Exclusive 2019 Update: VICTORY AT THE VA – West LA Veterans Administration master plan protects old nuclear dump from development

The extensively mowed and shorn to-the-nub dump site revealed a series of mounds in what appears to be either area “A” or area “B” of the pre-1980 map as well as the 1995 map and the 2000 map. There appears to be at least 18 of the mysterious mounds that resemble graves in a long-forgotten necropolis which is ironic considering anecdotal evidence of human remains being buried in the dump.

But these mounds certainly are proof of human activity burying something in this part of the dump. Millennium Consulting Associates’ senior engineer, Mark Milani, suggested five days later that the mounds could have been a result of excavating the a long gutter on top of the rise above the area. However, that would mean that workers trudged a hundred feet or more down a deep slope to deposit that dirt — quite a physical endeavor.

(Click thumbnail to view entire photograph)

Exclusive 2019 Update: VICTORY AT THE VA – West LA Veterans Administration master plan protects old nuclear dump from development