
EnviroReporter.com confirms signing of final agreements between state DTSC, federal DOE and NASA to clean up Rocketdyne to background expediting remediation.

Sleight of Land

Lost in the glow of an historic deal to clean up the old Rocketdyne is the fact that the cleanup will stop at the edge of the property line and not include contamination-impacted Runkle Canyon.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

On the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Simi Valley’s Radiation Rangers take Runkle Canyon developer KB Home to task after its former head, Bruce Karatz, was convicted of four felonies.

Age of Consent

California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control issues a new draft consent order regarding Rocketdyne cleanup that now includes site owner Boeing holding it to strict standards.

There Lies the Fault

After extensive investigation, EnviroReporter.com may have discovered the source of Runkle Canyon’s heavy metal nightmare which has stalled KB Home’s development plans for two years.

Riley’s Revenge

Former Rocketdyne DTSC chief, Norman E. Riley admits to EnviroReporter.com misleading community on Runkle Canyon and that no public comments about cleanup plan were used.

ACME Runkle Canyon Comments

Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education’s founder and director Bill Bowling says that the Runkle Canyon cleanup plan is inadequate and doesn’t address toxic trichlorethylene being found on the property.

Railroading Runkle Canyon?

Radiation Rangers ask why the cleanup plan for Runkle Canyon is being railroaded by government and developer without public input, ignoring even City of Simi Valley heavy metals report.

Coup de Goo

Department of Toxic Substances Control replaces Rocketdyne and Runkle Canyon’s cleanup project manager Norm E. Riley criticized by the Radiation Rangers as a developer dupe.