Rense-Collins Interview January 7, 2013: High jet cabin readings with 3.8 times expected radiation over California-Arizona border, down from 5 times a year ago; L.A. air HEPA dust for 6 days 92% above background but down 18% off April 20 highs & EnviroReporter’s 2012 Year in Review highlights are some of the topics covered.
Rense-Collins Interview December 31, 2012: Celebratory New Years Eve Show with Jeff and Michael recounting many of the discoveries and exposes discussed on the program in the last year including high rad readings in Michigan rain a year ago now slightly less with new tests of snow; “buckyball” revelations; chemtrail “scavenging” of Fukushima troposphere fallout and much more on America’s only weekly radiation report thanks to the Rense Radio Network and Rad News Digest created and maintained by Team EnviroReporter.
Rense-Collins Interview December 24, 2012: Special Christmas Show with new hot airline cabin readings 380% higher than expected at altitude and 17.5 x background; hot mandarin oranges from both California and Spain; tornado threat for reactors Xmas day in South and continued revelations and reactions to Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover series.
Rense-Collins Interview December 17, 2012: Fukushima horror stories and exclusive debut of part 5 of Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover on show for faithful listeners. Discussion of the depth and scope of the investigation, what it means for Southern California and the legal ramifications of the EPA wasting $41.5 million subverting Rocketdyne cleanup with the help of DTSC, Boeing and a cadre of devoted astroturfers.
December 10, 2012: 7.3 earthquake off of Fukushima weakens Unit 4’s spent fuel pool and damages Reactor 1 at Fukushima Daiini; Collins explains Part 1 of new 5-part series “Boeing’s Meltdown Makeover” as news of concerted campaign to “greenwash” the Rocketdyne site above Simi Valley spreads. Superb show!
December 3, 2012: Supposedly safe San Onofre steam generator radiating 16+ times background dozens of yards off; 961% of normal rads in North Carolina rain, not-hot L.A. rain; new fracking within 1 mile of Pennsylvania nuclear plant could cause earthquake, Prince Charles says Mankind must go green or die plus more!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
November 26, 2012: High Cesium-134 and Cs-137 in New Zealand powdered milk, Cs-137 in NZ yogurt powder and Canadian maple sugar; lake tsunami threat endangers Cook & Palisades reactors on Lake Michigan; 40% of 96,000 Fukushima children have thyroid problems while government and TEPCO lie about radioactive water sloshing into Pacific; curium found 200 km from Fukushima and Cs-137 Pacific plume headed straight at North American coast while Obama Administration to push for smaller, cheaper & “safer” nuclear reactors defying reason and common economic sense all the while fallout-scavenging chem trails are sprayed over Southern California. “We live in an age of denial,” says Rense.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
November 19, 2012: Highest readings in rain yet recorded by Radiation Station Simi Valley, highest Cs-137 in L.A. milk tested by USEPA as well as Portland, massive amounts of rad-ruined water gushing into Pacific at Fukushima, $640 billion that could be saved over 10 years from ditching nuclear weapon relics, and traveling rad-safe on jets during the Thanksgiving holidays add to great show.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
November 12, 2012: Coming off tour of rad road trip through 13 states, Collins shares exclusive radiation readings plus chem trails blanketing West’s skies ‘capturing’ Fukushima fallout which Collins calls “sabotage” plus Hurricane Sandy’s effects on numerous reactors, giant SONGS reactor generator over 100 meters long moved from San Clemente CA to Clive UT, PG&E plans to use sonic blasts to identify earthquake faults adjacent Diablo Canyon on Southern California coast that could blast the eardrums of over 7,000 marine animals plus much much more on the only weekly Internet radio show anywhere devoted to analyzing Fukushima fallout contamination in North America, the Pacific Ocean and elsewhere on the globe – including Japan – that exists now over a year running!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
October 29, 2012: Special 1-hour show with Hurricane Sandy slamming into New Jersey with 16 nuclear power plants in the storm’s projected path. Interview with Paul Gunther of Beyond who says that while DC generators can power a reactor core for up to 48 hours, spent fuel pools have no backup power system at all in case of loss of electricity and have much more radioactivity. Collins also reveals that seas of 21 to 27 feet in Lake Michigan threaten the spent fuel pools at the Palisades nuke plant near South Haven Michigan where the spent fuel rods are contained outdoors in 21 16-foot-tall fortified casks, each containing 30 tons, and and seated on a concrete pad on sand dunes. Much more horrifying news about Sandy and the ongoing and spreading threat of Fukushima radiation in this exceptional show.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
October 15, 2012: Spirited show with Fukushima beef again being sold in America to “high-end” restaurants, Australian navel orange not hot like California ones, much higher beta radiation detected in Bakersfield and other California cities with Central Valley getting hit hard, high radiation in Washington state & North Carolina plus anti-nukers debate owners of San Onofre nuke plant in Irvine & more!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
October 8, 2012: Lively and provocative show with high detections at Radiation Stations on both sides of Equator, Fukushima fallout-scavenging chemtrails back in Los Angeles with a vengeance, radioactive tritium in Vancouver B.C. open air water reservoirs indicating a foreign source most likely Fukushima, and more!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
October 1, 2012: Fast paced discussion of 37 x background in St. Louis, Iodine-125 contamination of crematorium next to major fast food distribution center, San Onofre battle over restart, incredible horro stories of ongoing massive radiation release in Fukushima, continued Japanese rad debris incineration, high readings in Japanese food and threat to Northwest United States from Sea of Fukugoo arriving along Pacific Coast and much more.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
September 24, 2012: Superb show with Jeff and Michael talking about prospective isotopic identifiers, new Committee to Bridge the Gap report on San Onofre nuke plant’s worn tubing, shocking Nuclear Regulatory Commission suppression of data showing flood risks to American reactors, urgent need for raddies to collect & test Fukushima tsunami debris and much more!
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
September 17, 2012: Full hour show with Jeff and Michael looking at foodstuffs in America impacted by Fukushima radiation, methods of Pacific Ocean mobility of meltdowns’ goo, disheartening thyroid conditions of Japanese children who are fed radioactive lunches in lurid show of supposed safety and more including AEG’s perchlorate problem in their hoped-for Farmers Field stadium in downtown LA.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
September 10, 2012: Special 9/11 show with new nuke terrorist threats in Pakistan, dismal shape of American nuclear reactor security plus corium steam thought shooting out of ground at Fukushima and comparing hot rain measurements in Missouri & North Carolina.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
September 3, 2012: Drilling down on “No Place to Hide – Fukushima Fallout Findings Widespread,” Rense and Collins explore significance, and scientific studies, on the case of the mutated Santa Barbara-area sunflowers and the mechanics of aerosol spraying in the atmosphere precipitating Fuku-goo fallout in otherwise dry environments like Southern California and the Southwest.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
August 27, 2012: Historic show with “No Place to Hide – Fukushima Fallout Findings Widespread” published as show starts as Rense Radio Network Exclusive. Cesium detected in Florida grapefruit, Missouri beef California nuts and fruit; aerosol trails are new mechanism of Fukushima fallout mobilization exposed; mutations hit Southern California; Collins reveals how people can analyze their hair for Fuku-goo proving once and for all if they have been exposed or not.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
August 20, 2012: Rense listeners get (almost) the full skinny on Collins’ upcoming opus The Big Hot Orange in this exclusive one hour show. Discussion includes doubling of L.A. air radiation off of a low period that, interestingly, saw less vapor/chemical trails in the skies of Southern California; threats detected in California nuts and fruit; airplane radiation detected in two flights higher than in December; new mechanism of Fukushima fallout derived from authoritative studies and more.
Michael Collins guests on Rense Radio Network
August 13, 2012: Investigative environmental journalist Michael Collins and one of the most popular Internet radio hosts in America, Jeff Rense, discuss findings of Collins’ current investigation that will be part of his upcoming August 23, 2012 comprehensive piece, The Big Hot Orange. Part of the discussion relates to high radiation readings found in California-grown navel oranges, dried prunes and almonds as well as more information unearthed in this fast-paced half-hour show listened to by thousands of concerned Americans, Canadians and English-speaking peoples across the globe concerned about increasing Fukushima meltdowns contamination found in lands far from Japan.
Jeff Rense Radio Network with Michael Collins
August 6, 2012: L.A.’s radiation doubles from last period; USEPA shows high beta in early July; high rad readings in Simi Valley, St. Louis; 66th Hiroshima A-Bomb anniversary & challenge to religious listeners to prepare to explain to their Maker why they failed to act. Spirited show examines Japanese protesting against nuclear power and on Hiroshima anniversary versus Americans blithely ignoring ongoing radiological impacts in North America of Fukushima Daiichi’s ongoing triple meltdowns in Japan as well as incineration of over 550,000 tons of radioactive rubble all across that country’s 27 prefectures.
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