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Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins

July 30, 2012: 37 x background rads in St. Louis rain, 58 x BG in Brazil, deformed sunflowers in Goleta CA, 200 LA BG in Ontario Canada, phony TEPCO emission numbers at Fukushima Daiichi & talk of censored citizen rad readings at U.S. rad detection system. Though leery of so-called “citizen journalism,” Collins puts out call for experienced and vettable folks with radiation monitors on the West Coast to begin to test fish and tsunami debris to share with America’s most trusted environmental website.

Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins

July 23, 2012: Iffy Stanford University study on Fukushima cancers, new Japanese gov tests of radioactive Pacific fish, 300 hot Japanese cars caught by Russian customs, tragic video of Japanese nursery school close to meltdowns site and more in fast-paced half-hour show where a patient Jeff can’t get a word in edgewise due to Michael’s ability to talk nonstop for 23 minutes without taking a breath. This is the first (and last) Michael Blabberthon.


A wide-range of topics covered with radioactive bluefin tuna in the Pacific indicating high contamination in West Coast fisheries for over a year with levels likely increasing; streets in Tokyo so hot they measure hundreds of times different intensities just crossing them; National Academy of Sciences panel on Fukushima lessons packed with nuclear industry reps sparking outrage at this taxpayer-funded event that repeats the mistakes just outlined in a Japanese government report on Fukushima: nuclear industry compromising the regulatory bodies designed to keep them in check and safe. Runkle Canyon update with KB Home facing off against the residents at a planning commission meeting sabotaged by fauxteur illegally taping commissioners.

Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins

July 9, 2012: 45-minute show discussing new Pacific Ocean rad contamination predictions, radioactive California almonds & Rep. Markey’s warning of NRC nuclear plant safety culture of complacency aided by American apathy. Collins notes that the study predicting double the radiation in the Pacific Ocean within five years is probably much lower than actual currents and radiation levels dictate. Rense predicts five to ten times the radiation in a year to two years, a scenario Collins agrees is much more likely.

EnviroReporter.com wins best Online News Website from LA Press Club”

July 2, 2012: Jeff graciously announces EnviroReporter.com’s First Place victory for Website – News Organization – Exclusive to the Internet which both agree is a milestone in recognizing the scant media work done documenting Fukushima meltdowns contamination in North America. Michael points out that this is a win for the audience as many listeners participate in the website making this a team triumph as suggested by the judges’ comments: “A wealth of resources when it comes to our environment. From investigations to videos to exclusives, EnviroReporter.com is one interactive site that should be clicked on everyday.”

“The Unforgettable Fire”

June 18, 2012: Rense and Collins examine the decision to cap destroyed nuclear reactor Unit 4 spent fuel pool with a 60-ton steel lid in the last week supposedly to keep out debris when there is no debris above it. The pair explore why TEPCO lie about why it really covered the pool and what that could really mean. Collins points out lid prevents rod removal suggesting company cannot or will not remove these rods to a safer location. Destruction of the pool could doom Japan.

Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins

June 11, 2012: High energy half hour with no small amount of praise for the Ventura County Reporter cover story “A Radioactive Nightmare – As fallout from Fukushima heads our way, the government turns a blind eye,” the first print publication in the United States brave enough to present this fact-studded expose for Americans to know the challenges they face. It was on the Rense Radio Network where Jeff and Michael first discussed sea spray as a mechanism for transporting radioactive goo inland up to 200 miles predating even this potent cover story by months.


June 3, 2012: Canada ditches its ability to test ocean waters for contamination, worsening incineration of goo in Japan and Runkle Canyon Tanks in high-energy half-hour show including Unit IV spent fuel pond impending disaster.

Fukushima Radiation in America Update

May 28, 2012: Bluefin tuna caught off of San Diego in August 2011 tests positive for cesium 134 and cesium 137 radiation, isotopic identifiers with the Fukushima Daiichi triple meltdowns polluting the Pacific. Rense and Collins discuss the implications as the amount of highly-poisonous radioactive water from Fukushima pours at least 1,000 tons of contamination into the ocean daily leading to bioaccumulation now seen in some of the top of the food chain marine creatures. Runkle Roulette revelations too.

Fukushima fallout on America with Michael Collins

May 21, 2012: Lively show discussing NRC chief’s resignation, San Onofre’s pot-smoking workers, 1,300 plugged tubes and wires fire danger along with need to reconsider Yucca Mountain nuke dump.

Jeff Rense with Michael Collins on Fukushima fallout in America

May 7, 2012:”Omnicide” in Japan, 1,000 tons of meltdown cooling water dumped daily into Pacific, San Onofre nuke plant false startup stopped by US NRC. Discussion on Northern Hemisphere survival if Unit 4 spent fuel pond collapses, subsides and/or cracks losing its cooling water entirely. Fukushima complex built on land next to just-found earthquake fault capable of magnitude 9 earthquake. Pond failure would lead to total calamity.


April 30, 2012: Radioactive Alaskan salmon, halibut, hot Korean kelp & control samples of Japanese seaweed prove rad findings plus fracking’s earthquake threat to Midwest and Eastern nuke reactors. Fast-paced show that characterizes the kind of smart discussions Jeff and Michael engage in!

Michael Collins on the Jeff Rense Program

Hour-long show about 3.9 M earthquake near to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station capable of a 7 M, the plant’s limit; in-depth discussion of lack of action on Fukushima’s Unit 4 spent fuel pool which could precipitate release of 85 times amount of cesium-137 than Chernobyl, and different types of Japanese seaweed possibly contaminated by meltdown.

Rense & Collins in Wednesday show

Jam-packed full hour show where Jeff and Michael look deeper into the challenges and threats posed by radioactive Japanese seaweed not just for consumption as an organic food and sushi wrap but one main seaweed ingredient carrageenan’s use in shampoo, toothpaste, beer, soy milk and more all threatened by Fukushima contamination. Japanese seaweed bought and tested by Collins Friday the 13th lives up to that unlucky day’s reputation. Collins’ appearance on NBC’s G4-TV’s Attack of the Show! discussed as major mainstream media success.


April 16, 2012: First anniversary one-hour show with radioactive seaweed, even hotter LA air readings in HEPA filter dust over 200% higher than previous period coming in at a whopping 7.46 times normal, Pentagon robot competition illustrating woeful lack of ideas to contain Fukushima meltdowns, shameful Los Angeles Times pro-nuke pablum & clueless New York Times coverage.

Jeff Rense Radio Network

April 9, 2012: Isotopic identifier systems costing tens of thousand of dollar are thousands of times less sensitive than premium nuclear radiation monitors like the Inspector Alert obviating the need to raise funds to get such a device with the expensive software and extras plus a discussion of Los Angeles Daily News article which incorrectly stated that a casino could be built by the Chumash tribe on part of the chemically and radiologically-contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory known as Rocketdyne.

Rense Exclusive with Michael Collins

April 2, 2012: Spirited interview discussing April Fool’s weekend rain in Los Angeles coming in at over five times background and how this strongly suggests that the mechanism for Fukushima meltdowns’ radiation mobility in the Pacific is accurate and based on good, sourced science in direct contrast to the American and Canadian governments’ ‘see no goo’ non-policies. Also, San Onofre nuclear plant’s woes worsen as word that Southern California Edison changed four key parts of the now-shut plant without Nuclear Regulator Commission inspection or approval.

Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins

March 26, 2012: Exciting one-hour show with Pacific goo patch half way between Midway and Hawaii, Tokyo proper at U.S. rad waste levels, game-changing radiation isotopic identifier, shoddy U.S./Canada radiation laboratories, U.S. EPA tomfoolery at Rocketdyne’s Santa Susana Field Laboratory & more!

Rense Radio Network with Fukushima Radiation in America Update

March 19, 2012: Corium burning through Fukushima containment, teetering fuel pond with 7 reactors’ rods threaten Japan, Seattle Fukushima summit & inoperative radiation detectors at U.S. ports!

Jeff Rense and Michael Collins -Fukushima Meltdowns Anniversary Show

March 12, 2012: Hour-long Fukushima anniversary show with remembrance of the Japanese victims of the earthquake, tsunami and meltdowns, woeful media coverage analysis, grim new LA air readings, Heal the Bay controversy on LA Observed, Rocketdyne radiation worse than imagined with U.S. EPA bait and switch hanky panky plus much more!


March 5, 2012: Excellent show discussing worsening Japanese disaster with 23 separate incinerator facilities in Tokyo alone burning 550,000 tons of radioactive debris and astronomical new radiation readings at Rocketdyne in Southern California, site of America’s worst nuclear reactor meltdown in 1959.

Jeff Rense Interview with Michael Collins

February 27, 2012: Full-hour show where many topics are covered as one year anniversary of Fukushima meltdowns approaches. Collins describes, drawing on his years as an investigative reporter and journalism judge, how the government and some mainstream media obscure and diffuse danger presented by world’s worst single environmental disaster even as new evidence shows that Los Angeles had the largest cesium-137 deposition after the meltdowns began March 11, 2011.

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