WatchUranium-filled ‘buckyballs’ from Fukushima meltdowns may be bound for West Coast. Scientific American‘s excellent piece comes out seven years later showing the long-term implications of the ongoing triple meltdowns in Japan and reaffirms our reporting.

  21. JAPAN

    10th March 2019 – Another anniversary: sure but the Fukushima nuclear disaster is still ongoing everyday of the year


    While the media never fail to talk about about the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors and of the decontamination of Fukushima Prefecture, they always fail to mention that those three reactors thru their unstopped meltdown are still constantly releasing radionuclides loaded gases into the open air, into the environment, distributed by winds locally and even far away.

    Why none of those media ever mention the 20 plus incinerators operating in Fukushima prefecture? Those incinerators incinerate radioactive debris accumulated from land decontamination during the the past years, wanting to reduce the 16 million tons of radioactive debris scattered all over the Fukushima prefecture, usually covered by green tarpaulin to make them looked like some kind of new rice paddies from afar. Those incinerators which are also redistributing radioactive particles into the air, into the environment.


  22. USA

    21st February 2019 – Award-winning book follows mothers’ determination after Japan nuclear disaster


    Radiation Brain Moms and Citizen Scientists explores the plight of Japan citizens in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster. Concerned about the safety of the nation’s food supplies, and skeptical of the government’s assurances of safety, these individuals, particularly mothers, began collecting scientific data on radiation-contaminated foods.

    Rather than praise, the work of these citizen scientists was dismissed as the work of irrational women who lacked scientific knowledge. Characterized as rumormongers, they faced many social sanctions and challenges as they worked to secure the health and safety of their communities in a nation where their actions defied traditional gender roles.


  23. USA

    4th February 2019 – Microanalysis of Particle-Based Uranium, Thorium, and Plutonium in Nuclear Workers’ House Dust


    Hot particles detected in this study had a wide range of sizes, activities and compositions. Some of the radioactive particles detected in this study were small enough to be inhaled into the lungs where they could deliver radioactive energy to tissues. This is particularly important for particles less than 5 μm in size that tend to be retained in the lungs. Activities of individual uranium-, thorium-, or plutonium-bearing dust particles varied by greater than five orders of magnitude, ranging from 0.0002 to 2,270 mBq. Importantly, these four elements are all alpha particle emitters. The short (<0.5 mm in tissue) range of alpha particles makes internal alpha emission a more significant health concern than a similar eternal dose (NIST, 2015).

    Dust in the homes of workers and neighbors of Hanford, Los Alamos, and the former Rocky Flats nuclear facility contained radioactive microparticles connected to these sites. This creates potential radiation exposures outside of radiological protection zones. Given the small respirable size of these radioactive microparticles, they are a potential source of internal exposure from inhalation or ingestion.


    An incredible detailed study, and it should ring alarm bells for all nuclear workers everywhere. These very dangerous hot particles are undetectable by Geiger counters, or even a scintillator detector. This study shows these hot particles of Thorium, Uranium, Americium and Plutonium are present not only in the nuclear worker environments, but also in their cars, and in their family homes and local communities.

    Marco Kaltofen and his team need to be congratulated for this study, it would have taken a great deal of time and effort.


  24. JAPAN

    2nd February 2019 – Radioactive cesium above legal limit detected in fish caught off Fukushima


    Radioactive cesium exceeding the state limit has been detected in fish caught off Fukushima Prefecture for the first time in about four years, the prefecture’s fisheries cooperatives association has said.

    The cesium level of 161 becquerels per kilogram, exceeding the limit of 100, was detected in a skate, a type of ray, caught at a depth of 62 meters during test fishing Thursday.


  25. ITALY

    30th January 2019 – Italian military officials’ trial ignites suspicions of links between weapon testing and birth defects in Sardinia


    Eight Italian military officers — all former commanders of the bombing range at Quirra in Sardinia — have been hauled before the courts.

    It’s unprecedented to see Italian military brass held to account for what many Sardinians say is a scandalous coverup of a major public health disaster with international consequences.


  26. JAPAN

    8th January 2019 – Niigata gov’t to handle radioactive mud stored since Fukushima crisis


    The contaminated mud, produced at an industrial water supply facility that takes in water from a river containing radioactive materials, is growing by 5,000 tons annually and the storage facility could become full later this year, according to the prefecture.

    Municipalities other than Niigata have also been grappling with radioactive mud as a result of the crisis at the six-reactor Fukushima complex, with some shouldering the disposal costs.


  27. JAPAN

    7th January 2019 – The After Fukushima and Japan’s Declining Birthrate, Japan’s Demographics a National Crisis


    From Chris Busby:

    Japan’s birth rate was declining but gradually, as was the Belarus birthrate. The rate at which it was declining was low. Then after Fukushima it fell of the cliff.

    I made this graph from Japan vital statistics data on the web.In 2005 it was 8.32. So there is a sharp fall in the rate after Fukushima. Same thing happened in Belarus after Chernobyl. Look at the Bandashevsky’s after Chernobyl birth rate graph.

    It was expected What I am saying is that the fall in birthrate in Japan is a Fukushima effect in the same way as the fall in birthrate in Belrus was a Chernobyl effect.


    The Japanese birthrate decline graph created by Chris Busby (link below), is an excellent educational tool to get the facts across to people about the real reason for the recent large Japanese population decline. This graph shows a much faster birthrate decline after 2011.





  28. INDIA

    6th January 2019 – Cancers, Abortions, Deformed Children are the High Cost of ‘Clean’ Nuclear Energy in Jharkhand


    JADUGUDA, JHARKHAND: Nestled in the mountainous district of East Singhbhum, this tiny dot on India’s vast map has become a virtual cancer ward for its residents, following years of dangerous radiation being emitted from uranium mines and tailing ponds in the area.

    People in the area suffer disproportionately from congenital deformities, sterility, spontaneous abortions, cancers and a plethora of other serious diseases known to be caused by radiation and industrial pollution.

    As you enter the hamlets located around UCIL’s mines and tailing ponds, where radioactive elements are dumped, the gory sight of deformed children playing innocently with their homemade toys meets your eyes.


    Another nuclear industry disaster!



  29. USA

    30th December 2018 – Poisoned water and deadly dust


    UNC had a dewatering pond just over the hill, less than a mile away where we were told to water our livestock. We took them often to this pond and did this for years until the mine closed. We were never warned nor informed that this water was not safe for drinking or that there could be a possibility of contamination. Our livestock was then poisoned, leaving it contaminated from the water they drank. Our family and friends also ingested these contaminated animals leaving them at risk from the contamination.

    In addition to respiratory, sinus and eye troubles, many of us have experienced headaches and aching joints as a result of the uranium. Not only can it be a nuisance but it many cases it can be so debilitating that it makes even simple house chores impossible. These ailments I have described are the milder struggles we have faced. Many others haven’t been quite so fortunate but rather have struggled with renal or liver failure, cancer and for some, death.


  30. JAPAN

    21st December 2018 – Determination and Comparison of the Strontium-90 Concentrations in Topsoil of Fukushima Prefecture before and after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident


    The results of our investigation exhibited that the 90Sr concentrations in the Fukushima Prefecture soils ranged from 0.2 to 20.4 Bq/kg in the samples that were collected before the accident and from 1.37 to 80.8 Bq/kg in the samples that were collected after the accident from identical sampling locations. Further, the soil samples that were collected from 30 out of 56 locations displayed significant differences in terms of concentrations before and after the accident.

    In addition, the relations between the 90Sr concentrations and the soil properties of the samples (organic content, pH, water content, and composition) were investigated, and it was found that the organic content and water content had a positive correlation with 90Sr concentrations and, in contrast, the sandiness was shown to have a negative correlation with 90Sr concentrations.



    19th December 2018 – Radioactivity Levels in Crucial Middle East Water Source Exceed International Standards


    (Inside Science) — People in Egypt’s western desert are drinking groundwater with naturally high levels of radium, a radioactive element, according to research presented last week at the American Geophysical Union meeting in Washington. Experts disagree on the cancer-related health risks, but babies who rely on the most radioactive wells could get more than 100 times the maximum levels recommended by the World Health Organization for long-term exposure from drinking water, according to the researchers. Many communities across the Middle East and northern Africa are likely also using water with elevated levels of radiation.

    “There are several studies in the U.S. and Canada that show that communities that were drinking these types of water — much lower [radiation] than what we see in Disi — had elevated and high prevalence of cancer,” said Vengosh. “We don’t need to invent the wheel.”


  32. JAPAN

    14th November 2018 – Spatial pattern of plutonium and radiocaesium contamination released during the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster


    We have developed a combined chemical procedure to separate Pu and Cs for isotopic analysis of environmental samples from contaminated catchments. Ultra-trace analyses reveal a FDNPP Pu signature in environmental samples, some from further afield than previously reported.

    Monitoring and understanding post-depositional remobilisation of potentially harmful radionuclides in the environment allows the risk they present to be managed more effectively. This information is highly valued, not only for decision-making processes regarding public health, but also the longer-term remediation efforts across the region and any future nuclear incidents that may occur.

    The release of Pu to terrestrial areas of Japan remained unconfirmed for up to one year following the Fukushima disaster3. Since then, several studies have provided evidence of its release to the land surface north, northwest and south of FDNPP, up to distances of 120 km from the site.


    In the map/chart below, they swap between Becquerel per gram for Cesium detection, and Becquerel per Kilogram for Plutonium contamination detection. You need to multiply the Becquerel per gram by a thousand to get the Becquerel per kilogram amounts for Cesium.

    Plutonium is a heavy metal alpha particle emitter. Breathing it in or ingesting it presents a very serious health risk. Having Plutonium contamination in the environment is a crime against humanity and all living things.

    Maps & Charts:




  33. INDIA

    9th June 2018 – Severe uranium contamination in India’s groundwater: Study


    Scientists have found widespread uranium contamination in groundwater from aquifers across 16 states in India, much above the WHO provisional standard for the country. The findings published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters are the first to demonstrate the predominant prevalence of uranium in India’s groundwater.

    The WHO has set a provisional safe drinking water standard of 30 micrograms of uranium per litre for India, a level that is consistent with US Environmental Protection Agency standards. Despite this, uranium is not yet included in the list of contaminants monitored under the Bureau of Indian Standards’ Drinking Water Specifications, researchers said.

    “Including a uranium standard in the Bureau of Indian Standards’ Drinking Water Specification based on uranium’s kidney-harming effects, establishing monitoring systems to identify at-risk areas, and exploring new ways to prevent or treat uranium contamination will help ensure access to safe drinking water for tens of millions in India,” he said.


  34. SPAIN

    5th October 2018 – Nuclear council comes clean about radioactive areas in Spain


    SIX sites in Spain have radioactive contamination, the nuclear agency has admitted.

    In November, 1970, several dozen litres of highly radioactive liquid from a spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant reportedly leaked from the Juan Vig¡on National Nuclear Energy Centre, inside Madrid’s university campus. The liquid spilled into the sewer system and reached the Manzanares River, making its way to the Jarama River, the adjoining irrigation canal, and into the Tagus River.


  35. JAPAN

    7th October 2018 – (Google Translate) Amazing! The number of patients in Minamisoma municipal general hospital is announced 29 times as much as before adverse thyroid and, leukemia rising by 10 times.


    Mr. Hirokazu Oyama of Minami Soma City Council recently received data on the transition of the number of patients by disease name from Minami Soma City General Hospital (the main injury / illness name was extracted from the medical accounting system). Comparing the 2010 FY2010 accident before the accident, the adult thyroid cancer is 29 times, the leukemia is 10.8 times, the lung cancer is 4.2 times, the childhood cancer is 4 times, the pneumonia is 3.98 times, the myocardial infarction is 3.97 times, liver cancer 3.92 times, colon cancer 2.99 times, stomach cancer 2.27 times, stroke 3.52 times.

    Japanese Version


    English Version



    In March 2013 I was sent this resin encapsulated sample of a black fungus like material, to test. A contact in Japan had sent a friend this sample. The test chart below shows it was very hot. It had reportedly been collected from somewhere in the Minamisoma area of Japan.

    This fungus started growing on the concrete and rock surfaces in Japan, after the Fukushima Nuclear disaster. The test results indicted the fungus was bio-accumulating Cesium. I didn’t know the weight of this very small sample, and had posted the test results, for discussion on an internet forum.

    This comment from a weight expert.

    “I’m an expert on weighing objects (sell scales, use different ones daily, some precise to .01g). Fungus in that form does not appear to hold too much water weight and would likely weigh less than a gram given the scale. If it is thin and flakey type fungus, it may be under .25-.5g. Is it thick like a mushroom cap or more like lichen? I’ve only observed extremely thin fungi growing on concrete, and I would err on the very low side. My best guess is .3g.”

    My reply

    “That means the black fungus sample from Japan is very, very, hot.

    Test results 117 Bg Cs-137 and 58 Bq Cs-134

    117 + 58 = 175 Bq x (1000 grams/0.3 grams) = 583,333 Bq/Kg of Cesium

    Even if it was 10 times greater in weight 3 grams, it would still be 58,333 Bq/Kg of Cesium.”

    Test Chart:


  36. FRANCE

    10th October 2018 -‘Crimes against humanity:’ France to face lawsuit in ICC over nuclear tests in French Polynesia


    The tests had provoked 368 instances of radioactive fallout, Maxime Chan, a member of a local association for the protection of the environment, told the UN committee, adding that the radioactive waste had also been dumped into the ocean in violation of the international rules.

    France’s pacific territory is mostly known due to its popular tourist island of Tahiti but some of its atolls also served as nuclear test sites for some 30 years in the 20th century. It saw 193 nuclear tests carried out between 1960 and 1996, in which 150,000 civilian and military personnel were involved, according to AFP.


  37. JAPAN

    September 2018 – Crowd funding in progress to publishing radioactive contamination investigation

    Minna Data Site is a website where you can look up soil and food data, measured by citizens radiation measuring stations, around Japan. This citizen financed web site has extensive lists of food and soil reports that can be viewed by the public. Automatic foreign language translation is available at the web site.


    To raise funds they have compiled a 170 page color book based on this data. It is only available in Japanese at present. The book includes a map showing how extensive radioactive Cesium soil contamination is across Japan, as of 2018. Using the fact that Cesium-137 has a thirty year half life, they have also included maps presenting what they expect the contamination to be like in thirty, and one hundred years, after the Fukushima nuclear accident.


    Besides the map screen shot shown above, they also provide this interactive Japanese soil contamination map at their site.




  38. From our friends at the Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition:


    Last Chance to Save the SSFL Cleanup
    Tell California’s Gubernatorial Candidates to Commit to a Full SSFL Cleanup – Join Us on Wednesday October 3

    Wednesday, October 3, 2018
    11:00 a.m. – 1 p.m.

    Gavin Newsom’s Campaign Headquarters
    3660 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010(Note: We will rally at John Cox’s headquarters next, if we don’t hear from him.)
    Click Here to RSVP – We’re Arranging Carpools!
    Dear SSFL Cleanup Supporter,

    Right now, the Dept. of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is gutting the SSFL cleanup agreements, allowing Boeing, DOE and NASA to get away with almost no cleanup. The 2010 promise for a full cleanup by 2017 has been completely broken; the cleanup not only hasn’t begun, it hasn’t started! If a new Governor doesn’t commit to immediately turning things around, SSFL’s nuclear and chemical contamination will continue to migrate offsite, in perpetuity, risking our health for decades to come.

    We’re doing everything we can to save the cleanup. We’ve submitted comments, testified at hearings, met with elected officials, circulated petitions, demonstrated on street corners. This week, Melissa Bumstead whose young daughter twice survived leukemia, even began organizing banner drops over SoCal freeways. She simply can’t bear to see one more child with cancer near SSFL, and neither can we.

    But without the strong commitment of California’s next governor, SSFL isn’t going to get cleaned up. Our new governor will have the power to demand that DTSC fully and expeditiously enforce the SSFL cleanup agreements. He must order a top to bottom reform of that terribly dysfunctional agency so that it protects people, not polluters. We’ve reached out to both John Cox and Gavin Newsom and asked them to support the full, promised cleanup, but we haven’t gotten a response yet from either.

    You can help us get their attention by joining us for a rally at Gavin Newson’s Los Angeles headquarters on Wednesday, October 3 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. We’ll hold a brief press conference and then we will deliver over 358,000 signatures on a Change.org petition created by Melissa and families impacted by pediatric cancer near SSFL. (We’ll rally at John Cox’s headquarters next, if we don’t hear from him.)

    It is critical that as many people attend this rally as possible, so we can demonstrate that the community is sick and tired of waiting for a cleanup that we were promised would be complete by now. Please do all that you can to join us – take time off work or change your schedule if possible. It’s that important.

    Click here to RSVP and let us know if you’d like to join a carpool. We’ve worked too hard for too long to stop now. We urge you to attend and hope to see you there!

    Wednesday, October 3, 2018
    11:00 a.m. – 1 p.m.
    Gavin Newsom’s Campaign Headquarters
    3660 Wilshire BoulevardLos Angeles, CA 90010
    (There is plenty of street parking and a large parking structure off of Hobart Street.)

    Please share this email widely and post on social media! Click here for the Facebook event page.


    Rocketdyne Cleanup Coalition

    RSVP Today!

  39. USA

    22nd September 2018 – US Nuclear Safety: A Critical Problem That Has Largely Been Kept Out of the Public Eye


    According to the Center for Public Safety, two security experts from the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory drove to San Antonio, Texas, in March 2017 with a sensitive mission: to retrieve dangerous nuclear materials from a nonprofit research lab there and transport them safely back to their state without allowing the materials to fall into the wrong hands. The materials — plutonium and cesium — as well as equipment were stolen on that trip and have never been found. They were simply left unattended in a car! The incident was concealed from the public, but the information was obtained by the Center for Public Safety under the Freedom of Information Act. That source reports that this was just a part of a much larger quantity of plutonium that over the years has gone quietly missing from stockpiles owned by the US military.

    Madeleine Jennewein of Harvard University writes in her blog, which is published by Science in the News (SITN), that “Across the United States, nuclear waste is accumulating in poorly maintained piles. 90,000 metric tons of nuclear waste requiring disposal are currently in temporary storage. The United States, however, has yet to construct a long-term storage solution for this waste, leaving the nuclear material vulnerable to extreme weather events such as hurricanes, rising sea levels, and wildfire.” In 2016, seven electrical engineers who worked for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission took the unusual step of petitioning the NRC as private citizens in hopes of forcing regulators to fix a “significant safety concern” that affects all but one of the nation’s 100 nuclear plants. Nuclear waste is also a big problem in the US. Safety concerns plague key sites that have been proposed for nuclear bomb production.


  40. Arnold,

    California food lab radiation testing services

    Type the above into a Yahoo or Google search engine, and you will get a list to select from.

  41. Are there any independent labs in California preferably, where I can take samples to be tested at a food level sensitivity?

  42. RUSSIA

    21st August 2018 – Russia is preparing to search for a nuclear-powered missile that was lost at sea months ago after a failed test


    A nuclear-powered Russian missile remains lost at sea after a failed test late last year, and Moscow is preparing to try to recover it, according to people with direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report.

    “It goes without saying that if you fire a missile with a nuclear engine or energy source, that nuclear material will end up wherever that missile ends up,” said Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists.


    The missile appears to be lost in the Barents Sea, located north of Norway and Russia.


  43. Australia

    14th August 2018 – Nuclear fallout detected in Australian sheep in 1979 has been attributed to a covert nuclear test


    The paper highlights declassified testing of sheep from Western and South Australia shortly after the event. The results found a spike in iodine-131’s distinctive signature among slaughtered animals.

    Analysis of weather patterns revealed the nuclear fallout may have been dumped on Australia in rains falling four days after the ‘flash’. Currents among the Indian Ocean jet streams offer a direct link between Australia and the distant, tiny islands.

    Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists contributor Leonard Weiss writes in a recently published article: “That study makes it virtually certain that the event was an illegal nuclear test. This strengthens previous analyses concluding that Israel likely carried out a nuclear test in violation of US law and the Limited Test Ban Treaty.”



    Technical Article:



    2018 – Australian Drinking Water Map


    This site has been put together in the hope of enlightening Australian’s about contaminants in drinking water supplies across the country.

    The site is a slowly evolving ‘beast’ and does not claim to be authoritative. However, all of the information contained on the site has been gleaned from various water quality reports published across the country. This information has generally been collected over the past decade and almost all the data presented on the site refer to detections of substances above Australian Drinking Water Quality guideline levels. Almost all of the information has been already published by water authorities.


    The yellow markers on the map mark locations with radioactive contamination in drinking water. The Australian drinking water quality situation does not appear to be much better than the USA. Most of the data points on the map are breaches to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Guidelines in Australia are pretty poor when compared to some European countries.


  45. UNITED KINGDOM (England)

    20th October 2008 – Suburb Poisoned by Shell Plutonium

    Extracts Video 1:

    Ealing Studios video of the Ray Fox story. Fox and his family lived in Earley, Reading next to a Shell Petrochemical Terminal where a secret buried bunker is said to contain a nuclear reactor emitting radiation. A housing estate has been built on the former Shell site by Persimmon Homes.

    Fox and his family have suffered dire consequences from the alleged radiation. Deadly contamination continued despite three attempts to decontaminate the Shell Terminal.

    Extract Video 2:

    Channel 4 TV Mark Thomas’ Secret Map of Britain: Page about Ray Fox and the most polluted house in Britain next door to an alleged buried top secret nuclear reactor on a former Shell petrochemical terminal.


    Polluting a suburban environment with Plutonium and other radioactive material is very serious. So they try to cover it up, and then comment trolls try to make out that the victims are crazy, even though the area was tested and found to have the contamination!

    Video 1

    Suburb Poisoned by Shell Plutonium


    Video 2

    Shell Buried Nuclear Bunker


  46. JAPAN

    23rd July 2018 – “Greatest Crime In Human History!”


    Data from inside Japan U.S. military base.


    Kevin Blanch talks to a brave Hispanic woman who took soil samples from the entrance to the Yokosuka Naval Base Officers Mess in 2012, and had those samples professionally tested. The tests show there were high levels of radioactive contamination present on this base and other locations, despite the reassurances of safety from naval personal and the Japanese and American governments.

    Large numbers of naval personnel and their families were exposed to these high levels of radioactive contamination.



    Default Pacific USA time zone unless otherwise indicated

    July 21, 2018
    12:15 am EDST INT Southwest Michigan 1st floor room RAIN WATER SAMPLE: 60.3 CPM^ or 32.5% ABOVE BACKGROUND
    12:00 am EDST INT Southwest Michigan 1st floor room BG: 45.5 CPM^

    July 20, 2018
    9:30 pm EDST INT Southwest Michigan 1st floor room BG: 42.8 CPM^

    July 16, 2018

    July 15, 2018

    July 13, 2018

    July 12, 2018
    11:30 am EDST INT MARQUETTE MICHIGAN THIRD STORY ROOM RAIN SAMPLE: 116.4 CPM^^ OR 3.8 TIMES BACKGROUND. According to documentation reported on by EnviroReporter.com, the California Highway Patrol considers any material or situation over 3.0 times background to be the triggering level for a hazardous materials incident. This reading is so hot it is 26.7% OVER this CHP Haz-Mat tripwire.

    July 12, 2018

    July 10, 2018

  48. JAPAN

    14th June 2018 – Blowback Over Japanese Plan to Reuse Tainted Soil From Fukushima


    Japan’s plan to reuse soil contaminated with radiation from the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant accident for agriculture is sparking something of its own nuclear reaction.

    Residents and other critics don’t want any part of it.

    “Pollutants contained in crops will surely pollute air, water and soil, thereby contaminating food to be consumed by human beings,” Kazuki Kumamoto, professor emeritus at Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo told Bloomberg Environment. Contaminated crops “could trigger the release of radiation.”


  49. 20th July 2018 – Fukushima’s Nuclear Imprint Is Found in California Wine (Drinkers, Don’t Panic)


    In a new study, the researchers report testing 18 bottles of California rosé and cabernet sauvignon from 2009 onward and finding increased levels of radioactive particles in the wine produced after the Fukushima disaster. In the case of the cabernet, the levels of the radioactive materials doubled.

    “We can measure some radioactive level that is much higher than the usual level,” said Michael Pravikoff, a physicist at a French research center who worked on the study.


    As usual they play down the health effects and concentrate on how this horrible contamination can be used to detect counterfeit wines! Isn’t that just great. Wouldn’t it be much better to just have an environment where wines are free from heavy metal and radioactive poisons?


  50. USA

    6th June 2018 – Microanalysis of Particle-Based Uranium, Thorium, and Plutonium in Nuclear Workers’ House Dusts


    Seventy-nine dust and 31 soil and sediment samples were collected from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the former Rocky Flats Plant in Colorado, and from homes of workers or abutters of these nuclear facilities.

    Activities of individual uranium-, thorium-, or plutonium-bearing dust particles varied by five orders of magnitude, ranging from <0.005 mBq (millibecquerel) to 2,270 mBq. Hanford workplace dusts also had up to 564 ± 24 Bq/kg of137Cs. SEM/EDS techniques reliably detected environmental radioactivity in samples that had barely detectable results by gamma spectrometry. The technique was able to definitively show that thorium, plutonium, and uranium from nuclear facilities could be found in general population settings outside of radiation protection zones.


    This should be a serious concern for people who live and work in these areas. This could potentially endanger the health and well being of their entire families, plus this contamination most likely would also be dispersed through the local communities! The uranium, thorium, and plutonium may be in small amounts, but the detrimental health effects would be significantly magnified on ingestion, or if they lodged in the lungs.



    10th May 2018 – Kiwis fear cancer after working near leaky US nuclear reactor in Antarctica


    Jim got cancer and died, in 2012. Pam Landy spent long years fighting the US Department of Veterans Affairs to acknowledge Jim’s cancers and get survivor benefits. In November 2017, an appeal body within the department called the Board of Veterans Appeals ruled in her favour.

    The board ruled Jim Landy had “esophageal, stomach, liver, and brain cancers due to exposure to ionising radiation”. McMurdo was identified as the only likely source and given that he didn’t work in the nuclear power plant, the exposure must have been “by virtue of merely serving there”.


    I have seen this same story play out so many times now. When servicemen or members of the public are exposed to nuclear contamination, governments and corporations draw out legal and compensation proceedings for decades. Their strategy is to delay proceeding until most of the claimants are dead and buried, or they just give up.


  52. @Bob

    Geiger counters are not sensitive enough to detect the low levels of radioactive food contamination* that may present a health risk. Two parallel Geiger counter SBM20 tubes which are more sensitive than the average Geiger Counter, can measure down to approximately 2000 Bq/kg activity. This is a factor of 100, too insensitive for detecting radiation in food that could cause health issues.

    You need a good scintillator detector that can detect radiation contamination in food at very low levels. Also, the scintillator needs to be in a lead shielded test chamber with the food sample, during testing. The lead shielding is used to screen out background radiation noise. The fish samples should also be dehydrated before testing.

    Ideally a government agency or university should be providing the public with regular Pacific Salmon testing reports.

    This free guide will provide you with more information on the subject.


    The massive amount of radioactive environmental pollution from the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe has resulted in the Northern Pacific Ocean food supply crashing! Like the human embryo, embryonic sea life including fish eggs, are hypersensitive to radioactive contamination, hence the large number of reports of seals, whales and birds etc., washing up on the west coast of North America, starving to death.

    The information in this question posted on Armstrong Economics, points to widespread censorship of scientific research, on the effects of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe on the Pacific Ocean.


    “I have just returned from visiting my friend, who is a senior cetacean biologist at one of the large west coast universities. While there, he described an amazing situation to me that has alarmed me greatly. He said that research at his university has conclusively identified the complete or almost complete collapse of several dozen food chains within the Pacific Ocean, all within the last 36 months or so.

    Further, in “unauthorized” exchanges with the relevant departments in other coast universities, he learned that the numbers involved may well be more like hundreds of chain collapses in the same timeframe as opposed to dozens. Finally, in talking with authoritative figures in Vancouver, they apparently believe that the figure is likely closer to 1000.”

    “As bad as all of this sounds, here is the real rub. Regarding these findings about food chain collapses, mutations, and injuries, my friend’s university has instituted a policy that forbids them from publishing their findings, from discussing their findings (on this subject) publicly or in private with other researchers outside their own campus, or finally from taking “unauthorized” radiation readings as part of their research. The penalties for violating these new rules are severe: loss of tenure, civil lawsuits for violation of contract, and potentially employment termination.”


    * [Michael Collins – EnviroReporter.com uses the Inspector nuclear radiation monitor to detect *gross amounts of radiation* contamination in Eat Me!]

  53. Hello. How can I find out if wild Alaskan salmon, specifically King and Coho, are contaminated with radiation? Thank you.

  54. JAPAN

    7th June 2018 – Study: Cesium from Fukushima flowed to Tokyo Bay for 5 years


    Five months after disaster caused the triple meltdown at the plant, Yamazaki detected 20,100 becquerels of cesium per square meter in mud collected at the mouth of the Kyu-Edogawa river, which empties into Tokyo Bay.

    In July 2016, the study team detected a maximum 104,000 becquerels of cesium per square meter from mud collected in the same area of the bay, Yamazaki said.



    2018 – Current radiological situation in areas of Ukraine contaminated by the Chernobyl accident: Part 1. Human dietary exposure to Caesium-137 and possible mitigation measures


    This study reports for the first time temporal trends for the period of 2011–2016 in 137Cs content in cow’s milk originating from private farms and households of 14 settlements located in the territories of the Rivne region, Ukraine. These areas are still radioactively contaminated as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) in 1986. In 2016, the average 137Cs activity concentration in milk exceeded the Ukrainian Permissible Level (PL) for adults of 100 Bq/l in samples from 6 settlements and the PL for children of 40 Bq/l in 8 settlements, reaching activity concentration of around 500 Bq/l in some samples.

    In the absence of governmental programs for implementation of necessary protective measures to reduce radiological risks to impacted populations, the exceedance of PL for the activity concentration of 137Cs in cow’s milk for adults of 100 Bq/l in the Chernobyl-affected areas of Ukraine could persist for many more years – until at least 2040.


    Even thirty plus years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the food supply of these communities is still seriously contaminated with nuclear fallout, affecting the health and well being of men, women and children. The 40Bq/l permissible level is still way too high a level for children! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9d3I3S99Dc&feature=player_embedded



  56. USA

    Radium contamination in public water systems nationwide. (Interactive MAP)


    Radium concentrations in drinking water are drawn from EWG’s Tap Water database, and represent the average of all samples of treated drinking water collected from 2010 to 2015 for each water system. Samples reported as non-detections are entered as zero, which could underestimate the actual radium concentration in drinking water.

    Federal drinking water regulations set a Maximum Contaminant Level, an enforceable legal standard, of 5 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) for the combined level of two isotopes of radium: radium-226 and radium-228. Some water utilities and states report individual levels of these isotopes, while others report a single combined radium value of a specific sample. When the combined level was not reported by the water utility, EWG added measurements of radium-226 and radium–228 to calculate it, as available.


  57. JAPAN

    24th May 2018 – Fukushima radioactive particle release was significant says new research


    In the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, it was thought that only volatile, gaseous radionuclides, such as caesium and iodine, were released from the damaged reactors. However, in recent years it has become apparent that small radioactive particles, termed caesium-rich micro-particles, were also released. Scientists have shown that these particles are mainly made of glass, and that they contain significant amounts of radioactive caesium, as well as smaller amounts of other radioisotopes, such as uranium and technetium

    The scientists tested the new method on rice paddy soil samples retrieved from different locations within the Fukushima prefecture. The samples were taken close to (4 km) and far away (40 km) from the damaged nuclear reactors. The new method found caesium-rich micro-particles in all of the samples and showed that the amount of caesium associated with the micro-particles in the soil was much larger than expected.


  58. JAPAN

    29th January 2018 – Uranium Dioxides and Debris Fragments Released to the Environment with Cesium-Rich Microparticles from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant


    We report, for the first time, the atomic-scale characteristics of nanofragments of the nuclear fuels that were released from the FDNPP into the environment. Nanofragments of an intrinsic U-phase were discovered to be closely associated with radioactive cesium-rich microparticles (CsMPs) in paddy soils collected ∼4 km from the FDNPP.

    These results document the heterogeneous physical and chemical properties of debris at the nanoscale, which is a mixture of melted fuel and reactor materials, reflecting the complex thermal processes within the FDNPP reactor during meltdown. Still CsMPs are an important medium for the transport of debris fragments into the environment in a respirable form.




    These small very hot particles have been blown all around the world, and particularly in Japan. A number of tests have found these types of nano sized particles in household vacuum cleaner dust and air filters, in Japan.

    Video: Airborne Radiation Spread

    Talking Stick TV interview with Marco Kaltofen on how radiation spreads via airborne dust particles.


  59. Japan

    14th March 2018 – Measuring Radioactivity in Soil and Dust Samples from Japan


    Among the five categories of locations, the Tokyo sample set had the lowest radioactivity mean of 117.6 Bq/kg. The following locations are ordered by increasing mean of radioactivity: Azuma Sports Park samples (2703.9 Bq/kg), main tourist routes samples (3206.0 Bq/kg) and proposed torch route samples (7896.0 Bq/kg). Only one of the non-Olympic samples, which originates from the Entrance to Fukushima Dai-ichi waste mounds, had a radioactivity of 14119.8 Bq/kg. Due to this outlier, this sample set was omitted from the other sets.

    The measured results showed that the Tokyo sample set had the lowest radioactivity level, which was understandable based on its significant distance from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. On the contrary, the proposed torch route samples had the highest mean radioactivity due to their close proximity to the plant. Based on the measurement, we estimated qualitatively that the radiation exposure of people living near the Azuma Sports Park area was 20.7 times higher than that of people living in Tokyo. The main tourist and proposed torch routes had radiation exposure of 24.6 and 60.6 times higher, respectively, than in Tokyo.


  60. 27th April 2018 – Move Over Chernobyl, Fukushima is Now Officially the Worst Nuclear Power Disaster in History


    Total atmospheric releases from Fukushima are estimated to be between 5.6 and 8.1 times that of Chernobyl, according to the 2013 World Nuclear Industry Status Report. Professor Komei Hosokawa, who wrote the report’s Fukushima section, told London’s Channel 4 News then, “Almost every day new things happen, and there is no sign that they will control the situation in the next few months or years.”

    Contamination of soil, vegetation and water is so widespread in Japan that evacuating all the at-risk populations could collapse the economy, much as Chernobyl did to the former Soviet Union. For this reason, the Japanese government standard for decontaminating soil there is far less stringent than the standard used in Ukraine after Chernobyl.


  61. JAPAN

    14th February 2018 – Japan Ships First Seaweed, Farmed 6 Miles from Fukushima Meltdowns, for Human Consumption


    Approximately 754 kilograms (1659 pounds) of the aqua farmed vegetation was shipped to local processors after being dried to remove pebbles and other objects. It is used primarily for ramen and soy sauce, and in the beginning will only be available locally. The test farming area is about 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the Fukushima meltdown site.

    “This can get problematic anytime, if it contaminates the ocean there is no local contamination, the ocean is global, so anything that goes into the ocean goes to everyone,” said Schneider. “It needs to be clear that this problem is not gone, this is not just a local problem. It’s a very major thing.”


  62. USA

    2nd March 2018 – Groundwater Monitoring Reveals Widespread Radioactivity at Duke Energy Coal Plants


    The highest levels of radioactivity were found at Duke Energy’s Asheville Power Plant, with levels of radium in groundwater 38 times what EPA considers safe for drinking water. “These results confirm that we were right to force Duke Energy to commit to removing the coal ash from the leaking ash ponds at their Asheville site,” said Hartwell Carson, the French Broad Riverkeeper. “We need to ensure that Duke’s clean up of the site stops the release of dangerous pollutants to our groundwater.”

    In addition to the alarming levels of radioactivity from radium, the results demonstrate that Duke Energy is contaminating groundwater with arsenic, lead, and a host of other toxic pollutants.



    8th March 2018 – Radiation Confirmed in Ground Water Around Lake Norman


    According to the Waterkeeper Alliance, “Levels of radioactivity from radium at the Marshall coal-fired power plant on Lake Norman were 2.5 times the federal drinking water standard. Thallium levels at Marshall also exceeded federal standards and were 18 times higher than the North Carolina groundwater standard. Ash ponds at Marshall are still leaking into surface water and groundwater upstream of drinking water intakes for more than 1 million people in the Charlotte region. Together, these alarming results mean that Marshall ash facilities are much more polluted than previously disclosed.”

    In the first half of the 20,000 pages of data, I found several dozen “inundation maps”, showing the banks and buildings that are potentially affected by the hazardous radioactive groundwater – this map is the clearest overview of the area;


  63. USA

    16th April 2018 – Contamination from a nuclear cleanup forced a shutdown. Investigators want to know who is responsible


    As crews demolished a shuttered nuclear weapons plant during 2017 in central Washington, specks of plutonium were swept up in high gusts and blown miles across a desert plateau above the Columbia River.

    The releases at the Department of Energy cleanup site spewed unknown amounts of plutonium dust into the environment, coated private automobiles with the toxic heavy metal and dispensed lifetime internal radioactive doses to 42 workers.


    “Energy Department officials said in a statement that workers received only a tiny fraction of the plutonium exposure that is allowed by regulations, and there should be no threat to their health.”

    There is no safe level of ingested Plutonium. It is one of the most deadly known substances!


  64. USA

    3rd October 2017 – Fukushima-derived radiocesium fallout in Hawaiian soils


    This study estimated the magnitude of cesium deposition in soil, collected in 2015–2016, resulting from atmospheric fallout. It also examined the patterns of cesium wet deposition with precipitation observed on O’ahu and the island of Hawai’i following the disaster. Fukushima-derived fallout was differentiated from historic nuclear weapons testing fallout by the presence of 134Cs and the assumption that the 134Cs to 137Cs ratio was 1:1. Detectable, Fukushima-derived 134Cs inventories ranged from 30 to 630 Bq m−2 and 137Cs inventories ranged from 20 to 2200 Bq m−2.

    Fukushima-derived cesium inventories in soils were related to precipitation gradients, particularly in areas where rainfall exceeded 200 mm between March 19 and April 4, 2011. This research confirmed and quantified the presence of Fukushima-derived fallout in the state of Hawai’i in amounts higher than predicted by models and observed in the United States mainland, however the activities detected were an order of magnitude lower than fallout associated with historic sources such as the nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific. In addition, this study showed that areas of highest cesium deposition do not overlap with densely populated or agriculturally used areas.


  65. JAPAN

    14th March 2018 – Organizers cancel Bangkok event to promote Fukushima fish after groups voice safety concerns


    Around 130 kg of Fukushima fish has been shipped to Thailand since March 1, according to the prefecture. Fukushima initially hoped to ship 1 ton of marine products to Thailand by the end of March, but the plan has effectively been halted.

    Fukushima Prefecture has been pouring its efforts into resuming the export of its products over the past few years, holding events overseas to promote its safety and quality. According to the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Ministry, Thailand lifted a ban on produce from Fukushima in May 2015 and has imported peaches and rice from the prefecture since then.


    This very informative video, that is just 10 minutes long, discusses the damage very small amounts of Cesium can do to children. Even the regulatory limit of 100 Bq/kg of Cesium set by the Japanese government, which is much lower than the Canadian and USA limits, is way too high.



  66. JAPAN

    8th March 2018 – TEPCO Admits Fukushima-Radiation-Blocking “Ice Wall” Is Failing


    The wall’s failure, among other factors, is preventing the company from removing all of the radioactive melted fuel at the site, where one of the world’s worst-ever nuclear disasters unfolded seven years ago when a tsunami struck the area.

    When the “ice wall” was announced in 2013, TEPCO assured skeptics that it would effectively limit the flow of groundwater into the plant’s basement, where the water becomes contaminated with radioactive debris.

    But since the wall became fully operational in August 2017, an average of 141 metric tonnes of groundwater has seeped into the reactor and turbines each day – worse than the 132 metric tonnes a day that seeped into the ruined plant during the nine months before the wall’s completion.



    A 1992 German risk study of a NPP core meltdown on the upper Rhine river they suggest using an ice wall, plus concluded that:

    1. Strontium-90 levels would skyrocket, and reach a peak level around 5,000 days later. Strontium-90 levels would then stay high for around another 40,000 days + !

    We are already seeing reports of skyrocketing levels of Strontium being detected in the ground water tests, at the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe site.

    2. Cesium-137 would reach peak levels after 10,000 days.

    Interestingly, Tepco has tried to implement the counter measures suggested in this document, at the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe site. They have not had much success so far.

    (Note: The charts in this study are log scale.) http://www.irpa.net/irpa8/cdrom/VOL.1/M1_97.PDF

    If this study is correct, these increases will continue long into the future!

    All the wars and strife in the world at present, is analogous to people fighting each other on a sinking boat. We urgently need the whole world to cooperate, and focus on dealing with the ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe.

  67. USA

    After Fukushima I kept a close eye on the latest worldwide flu statistics using a publicly available service, Google Flu Trends. My reasoning was people’s immune systems would become weakened by exposure to the the huge Fukushima radiation releases, particularly those people living in the Northern hemisphere.

    If that was the case, then it would likely show up in the flu stats.

    Google Flu Trends was an excellent resource to keep track of this. In the early stages of observation a trend started to appear. Flu epidemics where increasing in severity. Then Google stopped updating the stats. Getting hold of the most recent worldwide flu statistics then became very difficult.

    Recently Zerohedge published a short article “The Flu Is Ravaging America This Year” and it had an excellent info graphic (see chart below).

    What does it show?

    A dramatic year on year increase in the number of flu hospitalizations in the USA since 2011!

    19th February 2018 – The Flu Is Ravaging America This Year


    It took 25 weeks for the hospitalization rate to reach that point during the deadly 2014-2015 season. During a mild year, an average of 12,000 Americans die due to the flu and judging by the current trend, 2017-18 is on course to surpass 2014-15 in lethality. More than 80 percent of flu deaths usually occur among the elderly and people with underlying health problems.

    This year, seemingly healthy individuals are being infected and hospitalized at higher rates than the historical average. The CDC has reported that 63 children have already died during the current season.

    Info graphic:




  68. RUSSIA

    3rd March 2018 – Is Putin’s new nuclear systems source of mysterious radioactivity in the air?


    In Norway and Finland, radioactive isotopes were discovered at monitoring stations in January and March last year, as well as in January and February this year. The first cloud of radioactivity last year was first detected at Svanhovd air filter station on Norway’s border to Russia in the north, but spread over most of Europe south to France and Spain over the following two weeks.

    “Nobody has anything like this,” Putin said simultaneously as a video animation was displayed on big screens. Two of the screened weapons Putin presented are new nuclear-powered delivery systems.

    “The releases of radioactivity could be quite high directly at the site where the nuclear-powered cruise-missile is tested, which could lead to potential health concerns for the local population,” Nils Bøhmer says.



    7th March 2011 – Small-scale US nuclear reactor blamed for spiking cancer rates, casting pall over Russia’s FNPP fetish


    A US naval report issued upon its decommissioning (downloadable to the right) indicated the reactor experienced 438 malfunctions – nearly 56 a year – in its operational lifetime, including leaking water surrounding the reactor and hairline cracks in the reactor lining. The emissions of low level waste water where in direct contravention of the Antarctic Treaty, which bans military operations as well as radioactive waste in Antarctica. In one of the more egregious PM-3A incidents, in 1963, the reactor was shut down due to a lack of coolant in the reactor core.

    Staff nicknamed reactor ‘nukey poo’ because of frequent radioactive leaks.

    One US naval veteran from Ohio, Charles Swinney, died a year ago after a 16-year-battle with cancer. According to his wife Elaine, who lives in Cleveland, Swinney had some 200 tumours when he died.


    Another attempted cover up of the effects on staff and the environment by authorities, deny, deny, and keep the legal battles going until the victims are dead, and can’t be compensated.


  70. USA

    13th February 2018 – “It was complete chaos” says Hanford worker who inhaled plutonium.


    “I’m pissed. I’m scared, like we all are, that sooner or later it’s going to bite me and I’m going to end up with cancer,” said the contaminated worker.

    The plutonium spread also made it onto cars. The KING 5 Investigators have found 36 cars total. Seven of them were personal vehicles, driven off the site by unsuspecting employees. The vehicles, with contamination on them, were driven into town and to their homes. One of those cars belongs to the worker who was contaminated internally six months earlier.


    [Editor: Also see Dec. 22, 2017 Seattle Times Work halted at Hanford after radiation is found to have spread]

  71. Japan

    29th November 2017 – The Japanese Government Is Lying to the International Community: the Radiological Situation in and around Fukushima is NOT Safe


    We estimate that in the Fukushima accident approximately 400-600 times the Cs137 were released into the atmosphere by the atomic bomb blast in Hiroshima. Roughly 20% of the Cs137, or 80-120 Hiroshima-equivalents, were deposited on Japan. Of this, the decontamination efforts have only been able to retrieve five Hiroshima-equivalents. The waste from decontamination efforts is typically stored all over Fukushima mostly in mountainous heaps of large plastic bags. This means that 75-115 Hiroshima-equivalents of Cs137 still remain in Fukushima, surrounding prefectures, and all over Japan.

    in addition, the Japanese government is now planning to reuse the retrieved contaminated soil under 8000Bq/kg in public works projects all over Japan. This self-destructive program has now been partially started without any announcements as to where the contaminated soil are and will be reused, under the pretext of “avoiding damage caused by harmful rumors”. This project is tantamount to scattering lethal fallout of Cs137 equivalent to about 5 times that of Hiroshima bomb all over Japan. The Japanese government is literally behaving like a nuclear terrorist.


    There are excellent research papers and other references in this article.


  72. JAPAN

    29th January 2018 – Tokyo Not Fit For Human Habitation


    The doctor told her that 9 out of ten of his child patients in metropolitan Tokyo had reduced white blood cell counts due to exposure to radioactivity and that if they moved away some of them might recover.

    My daughter was 5 years old at the time of the accident She was a cheerful and active girl. But after one year since the accident, her health conditions became bad and she was troubled by strange symptoms.

    She told me, “Mommy, I feel so bad, I have no power, My hands hurt, my legs hurt, my body hurts!” In fact, my daughter became so sick that she could not live a normal life at all.






  73. JAPAN

    22nd January 2018 – 7 children had metastases to their lungs – Report from Fukushima


    An evacuee from Futaba Town in Fukushima Prefecture, close to the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, said that 197 persons are currently suffering from thyroid cancer and recently seven children had metastases to their lungs.


  74. USA

    29th September 2017 – The Fukushima nuclear disaster: Six years later, (Special report by Fox News)



    At the end of this Fox News report, a claim is made that no one died as a result of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.

    Firstly, we have this correspondence, link below, dated March 16th 2011 between the NRC and the Japanese. In this document the Japanese state 5 people having received lethal radiation doses. (Ninth bullet item down on the document screen shot.)


    Also, here is a list of numerous reports of fatalities and injuries resulting from the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. This large list probably represents just the tip of the iceberg of fatalities and injuries!


  75. USA

    11th January 2018 – 170 Million in U.S. Drink Radioactive Tap Water. Trump Nominee Faked Data to Hide Cancer Risk.


    Drinking water for more than 170 million Americans contains radioactive elements at levels that may increase the risk of cancer, according to an EWG analysis of 2010 to 2015 test results from public water systems nationwide.

    A 2011 investigation by KHOU-TV of Houston unearthed TCEQ emails documenting the deception. Instead of reporting the levels measured in laboratory tests, TCEQ would first subtract the test’s margin of error. Because TCEQ’s falsifying of data made it appear that the system met EPA standards, the system did not have to inform its customers that their tap water contained dangerous levels of radiation.


  76. USA

    21st December 2017 – Circle Of Radioactive Waste Spread Keeps Growing At Hanford


    The area and amount of stuff contaminated by radioactive waste at the Hanford Site in southeast Washington state keeps getting bigger.

    First it was two cars. Then it was eight. The count is now 14 vehicles that are contaminated with radioactive waste. Half of them are personal cars. One is even contaminated on the inside.

Now, houses around the Tri-Cities are being checked out—down to the heater filters. 
The tally so far is seven houses. 


  77. USA

    23rd December 2017 – America’s own-goal nuclear holocaust: How hundred above-ground Nevada A-bomb tests during the 1950s exposed MILLIONS to ‘tremendous’ amounts of radiation and may have killed up to 695,000


    Above-ground tests on US soil left millions of Americans exposed to ‘tremendous’ amounts of radioactive pollution, which made its way into the environment and the food supply, leading to as many as 695,000 deaths from 1951-1973.

    And, there was one vector in particular through which Americans came in contact with the deadly pollution – milk.


  78. USA

    21st April 2017- Earth Day is no longer about Celebration: Uranium Contamination Across America, Holding the Silent Killers Of Environmental Destruction Accountable


    The Northern Great Plains Region of Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota contain more than 3,000 AUMs. There are more than 1,000 AUMs in Arizona and New Mexico. In total, in the 15 western states there are estimated to be more than 10,000 AUMs. One in 7 people in the western US live within 50 miles of an AUM, according to the EPA. This is a national environmental crisis – a silent Fukushima – for which responsibility needs to be taken.

    Due to uranium contamination in the Colorado River, the drinking water supply for half of the population of the Western US may already be radioactive. Mining near the Colorado River, which flows through the Grand Canyon, threatens the drinking water supplies of millions of people in cities like Phoenix, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. Samples from 15 springs and 5 wells in the Grand Canyon exhibited dissolved uranium concentrations greater than the EPA maximum for drinking water.

    White Face said:

    “For the American public to be exposed to radioactive pollution and not be warned by federal and state governments is unconscionable; shame on the American federal and state governments for allowing their citizens to be placed in such danger for more than 50 years and not stopping the source of the danger. It is a national travesty.”


  79. JAPAN

    2nd September 2016 – Increases in perinatal mortality in prefectures contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in Japan


    In addition to the short-term effects in March and April 2011 in all those 6 severely radioactively contaminated prefectures, however, we observed distinct long-term increases in perinatal mortality of approximately 15% from January 2012 onward. Further-more, in the 3 moderately exposed prefectures Chiba, Saitama, and Tokyo there is a long-term relative 6.8% increase in perinatal mortality after January 2012, and there is apparently no impact on perinatal mortality in Japan excluding the severely and moderately affected prefectures, neither by the earthquake and the tsunami nor by the Fukushima accident.



    It is important to read the three articles below on the Marshall Island nuclear catastrophe. Each article provides extra pieces of important information exposing the extent of the ongoing human and environmental contamination catastrophe, which has been created by the expression of Man’s greed and lust for power! At the end you will have a deeper understanding on just how much suffering, death and environmental damage has been created by the human monsters among us. They have destroyed paradise!

    If nothing is done to secure this manmade toxic site, all this highly radioactive toxic material will be dispersed into the already stressed Pacific Ocean.

    Quote from Wikipedia:

    Nuclear testing began in 1946 on Bikini Atoll after residents were evacuated. Over the years, 67 weapon tests were conducted, including the 15-megaton Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb test that created significant fallout in the region. The testing concluded in 1958. Over the years, some cleanup was completed by the US government.[9]

    Article 1:

    27th November 2017 – A poison in our island


    Buried beneath this vast disc is 85,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste — a toxic legacy from the dawning of the thermonuclear age.

    In the late 1970s, Runit Island, on the remote Enewetak Atoll, was the scene of the largest nuclear clean-up in United States history.

    Highly contaminated debris left over from dozens of atomic weapons tests was dumped into a 100-metre wide bomb crater on the tip of the uninhabited island.

    “The United States Government has acknowledged that a major typhoon could break it apart and cause all of the radiation in it to disperse.”



    Article 2:

    Friday, April 16, 2010 – Jellyfish Babies: Birth Defects of Nuclear Radiation


    Lijon Eknilang of the Marshall Islands explains her experience with the effect of nuclear radiation. “I cannot have children. I have had miscarriages on seven occasions. On one of those occasions, the child I miscarried was severely deformed – it had only one eye…Our culture and religion teaches us that reproductive abnormalities are a sign that women have been unfaithful.

    For this reason, many of my friends keep quiet about the strange births they have had. In privacy, they give birth, not to children as we like to think of them, but to things we could only describe as “octopuses,” “apples,” “turtles,” and other things in our experience. We do not have Marshallese words for these kinds of babies, because they were never born before the radiation came. Women on Rongelap, Likiek, Ailuk, and other atolls in the Marshall Islands have given birth to these “monster babies.” Many of these women are from atolls that foreign officials have told us were not affected by radiation.

    We know otherwise, because the health problems are similar to ours. One women on Likiep gave birth to a child with two heads. Her cat also gave birth to a kitten with two heads. There is a young girl on Ailuk today with no knees, three toes on each foot and a missing arm. The most common birth defects on Rongelap and nearby islands have been “jellyfish” babies. These babies are born with no bones in their bodies and with transparent skin. We can see their brains and hearts beating. The babies usually live for a day or two before they stop breathing. Many women die from abnormal pregnancies, and those who survive give birth to what looks like purple grapes that we quickly bury.”



    Article 3:

    3rd December 2014 – A Pacific Isle, Radioactive and Forgotten


    A task force of the federal government’s National Research Council warned in 1982 that the dome might be breached by a severe typhoon. But a 2013 report sponsored by the Department of Energy saw no reason to worry.

    “Catastrophic failure of the concrete dome,” it said, “and instantaneous release of all its contents into the lagoon will not necessarily lead to any significant change in the radiation dose delivered to the local resident population.”

    The reason, according to the report, was that the radiation inside the dome was “dwarfed” by the radiation in the sediments in the lagoon. Thus a leak from the dome would be no added threat because it is dirtier on the outside than the inside. Plutonium isotopes recently discovered in the South China Sea have been traced to the Marshall Islands, some 2,800 miles away.

    An inspection last year found that the dome was deteriorating, and the radioactive groundwater below rises and falls with the tides. Storms wash sand onto the dome; vines grow in the cracks.

    As things now stand, the Runit dome is likely to be submerged by rising seas or torn apart by storms, releasing its radioactive poison into the ocean and compounding the legacy our advanced civilization has left to this tiny island nation.


  81. RUSSIA

    30th November 2017 – Mushrooms imported from Russia to France are found to contain traces of RADIATION, just a week after an unexplained radioactive cloud swept across Europe


    France has discovered traces of radioactive cesium on mushrooms imported from Russia, according to the head of French nuclear regulator, ASN.

    Mr Chevet told senate: ‘The latest information I have is that it seems that traces of cesium have been found on mushrooms that would have come from Russia.


  82. RUSSIA

    22nd November 2017 – A mysterious radiation cloud spread over Europe in September. Russia finally acknowledged it. But officials won’t say where it came from.


    IRSN, which said the radiation was no longer detectable as of October 13, concluded that it was an accidental radiation leak,


    and estimated that the amount of radiation released at the source was somewhere between 100 and 300 terabecquerels. That’s enough to require shielding precautions and special cleanup procedures in the region near the origin, but was not a threat to human health farther away. (A terabecquerel is equal to a trillion nuclear disintegrations per second, a measurement of the radioactivity of a substance.)

    Patrick Regan, a professor nuclear physics at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom, told the Science Media Centre,


    that the radiation most likely originates from a nuclear waste reprocessing plant.



    7th November 2017 – North Korea’s nuclear test site causing ‘deformed babies,’ killing vegetation, defectors say


    The Research Association of Vision of North Korea interviewed 21 North Korean defectors who lived in Kilju, a nearby town north of the Punngye-ri nuclear test site where six tests have been conducted, and said babies were reportedly being born with birth defects and residents feared radiation contamination because of the high mortality rate for any form of life, South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported.

    The defectors claimed all forms of life struggled to stay alive. About 80 percent of trees that were planted on the mountains died off, and trout and pine mushrooms just “disappeared” from the region when the first nuclear test was conducted in 2006.


  84. SWEDEN

    6th October 2017 – Radioactive wild boar spark concerns in Sweden 31 years after Chernobyl


    One animal shot by hunters was found to have more than 10 times the safe level of radiation. The high radiation levels – which come 31 years after the Chernobyl disaster sent a cloud of radioactive dust over Sweden — have left hunters afraid to kill and eat the animals.

    “This is the highest level we’ve ever measured,” he told the Telegraph, after testing an animal in Tärnsjö, a village between the cities of Uppsala and Gävle, with a radiation level of 16,000 becquerel per kilogram (Bq/kg).


  85. This is a never ending nightmare that seems to grow worse with each new revelation.

  86. JAPAN

    2nd October 2017 – Scientists find new source of radioactivity from Fukushima disaster


    Scientists have found a previously unsuspected place where radioactive material from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant disaster has accumulated—in sands and brackish groundwater beneath beaches up to 60 miles away. The sands took up and retained radioactive cesium originating from the disaster in 2011 and have been slowly releasing it back to the ocean.

    The team sampled eight beaches within 60 miles of the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant between 2013 and 2016. They plunged 3- to 7-foot-long tubes into the sand, pumped up underlying groundwater, and analyzed its cesium-137 content. The cesium levels in the groundwater were up to 10 times higher than the levels found in seawater within the harbor of the nuclear power plant itself. In addition, the total amount of cesium retained more than 3 feet deep in the sands is higher than what is found in sediments on the seafloor offshore of the beaches.


  87. God help all of the athletes going to participate in the Tokyo Olympics. This is an international disaster. Those people will be eating, inhaling, bathing, and exposing themselves to all sorts of radioactivity. The Tokyo Olympics should be banned.

  88. JAPAN

    7th September 2017 – High Risk of Inhaling Cesium Contained in Shower Near Tokyo


    The period of use is from Feb 2017 to August 2017.

    The volume of water used is about 52500L.

    Cesium fixed in cartridge is 1128.96 Bq/kg



    9th July 2017 – Radioactively-hot particles detected in dusts and soils from Northern Japan by combination of gamma spectrometry, autoradiography, and SEM/EDS analysis and implications in radiation risk assessment


    Samples were collected and analyzed over a five-year period, from 2011 to 2016. Detectable levels of 134Cs and 137Cs were found in 142 of 180 (80%) Japanese particulate matter samples. The median radio-cesium specific activity of Japanese particulate samples was 3.2 kBq kg− 1 ± 1.8 kBq kg− 1, and the mean was 25.7 kBq kg− 1 (σ = 72 kBq kg− 1). The U.S. and Canadian mean and median radio‑cesium activity levels were 250 kBq kg− 1. This skewness was present in both the 2011 and 2016 sample sets.

    > 300 individual radioactively-hot particles were identified in samples from Japan; composed of 1% or more of the elements cesium, americium, radium, polonium, thorium, tellurium, or strontium. Some particles reached specific activities in the MBq μg− 1 level and higher. No cesium-containing hot particles were found in the U.S. sample set. Only naturally-occurring radionuclides were found in particles from the U.S. background samples. Some of the hot particles detected in this study could cause significant radiation exposures to individuals if inhaled. Exposure models ignoring these isolated hot particles would potentially understate human radiation dose.


    There is a short audio presentation on how the testing was done, at the bottom of the right hand column of the page.


  90. INDIA

    1st August 2017 – India’s Nuclear Graveyard: Haunting images show the devastating effects of uranium mining in Jadugoda


    For years, the local population has suffered from the extensive environmental degradation caused by mining operations, responsible for the high frequency of radiation related sicknesses and developmental disorders found in the area. Increases in miscarriages, impotency, infant mortality, Down’s syndrome, skeletal deformities, thalassemia have been reported. With raw radioactive ‘yellow-cake’ production to increase and more than 100,000 tons of radio-active waste stored at Jadugoda the threat to the local tribal communities is set to continue.

    More than a hundred thousand tons of nuclear waste stored in the tailing ponds is constantly producing large amount of toxic gases and nuclear radiation that contaminate the environment. The dumped nuclear waste remains radioactive and dangerous for millions of years.


  91. Thanks so mluch.

  92. @ George

    Having good healthy calcium levels in your diet can help prevent the uptake of Strontium-90.
    Do research on the subject, there is a lot of information on the Internet.

  93. Dear God. Is there any way to detox this element? I eat sardines from the Atlantic, usually caught off of Morocco from time to time. I can only wonder what they are contaminated with.

  94. CANADA

    2nd February 2016 – Dogs fed sardines show high Strontium levels


    This month, I have had two dog patients with severely elevated levels of the element strontium. The interesting part is that these two dogs were fed a high amount of sardines and I highly suspect that strontium is coming from this source.

    Strontium acts in the body the same way as calcium and deposits in bones. Sardines and other small fish are eaten whole with the bones and that is why they are more likely a source of this toxic element.

    The reason why I am concerned is that the radioactive isotope strontium 90 is a toxic carcinogen and it has been released in Japan’s Fukushima disaster.


  95. USA

    20th July 2017 – How The Pentagon’s Handling Of Munitions And Their Waste Has Poisoned America


    Nearby, Belview Elementary School has been ranked by researchers as facing some the most dangerous air-quality hazards in the country. The rate of thyroid diseases in three of the surrounding counties is among the highest in the state, provoking town residents to worry that emissions from the Radford plant could be to blame. Government authorities have never studied whether Radford’s air pollution could be making people sick, but some of their hypothetical models estimate that the local population faces health risks exponentially greater than people in the rest of the region.

    Federal records identify nearly 200 sites that have been or are still being used to open-burn hazardous explosives across the country. Some blow up aging stockpile bombs in open fields. Others burn bullets, weapons parts and — in the case of Radford — raw explosives in bonfire-like piles. The facilities operate under special government permits that are supposed to keep the process safe, limiting the release of toxins to levels well below what the government thinks can make people sick. Yet officials at the Environmental Protection Agency, which governs the process under federal law, acknowledge that the permits provide scant protection.


  96. Good thing they didn’t force this one on us too.

    The Nuclear Car
    “The car was to use a steam engine powered by uranium fission similar to those found in nuclear submarines.”

    Photo: Looked cool 😉
    “The main problem with the Nucleon was safety.”


    27th June 2017 – Russia begins removal of nuclear waste from Cold War-era submarine base


    For the last 35 years, the old submarine base at Andreyeva Bay has held some 22,000 nuclear fuel assemblies, enough for over 100 reactors’ worth of fuel, from over 50 nuclear submarines, in three storage containers. According to Anatoly Grigoriev, Rosatom’s leading specialist in the coordination and implementation of international programs, removing them will take around 10 years.

    In 1982 one of the storage tanks was damaged and started leaking radioactive water into the Barents Sea, and a new emergency facility had to be set up. But by the early 1990s, all operations there were terminated and the naval base was closed. Since the late 1990s Russia has been co-operating with Norway, and later Sweden, Italy and the UK, to clean up the site and eliminate the leaks as a source of pollution.


    100 nuclear reactors worth of fuel is a massive amount of radioactive waste that has to be dealt with. How much nuclear pollution has leaked into the Barents Sea? Great to see a multinational effort to deal with this issue.


  98. SERBIA

    13th June 2017 – ‘Up to 15 tons of depleted uranium used in 1999 Serbia bombing’ – lead lawyer in suit against NATO


    “The NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 used between 10 and 15 tons of depleted uranium, which caused a major environmental disaster,” said Srdjan Aleksic, a Serbian lawyer who leads the legal team, which includes lawyers from the EU, Russia, China and India. The legal team was formed by the Serbian Royal Academy of Scientists and Artists.

    “In Serbia, 33,000 people fall sick because of this every year. That is one child every day,” he claimed.


  99. WORLD

    25th April 2017 – Groundwater drunk by BILLIONS of people may be contaminated by radioactive material spread across the world by nuclear testing in the 1950s.


    A shocking new study has revealed that groundwater drunk by billions of people may have been contaminated by decades of nuclear weapons testing.

    Researchers looked at more than 6,000 wells around the globe, some containing water more than 10,000 years old, found more than half had traces of tritium.

    Even at low doses, tritium has been linked with increased risk of mutation and cancer because it goes directly into the tissues of organs of the human body.



    3rd May 2017 – Nuclear Reactor Wastewater Will End Up In Your Drinking Water


    The council voted four to two in favor of the decision to process 70,000 gallons of nuclear reactor wastewater in its public sewer system. La Tour voted against the measure.

    “Apparently Beaver Lake is so big it doesn’t matter, but it just makes me uneasy to know we are putting our waste in our drinking water supply,” La Tour said.


    Tritium will be in the nuclear wastewater they intend to dump into the Fayetteville Arkansas community water supply. They have been told it will be safe. Here is a video that reveals independent research on the biological effects of radioactive Tritium. Tritium is something to be very concerned about!

    04.12.2011 – Radioactive Berkeley: No Safe Dose


    The video also expressed a public concern over children visiting the Lawrence Hall of Science to exposure to tritium emissions from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (LBNL) National Tritium Labeling Facility.




  100. USA, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq

    23rd January 2009 – Talk – Dr. Doug Rokke – Depleted Uranium (DU)


    Talk by Dr. Doug Rokke, former head of the Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project speaking about depleted uranium November 16, 2002 at University Baptist Church in Seattle.


    More than 8,000 dead and over 250,000 US military personnel ill from friendly fire, and this is just from the first Gulf war. These numbers do not include the local population civilian injures and deaths caused by the contamination from the use of DU weapons! Local food and water supplies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq could be significantly contaminated in areas where major battles have taken place!


  101. JAPAN

    28.03.2017 – Japan ponders recycling Fukushima soil for public parks & green areas


    Soil from the Fukushima prefecture may be used as landfill for the creation of “green areas” in Japan, a government panel has proposed, facing potential public backlash over fears of exposure to residual radiation from the decontaminated earth.

    In June last year, the Ministry of the Environment decided to reuse contaminated soil with radioactive cesium concentration between 5,000 to 8,000 becquerels per kilogram for public works such as nationwide roads and tidal banks.

    Under these guidelines, which can now be extended to be used for the parks, the tainted soil shall be covered with clean earth, concrete or other materials.


    Fallout in soil from a massive nuclear accident does not just consist of cesium contamination! It is a cocktail of heavy metal radioactive material. At these public parks & green areas, there will be significant health risks to communities, from the dust generated during transport and construction. Also, as we have seen in the past, the decontamination work is often very poorly done. In the future, weathering can leach out or expose the radioactive contamination located in these public parks and green areas.

    Just another mad idea in my opinion.

    Video example:


    Mind you, they have already been burying contaminated soil in parks & green areas in Japan!




  102. JAPAN
    11th March 2017 – Struggling With Japan’s Nuclear Waste, Six Years After Disaster


    Six years after the largest nuclear disaster in a quarter-century, Japanese officials have still not solved a basic problem: what to do with an ever-growing pile of radioactive waste.

    400 Tons of Contaminated Water Per Day

    But the decontamination filters cannot remove all the radioactive material. So for now, all this water is being stored in 1,000 gray, blue and white tanks on the grounds. The tanks already hold 962,000 tons of contaminated water, and Tokyo Electric is installing more tanks.

    3,519 Containers of Radioactive Sludge

    The process of decontaminating the water leaves radioactive sludge trapped in filters, which are being held in thousands of containers of different sizes.

    64,700 Cubic Meters of Discarded Protective Clothing

    To date, more than 64,700 cubic meters of gear has been discarded, the equivalent of 17 million one-gallon containers. Tokyo Electric says it will eventually incinerate all this contaminated clothing to reduce the space needed to store it.

    Branches and Logs From 220 Acres of Deforested Land

    Now, piles of branches and tree trunks are stacked all over the site. Officials say there are about 80,000 cubic meters of this waste, and all of it will have to be incinerated and stored someday.

    200,400 Cubic Meters of Radioactive Rubble

    Tokyo Electric estimates that more than 200,400 cubic meters of rubble — all of it radioactive — have been removed so far and stored in custom-made steel boxes. That is the equivalent of about 3,000 standard 40-foot shipping containers.

    3.5 Billion Gallons of Soil

    Japan’s Ministry of the Environment estimates that it has bagged 3.5 billion gallons of soil, and plans to collect much more. It will eventually incinerate some of the soil, but that will only reduce the volume of the radioactive waste, not eliminate it.

    1,573 Nuclear Fuel Rods

    The condition and location of this molten fuel debris are still largely unknown. In one reactor where a robot was sent in January, much of the melted fuel is believed to have burned through the bottom of the inner reactor vessel and burrowed into the thick concrete foundation of the containment structure.


    The idea of incinerating large volumes of radioactive contaminated material is just madness, and criminal in my opinion. Incineration doesn’t get rid of the radioactive contamination, it just spreads it everywhere. Japanese authorities have been incinerating large volumes of radioactive contaminated material for years now.

    Here is an example, 10 microSv/h, near Fukushima city garbage incineration plant, March 2014:




  103. CHINA

    16th March 2017 – Nike Put in Hot Seat for False Marketing by Chinese TV Show


    Radiation Concerns

    The program, which aired Wednesday, also accused the Japanese retailer of Muji-brand products of selling food from areas that showed signs of radioactive contamination. The products were mislabeled and didn’t reveal that some came from Japanese areas that were affected by radiation, according to the show.

    Shortly after the program, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. said it has been tracking and blocking “abnormal” Japanese nuclear-contaminated products since 2011, according to a Weibo post from the company. Alibaba has deleted 22,000 links to suspected products and has taken actions against 4,108 businesses in 2016, it said.

    The show also targeted two e-commerce sites that sold Japanese products ranging from rice to milk powder from radiation-contaminated areas in violation of Chinese customs rules, it alleged. One of the sites was backed by By-Health Co., a local maker of nutritional supplements.


  104. What madness. Sheer, utter, life ending madness! Nuclear power must be stopped immediately, worldwide. This is going to cause the extinction of life on earth for goodness sakes. Enough already!!!

  105. JAPAN

    9th March 2017 – Fukushima laden with piles of radioactive soil that can’t be moved into storage


    One of the reasons behind Sakai’s decision not to return is the radioactively contaminated soil that remains in the village. Walking around the village, one can see mounds with green covers over them, concealing flexible containers that hold contaminated soil. According to the Ministry of the Environment, the amount of tainted soil stored temporarily like this, as of the end of January, totals roughly 2.4 million cubic meters for the village of Iitate alone, or enough to fill the Tokyo Dome baseball stadium twice.

    So far, however, only about 6,000 cubic meters of soil have been transported to interim storage facilities, while the amount due to be transported next fiscal year stands at about 22,000 cubic meters. At this pace, under a simple calculation, it would take over 100 years to transport all of the waste to interim storage facilities.

    Separately, decontamination work has also been carried out in prefectures besides Fukushima — extending to 57 municipalities in seven prefectures, including Tochigi and Miyagi. The amount of contaminated soil in these cases stands at about 320,000 cubic meters. In about 95 percent of cases, the soil is stored onsite. But since interim storage facilities are designed for contaminated soil from Fukushima Prefecture alone, it has not even been decided what should be done with this waste.


  106. Dear Lord. It appears as though our government would rather we die than reveal the truth about the state of our Pacific Ocean and it’s relationship to the Fukushima disaster. I thought the first responsibility of government was to protect its citizens. Not any longer I guess.


    The information in this question posted on Armstrong Economics, points to widespread censorship of scientific research, on the effects of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe on the Pacific Ocean.

    13th February 2017 – Quotes:

    “I have just returned from visiting my friend, who is a senior cetacean biologist at one of the large west coast universities. While there, he described an amazing situation to me that has alarmed me greatly. He said that research at his university has conclusively identified the complete or almost complete collapse of several dozen food chains within the Pacific Ocean, all within the last 36 months or so.

    Further, in “unauthorized” exchanges with the relevant departments in other coast universities, he learned that the numbers involved may well be more like hundreds of chain collapses in the same timeframe as opposed to dozens. Finally, in talking with authoritative figures in Vancouver, they apparently believe that the figure is likely closer to 1000.”

    “As bad as all of this sounds, here is the real rub. Regarding these findings about food chain collapses, mutations, and injuries, my friend’s university has instituted a policy that forbids them from publishing their findings, from discussing their findings (on this subject) publicly or in private with other researchers outside their own campus, or finally from taking “unauthorized” radiation readings as part of their research. The penalties for violating these new rules are severe: loss of tenure, civil lawsuits for violation of contract, and potentially employment termination.”



    22nd February 2017 – Radioactive boars found in Czech forests 31yrs after Chernobyl disaster


    When boars eat radioactive mushrooms, they become radioactive themselves. Boar meat is highly popular in the Czech Republic, so there’s danger of radioactive meat ending up on one’s table.

    According to Reuters data, at least 614 wild boars were inspected from 2014 to 2016, and 47 percent of them were radioactive.



    10th February 2017 – Italian businessman dumped North Korean nuclear waste in ocean near Taiwan


    Comerio began collaborating closely with the government of North Korea around 1995, the documents said. In return for the payment of US$227 million (NT$7 billion), he disposed of 200,000 barrels of radioactive waste, whose final resting place must be the ocean near Taiwan, according to SISMI.

    Between 1989 and 1995, an estimated 90 ships carrying nuclear waste were sunk in the Mediterranean, and as recently as 2003, the intelligence service presented a report to the Italian government saying that two ships loaded with industrial waste and other toxic materials had arrived in the Somali capital Mogadishu.


  110. SYRIA

    17th February 2017 – Syria is plagued with radioactive contamination: Dr. Leuren Moret


    American geoscientist and international radiation expert Leuren Moret says the whole country of Syria is plagued with radioactive contamination because the United States not only used depleted uranium weaponry, but provided it to terrorists fighting against the Syrian government.

    According to experts, the use of depleted uranium is a war crime, a crime against humanity, and an act of genocide, because the civilian population’s exposure to depleted uranium causes genetic damage, birth defects, cancer, immune system damage, and other serious health problems.

    They also argued that DU contamination was connected to the sharp rise in leukemia, renal, and anemia cases, especially among children, across the Arab country in recent years.


    Depleted Uranium (DU) air, food and water contamination, is now widespread across the Middle East. Research has shown DU from battles in the Middle East have been found in Europe, having been blown there by the wind!





  111. CHINA

    8th February 2017 – China urges Japan to act responsibly over Fukishima radiation


    Gui Liming, a professor at the Department of Engineering Physics with Tsinghua University, warned that seafood which was caught from the radiated waters and illegally imported still pose a threat to Chinese people’s health.

    Customs authorities in Qingdao, East China’s Shandong Province, detained 14 people in August 2016 for smuggling frozen seafood from Japan, including irradiated high-end seafood from waters near Fukushima prefecture, China Central Television reported.


  112. JAPAN

    8th February 2017 – Japan Radiation Embargoed Food List


    These embargoed food lists give an idea of what food products were found to be contaminated on a frequent enough basis to warrant banning them from sale. This list also doesn’t assure other food items (or food from other prefectures) to not be contaminated. In order to confirm that, regular and frequent testing would be needed. The embargo list does follow what other reporting has confirmed to be problematic foods.

    Food restrictions are listed in two levels. One is where the item is completely restricted from sale, the other where it must pass the government management program before it can be sold. The government management program allows the item to have up to 100 bq/kg of cesium before they will prevent it from being sold. The management programs are imperfect. Spot checks won’t catch all contaminated products. Bulk testing can miss a highly contaminated item mixed in with uncontaminated items. Anything below 100 bq/kg is permitted to be sold.


  113. USA

    8th April 2015 – AMS analyses of I-129 from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in the Pacific Ocean waters of the Coast La Jolla – San Diego, USA


    This paper presents the results of an experimental study we performed by using the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) method with iodine 129 (T1/2 = 15.7 My), to determine the increase of the radionuclide content in the USA West Pacific Coast waters, two years after the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. The collection of the water samples took place between April and July 2013 at regular intervals of time, from the Pacific Ocean, at the cove of La Jolla, San Diego, USA.

    The results of the experiments showed a significant increase of the radionuclide concentration during the late spring of 2013. Compared to the isotopic ratio 129I/127I, measured at a 40 km distance, offshore of Fukushima and immediately after the accident, our results show an increase on the USA West Coast that was more than a 2.5 factor higher.


    Most people are not aware there are lots of different types of radioactive Iodine in fallout, not just Iodine-131. Most of the 36 different types of radioactive iodine are produced as a byproduct of a fission reaction from either nuclear weapons testing, nuclear power plants or a nuclear accident.

    It would be logical to suggest that locations that had fallout detections of Iodine I-131 from Fukushima, eg. Japan, Southern California (In kelp), San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Europe etc., would have had other radioactive Iodine isotopes in their fallout as well.

    The bio-accumulation of I-129 poses a serious health problem for animal and human populations. Unlike radioactive Iodine I-131, which has a short half life of 8 days, or an environmental presence of 80 days +, radioactive Iodine I-129 has a half life of 15.7 million years!


  114. JAPAN

    16th November 2016 – Long-distance transport of radioactive plume by nocturnal local winds


    A schematic of the transport of radioactive materials is presented in Fig. 4. The radioactive materials are transported to an area offshore of Fukushima by the land breeze, and then, the plume moves to the south via the NSW (Fig. 4a). In the morning, the radioactive plume flows into the Tokyo metropolitan area via the NELW, which is formed by the nocturnal meso-low (Fig. 4b). In the afternoon, the plume moves to the mountain area located to the northeast of the Tokyo metropolitan area because of the intensified sea breeze induced by the heat-low over the mountains in central Japan (Fig. 4c).

    The northeasterly wind accompanied by rain is often observed around the Tokyo metropolitan area during winter mornings27,28,29. The developed nocturnal meso-low is responsible for this precipitation. Consequently, it was reassuring that no rainfall was detected on 15 March 2011, when the highest air doses were observed (case 1 in Fig. 1). If rainfall had occurred, the serious contamination would have also caused in the Tokyo metropolitan area.


  115. USA

    5th January 2017 – UCUT study finds trace amounts of radiation in migratory salmon Columbia River


    In the Columbia River salmon, UCUT found no cesium-137 but did find trace amounts of strontium-90, which is another Fukushima radionuclide, according to Gauthier.

    One question, he noted, is why ONA found cesium-134 but UCUT did not find the derivative cesium-137.

    The former has a half-life of 2.06 years, meaning the isotope should only survive in that form for just over two years*. After a several years in the ocean—i.e. as the radiation moved away from Fukushima toward the West Coast—scientists believe cesium-134 should have broken down and cesium-137, with its longer half-life, should have been found. * Editor -Actually this is not factually accurate. Cesium-134 (Cs-134) does not change form. It’s half life means that it is diminishes by half in the said amount of time. With a 2.06 year half life, one would expect to see Cs-134 for 10 half lives before being totally gone, or just over 20 years. In short, it is not surprising to find in Pacific Ocean migrating fish.

    The UCUT study, which used fish tissue samples from two Chinook and two sockeye salmon in the Columbia River, also found levels of dioxins and furans, mercury and PCBs, according to Gauthier. Next week, the Tribune will publish a second article on those findings.


    Quote from this report,

    “The UCUT study, which used fish tissue samples from two Chinook and two sockeye salmon in the Columbia River, also found levels of dioxins and furans, mercury and PCBs, according to Gauthier. Next week, the Tribune will publish a second article on those findings.”

    Toxicity Multiplying Effect

    There where numerous reports of a massive drop in fish stocks occurring all along the west coast of America in 2016.

    North Pacific Ocean water is now a mixture of toxic industrial chemicals washed out to sea during the tsunami, and a variety of radioactive isotopes, not just Cesium, but also Tritium, Strontium, Americium, and Plutonium, etc. A lot of these isotopes are heavy metal toxins, as well as being radioactive. All this has now been added to the toxins that were already in the Pacific Ocean, before Fukushima.

    A single toxin in the environment can be a hazard, and maybe an organism’s natural biological defense system can deal with this effectively. If an organism has multiple toxins present, radiological and chemical, to deal with at the same time, you get a biological toxicity multiplying effect. The human or animal defense systems become weaker the more toxins they have to deal with.

    Biologically, one toxin plus one toxin, does not equate double the toxicity effect. Studies show you can get a multiplying toxicity damaging effect 10 to 20 times greater. The organism becomes overloaded dealing with too much toxic stress at once.



  116. CHINA

    18th November 2012 – Coal mines near uranium deposits spoiling value of nuclear fuel


    The problem is these rich veins of uranium are buried between thick belts of coal.

    “We have found some instances of very high exposure, hundreds of times higher than what you would expect near a nuclear power plant. I asked the cities’ environmental protection authorities to take immediate measures to reduce residents’ exposure, such as adding dust-removing devices to the power plants, but they demanded I keep my mouth shut, or I would be held responsible for causing social panic.”

    According to a 2006 paper published in the mainland academic journal Oil and Gas Geology, Liu’s team confirmed that nearly all the uranium and coal deposits in north China had formed at the same time. The researchers came up with several theories to explain the co-location phenomenon.


  117. 25th December 2016 – Taiwan hearing on Japan food ban canceled after erupting in chaos


    She also argued the administration is in no position to talk about the government’s plan to ease the ban because it cannot ensure food safety, citing the recent discovery that packets of soy sauce subject to the ban entered the country illegally.

    Following the discovery, the Executive Yuan, or Cabinet, said before a mechanism is established to ensure the safety of food products imported from the five prefectures and public confidence in the government is restored, easing the ban is not an option.


  118. God only knows how many radioactive foods we import into the US from Japan every year. I don’t know if any testing is done to prevent this. I haven’t eaten anything from Japan or the Pacific ocean since the disaster. Sadly, I won’t for the rest of my life and I love Japanese food.

  119. TAIWAN

    18th December 2016 – 8 firms to be fined for importing food from radiation-affected areas


    Taipei, Dec. 18 (CNA) Fines will be imposed on eight companies which have been found to have imported foods from Japan’s radiation-affected areas, Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said Sunday.

    As of Sunday, a total of 39 Japanese food products and nearly 60,000 items have been pulled from store shelves in Taiwan, with many of them being soy sauce and wasabi packets that go with Japanese natto, or fermented soybeans.


  120. JAPAN

    13th December 2016 – Fukushima Fish Still Contaminated


    Asahi Shimbun published a fairly misleading article last week where they claimed radiation in Fukushima fish was not detected. http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201612060039.html

    The tests from the prefecture do not have a test date. They only include a sample collection date and the date the data was released. Fish collected and tested with both dates within this date range cited in the article do show detected radioactive (cesium) contamination. These include fish hauled to the towns of Iwaki, Hirono and Okuma, all three are Pacific fishing ports. The contaminated fish include flounder, kurodai (black sea bream), kanagashira and kurosoi (black rock fish) all saltwater fish.

    We also found a story released around the same time that documented a civic radiation testing group found 14.6 bq/kg of cesium in a sample of olive flounder that was caught about 2 km from Fukushima Daiichi.


  121. @ Bob
    “I get sick to my stomach whenever I read about what is happening to the Pacific Ocean due to the Fukushima disaster. This is an extinction event I’m afraid.”

    I understand your grief, it shows you have a compassionate heart.

    All the wars and strife in the world at present, is analogous to people fighting each other on a sinking boat. We urgently need the whole world to cooperate, and focus on dealing with the ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe.

  122. I get sick to my stomach whenever I read about what is happening to the Pacific Ocean due to the Fukushima disaster. This is an extinction event I’m afraid. The longer it goes on, the worse the contamination becomes. How utterly stupid are we to adopt such a dangerous technology as nuclear energy? One can only hope there are other planets out there supporting life as we know it, otherwise we too will soon become a footnote in the history of life itself.

  123. USA

    9th December 2016 – Fukushima radiation has reached U.S. shores


    The Oregon samples, marking the first time cesium-134 has been detected on U.S. shores, were taken in January and February of 2016 and later analyzed. They each measured 0.3 becquerels per cubic meter of cesium-134.

    Those results will become more important in tracking the radiation plume, Buesseler said, because the short half-life of cesium-134 makes it harder to detect as time goes on.


    In my opinion, the Fukushima catastrophic toxic and radioactive pollution of the Pacific Ocean is much more dynamic than this article’s simplistic scientific focus on Cesium contamination in sea water. There is no mention in this article of bio-accumulation, or the toxicity multiply effects.

    Multiple nuclear reactor cores are in China syndrome, and the ground water is continually following over these toxic cores into the Pacific Ocean. Radioactive Cesium 137 and 134 are just a couple of the very large number of heavy metal radioactive toxins that are continually following into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Catastrophe site.

    A single toxin in the environment can be a hazard, but maybe an organism’s natural biological defense system can deal with this effectively. If an organism has multiple new toxins present, radiological and chemical, to deal with at the same time, you get a biological toxicity multiplying effect. Human or animal defense systems become weaker the more toxins they have to deal with.

    Biologically, one toxin plus one toxin, does not equate double the toxicity effect. Studies show you can get a multiplying toxicity damaging effect 10 to 20 times greater. The organism becomes overloaded dealing with too much toxic stress at once.

    Like the human embryo, embryonic sea life, including fish eggs, are hypersensitive to radioactive contamination. This massive amount of radioactive environment pollution continually following into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Catastrophe site has resulted in the Pacific Ocean food supply crashing! As a result there are numerous reports of Northern Pacific fish stocks crashing, plus reports of seals, whales and birds etc., washing up on the west coast of North America, starving to death.





    17th April 2016 – Exiled scientist: ‘Chernobyl is not finished, it has only just begun’


    Several million people in Ukraine live on land contaminated by radiation, so we need to evaluate a very large number of people. But there are no such projects. You have to live among the people here to truly understand what is happening, because the problem is very complicated. I have even tried to send interested people to the cemetery in Ivankiv so they can see for themselves how many graves are there — many who died at a very young age. None of this is in the official statistics.

    I am very much afraid that in one or two generations from now, the (descendants) of the population of Belarus and Ukraine that were affected by Chernobyl will vanish. I am afraid of that very much. I don’t want my countrymen to perish. It’s possible that help from the international community to understand what is going on is needed now, just as much as it was immediately after the accident.


  124. UKRAINE

    30th November 2016 – A radioactive berry-picking boom outside Chernobyl


    Brown notes that in 2015, Ukraine exported 1,300 tons of fresh berries and 17,251 tons of frozen berries to the European market. That is more than 30 times as much as in 2014.

    The berry picking brings in money for locals as well. A picker can earn $20 to $30 a day, whereas a local schoolteacher earns $80 a month.

    However, Brown also says there could be some hidden costs — the berries end up in the hands of European customers who often do not know they are ingesting foods containing radioactive isotopes. In addition, Brown notes, the berries can be labeled organic, since radioactivity is not covered under common organic designations.


  125. JAPAN

    22nd November 2016 – Marine radiation monitoring post down after M7.4


    In the evening of 11/22/2016, Tepco announced the radiation monitoring post in the sea has been suspended due to the quake. The post is situated at the end of the breakwater of Fukushima plant port. They cannot monitor the radioactive substance spreading to the Pacific with this monitoring post out of order.

    They also admitted the underwater fence was damaged, and also the coolant water got out of the common spent fuel pool due to the quake. It reportedly spread over 2m * 3m but the exact volume is not announced.


  126. Japanese used cars seemed to present the biggest risk for contamination after Fukushima. Here are a few reports I was able to find doing a quick search.

    26th August 2012 – Radioactive Japanese cars on the market


    Sunday Monitor can reveal that a large number of second hand radioactive vehicles that originated from Japan exclusion zone that surrounds the Fukushima prefecture’s power plant have made their way into the used car market in the country. However, what is more worrying is the fact that government is sitting on a report warning that the effects could be fatal. The report was made to it in January 2012.

    Ms Kyambadde, however, revealed that recently a section of Ugandan car importers complained to her that Kenyan authorities had destroyed their cars at Mombasa. “But the Kenyans told me the cars were destroyed because they had nuclear radiation,” she revealed.



    15th July 2014 – Fukushima radiation still showing up in some Japanese cars


    In the wake of the 2011 tsunami that caused a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, there was a fear that radioactive cars and trucks could be bound for export. Within days of the tragedy, Nissan was already testing its vehicles’ radiation levels (pictured above), and the rest of the Japanese auto industry followed soon after. However, three years after the natural disaster, it appears that some used models are still making it out and winding up on the roads in Central Asia.



    7th January 2014 – Radiation concern bars Japanese car shipment


    In a move that could sound an alarm to ‘grey import’ car fans, a shipment of 132 used Japanese cars has been barred from entering Russia over radioactive contamination concerns nearly three years after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was crippled in March 2011.



    21st September 2014 – 26 times much radiation level detected from Japanese used car “Mitsubishi Pajero” in Russian customs

    Since the beginning of 2014, the customs of Russia have detected excessive level of radiation from 58 Japanese used cars and the parts. 53 cars were rejected but 2 cars were accepted to distribute in Russian market.




    24th October 2016 – Radiation effects Japanese Automobile Effects – International authorities checking imports – Dealers selling radioactive used cars in Japan


    Customs officials stopped 49 cars with radiation levels up to six times above normal, while some vehicles had traces of the radioactive isotopes caesium-127 and uranium-238, said Roman Famin, who heads the regional customs’ radiation monitoring department.

    The Vladivostok port receives about 300 cars from abroad every day, its management said in a statement on Thursday, complaining that it would shortly run out of space to park the contaminated cars.


  127. Re: vital1 comment November 10, 2016 on Car Wash Septic Tank contamination.

    I remember early on when someone, I believe it was user potrblog, said it was a good idea to wash off your car with a hose before pulling into a garage if you’ve been driving in hot rain.

    The PROBLEM IS the insidious nature of radioactive contamination and the numerous TRANSPORT VECTORS that are a beyond belief nightmare. 🙁

    Radioactive contamination always goes somewhere.

    IMO – There is no such thing as a so called cleanup at this point. Awareness and mitigation are our best defenses.

    Slowly, but surely, over time, as wind and water moves, the FALLOUT will continue to spread, spread and spread again while it accumulates throughout Japan and the world.

  128. @Bob: When Kim asked this in 2011, we checked Japanese vehicles at a dealership in Santa Monica, California, and found nothing above normal. This, however, was a covert endeavor and not nearly comprehensive enough. We tested a neighbor’s new 2012 Prius from the same dealership in and out of the vehicle and also found nothing abnormal. That said, it is over 4.5 years later and we invite any EnviroReporter.com reader to let us test his or her new Japanese-made vehicle in and out at no charge (of course) in order for us to share the results and photographs of the survey.

  129. Has anyone tested post Fukushima Japanese cars for contamination? I worry that cars manufactured in Japan, or made with Japanese steel, may be radioactive.

  130. @vital1: Thank you yet again for this scandalous news as well as keeping us up on the worst man-made disaster in history – Fukushima. It is amazing that untold numbers of Japanese are getting nuked every time they get in their cars, not to mention the smaller sets of lungs in the back seat in the toddler restraints. It’s now possible that foreign visitors to Tokyo’s Radiation Olympics in 2020 will be able to experience this uniquely Japanese experience when they rent cars to visit Olympic venues near the triple meltdowns. Vital1’s contributions to EnviroReporter.com, and his own comprehensive websites, should be required reading for anyone having to be in or go to Japan.

  131. JAPAN

    6th November 2016 – Car wash septic tanks emerge as radiation threat in Fukushima


    Highly radioactive sludge is turning up in septic tanks at car washes in Fukushima Prefecture, and the readings are as much as seven times higher than the government’s limit, auto industry officials say.

    While the government-set limit is 8,000 becquerels per kilogram, some of the sludge is giving off 57,400 becquerels per kg, a document obtained by Kyodo News says.

    The issue has failed to gain attention until now in part because the decontamination law only requires that companies report on radiation levels in sewage sludge and incinerated ash, not other waste products.


    This sludge would be a toxic cocktail of heavy metal radioactive substances, not just Cesium 137 / 134! The drivers and passengers using these cars would have been breathing radioactive contaminants that came in through the car ventilation systems.


  132. IRAQ

    7th November 2016 – Fallujah 12 years on: Americans ‘last people to consider’ generations crippled by depleted uranium


    “We know it was exposure to uranium because we measured the uranium in our study. We spent a lot of money looking at the uranium levels at the hair of the parents of the children with congenital malformations. So, there’s no doubt about it being uranium,” Professor Busby said.

    “The people who control or try to control the understanding of the health effects of uranium are the people who are associated with the military and governments who need to show that they didn’t do anything wrong and can continue to use this stuff. So, yes, there is a cover-up, no question about it. And it’s at a very high level. It will have to stop because evidence that’s emerging in periodic literature is absolutely massive. It doesn’t only come from Iraq and from exposure to depleted uranium. It comes from exposure to uranium from uranium workers in France and from uranium miners in Namibia, and nuclear test veterans who were exposed to uranium,” Busby said.

    “It’s actually very difficult to decontaminate an area that’s been affected by depleted uranium, because it spreads so uniformly across the area and in the form of these very fine particles. So, it’s not a case of going somewhere and finding something that’s radioactive and removing it. You can do that, but the thing that are causing the problem is the inhalation of these dusts. And once the dust is created, it goes all over the place. The damage that’s been done to the DNA, you can’t clean that up, it’s already there. The continuing level of congenital malformations and cancer presumably is an indicator of the fact that the genome of these people has been affected, and that’s like a sort of trans-generational curse that will go on for a very long time, for generations,”


  133. JAPAN

    21st October 2016 – Ice wall not working at Fukushima nuclear plant


    An underground ice wall built around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has so far been unable to block the flow of groundwater entering buildings and mixing with contaminated water.

    Work on freezing some sections of soil began in late March, much later than planned, and the wall on the ocean side was completed in October. However, it has already faced several difficulties. The flow of water was too fast in certain places for freezing to occur, while a series of typhoons and heavy rains sharply raised underground temperatures and melted some ice.


  134. JAPAN

    September 2016 – Monitoring by sampling, Results of Radioactive Analysis around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station


    Sampling regarding Groundwater Bypass

    As a measure to prevent contaminated water from accumulating, the groundwater bypass has begun its operation since May 2014, which pumps up groundwater on the mountain side before flowing into the buildings and drains the water into the ocean after checking its purity. The pumped up groundwater is once stored in temporary storage tanks, and then its radioactive material concentration is mesured to confirm that its quality meets the operation target.

    The third-party organization also analyzes the radioactive material concentration to ensure the objectivity of the analysis result.


    At the bottom of this page there are also fish and shellfish testing results for Strontium-90 as well as Cesium 137/134. This report is for a 20km radius into the Pacific Ocean, around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station catastrophe site.


  135. USA

    24th October 2016 – Lawsuit to Bare Full Range of EPA Radiation Rollback, Ultra-High Exposures in Water after Nuclear Release but Details Remain Cloaked.


    For other non-disclosed radionuclides, according to internal EPA documents obtained by PEER in a previous FOIA lawsuit, a person would receive a lifetime dosage from a small glass of water.

    It is not what one expects from a bunch of people who bill themselves as the most transparent administration in history.”
    This final PAGs plan is sitting on the desk of top officials at EPA and, with approval of Administrator Gina McCarthy, could go into immediate effect.





  136. JAPAN

    13th October 2016 – Fukushima Forests, Dubbed ‘Radiation Reservoirs,’ Are Full of Mutated Life Forms


    According to the Greenpeace report, this could lead to disastrous long-term health consequences for those who choose to return to their homes.

    It’s difficult to imagine that the IAEA was unaware of the peer-reviewed studies that the Greenpeace report was based on, and so it would appear that the authorities involved are willing to risk the health of thousands of people in their efforts to cover up the true extent of the dangerous radioactive contamination in the area near the plant.


  137. USA

    June 2016 – Straight Talk is Rare Concerning Radioactive and Chemical Contamination from the Idaho National Laboratory in the Snake River Plain Aquifer


    Not only tritium was disposed of into the Snake River Plain Aquifer from the INL historical operations. Iodine-129, neptunium-237, technetium-99, chlorine-36, carbon-12 and other less mobile radionuclides such as uranium, strontium-90, and cesium-137 were injected into the aquifer at INL’s INTEC, the chemical spent fuel separations facility to recover highly enriched uranium from government reactors. A uniquely important study by the USGS that sampled and analyzed aquifer contamination around INTEC was never reported in a USGS or DOE report.

    It also means that the INTEC plume of aquifer contamination that was driven by the large injection volume of water reached Atomic City by the 1970s. And the aquifer there still has elevated tritium levels and other contaminants along with elevated chromium, sodium and nitrate, all markers of the INTEC plume. The contaminated drinking water at the INL’s Central Facilities Area receives the INTEC plume and the contamination will slowly head south for years to come. The tritium levels at the Central Facilities area south of INTEC remain high despite the decades of decay for the 12.3 year half life isotope.


  138. JAPAN

    26th September 2016 – Fukushima Radioactive Contamination of Tap Water in Eastern Japan


    The measures quoted in this article are from the Japan Nuclear Regulatory Agency.

    As every measure given by the Japanese government agencies and Tepco during the past 5 and half years, we have the right to question their exactitude and therefore the true numbers could be actually higher than the ones published.

    Still the fact remains that they do recognize a certain contamination of the tap water in many prefectures of Eastern Japan.

    Cesium level is highest in Tokyo tap water (published in June 2016)




    Information Source: Nuclear Regulatory Agency


  139. JAPAN

    26th September 2016 – Anxiety soars as cesium builds up in Fukushima dams


    Dams surrounding the stricken Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) have become de facto storage facilities for high concentrations of radioactive cesium as the element continues to accumulate.

    According to a Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries survey, Ogaki Dam, an agricultural dam in Namie, was estimated to have sediment totaling approximately 8 trillion becquerels of cesium as of December 2013. The agriculture ministry plans to re-survey the dam’s accumulated cesium amounts and water safety before the water is used for agricultural purposes. Agricultural and fishery products from Fukushima Prefecture are tested to ensure that radioactive substances that they contain are below the maximum permissible amounts stipulated by law before they are shipped for distribution.


  140. USA

    21st September 2016 – Florida company responsible for 215m gallons radioactive water leak admits delay informing public


    A sinkhole the size of 300 Olympic swimming pools at a Florida fertilizer plant has leaked radioactive wastewater into the state’s aquifer. It took the company more than three weeks to alert the public. Fixing the leak will cost $20 to $50 million.

    Such potential contamination has raised the issue environmental and health concerns with residents and environmental groups.

    “It’s hard to trust them when they ‘Don’t worry,’ when they’ve been keeping its secret for three weeks,” Jacki Lopez, Florida director of the Center for Biological Diversity told Reuters.


  141. USA

    28th February 2016 – Kentucky Radiation Leaks Bigger Problem Than Most Know


    Recently an estimated 1,600 to 1,800 tons of low-level radioactive waste was illegally dumped in an Estill County landfill alarming many kentuckians.

    Additionally, the radioactive level of the material that was buried was at least 340 times more than the amount that is allowed to be buried at a solid waste landfill and apparently the landfill does have a liner and the material has been buried.

    The site is currently managed by the Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The site is considered non-reclaimable and will have to be monitored and maintained in perpetuity.



    1997 – Profile of a National Sacrifice Area: Calvert City, Kentucky


    A December 1990 report states that the Kentucky Department of Radiation Control Branch could not depend on DOE or Martin Marietta Systems to protect the health and safety of the citizens in the area from significant releases of uranium into creeks. Needless to mention, nearby residents are dying of cancer, leukemia, and similar diseases in high numbers. There has never been an independent study of the PGDP work force, or of the unfortunate landowners, whose property has been contaminated and poisoned. We demand that the property owners who wish to leave the area be bought out and relocated. There has been no indication this will happen.

    Environmental justice appears to be almost unknown by Kentucky officialdom. We are convinced the failure to strictly enforce the environmental laws in Kentucky is the reason for the plague of illness seen here. Environmental justice is not a black issue, or a white issue, or an Hispanic issue, or even a rich or poor issue. The dioxin spewed out of LWD’s stacks and other incinerators goes out for thousands of miles, according to an atmospheric scientist. The chemicals dumped into the Tennessee River daily by the millions of gallons all go downriver to poison children as far away as New Orleans. The radioactive contaminants dumped into Big Bayou Creek go downriver. Such radioactive poisons have been found in the drinking water at New Orleans. The poisoned groundwater is a criminal legacy that can kill for generations to come. Environmental Justice is an ethical and moral issue that affects all peoples, all industries, and all states. Until Kentucky and the U.S. EPA strictly enforce the laws the tragedy will continue. The victimization of communities or groups who are economically or socially deprived is even more egregious when accomplished in the name of economic development and social uplift. It is a historical fact that Frankfort and Midway, Kentucky (home of the former governor) and other affluent communities are never the subject for the locations of nasty, killing businesses.



    31st March 2009 – Chinese Nuclear Tests Allegedly Caused 750,000 Deaths


    The professor also said that the largest surface detonation was a 4 megaton thermonuclear bomb, which was 10 times more powerful than the former Soviet Union’s large-scale tests. The fallout from the test allegedly caused an estimated 190,000 deaths and 1,290,000 suffered from radiation poisoning within an area 136 times the size of Tokyo. According to an inside source, 750,000 people allegedly died as a result.

    The Director of the Japanese Uyghur Association criticized the tests. “The former Soviet Union would carry out nuclear tests in an enclosed barb-wired area, but the Chinese regime didn’t even inform the local residents,” he said. “The victims included not only the Uyghur people, but also Han Chinese. The authorities disregarded any semblance of humanity and treated the people living there as lab rats.” He urged Japan, the first victim of nuclear weapons, to share the information with the rest of the world and help the victims.



    24th November 2015 – Plutonium in the Hills: How Do You Keep Nuclear Secrets Buried Forever?


    After the United States test site in Nevada, this desolate place—dubbed the Polygon, the Russian word for “firing range”—would become the world’s largest nuclear testing grounds. In all, 456 explosions were set off here, 340 of them underground after a ban on surface testing in 1963.

    The effects of previous blasts proved to be farther-reaching than military scientists had estimated: To this day, thousands of people living in the nearby city of Semey still struggle with staggering rates of mortality, cancer, and suicide. A 2002 study found that citizens who were exposed to high doses of radiation had an 80 percent higher rate of DNA mutation than control groups, and their children were twice as likely to have genetic aberrations.



    29 August 2011 – Slow Death In Kazakhstan’s Land Of Nuclear Tests


    The human suffering that took place at the site was well-documented, even before testing ended in 1989 and the site officially closed on August 29, 1991. Some 200,000 villagers essentially became human guinea pigs, as scientists explored the potential and dangers of nuclear weapons. Residents were reportedly ordered to step outside their homes during test blasts so that they could later be examined as part of studies on the effects of radiation. Some locals can describe — from first-hand experience — what a mushroom cloud looks like.

    Soil, water, and air remain highly irradiated in the fallout area, where according to scientists the level of radiation is 10 times higher than normal.

    One in every 20 children in the area is born with serious deformities. Many struggle with different types of cancer and more than half of the local population has died before reaching the age of 60.

    “Almost all my classmates and friends have died,” says 50-year-old farmer Aiken Akimbekov, a native of the village of Sarzhal, located near the so-called “atomic lake” formed by a powerful nuclear explosion in the mid-’60s.



    13th May 2011 – America’s Secret Nuclear Test Revealed in Area 51


    According to a 1982 Defense Nuclear Agency request for an unclassified “extract” of the original report, most of which remains Secret/Restricted Data, Project 57 tests confirmed for the scientists that if a person inhales plutonium “it gets distributed principally in bone and remains there indefinitely as far as human life is concerned. One cannot outlive the influence because the alpha half-life of plutonium-239 is of the order of 20,000 years.”

    In other words, plutonium-carrying earthworms that had passed through Area 13, or birds that ate those earthworms, could at some point in the future get to a garden down the road or trees in another field.

    So radiated was the land at Area 25 after the Phoebus accident, even HAZMAT cleanup crews in full protective gear could not enter the area for six weeks.


  143. CHINA

    22nd August 2016 – Smuggled Fukushima seafood seized in China


    The gang was found to have smuggled more than 5,000 tonnes of sea food over the past two years, and some of the goods were from Fukushima and may have been seriously polluted by radiation exposure after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.


    The questions are how widespread is the illegal Fukushima fish smuggling, plus how long has it been going on? The Fukushima fish smuggling is most likely not just restricted to one gang, or one country!


  144. WORLD

    7th July 2016 / 20th June 2016 – Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide, Part 1 and 2.


    Maggie Gundersen, Chiho Kaneko and Caroline Phillips of Fairewinds Energy Education discuss the nuclear risk concerns for children not only near the nuclear disaster sites of Fukushima-Dai-ichiin Japan and Chernobyl in Ukraine, formerly the Soviet Union, but globally where areas near all nuclear power plants are contaminated with radiation. Since mothers in Japan especially bear the responsibility to protect children, they experience greater hardships in an environment where just expressing one’s concern about radiation is seen as a treasonous act. Even 30 years later, the Belarus government recognizes the merits of relocating children away from radiation contaminated areas but the children of Japan are socially forced to stay put in highly contaminated areas.

    Highly radioactive waste from the meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi has been left for “interim storage” in a schoolyard, Japan’s Environment Ministry has approved the use of radiated soil to be recycled for use under paved roads, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has introduced new radiation limits for the public that are at least 25 times higher than current exposure limits. Learn more by watching this episode of Nuclear Free Future as the women of Fairewinds lend their voices to protect the children.

    Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide Part 1


    Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide Part 2



    30th November 2003 – Plutonium from Sellafield in all children’s teeth


    Radioactive pollution from the Sellafield nuclear plant in Cumbria has led to children’s teeth across Britain being contaminated with plutonium. The Government has admitted for the first time that Sellafield ‘is a source of plutonium contamination’ across the country. Public Health Minister Melanie Johnson has revealed that a study funded by the Department of Health discovered that the closer a child lived to Sellafield, the higher the levels of plutonium found in their teeth.

    Professor Eric Wright, of Dundee University Medical School, is one of the country’s leading experts on blood disorders and a member of the committee. He believes that the tiny specks of plutonium in children’s teeth caused by Sellafield radioactive pollution might lead to some people falling ill with cancer.

    He said: ‘There are genuine concerns that the risks from internal emitters of radiation are more hazardous [than previously thought]. The real question is by how much. Is it two or three times more risky… or more than a hundred?’


    The fact that Plutonium, one of the most deadly substances on earth, is in any children’s teeth, is a serious crime. If it is in their teeth, it is also in other parts of their bodies! No mention of that though.


  146. JAPAN

    21st July 2016 – Greenpeace reports jump in radioactive contamination in Fukushima waterways


    Greenpeace Japan on Thursday said it has discovered radioactive contamination in Fukushima’s riverbanks, estuaries and coastal waters at a scale hundreds of times higher than pre-2011 levels.

    One sample of sediment taken along the Niida River, less than 30 km northwest of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant, revealed the presence of cesium-134 and cesium-137 at levels of 29,800 becquerels per kilogram.



    20th July 2016 – TEPCO told to solve problem of harmful water at Fukushima plant


    About 60,000 tons of water containing extremely high levels of radiation have accumulated in the basements of the No. 1 through No. 4 reactor and turbine buildings.

    Water leaking to the basement floors of the facilities after being used to cool melted nuclear fuel at the plant has mixed with underground water flowing there.

    The concentration of radioactive cesium is estimated at between hundreds of thousands becquerels and tens of millions of becquerels per liter.





    Direct measurements of seven highly exposed workers at the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident have been performed continuously since June 2011. Caesium clearance in the monitored workers is in agreement with the biokinetic models proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. After 500 d from the initial measurement, however, the caesium clearance slowed. It was thought to be unlikely that additional Cs intake had occurred after the initial intake, as activity in foods was kept low. And, the contribution from the detector over the chest was enhanced with time. This indicates that insoluble Cs particles were inhaled and a long metabolic rate showed.


  147. USA

    4th February 2016 – An Invisible Epidemic, Can an epidemic really sneak up on us like this?


    Today, one of the main sources of human exposure to radioactive iodine is nuclear power reactors. Not only from accidents like the ones at Chernobyl and Fukushima, but from the routine operation of reactors. To create electricity, these plants use the same process to split uranium atoms that is used in atomic bombs. In that process, waste products, including I-131, are produced in large amounts and must be contained to prevent exposure to workers and local residents. Some of this waste inevitably leaks from reactors and finds its way into plants and the bodies of humans and other animals.

    The highest rates of thyroid cancer in the United States, according to federal statistics, are found in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York, states with the densest concentration of reactors in the nation. In a study conducted in 2009, one of this article’s authors (Janette Sherman) found the highest rates of thyroid cancer occurring within 90-mile radiuses of the 16 nuclear power plants (13 still operating) in those states.


  148. ITALY

    24th June 2016 – How the mafia is causing cancer


    “We are talking about millions of tonnes,” said Schiavone, who even claimed German nuclear waste was ferried to Campania. “I knew that people were doomed to die.” In front of the committee he described dumping operations taking place in the dead of night, guarded by men in military uniforms and with the connivance of senior police officers, politicians and businesspeople. The supergrass showed state officials the locations of sites because, he predicted with startling accuracy, nearby residents would be “dying of cancer within 20 years”.

    Mazza asked health authorities for the cancer data for an eastern region of Campania with high levels of dumping – and when he received the results, he believed it showed evidence of links between environmental degradation and a rising incidence of tumours. Male death rates from bladder and liver cancer in this rural district were about twice national rates, for instance, and female mortality from liver cancer was more than three times the Italian average. And while improved diagnosis and treatment were boosting survival rates elsewhere, local medics were seeing rising mortality and younger patients. “The age was important,” he said. “Cancer is usually found in older people, but these were younger people dying.”


  149. JAPAN

    26th June 2016 – Radioactive cesium fallout on Tokyo from Fukushima concentrated in glass microparticles


    Japanese geochemists, headed by Dr Satoshi Utsunomiya (Kyushu University, Japan), analysed samples collected from within an area up to 230 km from the FDNPP. As caesium is water-soluble, it had been anticipated that most of the radioactive fallout would have been flushed from the environment by rainwater. However, analysis with state-of-the-art electron microscopy in conjunction with autoradiography techniques showed that most of the radioactive caesium in fact fell to the ground enclosed in glassy microparticles, formed at the time of the reactor meltdown.

    The analysis shows that these particles mainly consist of Fe-Zn-oxides nanoparticles, which, along with the caesium were embedded in Si oxide glass that formed during the molten core-concrete interaction inside the primary containment vessel in the Fukushima reactor units 1 and/or 3. Because of the high Cs content in the microparticles, the radioactivity per unit mass was as high as ~4.4×1011 Bq/g, which is between 107 and 108 times higher than the background Cs radioactivity per unit mass of the typical soils in Fukushima.

    Analysis from several air filters collected in Tokyo on 15 March 2011 showed that 89% of the total radioactivity was present as a result of these caesium-rich microparticles, rather than the soluble Cs, as had originally been supposed.


    Note that the micro particles measurement was ~4.4×1011 Bq/g. This is in Becquerel per gram, so you need to multiply this amount by another 1,000 times to get the Bq/kg amount. The test shows these micro particles are extremely radioactive! They would have spread much further outside of 230 km collection area by now, through wind and rain action, plus human activity.



    15th June 2016 – Radioactive soil turns up at Fukushima high school


    When a teacher scooped up soil samples at the site and had their radiation levels measured by two nonprofit monitoring entities–one in Fukushima and another in Tokyo–the results showed 27,000-33,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram.

    A large amount of contaminated soil–far more radioactive than in the current incident–is still buried in the school yard for temporary storage.


  150. JAPAN

    20th June 2016 – Fukushima rice to be sold in Britain


    A total of 1.9 tons of Fukushima rice called Ten no Tsub