Author: Michael Collins

Lights Out

Failure to harden electrical infrastructure and spent nuclear fuel storage leaves U.S. and world vulnerable to solar or terrorist induced apocalypse.

China Syndrome Town exposes plots that would keep the Santa Susana Field Laboratory radioactive and chemically contaminated, saving the polluters hundreds of millions.

Truth or Scare?

Cleanup opponents claim remediating nuclear and chemical contamination at SSFL is bad. One boasts that eating dirt at the lab wouldn’t be hazardous even at 1,000 times background.

Rewriting Rocketdyne

Department of Energy falsely inflates the amount of radioactive Rocketdyne dirt to be excavated by five times and considers lesser cleanup standards than its signed DTSC agreement.

Hit Men for Hot Zones

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station exposed as vulnerable to rocket attack on its two spent fuel pools by terrorists and even dry casked fuel appears vulnerable to on-foot attack.

SONGS’ Lethal Legacy

Should 1,800 tons of SONGS spent fuel catch fire due to cooling pools water loss, the impossible-to-extinguish fire could unleash fatal radiation doses to everyone within 10 miles.