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8-12-13 Michael Collins Radiation UpdateMichael Collins Radiation Update August 19, 2013: This may be the finest hour-long special in the last 2.5 years. Associated Press picks up on the Santa Susana Field Laboratory story with alternative headlines betraying battle of Boeing PR flack Gary Polakovic and the residents fighting for the agreed-upon comprehensive cleanup to background levels of rads and chems. AP not fooled by Polakovic’s meltdown makeover of SSFL with Girl Scouts and disadvantaged youths the target of Boeing photo ops at lab. Three 100-ton meltdown coriums ‘missing’ at Fukushima as radiation readings higher in last week than at any time during the meltdown. 125 liters of intensely hot goo found outside Unit 4 with damaged spent fuel pool that will destroy Tokyo if it collapses and catches fire. SPF 4 has 14,000 Hiroshima bombs worth of cesium-137 alone. Radiation readings pick up sharply in San Francisco and San Diego. New Dept. of Defense study by University of Texas research assistant says all reactor complexes, spent fuel pools and nuclear weapons storage depots are vulnerable to terrorists. Flawed study misses the most obvious weakenesses but does show that subject itself isn’t taboo in DOD circles, an important consideration in surveillance state where executive branch targets journalists. EnviroReporter.com study will break mold on issue. New Freedom of Information Act documents show coverup of Fukushima triple meltdowns in US with West Coast pounded with fallout in early days of ongoing triple meltdown begun March 11, 2011. Over 100 Ohio earthquakes near nuke plant on Great Lakes caused by fracking in official new study. Columbia Generating Station, a version of the Fukushima reactor design, can be hit with earthquake over three times its design limit according to Dept. of Energy report. Northwest activists want it shut down.

8-12-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update August 12, 2013: FDA says nothing to fear hence nothing to test in Alaskan waters even as TEPCO admits 300,000 gallons of rad water into Pacific daily. Program follower has range of Southern California fish for us to test including bluefin tuna. State sued over SSFL disposal and recycling of lab radiation waste in unlicensed dumps.

8-05-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update August 5, 2013: Breaking news with “Boeing’s Meltdown Mess” with six environmental groups ready to sue Cal-EPA’s Department of Toxic Substances Control and Department of Public Health for allowing Boeing to demolish radioactive buildings including a plutonium fuel fabrication facility, recycling metal or sending to municipal dumps.

7-22-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update July 22, 2013: Fast-paced half hour with EPA RadNet analysis of cities with high rad readings including Bakersfield, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Pierre, South Dakota; upcoming special investigation yielding nuggets like fact no US nuclear plant concrete containment no matter size or shape can contain meltdown or spent fuel fire!

7-15-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update July 15, 2013: One of the best shows ever with “EPA Nukes Radiation Rules” discussed in lively interview. Jeff is amazed by new allowance of Plutonium-239 in soil so high that it will induce fatal cancer with 100% certainty eight times over!

After the show, we received the nicest message from Rusty E. in Matawan New Jersey that we wanted to share because folks like Rusty make all the work worth it:

Hi Mike,

I have to tell you how much we enjoy your reports weekly during your

appearances. It’s so refreshing to hear real data, developments – and

we love your sense of humor. After all, it is a depressing subject.

Your spark of humor and unique delivery helps us get the point, but

not so that we’re numb by the end. Instead, we’re motivated to tell

others about the information, yours/Jeff’s program and the radiation

developments. Keep up the good work.

7-08-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update July 8, 2013: Special 1-hour show with Fukushima corium wrecking groundwater flowing into Pacific; new EnviroReporter.com US EPA RadNet beta and gamma air monitoring data for 48 states & Puerto Rico made user-friendly; new EPA emergency rad regs that raise limits thousands of times & much more!

7-01-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update July 1, 2013: Canada Day special with huge rad detects in Japanese beef as new Fukushima rad waste incinerator being built; unfiltered burning of rad goo continues throughout Japan; new high jet rad readings from US to Chile; San Onofre spent fuel pool dangers & NRC hooey in Indian Point enviro report dismissing aquatic kills and more.

6-24-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update June 24, 2013: Special 20th Birthday anniversary of the Rense Radio Network celebrated with Michael asking Jeff about best and worst shows plus special birthday wish; new alarming jet cabin readings above America from Radiation Station Pacifica; massive Hanford radiation leak of plutoniumner Columbia River; hot Sebastes cheni fish off of Fukushima & repeated TEPCO hooey in memorable show.

Michael Collins Radiation Update June 17, 2013: Taut one-hour show starting with amazing images of Pacific hot zones of water matching Sea of Goo floating on the Kuroshio Current towards North America. Custom-video illutstrates just how far in the drink Pacific users and exploiters are two years after Fukushima Dai-ichi meltdowns began; more startling San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station exclusive exposures; Boeing’s meltdown makeover with reputation-shredding antics.

6-10-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update June 10, 2013: Amazing one-hour special discussing historic environmental victory in closing San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station but where 1,500 tons of highly radioactive spent fuel rods remain; people and organizations that made SONGS closure happen; potential sabotage issue & inconsistencies in security plan for the complex; foreign ownership of US nuke plants possible; extensive discussion of new Japanese radiation contamination along with US Air Force Japan serving up Japanese produce/vegetables with no further restrictions; permanent US nuclear repository needed and much more including how Denise Anne and Michael live rad-free.

5-20-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update May 20, 2013: Special Michael/Denise Anne 9-year anniversary hour-long show with intensely radioactive black mold growing in Japan; ongoing Fukushima contamination undiminished but impacting Pacific more than air now; consumption of sushi, seaweed impacted by radiation; Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover scandal spreads; Oklahoma tornadoes & nuclear power plants plus more.

5-13-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update May 13, 2013: Hard charging special hour show with breaking news that NRC must hold full public judicial-like hearing on SONGS restart; top DTSC honcho’s head roles for her regulating companies she has stock in; Boeing Meltdown Makeover continues with former Times reporter Gary Polakovic hard at work with Girl Scouts now coming to contaminated SSFL to plant trees for merit badges even as liability waiver Boeing uses declares no rights if sickened at lab yet visitor images can be used to keep selling radioactive lab as clean & more!

5-06-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update May 6, 2013: Outstanding show with low rads in L.A. rain; heavy radon washout in Australia & Brazil; San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station battle over re-starting with So Cal Edison threats to shut down; Kewaunee WI to shut down at cost of $1 billion borne by ratepayers; Palisades MI reactor leaks into Lake Michigan as company issues questionable report; high Cs-137 in Japanese fresh water fish & typically bad LA Times op-ed.

4-22-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update April 22, 2013: Earth Day show where Michael shows how new EPA radiation limits are going to be for everything, not just emergencies, with I-131 at 27,027 x EPA MCL, Sr-90 x 828 its MCL & 7,022 x its EPA PRG, Cs-137 x its EPA MCL and Pu-239 90 x its MCL & 3,448 x its PRG; death of long-form journalism except at EnviroReporter.com and much more in a romping show that is one of Michael’s favorites.

4-15-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update April 15, 2013: Reflecting on the Boston terrorism tragedy and the bravery of first responders and law enforcement noting that they are first on the scene and into the fray. Yet new EPA emergency radiation limits would expose them – and the rest of public – to huge amounts of radiation which would theoretically kill 1/6 exposed including you. Plus all 104 U.S. nuclear reactors unsafe says former NRC chief plus NRC tells U.S. Senator Boxer to get lost as they are going to allow damaged San Onofre nuke reactor to start by June 1. North Korea would be pleased at these anti-American actions.

4-8-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update April 8, 2013: US EPA quietly obliterates radiation safety levels under new Obama EPA nominee’s draconian scheme; former NRC head says US agency rep “damaged significantly” in role of dice over nuke plant safety; SCE pushes June 1 San Onofre damaged nuke plant restrart; Radiation Food Lab finds; huge rads in Japanese black fungus obtained by Team EnviroReporter.

4-1-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update April 1, 2013: April Fools Day is no joke. Arkansas reactor accident kills 1, injures 8, So Cal Edison insists on restarting damaged San Onofre reactor, UC Berkeley nuke department dismisses Geiger counters; LA City Council says no Rocketdyne transfer of NASA land until remediated to background; Boeing stages elaborate press stunt at Rocketdyne attended by its greenwashing and astroturfing collaborators and more.

3-25-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update March 25, 2013: 700 sick sea lions in So Cal as cesium 134 & 137 found in store-bought San Diego tuna; NRC fails to require filters in post-Fukushima rules; 900 trillion Bq strontium 90 dumped in Pacific; “fission products” found 300 km from Fukushima Daiichi; Jeff & Michael work on why Cs-137 is moving across ocean and spreading out in an arc instead of just moving in Kuroshio Current; MC’s best & worst editors, Denise Anne being the best.

3-18-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update March 18, 2013: Power failure at 4 Fukushima spent fuel pools with over 7,910 fuel rods; fire would destroy central Japan & Tokyo, electrical vulnerability of 103 American reactor’s pools with no NRC requirements for backup; ionizer HEPA machines a must.

3-11-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update March 11, 2013: Two-year anniversary of Fukushima triple meltdowns and situation worsens in Pacific while air levels lower in SoCal; Caldicott Fukushima symposium in NYC reveals startling facts; rad-induced mutations migration; stiffer Radiation Station air cleansing & thanks to the brave folks who have helped us for 2 years!

3-04-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update March 4, 2013: Cal EPA’s Dept. of Toxic Substances Control on the hot seat since Boeing Meltdown Makeover’s first five articles hit stands in December. Director Debbie Raphael called before state senators for a grilling hours before show and promises cooperation with investigation of DTSC. Whitewash WHO Fukushima report and more.

2-25-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update

February 25, 2013: February 25, 2013: Fast-paced show with latest on Fukushima, Hanford, hot & cold wild boar & Consumer Watchdog report on California EPA’s Dept. of Toxic Substances Control abuses. DTSC director caught running to Boeing top lobbyist pursued by TV news.

2-18-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update February 18, 2013: Team EnviroReporter’s upcoming Fukushima radiation investigation given sneak peak, cost of decommissioning of Florida nuke plant while building new Georgia reactors & $640 billion blown on nuke weapons in coming decade.

2-04-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update February 4, 2013: Tons of Fukushima debris wash ashore along Alaska’s south coast near where McDonalds pledges to catch its wild-caught Alaskan pollock for its McBites; immediate need for Yucca Mountain nuclear fuel dump; Japanese kids suffering rad effects, Osaka goo burning and national suicide by island nation & more!

1-121-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update January 21, 2013: Superb 1 hour show with first half “Greenwashing” Rocketdyne VC Reporter newspaper expose where even after EnviroReporter.com blows the story wide open December 10, Boeing greenwashing maven Gary Polakovic gets press release into Northridge-Chatsworth Patch disguised as an article touting the polluted Santa Susana Field Laboratory as a scenic outdoor classroom. Newspaper coverage shows Boeing’s astroturfing and greenwashing plan is getting wider coverage just as the company deals with its grounded 787 Dreamliner and tries to project credibility during the crisis. Its greenwashing and astroturfing the lab undermines that. Then Fukushima meltdowns fiasco in Japan while Congress committee rejects NRC post-meltdowns safety plan & much more!

1-14-13 Michael Collins Radiation Update Michael Collins Radiation Update January 14, 2013: News breaks that restarting San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in SoCal is a go; Cesium-137 in Los Angeles milk in last EPA test; $640 billion spent on nuke weapons over next decade; America’s spent fuel rods in temp pools vs opening Yucca Mountain.

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