Tag: Gary Polakovic

Brandeis-Bardin’s Toxic Denial

Jewish camp below Santa Susana Field Lab, aided by troubled state toxics agency, denies contamination has migrated to its property despite decades of evidence; new Dept. of Energy report proposes not cleaning up most contamination

EnviroReporter.com DECADE 2006-2016

EnviroReporter.com marks a major milestone – the online news organization turns 10 today having begun publishing May 18, 2006 with a story about the biomedical nuclear and chemical dump in the Los Angeles suburb of Brentwood. Story stopped a $4 billion scheme to privatize the West L.A. Veterans Administration. So began this award-winning environmental news outfit which says its best is yet to come.

Up a River Without a Cleanup

Boeing’s lobbying power, and its success in turning DTSC into a ‘captured agency’ assures that contamination will continue to gush into the L.A. River, object of a $2 billion renovation.

Debbie Raphael and Boeing Lobbyist Peter Weiner

Toxic Department

DTSC called a “captured agency.” Astroturf collaborators claim no more cleanup is needed, guided by greenwashing plan by publicist Gary Polakovic . Contamination discounted.

Operation Astroturf

Boeing greenwashes the polluted Rocketdyne site above the San Fernando Valley by pushing for and offering to fund an “astroturf” Community Advisory Group (CAG) led by Christina Walsh.