Tag: Runkle Canyon

ACME Runkle Canyon Comments

Aerospace Cancer Museum of Education’s founder and director Bill Bowling says that the Runkle Canyon cleanup plan is inadequate and doesn’t address toxic trichlorethylene being found on the property.

Coup de Goo

Department of Toxic Substances Control replaces Rocketdyne and Runkle Canyon’s cleanup project manager Norm E. Riley criticized by the Radiation Rangers as a developer dupe.

Runkle and the Rule of Law

“What is the purpose of us going to all that work trying to get to the bottom of this if it’s going to be ignored?” said one of the Runkle Canyon Radiation Rangers. “This is serious business.”

Runkle Rousing

State project manager for the KB Home/DTSC cleanup agreement, Norm Riley, said nothing about public input he’d received, including the Radiation Rangers’ response plan comments.

Mountains of Goo

Runkle Canyon’s Radiation Rangers uncover KB Home’s promise to remove two giant mountains of slag material that are leaking pools of toxic sludge. Rangers say it’s a mountain of malarkey.

Simi, We Have a Problem

DTSC meeting on Runkle Canyon. CBG’s Dan Hirsch, rips Response Plan as “propoganda” and says 2004 Environmental Impact Report, approved by City Council, was “fraudulent.”