Tag: Sheila Kuehl

Toxic Trails

LA County Rec and Parks quietly plans hiking trails to contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, ignoring toxins while honoring anti-cleanup gadfly.

Brandeis-Bardin’s Toxic Denial

Jewish camp below Santa Susana Field Lab, aided by troubled state toxics agency, denies contamination has migrated to its property despite decades of evidence; new Dept. of Energy report proposes not cleaning up most contamination

Coup de Goo

Department of Toxic Substances Control replaces Rocketdyne and Runkle Canyon’s cleanup project manager Norm E. Riley criticized by the Radiation Rangers as a developer dupe.

The Promised Land

Gov. Schwarzenegger terminates uncertainty of Rocketdyne cleanup with historic move that keeps California in charge – for now. Long bitter battle of Rocketdyne seems resolved but certainly isn’t.

Pay Dirt

Gov. Schwarzenegger signs SB-990, a bill by State Senator Sheila Kuehl to clean up Rocketdyne to Superfund standards. Boeing agrees to pay for remediation and donate lab for parkland.