INACTIVE Dale Ramicone Handle: Dr Solar THANK YOU DR SOLAR FOR RADIATION STATION GLENDALE CALIFORNIA!!! ONLINE LIVE STREAMING 24/7 365 DAYS A YEAR April 8, 2011 – October 3, 2018 7 years, 5 months, 26 days 2,736 days Inspector Alert detecting in Counts Per Minute (CPM) NA means Not Available […]
Search Results for "Dale Ramicone"
Japanese Beer – August 31 & September 1, 2011
Dale Ramicone buys two beers to tested by and one beer’s twice-filtered liquid comes in at approximately 62% above the background level.
Green Tea – August 30, 2011 detects 65.1% higher than normal radiation in Sencha green tea from Japan purchasef at a Japanese-run store in Southern California by Radiation Station’s Dale Ramicone. DECADE 2006-2016 marks a major milestone – the online news organization turns 10 today having begun publishing May 18, 2006 with a story about the biomedical nuclear and chemical dump in the Los Angeles suburb of Brentwood. Story stopped a $4 billion scheme to privatize the West L.A. Veterans Administration. So began this award-winning environmental news outfit which says its best is yet to come.
Throughout the five years of Fukushima triple meltdowns coverage, has featured compelling graphic art to accompany articles about the ongoing disaster. This is thanks to our website editor and designer Denise Anne Duffield.‘s goal has been to capture the high octane spirit of Fukushima meltdown stories we’ve published. […]
Fukushima, 5 years on
By Dale Ramicone Radiation Station Glendale California Team EnviroReporter I traveled to Japan in March 2008 and visited the inland areas to the West of Fukushima, Japan with wife and other members of her family. We stayed at a resort hotel in the mountains, and I recall how scenic and […]
High radiation detected in L.A. rain
Rain radiation exceeding 3.3 times background levels was detected and videotaped at Radiation Station Santa Monica.
Fukushima – The Perfect Crime?
Multiple hazardous readings of suspected Fukushima radiation have been detected in air, rain, snow, and surf in California and across the nation. Media pushback denies all.
RadNet Air Monitoring
483 streaming radiation detection stations at 142 sites across USA Alabama Kentucky North Dakota Wyoming Alaska Louisiana Ohio Arizona Maine Oklahoma Arkansas Maryland Oregon California Massachusetts Pennsylvania Colorado Michigan Puerto Rico Connecticut Minnesota Rhode Island Delaware Mississippi South Carolina District of Columbia Missouri South Dakota Florida Montana Tennessee Georgia Nebraska […]
A Fracking Night to Remember
Fracking Chemical Cocktail heats up the Third Annual Toxies Awards for Bad Chemical Actors at the Silent Movie Theatre in Hollywood where the worst of the worst chemicals are honored.
2012 Toxies
The Third Annual Toxies Awards for Bad Chemical Actors was held June 24, 2012 at the Silent Film Theatre in Hollywood. It was A Fracking Night to Remember! Photos by Michael Collins/, Chico Cortinas, G. McCarthy/Gary Leonard Photography & Dale Ramicone for
The Unforgettable Fire
An unforgettable, and inextinguishable, fire will break out if Fukushima’s Reactor 4 building collapses taking its spent fuel pond with it. A third of Japan would be made uninhabitable.
The Endless Bummer
Abridged and updated version of Beta Watch, with new data, information and interviews showing the uncontrolled release of radiation into the Pacific in Japan has hit home in California.
Radiation Station Graphs‘s Radiation Station continues to operate uninterrupted 24/7 since it began operation on the Ides of March, four days after the March 11, 2011 triple meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors complex in Japan. These graphs by Radiation Station graph artist Dale Ramicone give an excellent idea of the […]
Special Radiation Station Tests
ACTIVE has in-depth databases of information from Spring 2011 to the present including Radiation Station Stats along with food and drink radiation testing from over a dozen nations in Radiation Food Lab. We have been measuring in CPM because it is easier for most people to see the difference […]
Gone Fishing – Fukushima at Five Years – March 11, 2016 Triple meltdowns remain out of control causing up to 66,000 excess cancers say two new reports while Americans feast on fishy Pacific seafood. Fukushima – The Perfect Crime? – March 11, 2014 High radiation in land, sea […]
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