Tag: Bonnie Klea

Toxic Trails

LA County Rec and Parks quietly plans hiking trails to contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, ignoring toxins while honoring anti-cleanup gadfly.

Brandeis-Bardin’s Toxic Denial

Jewish camp below Santa Susana Field Lab, aided by troubled state toxics agency, denies contamination has migrated to its property despite decades of evidence; new Dept. of Energy report proposes not cleaning up most contamination

Dirty Deeds

Exclusive footage of sloppy Boeing demolition work sending clouds of dust into the San Fernando Valley from polluted part of lab down into Happy Valley above Dayton Canyon.

Atomic Avenger

Bonnie Klea is the Atomic Avenger, an American who has taken her considerable skills and perseverance to fight for the rights of the nation’s nuclear workers.

ACME Runkle Canyon Comments

Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education’s founder and director Bill Bowling says that the Runkle Canyon cleanup plan is inadequate and doesn’t address toxic trichlorethylene being found on the property.