Wayne Fishback Investigation Main Page

EnviroReporter.com first reported on controversial developer and architect Wayne Fishback in late 2006 in an article entitled “Fishback MountainOne man calls his project on the L.A./Ventura border the pursuit of a dream home, but others just see an illegal solid waste dump.”

In January 2008, Ventura County officials visited Fishback’s property. Large fissures had formed down the mountainsides where rubble, some now exposed, had been dumped arroyos and on hillsides. The Ventura Integrated Waste Management Division is expected to do an assessment and evaluation of the property in order for the 10,000 dump trucks worth of dumped material can be removed.

Fishback stressed to EnviroReporter.com in 2006 that the dumping, filling and grading was to stabilize the land in order to develop an agricultural operation with some cattle “but primarily for horse ranching,” according to a June 6, 2006 lawsuit Fishback filed against neighbors and dump opponents Tod Doherty and Robert Mionske. “Erosion control” was particularly stressed by Fishback. The fissure evident in these photographs seemed to have been the result of erosion and shifting ground.

In topographic housing plan maps for the property created by architect Fishback, according to Mionske, it appears that this land could be built upon. The shifting ground and erosion could hamper those plans. The county also may elect to deem this “uncertified fill” as it appears that the land was not inspected according to regulations as the debris and dirt were being trucked in and dumped. In February 2008, more photographs of the extent of Fishback Mountain’s transformation are evident. Overlooking the Simi and San Fernando valleys, the area has spectacular views in all directions.

Fishback Mountain Gallery – 6 galleries of Ventura County dumping

DUMPED: Wayne Fishback in Browns Canyon – 10 galleries of Los Angeles County dumping

Wayne Fishback Investigation Main Page